I Regressed But The World DidnT Fall Apart

Chapter 13

I Regressed But The World Didn’T Fall Apart 13

Twin Axes Are Innocent (4) – [It Kills Two]


Ido-hyuk gripped two axes tightly.


With a scream, the area around Kias’s neck trembled.

Ido-hyuk had learned some rough information about Kias from a strategy video on YouTube.

“They said gas comes out of its mouth.”

The trembling neck was a sign that gas was about to be released.

Gas that spread into the air and poisoned players.

Therefore, the key to defeating Kias was to strike the area near its neck before it released the gas.

The method involved throwing explosives previously farmed or aiming a launcher at Kias’s neck.

“But that’s impossible.”

In Ido-hyuk’s hands were just two axes, with no destructive power like explosives or launchers.

Of course, if he threw the axe accurately at the right time and spot, he could expect a similar effect, but…

“That would be a loss.”

In that case, he would be left with just one axe as a weapon.

Until he retrieved the thrown axe, he had to face two Kias creatures simultaneously with just that one axe.

The value of the axe in hand was too great to sacrifice for just blocking the gas once.

“Giving up on blocking.”

That was the conclusion he reached.

Rather than throwing the axe to block the gas…


He would end the hunt for Kias before getting poisoned and dying.

Ido-hyuk dashed forward.

The two Kias creatures also rushed towards him with their mouths wide open.

Certainly, it wasn’t a tactic one would normally choose, but after all, a game is a game.

Although such tactics were not used in regular battles, once the boss battle ended, debuffs like poison and slow naturally lifted.

– Wow…

– Is he really trying to charge head-on?

– Is this for real?

– The newbies are surprised, how cute.

– Hey, did you watch Hyungnim’s broadcast, One Day Today? (Right)


With a scream, the tentacles of those creatures rushed towards Lee Dohyuk.

A total of twelve tentacles.

Each one, with what seemed like eyes on them, attacked Lee Dohyuk from different directions, as if trying to devour him.


Dodging by sliding his body to the ground, Lee Dohyuk narrowly escaped.

Crack! Thud-!

Yet, he never forgets to target the tentacles.

Two tentacle arms, mercilessly hacked by the ax blade, fell to the ground.

– Whoa, this is insane.

– Dodging and counterattacking at the same time.

– Some moments were really on the edge.

– I’m trembling all over.


But that was just a moment.

While Lee Dohyuk was getting back on his feet.

The tentacle arms that had already been severed were starting to regenerate.

Seeing that, Lee Dohyuk’s forehead furrowed.

‘There was a reason I mentioned that the difficulty level changes from the third one.’

Although he is currently facing two opponents, even assuming it’s just one, the difference between them and the Egglande he faced earlier is significant.

Kaies was a boss monster equipped with regenerative powers.

Among the extraterrestrial species he had faced, entities with regenerative abilities were rare.

– But they regenerate, don’t they? LOL

– Target the opposite arm first.

– Yeah, you have to crush all the nodules there to stop the regeneration.

– Even if it’s hit with serum, the regeneration is a bit slow LOL

Moreover, Kaies kept regenerating endlessly unless all the nodules on the opposite arm of the tentacle were burst.

Fighting without serum made it even more challenging, but it was certainly tough.

‘I think it was about 10 minutes?’

In contrast, the remaining time limit was a mere 10 minutes.

This was information provided by the viewers.

Once addicted, after about 10 minutes, all stamina would be depleted.

Already in a gas-induced addiction state from the previous clash.

There were no signs of physical numbness, but the green indicator at the upper right of his field of vision indicated the addictive state.

It was a kind of 10-minute time attack.

Furthermore, this 10-minute mark was the standard for maintaining stamina without being hit even once.


[‘Tulnisuhodan’ has donated 1,000 won.]

– Seniors who regret not farming serum slowly are real fools LOL

The sponsorship notification rings at that moment.

For hours, viewers have been calling out for Idohyuk.

