I Shall Survive Using Potions!

Chapter 141

141 Come to think of it, its not the Royal Capital here, but the Capital

Oh, I see. So, while we were being stopped and threatened, you were supposed to run away without hurting anyone if soldiers showed up Hmm.

Nod nod. (koku koku SFX)

So, does that mean those soldiers were in on it with you?

W-Well, Im not sure The boss is dead, and we were just following his orders, you know?

The thief who had been brought into our carriage chattered away easily.

Well, when I said, If you dont talk, well just kill you and move on to the next one, no doubt theyd became very cooperative.

And besides, now that the boss was dead and all his surviving underlings had been captured, there was no reason for anyone to protect or keep their secrets. They couldnt deny that they were thieves, and all they wanted was to find some sort of halfway decent work as criminal slaves, preferably avoiding the mines if at all possible. So it wasnt all that surprising that they were being cooperative.

And if they had known the truth of the matter, they would have no reason to hide it. In fact, if they said, We were just asked to pretend to attack you. Were not really thieves. We were just hired to cause trouble, it might help lighten their sentence a little bit. So there was no reason to hide the truth from them in other words, other than the fact that the boss was dead, they didnt know anything.

I failed. I was supposed to capture that boss alive

Well, at that time we didnt know who the boss was, so it couldnt be helped that we had to eliminate the enemies without question. Francette aside, the other guards were at risk of being injured or killed. And that includes Roland and Emile.

Also, the testimony of the thieves will most likely be ignored, with the assumption that they are making up convenient lies to save their own lives.

Well, as long as they werent trying to harm Marial and only wanted to find a way to get on her good side, its not that big of a deal.

And besides, if we just want to confirm the mastermind, theres no need to ask the thieves who may or may not tell the truth We dont even know if the name they were given by the client is their real name.

Its a common tactic to hire criminals and use the names of the nobility who are their adversaries. So we need a more reliable method.

Yeah, three crows are keeping an eye on them. To confirm where the soldiers are going and who theyre reporting to.

Crows are pretty smart. They can recognize individuals and remember them for quite a long time. So, if we fail, its not a big deal, and if we find out who the client is in this case, it will be profitable.

Weve arrived, Marial said as she leaned out of the window to look ahead before pulling her head back in.

One by one, we also leaned out of the window to look ahead and saw the long stone walls stretching to the left and right, the stone buildings visible beyond the walls, and the silhouette of what appeared to be a castle or temple.

Yes, it was the capital of this country, a fortified castle city surrounded by walls for strong defense.

Wow, its big

As Riette-chan said, it seems to be larger than the only other national central city that Riette-chan knows, the royal capital of Rithenia in the Yusral Kingdom where the pharmacy Riettes Atelier is located.

Since the country seems to have strong merchants, commerce must be prosperous, meaning that they have a strong economy, and thus are a big country. But I wonder if being a military power is different.

However, without economic power, military power

Ah, no, there are also countries that invest a large portion of their national budget in military expenses even if they are poor.

So, does the size of the capital city and the splendor of the castle have nothing to do with national power?

Hmm, its difficult

Alright, lets stop thinking about this matter. Its a waste of time.

So, once we arrive at the capital, what are we going to do?

The group, including myself, will be relying on the hospitality of the Marquis Masrius residence in the capital, as we are guests of the impoverished Viscount Reifels family.

As the Viscounts family cannot afford a residence in the capital, normally they would take a high-end accommodation for nobles. However, thats not an option this time.

If we were to just book a regular inn or lodging, wed surely attract a parade of people -seeking to make contact with Marial- such as noble or wealthy individuals, religious figures, unsavory characters hoping to make a quick buck, foreign agents looking for information, and a whole host of others. Even members of our own faction couldnt be trusted in fact, they might be the most dangerous of all. They might be plotting to make contact with Mariael, too, or use us as a way to get to her.

Therefore, it seems that it was not just for cost-cutting purposes, but for the safety of Marial, that Count Masrius allowed us to stay at his capital mansion. No one questioned the reason given, and the groups stay at the Masrius mansion was quickly decided.

So, Marial and her companions safety should be assured. Except for the times when they meet with noble factions, are taken to the palace, temple, or the offices of major merchants, and are dragged around by them

Of course, we are accompanying Marial as her attendants and guards, so we will follow her during those times. We were able to join as attendants by using up valuable slots, so its our obligation to fulfill that duty. Besides, we offered to accompany Marial to help her in times of trouble in the first place.

Although we did it for Carloss request to help Mariael, it was our fault that led to this situation, so we have to clean up the mess.

So, thats all well and good, but the real issue is the main reason for deciding to go to the capital under the guise of supporting Marials mission.

Yes, its about identifying and having a conversation with the people who hurt and tried to kidnap Riette-chan.

As for me, its fine.

If someone were to come after me directly, I would only exterminate them with a fatal blow, in other words, spare them from mercy.

However, the people who aim at those who are important to me, the ones who hurt and try to kill the orphans. You guys are no good.

Those who reached out to that town and are looking for the Familiar. Will almost certainly try to come into contact with Marial who came to the capital, their home base, for no reason, and try to interfere with her.

And those who approach and try to use Maria to their advantage. Those who are interested in the goddess messenger rather than Maria herself, and try to get information from her.

Ill crush them all with a snap.

Moreover, to make sure that no one ever lays a hand on the honorable messenger or those related to them again, with sufficient publicity and enough intimidation and fear

There is no need for the general public to know about it.

Ordinary people never intended to be rude to Celess or those related to them in the first place.

Foolish people who think they can use the goddesss associates as they please just because they have a little money and power among humans.

When those people obtained that information through their proud information network built on money and power



I guess its time to pass through the town gate?

Oops, I was lost in thought for a moment. Bell noticed and called me out on it.

Anyway, here we are, finally arriving at the capital.

Of course, were riding in a noble carriage, so we wont be waiting in line for the entrance inspection.

Our servants, whom we had sent ahead, have already taken care of the necessary procedures, so the carriage can pass through without stopping. Additionally, an attendant from the Count Masrius family, who had been waiting for us, is guiding us through the city.

Even the members of the Viscount Reifels household know the location of Count Masrius family, but this is not just a ceremony to welcome important guests; it is also a means to deter those who would attempt to make contact with Marial while she is on her way to the Counts residence.

Blocking the procession led by the guide from the host family would be an enormous act of disrespect and would result in immediate retaliation by the attackers, who would be considered as conspirators and executed.

This is a natural consequence of attacking nobles in the capital, as it tarnishes the reputation of the king, important nobles, and powerful merchants in the capital. Even high-ranking nobles would not escape punishment.

In other words, it is extremely effective in keeping pests away.

There were several figures who looked like they were up to no good, staring wistfully at the procession of carriages led by the herald horse bearing Earl Masriuss coat of arms, followed by two guard horses and the carriage of Viscount Reifels family.

Earl Masrius was a powerful aristocrat who doted on his beloved adopted daughter, Marial. He seemed quite formidable, but he was also caring and affectionate towards Marial.

Hmm, it seems that while Marial is at Earl Masriuss residence, we should be able to focus all our forces on investigating the enemy without having to worry about leaving any troops behind to protect her.

Just as I was thinking that, Bell spoke up.

I dont think there are many people brave enough to mess with a group surrounded by so many dogs and birds circling overhead, do you?

Ah, come to think of it, those people didnt look wistful, they looked dumbfounded and shocked.

Oh well, it doesnt really matter. Its all the same.

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