I Regressed But The World DidnT Fall Apart

Chapter 61

I Regressed But The World Didn’T Fall Apart 61

The World Didn’t End When I Came Back -61-


“They’re already two.”

It referred to the past ties that Ido Hyuk was about to encounter.

Although they hadn’t met face to face yet, it was only a matter of time.

Kwabna would soon come across EVO and…

“Chiba Rin.”

The master of the sword.

It wouldn’t be long before he faced her too.

Considering that the person who seemed to be Rin’s younger brother had recognized Ido Hyuk’s swordsmanship.

Wouldn’t he soon be drawn into her world as well?


Memories of an old connection that resurfaced after a long time.

“Nice to see you?”

If asked, it was fifty-fifty.

A feeling that was hard to define.

The relationship between Lee Dohyuk and Chiba Rin wasn’t too bad.

At least, that’s how Dohyuk himself judged it.

Although there was some friction when Dohyuk carelessly overlooked the essence of Rin’s swordsmanship, which had been improved from Chiba Ga’s something-something, it didn’t last long.

“Compared to Chen Tao, it was incredibly good.”

China, Japan, and Korea.

Hunters representing the three neighboring countries.

Unlike the relationship with Chen Tao, which was the worst of the worst, the relationship with Rin wasn’t that bad.

Even before the nine heroes gathered, they sometimes joined forces even when in their respective countries.

Unbeknownst to them, they owed each other favors in the process.

“It wasn’t much, but we shared some information occasionally.”

What set the nine heroes apart from other hunters was their transcendence level.

Transcendence, meaning they had surpassed certain limits.

They were individuals who had exceeded the limits of hunters defined not by human standards but as superhumans.

Therefore, it was impossible for a transcendent-level hunter to fight in harmony with non-transcendent hunters.

Just like how a giant dinosaur and a lizard couldn’t hunt together.

So, when Dohyuk and Rin fought together, it meant only the two of them were involved.

In the process, they couldn’t help but exchange a few personal stories.



“What will you do when the Earth is back to normal?”

“Me? Hmm, I’m thinking of going to a quiet mountain or field. Or maybe living on an uninhabited island, fishing. I feel like crowded places wouldn’t interest me. Oh, but of course, there should be internet.”

“…I’m not a fan of fish.”


Suddenly asking a strange question and then talking about his food preferences.

“Were you and Eliza acquainted before becoming the nine heroes?”

“I received help from her when I was a novice hunter. If Eliza hadn’t been there, I might have died back then.”



Answering the question, Dohyuk saw Rin’s face turn somewhat sour.

Their conversations sometimes felt off, but still… Dohyuk thought that his relationship with Rin wasn’t that bad.

After all, they had exchanged blows numerous times, back to back.

Moreover, they had started giving each other advice on swordsmanship at some point.

Of course, Dohyuk received more advice than he gave.

“I didn’t just listen to empty words about swordsmanship for no reason.”

There are many hunters who wield swords.

Yi Dohyuk also used a sword as one of his main weapons, and above all, Marcus, who had heard Yi Dohyuk’s previous strongest sound among humans, also used a sword.

However, Linn was the only one called a sword saint.

There were plenty of reasons for that.

From the start, wasn’t her innate ability something like the ‘Sword God’?

Even Yi Dohyuk, who had handled all kinds of weapons, including swords, quite well even before copying her abilities, was able to make a significant leap in sword skills after copying Linn’s unique ability as a sword saint.

That’s how impressive Linn’s talent with the sword was.


“Well, of course, that talent is mine now.”

The sword was thrust.

It aimed at the opponent who was rushing towards Yi Dohyuk.

The opponent quickly raised both arms to guard.

But Yi Dohyuk pierced through the guard lightly and struck with his sword.


In reality, it wasn’t easy for Yi Dohyuk to acquire his current swordsmanship skills without Linn’s help.

The ability he could copy from her was indeed a talent, but they had continued to observe each other’s swordsmanship skills even after that.

Unlike Yi Dohyuk, who had dealt with various weapons, even magic, she had solely devoted herself to the sword, so he was more inclined to receive help from her.



A strike rushing towards Yi Dohyuk.


Yi Dohyuk stepped back one pace and jabbed with his sword.

But the opponent dodged it with a bizarre upper body movement and stuck close.

It was like undulating up and down as if riding a wave.


“Here it comes again.”

Yi Dohyuk’s eyes sank as he saw it.

How many times had he seen this?

The pattern was clear to him.

“If they come in here, it’s the extreme pressure zone.”


It was as expected.

As soon as the distance closed, the opponent threw a punch.

Strong currents sparkled around the opponent’s fist.

Yi Dohyuk extended his sword once again.