There was no point in calling out each name individually, but since he didn’t have a separate streaming nickname, they started calling him that way.

-hahahaha, what a crazy guy.

-Oh, that King Electronics tastes good!

-The mission was set too high.

-No, I still trust Teacher Dohyuk.

The chat room was also responding enthusiastically.

Everyone seemed skeptical about Idohyuk’s strategy for Kayas.

Of course, judging by what they’ve seen of Idohyuk’s physical prowess so far, even if Kayas is a tough boss, it’s not a guarantee that he will lose for sure.



Just by watching Idohyuk deftly evade the tentacles of two Kayas reaching out towards him and counterattacking like a ghost, it was clear that taking on Kayas was nothing to him.

Of course, given enough time.

-9 minutes left.

-Already 1 minute has passed, whoa.

-The time just flew by watching.

A time attack situation where they must finish before becoming addicted.

Even if it was just one, handling both Kayas in 10 minutes?

No matter how insane Idohyuk’s gameplay has been so far, that seems like a tough challenge.

Most viewers watching the broadcast couldn’t help but think that.

Perhaps that was the reason.

[‘Physical Boost’ has requested a 30,000 won mission.]

– Safe and sound~

[‘HealthySummoner157’ has requested a 100,000 won mission.]

– Ah, is this the right time for a big play? hahahaha

Real-time addition of mission amounts.

[Mission amount: 1,045,000 won]

The mission amount for this stage alone had surpassed 1 million won.

Idohyuk, watching this, narrowed his eyes.

In reality, it might seem ridiculous to use such grandiose terms for monsters in a game.

“How amusing.”

-He’s getting into it, whoa.


Facing a formidable enemy after a long time.

His senses sharpen.

“They said to aim for the heart.”

[It Kills To] Characteristics of my mutated forms.

No matter if it’s a biological weapon created through a virus, in the end, it’s still a living being.

Despite the somewhat horrific transformation due to the mutant bacteria, the original weaknesses remain.

Kaias, a humanoid mutant with two arms and two legs, was no exception.

If the head and body separate or the heart bursts, rendering it unable to function, death follows.

“This aspect is definitely better than those extraterrestrial bastards.”

To explode the heart or just separate the head and body means death—


In the end, all you need is to land one good hit.


It was rather Lee Dohyeok who rushed forward.

– What the heck?

– Why charge head-on?

– Shut up and focus, Evan.


Certainly an annoying trait.

However, among those extraterrestrial beings, there were some who kept regenerating endlessly unless completely pulverized.

Compared to such beings, the current annoyance was easily tolerable.

If a blow to the vital spot meant instant death, there was no need to worry about regeneration.

“Isn’t it just about killing them before they regenerate?”

A simple solution.

First, dodge or parry all incoming attacks.

Then aim for the vital spot before they regenerate.

Of course, there were many things to do to land that one blow.

Squish— Squish—

The continuous axing.

First, aim for him and parry a few of the tentacles flying towards you, evade a few.

Move closer.

– Wow;

– Seriously, his physicality is art.

– It’s working, lol.

Throughout this process, Lee Dohyeok managed to evade every single attack.


Instead, it seemed like Kaias and Jamias’ attacks only comically clashed with each other.

– What are these Jamias guys doing? lol

– Seriously, laughing out loud.

As the audience was left in awe.

From Noble mtl dot com

“…Is this about it?”

Approaching closer, Lee Dohyeok searched for Kaias’ vital spot.

Due to the swollen body and the pus covering it, the exact location of the heart was hard to determine.

In that case.

Give it a good shake once.


In an instant, flesh fragments splattered across the screen.

It was because Lee Dohyuk’s axe blade had rummaged past Kias’s chest.


Kias, struck by the bullet, shook his body with a scream.

Without missing the opportunity, Lee Dohyuk struck his chest again.

And inside the exposed flesh, a distorted heart, surrounded by clotted blood, was revealed.

– Ugh!

