I, the Supreme Overlord, Start by Enslaving the Zerg Queen

Chapter 24: Succubus Princess Rose, Birth of the Bloodthirsty Insect!

"So, just how much must this Serpt Emperor despise you to go to such great lgths just to fright you?"

Charles asked with a hint of amusemt, holding the post-climactic Medusa in his arms.

Upon hearing Charles's remark, Medusa couldn't help but chuckle secretly. The Serpt Emperor's grudge wasn't merely about her sister's minor transgressions, it was mostly due to being reltlessly ravished by Charles for an tire day and night.

Listing to her sultry tone, it was evidt she had be so thoroughly dominated by her master that she couldn't get out of bed. She mused whether it was ev the right time for breakfast this morning. If it was, she might have had a bowl of sem.

These details, Medusa decided to withhold from Charles for now. She wasn't sure if he would stop ravishing her because of the Serpt Emperor. She figured that once he reached the sevth tier, he would have ough power to make the Serpt Emperor his sex slave.

With a smile, she explained, "Perhaps it's because her previous attempt to probe was unsuccessful. As the princess of the Serpt Empire, we are esstially sworn political emies."

"Not just her, ev I, if giv the chance, would lace her with pott aphrodisiacs, strip her naked, and throw her onto your bed. We could still be sisters th."

Sisters sharing the same bed, being ravished together?

Thinking of the Serpt Emperor's noble yet irresistibly seductive voice, Charles imagined it would be quite an experice to hear her moan in bed.

"And what about Catherine? She hasn't come to serve her master this morning." he asked, giving Medusa's ample buttocks a playful slap.

Medusa paused for a momt before replying earnestly, "Catherine is probably handling matters in the armory right now. Plus, it was she who cleaned up the training room while we were sleeping this morning."

"She ev mtioned wanting to be ravished in the training room every day, so she redecorated it to be more cozy and made the bed large ough for a five-person orgy."

Such debauchery!

Charles had nothing more to say. Finally, he instructed Medusa to continue her drills, while he himself turned to the trading channel to search for items with blood attributes.

[Dryad: Anyone interested in Dryad Essce? Just need a third-tier lower-grade magic core.]

[Harpy: Why can we only trade our voices for t skull coins? I'm a fourth-tier Harpy, after all!]

[Succubus: Does anyone, especially big brother, have Dark Essce? I'm the Succubus Princess, and I have everything you desire.]

Finally, Charles found a pottial trading partner—the Succubus Princess.

Although he wasn't sure if she was being truthful, he did possess Dark Essce, which was on her list of desired items. It was worth taking a chance.

[Insect Collector: Succubus, I have Dark Essce. Do you have any blood-attributed flesh constructs?]

She didn't reply immediately but instead requested a private chat.

Seeing this, Charles smiled slightly. The opportunity to create the Bloodthirsty Zerg had finally arrived.

[Succubus: Hello, do you really have Dark Essce?]

[Succubus: I have a blood-attributed Desire Mother Tree and a Fall Blood Elf. If you have the Dark Essce, you can choose one for the trade.]

A blood-attributed Desire Mother Tree... Charles fell into deep thought. If he guessed correctly, this was a sevth-tier flesh construct. Ev if he could use it to create the Bloodthirsty Zerg, he might not be able to control it.

As for the Blood Elf, that creature was chaotic and evil, capable of draining his life essce if he wasn't careful.

[Insect Collector: I only have about three drops, which isn't ough for the Desire Mother Tree or the Blood Elf. Do you have any third-tier blood-attributed constructs?]

The Succubus Princess took a while to respond.

[Succubus: From what you've said, it seems you are a newly appointed Overlord. The Dark Essce in the newbie village is indeed purer and of higher quality. Three drops are worth quite a bit.]

[Succubus: However, if you are a new Overlord, you might not have the strgth to tame the Blood Elf or the Mother Tree. How about this: I'll trade you some Vampire Eyes now, and wh you need other blood-attributed or non-blood-attributed treasures in the future, we can trade based on their value.]

Charles wasn't surprised that she had figured it out. Most who could access the global channel were locals, and the orderly nature of newcomers was still evidt, making them easy to idtify.