Since the battle with Shinjiro, Yi Dohyuk had brought out Masamune.

This was because there were viewers who wanted to see him using a sword.

It wasn’t as if a viewer with an unusually large amount of money suddenly appeared and placed a mission for <Masamune to reach the True God class by using it>.


A perfect parry at the exact moment.

However, a solid sensation lingered in the outstretched hand.

The opponent’s Brainwave Authority was not just a simple Brainwave Authority; it was one of the morale skills of Brainwave-type characters known as Extreme Thunder Authority.


Was it because Ido-hyuk flinched at the Extreme Thunder Authority?

Seizing the opportunity, the opponent once again closed the distance.

“Here comes Extreme Thunder Authority again.”

A fist rising strongly from below to above.

Once again, it rapidly accelerated from a certain moment.


Just as Ido-hyuk’s blade extended, it intercepted the opponent’s fist before it could hit its mark.

Slightly startled, the opponent swiftly backed away with a Backdash.

But even that was brief.

“Here, they’ll strike again.”

Thud, thud-

And sure enough.

With a swish of the upper body, the opponent slightly crouched and lunged forward.

Once again, the distinctive Brainwave movement, Brainwave Step, unfolded as they bobbed up and down, similar to earlier.

The disappointment in Ido-hyuk’s eyes deepened as he witnessed this.

– Royal Combo ON

-hahahaha, those Brainwave folks are persistent

-It’s annoying… Brainwave users are unique

Normally, such movements would create pressure, but…


Even Ido-hyuk was not immune.

Matching the opponent’s dash, Ido-hyuk instead aggressively pressed forward.


Following the Wave Dash through Brainwave Step, the Extreme Thunder Authority continued.

There’s a reason why this deceitful combo is favored by users beyond a certain level of proficiency with Brainwave-type characters—it not only allows for a powerful selection but also leaves little room between techniques.

Especially when activating Extreme Thunder Authority after Wave Dash without assistance for adjustment, hitting at a specific angle at a specific timing, the speed is about 1.2 times faster than the original Brainwave Authority.



Yet Ido-hyuk evaded the accelerated Extreme Thunder Authority with just a slight shift of his body.

He, too, executed a Forward Dash.

The two crossed paths.

Of course, only one was successful in the strike.


A blow.

And then turning back around.

The clash─!


It was Ido-hyuk’s slashing that precisely hit the opponent’s weak point.

Of course, the opponent was also a high-level gamer, skilled enough to ascend to the Divine Seat class.

Swish! Swish!

In the ensuing exchange, the opponent managed to block Ido-hyuk’s sword strikes a few times.

However, not stopping there, the opponent seized the opportunity when Ido-hyuk’s sword was being retrieved to launch a counterattack.

The sword edge of Ido-hyuk wavered at that moment.

The stabbing edge swiftly transformed into a cutting motion.

As if admonishing against any complacency, it unerringly sliced the opponent’s vital spot.


In the end, the victory sign appeared not long after.

It wasn’t a perfect victory.

Given the difference in ranks, the opponent was also likely an amateur expert.

They managed to graze Ido-hyuk a few times.

Yet, at the same time, the opponent was relatively easy to overcome.

“Everyone just uses that combo.”

-The Bowser Combo…

-Isn’t it supposed to be hard to dodge that originally…?

-It’s like hitting the jackpot. Even if you get hit a bit, using it is advantageous.

-Just click-clack.

From Noble mtl dot com

-hahahaha, but this guy actually dodges it.

Thanks to the opponent’s primarily used Brainwave Step into Wave Dash followed by Thunderous Fist in this match.

Ido-hyuk had already encountered more than ten Brainwave users who employed that combo.

Initially, when faced with the suddenly accelerated fist movements, he couldn’t help but be flustered. However, after a few encounters, dealing with it wasn’t difficult.

-Even after trying hundreds of times in practice mode, I couldn’t do it…

-Tsk… Not a Bowser, are you?


-Actually, it used to be a Bowser combo before. Nowadays, it’s a pro-certified combo hehehe

[You have ascended to the realm of the True God]

[Mission Success!]

At that moment, when the promotion to the True God was confirmed, the mission success notification rang out.

Ido-hyuk expressed gratitude.

“Thanks for the mission. Well, now that the mission is done, I should start slowly…”

Stopping there, Ido-hyuk hesitated.

Naturally, chaos ensued in the chat window.

-Can’t do this!

-Are you leaving us?

-Still two Divine Seats? Still two Divine Seats? Still two Divine Seats?

– Ah

– In Bangjonggak


But then.

One explosive donation.

[‘Lynn’ has donated 9,215 won.]

– Just a moment

A donation that seems to be holding back Idohyeok, who is about to leave.

