I, the Supreme Overlord, Start by Enslaving the Zerg Queen

Chapter 16: The Mutation

It was the ultimatum on the parchmt that finally woke up those who were complact, unscrupulous, and indecisive Overlords.

Number One was telling the truth, the Crimson Tide was coming!

Thinking back to Charles' previous speech, everyone rushed to buy Zerg guards. Unfortunately, wh they wt back to the trading cter, sales had unexpectedly stopped!

[Number 467: Oh no, I shouldn't have doubted Number One. It's those real war profiteers who misled us! Number One, please save me!]

[Number 4668: The Crimson Tide is really coming! Master, help me! I won't call you a war profiteer again, thank you!]

[Number 7646: Number One! Come out and save me, I tell you, I am a mayor in the real city. I order you to save me!]

Looking at the contt on the parchmt, Charles couldn't help but laugh. Were these people expecting to stand and have their meal served?

Truly, it's a case of a greedy Serpt trying to swallow an elephant.

Not to mtion that he no longer had any Zerg warriors to sell, ev if he did, he wouldn't trade with these kinds of people.

Sometimes, ev if they were customers, they couldn't be too indulged, isn't it just death?

Just go and die, Charles really didn't lack such people.

As for the oddball who threated with real-world authority, that was ev more laughable. Let's talk after you survive and return!

[Eve: Hey, my dear fiancé, you wouldn't be soft-hearted, would you?]

Charles looked at the note and felt like Eve behind him was already holding back laughter.

His face darked, and he left a message with his mind.

[Charles: Impossible, why should I save a group of people who don't trust me.]

[Charles: As for you, the elf's basic facilities are not lacking. How has your developmt be going to the extt of wanting to borrow Zerg warriors from me?]

[Eve: Haha, besides the initial chaos, my developmt has be good these days. There are now several second-tier medium wood elves guarding the Elf Que.]

[Eve: As for why I still want to buy your Zerg, it's just out of curiosity to see what kind of Zerg you have. If they are not strong ough, you should consider your own backside.]

[Eve: Charles, you just wait for your Que to come over and conquer your big 'pis'!]

[Charles: This little slut is quite arrogant. Be careful, one day I might just get a transmission card specifically to fuck your asshole, and make you cry!]

Well, another day of flirting with my occasionally hysterical fiancée~

In the following days, Charles had a lot of free time. He would occasionally visit the Zerg to see Medusa training the SerptZerg, and th go to the control platform to check on Catherine, whose hands were almost smoking from her fast work.

The stark contrast made it a day of superiority for Charles, who himself only needed to leisurely go to two lounges, drop his pants, and wait for the female slaves to joy their services

This emperor-like debauched life really made him lose himself in pleasure, but unfortunately, such times always passed quickly because Medusa had already trained with results...

[Abyssal Serpt Soldier]

[Race: Zerg]

[Combat Power: Second-tier low]

[Skills: Proficicy in marksmanship]

[Military Formation: Insect Legion (A military formation requires at least twty units, each unit adding a certain degree of formation killing power, reaching its peak strgth in fighting against Tier 3 emies.)]

This data... truly shows that the prince of the Serpt Empire is the most skilled in military training.

Charles took a towel and wiped the fine sweat from Medusa's forehead, speaking gtly, "You've worked hard, Medusa. This military formation is very strong, probably a great weapon for dealing with battles."

Medusa smiled bitterly at the words, shaking her head, "Master, this is not ev the strongest power of the Swarm Formation, mainly because the military formations I previously learned were from differt races. So now I need some time to figure it out."

"However, wh the Crimson Tide arrives, these Zerg warriors will definitely be able to elevate their combat power to the second-tier medium... as long as they have ough nourishmt and battle experice."

Speaking of which, Medusa felt that the Zerg race was too extreme... not only were they natural killing machines, but their advancemt pattern was also very simple, just needing to eat and kill.

This is damn... outrageous.

What's ev more outrageous is the hero permissions Charles granted her, allowing her to command these Zerg warriors to do as she pleases, which is much more joyable than training the Serpt warriors!

Without any regard for the lives of the Zerg warriors, within just a day, Medusa had already trained two of them to death. Such results were considered normal.

Satisfied, Charles nodded approvingly, th followed Medusa to the military camp.

Unlike what was showcased, inside the camp, there were many Zerg soldiers lying on the g, looking like they were on the brink of death.

These were the soldiers who couldn't withstand Medusa's training, the ones falling behind.

Charles pointed to those Zerg soldiers who were missing limbs and nodded lightly, "Are these the soldiers you mtioned who have no room for promotion?"

Medusa nodded, "They may not have room for promotion here, but they can definitely excel in the usual Zerg scattered army. If these soldiers were placed in an ordinary Zerg army, each one could perform tfold."

Her voice exuded a strong sse of confidce.

Although the Zerg lineage was extraordinary, they were like a wild-growing tree, without any rules, which led to extremely slow or ev non-existt intellectual developmt.

Could this be the void in the sky?

Anyway, Medusa was very confidt in the soldiers she personally trained. Being Zerg, those who understood tactics were far superior to those who didn't.

Charles watched as the young female slave, who was becoming increasingly proud, without interrupting. He needed her to have such determination in order to further accelerate the developmt of the Zerg.

After inspecting the military camp, Charles promised Medusa that the worker bees would pay special atttion to the Serpt Clan in the future, th he left with his hands behind his back.

Seeing this, Medusa shifted from the state of a pet Serpt to the imperious ruler she was before, and she coldly issued a final warning to the Serpts still lying on the g, "If there is another straggler, I will personally sd you to the Pit of T Thousand Serpts to see how deep your inhert laziness truly runs!"

After saying that, she solidified her magic into a long whip and fiercely lashed out.

Perhaps this is the fundamtal reason why Medusa, later in her life, ded up aliated, driv out of the Serpt Empire by the Serpt Emperor, and fell into darkness?

In a tranquil part of the forest, within the territory of the Kobold tribe.

Four or five Kobolds, all below first-tier, patrolled the area.

The highest-ranked Kobold sniffed fearfully, as if a terrible presce had arrived.

They urgtly pounded on the door of their Overlord, but the Overlord was exhausted from the night and was still sleeping, so they soon fell silt.

In the silce, an eerie kind of silce.

By late morning, the Kobold slowly woke up, with some unknown drool still at the corners of his mouth, a gift from the beauty he longed for in his dreams.

Karl always felt he was a chos one, ev after reincarnating as a Kobold Overlord, never changing his original inttion, always believing this was a test from the heavs.

Another beautiful day~

"Kog, where's my food, get it for me now!" Karl impatitly demanded from his bed.

Half a day had passed without any news. Could it be that those brats had also betrayed and fled?

Karl ssed something was amiss, but decided to go out and take a look, perhaps the Kobolds were just collectively oversleeping out of exhaustion.

Well, he would definitely give them a good thrashing later!


The door swung op slowly, as red mist began to spread gradually.

Karl dismissed this, as Number One had talked about how terrifying the Crimson Tide was, yet wasn't he already dead?

Soon, he saw a few lazy Kobolds squatting and secretly eating something unknown.

Karl was furious. These little rascals were secretly eating behind the back of their Overlord?

Such audacity!

He angrily pulled the Kobolds away, th kicked the one who outranked him, saying, "Kog, how dare you eat alone, do you want to die?"

Unfortunately, this time he didn't face the Kobolds' surrder.

Instead... Devouring!

"What's wrong with you, why are your eyes red?"

"Aargh! No, how dare you kill the master!"

Blood seeped into the soil, adding a hint of bloodiness to the originally colorless and tasteless red mist.

The mutation had begun!

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