What he didn't expect was that this Succubus Princess seemed more like an honest child, lacking the typical cunning and seductive nature associated with Succubi.

She seemed like a straightforward, sincere individual.

[Insect Collector: You're right, let's do it that way. However, you don't seem like a typical Succubus. You remind me more of a holy maid from some religious order.]

[Succubus: Oh, you think I'm sincere, do you?]

[Succubus: Actually, my castle is overflowing with Desire Mother Trees and Vampire Eyes. So I need to clear some invtory. As for my personality, it might be because I'm the daughter of the Succubus Que herself. So I don't need to extract essce to gain power like other Succubi.]

In other words, this Succubus Princess was esstially a shut-in, rarely stepping outside her home except for trade!

And what's with that humblebragging tone?

Being the daughter of the Succubus Que gives you a sse of superiority?

Well, giv that she has her mother's backing, she indeed has the luxury to strut a the Contint of Overlord without a care.

Charles rubbed his forehead slightly. Succubi were elite beings from the abyss, starting at the fourth tier, while the Succubus Que herself was a terrifying tth-tier tity.

[Insect Collector: Alright, Succubus Princess, we can proceed with the trade.]

[Succubus: Hmm, you seem like a dect person. So I believe we can establish a long-term cooperative relationship.]

[Succubus: My name is Doria Rose, a fifth-tier upper-class Succubus Princess. I currtly reside in the Succubus Castle in the Land of Chaos. Feel free to visit anytime.]

Is she revealing all her details?

Charles's lips twitched slightly, unsure of how to respond. In the d, he simply introduced himself, and they completed the trade.

The Vampire Eyes were a dect third-tier blood-attributed construct.

These items were ough to create a good batch of Bloodthirsty Zerg. Charles wondered what kind of power the Overlord Contint's will would grant to such a unit.

[Rose: Hey, frid, you should introduce yourself. Otherwise, if you don't, I'll feel like an idiot.]

[Charles: Just call me Richard, a gold-tier Overlord with mid-fourth-tier strgth. My followers are Serpt folk.]

On the trading channel, withholding your real name was a small-time way to sure survival, as it prevted others from tracing you and launching cross-regional attacks.

Unfortunately, Rose wasn't foolish.

[Rose: If you don't tell the truth, I'll use the secret treasure my mother gave me to remotely observe you. Th I'll pay you a visit.]

A Serpt folk Overlord trading Dark Essce for Vampire Eyes, a blood-attributed construct... she wasn't dumb!

Rose absolutely despises insincere individuals!

Charles wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, drched in perspiration.

He never anticipated that this Succubus Princess would not only be a naive and innoct girl but also a stubborn one with a mind of her own. Who on earth forces someone to reveal their true name?

In the d, he managed to deflect the topic, but she showed no signs of giving up. She ev hinted in private chat that she intded to use the Succubus-exclusive detection methods to track him down.

[Charles: You're certainly a persistt Succubus Princess, but what's your purpose in doing this?]

[Rose: "Looking for some fun, I hav't had any outsiders in the castle for a long time. My mother st me a few m before, but I didn't like any of them. so I ate them all. Now there's no one to talk to..."]

Ate... Does she mean that literally?

This Succubus Princess isn't exactly harmless, is she? A pure-hearted Succubus Princess?

After promising to occasionally chat with Rose, Charles finally exited the trading interface.

There were still other matters to attd to, such as suring the Bloodthirsty Zerg became a fully-fledged Zerg unit.

In order to improve the success rate this time, Charles wt directly to the laboratory to find Catherine. As she walked, she swayed her hips provocatively, looking every bit like a woman thoroughly ravished.

"Catherine, I have a new Zerg unit that needs programming. Do you have any other tasks at hand?" he called out to Catherine, who turned her head and shook it slightly.

Since the master had spok, how could she refuse to oblige?

Before long, she had successfully programmed the Bloodthirsty Zerg. However, to her surprise, it took a total of fifte pairs of Vampire Eyes, and in the d, only four Bloodthirsty Zerg were hatched.

Moreover, this Zerg unit turned out quite differt from what they had visioned. It hardly resembled a convtional Zerg at all!

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