I Shall Survive Using Potions!

Chapter 36

On that afternoon, the Imperial Armies suddenly went offensive.

Its super Effective!

When we shout the Royal Kings brother Roland-sama, they will either try to beat him down and become a hero of war him a name or take him as a hostage

And with Rolands name, the news about the Empire armies invading via the sacred country were already surrender, also increased its credibility (Kaoru)

Roland has a complicated expression when hear Kaoru saying so.

Right now, Kaoru and Roland ride on horseback at a place slightly elevated near the front line.Of course, in order to stand out.

There was already a fierce battle spreading at the forefront, contacting sides of both military.

If Kaoru use her cheats with full power, she may have been able to drastically reduce the casualties number of ally.

But what should she say about what happen?The goddess helped one side and unilaterally won.The soldiers have their pride, neither the winner nor the loser will be convinced.What can we say about soldiers who get killed in the battle and their families?

Of course, Kaoru came here, plan to use her cheats to help with a certain extent.But of course need to avoid annihilate the Empire with a strong offensive power.Her purpose is to end the fight with little damage to both side.Now she is waiting for a chance to intervene.

Roland-san, try moving around for a bit or try to do something suspicious(Kaoru)

What do you mean by that?(Roland)

Roland asks back to the request of Kaoru.

I mean, if enemy soldiers are concerned about Roland-san, sometimes they will turn their line of sight to Roland-san.

However depend on whether the bait makes a suspicious movement, such as escape, something to do, etc. that make a slight gap and enemy soldiers will try to attack(Kaoru)

I understand(Roland)

And then Roland began to move while waving his hand as if give signal to soldiers.He is a good superior officer.

After a while, the enemy army began to show a movement that is obviously incompatible with overall war situation.They obviously didnt attack or support other places with high priority but sent infantries to the small place where Kaoru and Roland stand. It looked like there werent any horses heading to where Kaoru and Roland stand, maybe they procured locally somewhere.

They took the bait.

After you attract them a little more, please pull back to where we arranged the ambush beforehand.

I will relax with the nice view here for a while(Kaoru)

This is only a slightly elevated place which has no effect on the war situation.As long as the delicious bait move away. The enemies will not bring troops to a meaningless place where theres only an average girl.

I know(Roland)

Roland looked at the approaching enemiess movement and said.

After a while, the enemy troops heading for Rolandans while pushing the Balmoas armies away by force.

It seems that they are determined on capture Roland that they concentrate their troops here. We only have a small number of troops, we cant stop the enemies that forcibly passed through.Just according to the Keikaku.

After this, Roland will guide the enemy troops heading to this place, draws them to the place we planned the ambush before. We will annihilate them and reduce enemy momentum.

It is about time, please go while showing your figure adequately to enemy soldiers(Kaoru)

I know(Roland)

Roland moves out while intruct Balmoa soldiers in a loud voice, raising his right hand, as prominently.

We will go back and get reinforcements! Everyone, retreat!!(Roland)

Then he gets off the high place and slowly moves in the direction where there are no friendly Balmoas soldiers that make theenemy soldiers easy to chase.

Well, for the time being, should we go arround the battlefield for sightseeing?(Kaoru)

The battle in this world extends for a long time unlike modern warfare.The battle has just begun, sometimes it will take a few days to finish a battle with this size.

Kaoru doesnt feel so good to see people fighting but this is a war.All everyone can do is pray that they wont die and be able to go back home.

Kaoru talked in a relaxed and bystander mode with a tone that Ed seems to be uncomfortable to hear.

Heyyoung miss(Ed)


I do not know whether it is due to the mind But arent the enemies heading toward us intead of the bait and others?(Ed)


An instruction was issued to all Imperial troops even before the invasion.

First priority securing goal: a girl who seems to be involved in the manufacture of healing potion that receiving the love of the goddess.

Second priority securing goal: Royalty members.

Third priority securing goal: ministers and senior aristocrats.

If the opportunity to secure the first priority target appear, abandon all other priority targets.Allow using massive of elite and heavy troops

And the characteristics of the girl had been communicated to all the soldiers.

Age 10 12 years old, black hair, black eyes, cute face

And now, the Empire soldiers saw a young girl stay together with the King Brother who brought a lot of healing potions, her appearance is like the description.

The securing goal of the Imperial Army elite troops was unknown to Kaoru and Roland.

[ What are the Balmoa Kingdom thinking, the King Brother and Escort guards leaving the most important girl there and running alone.It was a great opportunity that we cant miss. We will capure the girl with all cost, even if it was a trap ]

Aaa, No good, we get surrounder by cavalries(Ed)

The cavalries run with full speed went to others side as well, as they dont want Kaoru ride horse to escape.If Kaoru reacts faster, she may still able to escape but she is an amateur that flutters in a panic, she cant afford to escape in time.

Several cavalries that surrounds in a semicircular shape from the back and gradually shrinks to a circle of the enclosure.A flock of infantry approaching from the front.