– Direct hit, for real.

– It’s different seeing it up close than just watching the grenade launcher;

– This is insane for real.


At that moment, Kias, who was on the opposite side, charged towards Lee Dohyuk.

Would he overlook his comrade’s situation?

As if to crush Lee Dohyuk and his comrade together, Kias swung his arm, filled with clots, towards them.


Lee Dohyuk twisted his body without looking back and evaded the aimless attack.

The aimless strike grazed past his side.


– Whoa

– ???

– How did he do that?

– Eyes in the back of his head?

It wasn’t telekinesis.

It was the result of countless battles, maneuvering through diagonals, and honed instincts.

It was also thanks to the scream the guy let out before the attack and catching a glimpse of his shoulder at the edge of his vision.

Of course, a crazy play hard for viewers to comprehend.

And then.


The thrown axe blade struck the exposed heart of the other Kias, who was gasping for breath, right on target.

The guy collapsed, screaming in agony.


Lee Dohyuk stepped on the fallen Kias’s chest and pulled out the axe that was embedded there.

There was only one left.

Dealing with two was annoying due to their regenerative abilities, but the combat difficulty wasn’t that high.

Even if you called it a “tentacle ceremony,” their speed couldn’t compare to extraterrestrials.

In other words.


There’s no reason to take so long to deal with the one remaining.


Kias falling with a loud crash.

Upon hitting the ground, he writhes for a moment before coming to a stop.

And a little later.

-Crazy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-This is working?







-For real, he’s insane


The chat box overflowing with various reactions.

The astonished responses of foreign-looking viewers, whenever they joined, filled the chat.

“Wow··· amazing···”

Jian, who was watching from behind, muttered absentmindedly.

Does that make sense?

Like he had practiced several times in advance, a flawless play without any rough edges.

His previous talk about bugs seemed insignificant now.

It was Lee Dohyuk, playing his first VR game today, showing such a performance.

‘Isn’t that a bug rather than something else?’

Even though he was her own older brother, there was a sense of awe.

And then.


[Mission Success!]

Along with the notification sound, Twok’s broadcasting system announced the mission’s success.

Jian’s pre-set sound of coins jingling for donations also echoed in.

Of course, it didn’t end there.

Swish. Swish.

Dohyuk, somewhere, taking out a dry towel to wipe down the blade of his axe.

After cleaning off any flesh or dirt on the blade, he sheaths it back at his waist.

-Mom! When I grow up, I want to be a dual-wielding axe wielder!

-He’s really crazy;;

-Shout it out! God Dohyuk! Shout it out! God Dohyuk!

-Seriously, Sensei, are you not starting the broadcast?

-Attention! Kias, stand at attention!!

A scene straight out of a movie.

Viewers went wild at that sight.

“Hmm, hmmm!”

Glancing around discreetly, Jian caught the viewers’ attention by coughing.

“Everyone, a mission is a mission. You’re not going to keep praising our brother’s play with just words, are you?”

The role of the cheerleader seemed insignificant as the Kias boss battle ended quickly.

Instead of cheering, Jian was only able to utter words of admiration from behind as Idohyuk’s play was on the edge, failing to properly communicate with the viewers.

But now was the real time for her to shine.

“After seeing this much···”

Advancing forward, she crossed her arms and placed one foot over the lifeless Kias.

– What’s with the victory pose lol

– Lolol

– Why are you doing this lol

Then, in a subdued tone, she said.

“···I guess I have to give it up, right?”

– Declaration of surrender, here we go

– Surrender mode ON

-(Throwing a thousand won) Ah lol, shooting makes sense

-Oh, so many explosions




[‘GamingFanatic’ has donated 10,000 won.]

– You’re awesome, sensei

[‘MACLERAN’ has donated 100$.]

-(PogChamp)What a POG!!!!!!!!!!

[‘ChampLover’ has donated 50,000 won.]

– Isn’t this crazy lololol




Donations poured in like a flood.

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