I Really Didn’t Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 590: 383: Ant Nest, The Prodigal Returns Home [7300 words]_4

Chapter 590: Chapter 383: Ant Nest, The Prodigal Returns Home [7300 words]_4

It didn’t take long for the white lights at the tips of these angular warships to connect in pairs, forming a new large web outside the solar dome.

From time to time, faint glimmers ripple between the gridlines of the web, swallowing and emitting tiny electrical sparks.

Although Harrison Clark had never seen this technology before, the technical department analyzed that the characteristics of these electrical sparks were similar to the white light beams previously emitted by the spherical battleships, only with much higher energy intensity.

The technical department analyzed and believed that the electrical spark chain-lock network was the Compound-Eyed Observer’s own mastered technology.

The purpose of the opponent’s deployment was to withdraw the solar dome and then use their own technology to achieve perfect suppression.

As expected, after the chain-lock network was formed, the solar dome began to flicker again, about to disappear.

Harrison Clark counted down in his heart according to his own experience.

“Three, two, one…”

Inside the command ship, Nora Camp picked up the communicator and said calmly, “Everyone, for every second we hold on, we can collect one more second of information for Harrison Clark. Soldiers, scholars, workers, for ourselves, for the future, for the right to live freely under the stars one day, to see the true face of the universe, hold tight to the weapons in your hands! Fight to the last moment!”

The Solar Dome disappeared!

Harrison Clark, who was conducting small-scale random maneuvers, suddenly changed direction and sprinted towards the nearest angular warship in the universe.

The other human fleets almost simultaneously launched their own desperate charges.

Without the support of stars, Nora Camp could no longer perfectly control the warships on both macro and micro levels. She could only divide the fleet into eight new legions formed by integration, and then give relatively flexible orders to the commanders of the major legions.

In the blink of an eye, Harrison Clark had rushed to a position less than 3,000 kilometers in front of an angular warship, but he did not recklessly advance.

During the charge, his eyelids suddenly twitched, and a sense of alarm arose. After making several changes in direction and pulling back, he reviewed the combat report and realized that he had walked through death’s door.

It turned out that the path he had taken, the distance between the solar dome and the enemy formation, had already been filled with layers of dark black clusters.

These dark black clusters had no photoelectric effect and did not release any external gravity, indicating a unique application of some dark matter.

Near the dark black clusters, there were densely distributed countless physical toxins.

As he made evasive maneuvers, thick white arcs followed him.

One more step forward, and he would be dead; a little slower, and he would still be dead.

While fleeing, he left some Trickster Mines in place, and also launched many real-warhead missiles.

Some of the missiles were aimed at enemy ships, while others were deliberately fired into the gaps between the enemy ships’ web grids.

The Trickster Mines he left behind were hooked by the arcs, and they melted and shattered directly, unable to explode, turning into a ball of flame that burned itself out.

The missiles fired at enemy ships were hit by the tree-branch-shaped arcs suddenly shot out from the tops of the enemy ships, melting and disintegrating into extremely tiny particles, then turning into a ball of flame.

These particles were protons and neutrons.

As for the missiles shooting at the grid gaps, they fared no better.

When passing through the gap’s plane, thin arcs swept over them, turning the missiles into powder and scattering them like fireworks.

Clarks withdrew because he found that the angular warships forming the battle formation were still advancing synchronously at 0.5 times the speed of light.

At this trend, in at most ten days, the entire Solar System would be swept by this chain-link network.

All the matter in the Solar System, except for the Sun’s main body, would be completely shattered into particles of protons and neutrons.

Humans could only keep retreating until they had their backs against the Sun and nowhere left to run.

“Harrison Clark, we now have two choices. First, retreat and try to hold on for a few more days. Second, advance, concentrate on attacking a single web grid, and see if we can break out and escape, one by one.”

Harrison Clark thought for a moment, “The purpose of the first plan is to live a few more days, but it also loses the opportunity to investigate the enemy’s methods.”

Nora Camp nodded, “Yes, so we can only charge out.”