Viewers also seemed to have caught Idohyeok in the same way.

– What’s with that ambiguous number, hahahaha

– Don’t gooo

– Sigh!

– I’m gonna die

In truth, Idohyeok wasn’t really planning to do a charity stream.

Nor was he thinking of using charity as an excuse to tear up donations.

“..Shall we switch to Part 2 of the show?”

His thoughts were on a Part 2 broadcast, a transition to Valhalla.

Ever since rising to the Divine Rank, his scores had quickly soared due to the ample points.

The qualifications for the upcoming Tworc tournament in a few days were overflowing.

Because of this, he wasn’t just going to mindlessly grind Iron Fist like the last broadcast; he was aiming to cover Part 2 as well.

The shock from Idohyeok abruptly leaving after just saying ‘Okay!’ last time had caused viewers to overreact.

– Kyaa

– Hoo

– Breathe!

– Sssss

– Oops

– Are we in Valhalla now?

– Valhalla? Hm…

– hahahaha Valhalla is fun

– From now on, this is the Hoken Gallery!

– Let’s go for Masamune mode instead of Hoken

– If it’s what Teacher Dohyeok is doing, even Yut Nori is fun

– That person seems to keep coming out

– ??? : How do you get a Mo? You just have to throw it well, right?

The chat room, reassured by Idohyeok’s words.

While there were some who didn’t like Valhalla, overall, the reactions were positive.

As they had anticipated a charity stream, they were content with just continuing the broadcast.

Isn’t it the norm to listen to Korean till the end?

But perhaps there was someone who couldn’t do that···

[‘Lynn’ has donated 92,152 won.]

– Can you see them using a sword?

[‘Lynn’ has donated 921,520 won.]

-I will provide additional money.

Late donations kept pouring in one after another.



-What a big spender!

-Is he a foreigner?

-90+9 thousand+9 thousand punch, wow


The amount once.

The sender’s nickname once.

As Lee Dohyuk skimmed through the donation alerts, he chuckled.

“A sword mission? Nice. Just need to wield a sword, right?”


Among the Chiba family, Shinji is the only one who enjoys full-dive.

It was natural for the adults of the family, and Kazuma, the eldest son, was too busy with various matters to have any interest in full-dive.

Especially after the trend of full-dive, the Chiba family’s Bukjin Ilryu dojangs became extremely busy, enjoying great prosperity.

Excluded from such family affairs were only the youngest, Shinji, and his sister.

But his sister, who only thought about her sword, had no interest in trying something like full-dive.

Even when buying capsules, Shinji never thought to ask his sister and only purchased what was his own.


Shuk shuk-

“…What did you say?”

Since they couldn’t share one capsule, they were watching a Korean broadcast of Lee Dohyuk through an external monitor.

Surprisingly, his sister showed interest in full-dive.

“It’s a game called Rise of Baharah… Unlike my Tekken, you can choose between game mode and real mode.”

Shinji added that the streamer seemed to be playing in real mode.

Even the fact that the actions on the screen were solely based on the man’s physical abilities.


Her sister’s gaze grew more intense.

She scrutinized each of his movements.

Then she asked one question.

“What’s that man’s name?”


Shinji’s eyes widened.

Seeing his sister’s unfamiliar expression.

A sister who showed interest in someone outside the family.

No, of course, the movements of that Idohyuk guy are quite impressive.

To be honest, except for displaying the martial arts of the family’s Vision, there were aspects of his current self that were even more astonishing than the movements shown in Iron Fist.

Judging by the reactions in the chat window, it’s clear that he’s playing with his own physical abilities.

[It’s not just one or two knights, but facing a whole knight order, it’s starting to get difficult.]

While saying that, Idohyuk, who effortlessly defeated over ten knights alone.

Each of those movements made Shinji imagine that even if he faced off against a sword instead of Iron Fist, he wouldn’t have been defeated.

But there was one thing that bothered him.

‘But that kid···’

Well, is he just fooling around?

Since he wanted to see him using a sword, I added a mission for him to use a sword.



Shoosh- Swoosh- Swoosh-

[Still, it’s fortunate that the sword hasn’t hit anyone yet.]

A sword is a sword.

But it’s not an Aiming Sword or a Great Sword… just a kitchen knife.


-Swoosh. Shoosh. Shh. Shh······

-As expected, it’s like the innkeeper May’s kitchen knife.

-Oh, hahahahaha, I’m dying of laughter.

-Oh, his moves are insane, absolutely insane.

-For real, hahahahaha.

Displaying all sorts of extraordinary movements with a kitchen knife brought from somewhere, dodging all attacks and then striking at the knights’ vital points up close, that was Idohyuk’s way of facing the knight order.

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