Dangerous dangerous dangerous!Ed, can you run away?(Kaoru)

Impossible, Young Miss!(Ed)

I didnt plan this, but should I use my Explosion here?

No, if I kill them with explosion, it wont make sense.It a weapon of mass killing.Should I kill them with poison, but I cant with this number of people

what should I do?

Explosion to the extent of opening the way out?

But, if I try to escape, will they shoot arrows at me?Will I die if an arrow sticks?

Even if I get caught, I wont be killed.There will be chance to escape, and there are more that I can do later

Before Kaoru got her idea together, the infantries finally reached the place that Kaoru stand and tried to capture her without hurting.

When the Empire soldiers about to capture the confused Kaoru. Their cavalries that surrounded from the back, suddenly moved.

Oh, Francette(Kaoru)

What reflect in Kaorus eyes was the figure of Francette that noticed the abnormality and returned with full power, Roland and 4 Royal Guards were desperately following after her.

They crushed the enemy calvaries easy.

Francette who was called Demonic Fran, Roland who is a master with sword and 4 elite Royal Guards. The enemy calvaries werent enough to be their opponents.

The Francette cuts the enemy cavalries that surround Kaoru and descend from the horse right in front of Kaoru.

Even everyone can ride horse to move and fight with riding horse.However, they are mostly battle like infantry moving around with their own feet.

Riding horse is usually advantageous, but right now everyone cant move their horses as to protect Kaoru, the advantage of horse movement speed is gone and it will be difficult to fight.

In addition, when battle surrounded by many infantries, riding on horse cant prevent attacks from the side without weapons. The enemies can also attack from the back, attack against horses, etc.

Sorry, everyone, it seems there was a miscalculation (Kaoru)

Although six people are struggled in order to protect Kaoru, but hearing her say so, they laughs.

And a fierce battle starts.

Roland and the 4 Royal guards wield the short sword.

Even if it was called short sword, it isnt actually shorter than a normal sword.Its just the sword that cavalry use is long, and what the infantry uses is short. Its an ordinary sword used by soldiers.

Jugding from everyone that using this kind of sword, the enemies know that they aret real cavalries.Even that short sword is a one-handed sword, but everyone wear it with both hands without using shield.Without a shield, they must parry using sword.

Striking, repelling, piercing, cutting off.

Unlike Japanese sword,short sword isnt the sword that can cut easy.(T.N: Readers please dont argue about this, I have enough ofBato.tosargue comments about this kind of topic)

Still, if you push with great force, you can cut off as much as the enemys arm.

The enemys screams anguishechoing.

On the other hand, Francette wears Bastard Sword.Its a dual sword that can be handled with one hand or both hands. Of course its longer than the short sword, and its quite heavy.At least it isnt a sword that can be used by mid-teens girls.If she is normal.

And, of course, Francette isnt normal, so she can use it well enough.

The equipping method are: drags it to the ground and pull it from behind, or carries it on the back.

With Francettes strength, she wanted to use a heavier and bigger sword.

But she abandon that ideal because it was impossible for her size of the body to do it.

Francette sway that bastard sword lightly as if shaking Epee or Fleure and knock down enemy soldiers.Happily.

And mountains of corpses ir serious injured enemy soldiers, which are being built one after another.

Gya, Demonic Fran(Empire Soliders)

Among the enemy soldiers, trembling voices are spreading.

Immediately after that, Balmoas ambushers noticed the failure of the strategy from the back, rushed for Roland rescue.

The circumstances arround Kaoru had become a chaotic rough battle state and confusion.

Within that chaotic battle, the common recognition of both enemy and ally isonly black girl should never get hurt

With this extraordinary battle, Kaoru cant use her power.

Even if she uses something like Nitroglycerinor other medicine, there are so many soldiers got in turmoil and moved furiously, she may hurt the ally.

Another way is usestorage, but when she uses it, her setting about just a human being who happen to be the goddesss friendwill be over.

No, it will be same at the time she use the explosion

And when the number of soldiers who fell down around three digits,

Even its still middle of a battle, Kaoru realized that she is at safe place and have room to try something.

It happened.

One of the Empire arrows released without regard to the danger of hitting their ally in the melee battle, hit Rolands right shoulder, and Roland stopped his arms that was injured.

An enemy soldier doesnt miss that gap and swing his sword immediately.

Gakyin! (SFX)

The sound that metal hits each other echoes.

Francette broke her posture when forcibly stopped the enemys sword with an unreasonable position, and her bastard swords blade was broken.

The Bastard sword which had been kept swayed by the powerful francette was already close to the limit and and finally it was broken.

And one spear that was thrust into her right chest without missing that great opportunity.

Fresh blood spurts out from her chest wound where the spear was pulled out.

Fran !!(Roland)

Roland hugs the fallen Francette.

And, I did it, I already defeated thatDemonic Fran!(Imperial soldier)

An Imperial soldier shouts out in joy.

And the next moment, that mans head was blown up by an EXPLOSION.

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