Harrison Clark nodded across the void, “I’ll go ahead and try to open a gap.”

Just as Nora Camp was about to order the entire army to charge, the intelligence officer suddenly shouted, “New information! Two unidentified fleets are approaching the Solar System!”

Nora Camp quickly ordered a standby, withdrew the formation, and watched the situation.

At the same time, she opened the remote projection.A moment later, her eyes became lifeless.

Harrison Clark stared blankly at the projection, his mind buzzing.

The starry sky projection had finished updating.

About 70,000 kilometers behind the Angular Warship formation, a massive fleet appeared abruptly.

The ships in this fleet shared a uniform shape: twin oval rotors on top and bottom, with a central command room structure in the middle.

Each ship stood three kilometers tall, with oval twin rotors 7.7 kilometers long. The central functional connection was comet-shaped, stretching 5.6 kilometers long.

The upper and lower oval twin rotors represented an alternative direction of development for curvature flight technology, which had been theoretically proven viable.

This fleet had suddenly appeared after traveling precisely at twice the speed of light before it stopped abruptly.

The entire fleet consisted of 80 million identical twin-rotor ships.

At the other end of the Solar System, there was another enormous fleet of 50 million Triangular Warships.

People’s emotions surged; they had no idea where these two massive fleets came from and whether they were friend or foe.

However, the battlefield intelligence officer quickly revealed two emblems.

Both were painted on all Twin-rotor Warships and Triangular Warships.

One emblem showed a bright red flag with 56 stars, and the other was the United Nations Emblem, which Harrison Clark was once very familiar with.

Two solemn voices sounded out on the human communication channel.

“Perkin, Commander-in-Chief of the Proxima Centauri Fleet, reporting to our Homeworld Earth!”

“Garon Wescott, commander of the Barnard’s Star Fleet, reporting to our Homeworld Earth!”

“We have returned!”

Harrison Clark clenched his fists uncontrollably, but a second later, he became outraged.

He roared, “You bastards! Didn’t I tell you never to look back!”

No one had expected that these two entirely unplanned reinforcements would arrive at this last moment.

Over 500 years ago, countless colony ships were sacrificed, but humanity still managed to establish two colonies in the Proxima Centauri and Barnard’s Star Systems.

Now, these two colonies’ “wanderers” have defied the pledges made 540 years ago and arrived at the battlefield at the same time during this decisive battle.

Their sense of timing seemed to be off, as they were late by 17 hours and 8 minutes. But they finally arrived regardless.

Perkin and Garon stared at Harrison Clark’s figure in the quantum communication, first stunned, then ecstatic, and finally rapidly regaining composure.

The two commanders exchanged glances. Perkin spoke first, “Hello, General who looks exactly like our ancestor Harrison Clark, we must, and can only participate in this war. Unless we can annihilate this Compound-Eyed Observer’s army here today, the Milky Way Galaxy will never know peace, and humanity will have nowhere to go.”

Garon continued, “I’m sorry, we really couldn’t stand idly by. The Milky Way is enormous to us, but to the Compound Eye Civilization, it only takes a thousand years to complete one patrol. We cannot stay out of it. If our Homeworld is destroyed, we will be next.”

Harrison Clark pondered for a moment, “So you decided to return to the Solar System and fight them head-on, years ago?”

Garon: “Yes.”

Perkin: “In fact, the Solar System Barrier is now above the Proxima Centauri System.”

Garon: “The next is Barnard’s Star.”

Perkin: “Unless we can go further, leave the Milky Way and head for the Extragalactic Galaxy, we have no choice. Over the past five hundred years, our two colonies have had some contact with other civilizations within the Milky Way, so we can confirm that this fleet is the entire military force of the Compound Eye Civilization within the Milky Way.”

A moment later, Harrison Clark understood a lot more.

He slightly adjusted his stance, turning his head toward the Angular Warship formation in front, “Well, might as well give them a good fight whether we succeed or not.”

Nora Camp, Garon, and Perkin, the three commanders, almost simultaneously issued their orders.

“All-out attack!”

“No reserve force! Charge!”


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