I Pulled Out the Excalibur

Chapter 103

Chapter 103 – Battle for Supremacy (1)

Sword Master, Yuel Razian.

Words describing her, holding a position equivalent to the High Priest of the Starblood Sect, are invariably brutal. Assassin, madwoman, mass murderer, executioner… These epithets serve more to emphasize her danger than to describe her.

It’s unavoidable.

Objectively, Yuel Razian is a dangerous individual.

Given a suitable cause, she willingly draws her sword. Willingly kills. There’s no hesitation or obstacle in her murders. She merely contemplates briefly, “Can I kill this person without repercussions?”

『She’s a lunatic.』

『A madwoman completely detached from the world’s common sense!』

『That such a person represents the will of the stars, the Starblood Sect has really gone too far…』

Though none would dare say this to her face, numerous powerholders have discussed Yuel’s temperament, generally in a negative light.

『However, if we discuss her appearance…』

But if the topic shifts slightly.

For instance, to a discussion on the appearance of Yuel Razian, negative opinions evaporate cleanly.

『She could truly be called a peerless beauty.』

『White hair, red eyes, an endlessly cold face. Her expressionlessness might seem lifeless at first, but even that becomes part of her charm.』

『It’s as if one is enchanted by her. There are rumors that the corpses of those she has executed wear mesmerized expressions.』

『She embodies contradiction. The inside and outside are completely different, aren’t they? Inside is a bloodthirsty murderer, yet outwardly, she is a peerless beauty.』

『Isn’t that part of her charm?』

『Yes, I agree there.』

Such discussions about the beauty of a Sword Master known as a murderer occur often among nobles behind the safety of social gatherings. After all, speaking thus in her presence would surely lead to decapitation.

『Even without expression, she is like a work of art.』

『What if that liveliness were enhanced by a smile?』

『I’ve heard that she smiles if one offers her a very expensive drink.』

『It would need to be of Starblood Wine grade, wouldn’t it?』

And, some have poured gold coins to catch a glimpse of Yuel Razian’s smile. “If you present her with top-tier wines and spirits, she might grace you with a faint smile, and it’s well worth it,” say the nobles who have seen her smile.

In Yuel Razian’s smile.

There is the worth of hundreds of platinum coins.

Amidst such rumors circulating among the powerholders, there stood a young boy. Before him was Yuel Razian, smiling brightly. Although her smile was indeed beautiful…

‘This is fucked.’

The boy, Najin, couldn’t feel the beauty of that smile. He sensed the deep murderous intent behind it instead. Cold sweat ran down his spine.

“Explain. I’ll give you a chance.”

Still, Yuel Razian was smiling.

To some, it was a smile worth hundreds of platinum coins to see, but to Najin, it was a smile that made him want to flee the scene immediately.

The sound of Merlin’s laughter echoed in Najin’s ears. If he squinted, he could faintly see Merlin holding her stomach and laughing uproariously.

-You really got yourself into it, heh, heh heh…

While Najin was seriously considering his excuses, was it really appropriate for his guide to act like this? Najin looked at Merlin with a cold gaze. Regardless, Merlin was now chuckling even harder than before.

“Technically, there’s no need to explain.”

As Najin remained silent, Yuel began to speak. As if the murderous intent she had shown till now were just casual greetings exchanged in conversation, it vanished in an instant.

“I haven’t heard your name, but I know your age, and since that’s true, I’ll let it slide. I’m somewhat displeased you met with the Sword Saint first…”

She spoke while munching on some snacks.

“I’ll let that pass too, given what you showed today.”

“What I showed?”

“Your sword aura. The one that takes the shape of constellations. It was beautiful. Yes, truly beautiful.”

Yuel repeated opening and closing her fist in the air. Najin understood what that gesture meant. It was the motion to summon her weapon, the Starblood Greatsword.

“I almost drew my sword impulsively. When I see something beautiful, I want to cut it. Fortunately, I restrained myself because two Sword Masters and the Emperor were watching…”

With her blood-red eyes filled with murderous intent, Yuel glanced at Najin. She licked her lips while looking at the sword at Najin’s hip.

“It’s still tempting. What do you say? Won’t you duel with me? I’d like to cut that sword aura of yours. I’d also like to dissect it.”

“I thought you said we’d postpone it?”

“I did, but words tend to bounce here and there, don’t they?”

“I respectfully decline.”

“That’s a pity.”

Yuel sipped her drink.

As the uncomfortable time continued, someone knocked on the door of the reception room. At that moment, Yuel’s eyes narrowed. She wasn’t usually an authoritative person, but this was a completely different issue.

She was the first visitor. Here she was, a Sword Master and an Inquisitor of the Starblood Sect, engaged in a major discussion with the young boy, and someone dared to intrude on this valuable time?

Just as her eyes narrowed momentarily from the interruption, the door opened and the person who entered made Yuel’s eyes widen slightly. The person who stood there was worth the disruption.

“Ah, we have a prior guest here.”

Master of the Order of the Sword, Sword Saint, Karan.

He scratched the back of his neck as he entered the reception room. Naturally, Karan and Yuel had a somewhat uncomfortable relationship. Who would like someone who was always ready to kill them?

Yet, his presence here, even knowing Yuel was present, was to assist Najin. Karan gave Najin a casual shrug.

Like a lamb that had found its savior, Najin nodded towards Karan. Karan grimaced with a smile and sat down on the sofa in the reception room.

“Mind if I join you, Yuel?”

“Of course. You have that right. Would you like a drink?”

“I’ll pass. That liquor tastes terrible.”

“What did you say?”

“It’s only poisonous, isn’t it, the taste. What pleasure is there in drinking something that feels like it’s burning down your throat…”

While Yuel glared at Karan with wide-open eyes, Karan casually looked away and glanced at Najin.

“Your name was Najin, right? You’re even younger than I thought. Anyway, congrats on becoming the youngest Sword Seeker, boy.”

Saying this, Karan tossed a sword towards Najin. It was a sword with the emblem of the Order of the Sword.

“As the Master of the Order of the Sword, Sword Saint Karan, this is a gift representing the Order and a personal gesture of goodwill.”

Najin caught the sword and looked at it.

He slightly pulled the sword from its sheath, revealing a jet-black blade. It was forged from ‘rare metal,’ a material only master smiths could handle. Truly a top-tier item.

Najin widened his eyes and looked at Karan. Karan grinned and spoke.

“The Order of the Sword celebrates the birth of its youngest Sword Seeker. A swordsman who has marked a new chapter in the history of swords deserves a blade worthy of his reputation.”

“Thank you. I truly appreciate it.”

“Keep your old longsword and visit the Magic Tower later. Rare metal has the property of absorbing and enhancing refined metals… perhaps it could be combined with your current sword.”

Najin alternated his gaze between the sword he usually wore at his waist and the one he had received from Karan. The sword that Master Hogel had made for him. It had been getting dull and damaged, and he had been reluctant to replace it, but now…

‘But now…’

A smile spread across Najin’s lips.

“I’m glad. I wanted to keep it a bit longer.”

“It’s natural to grow attached to the first sword tailored for you. I understand. The sword I’m using now also contains the first sword I received from my master.”

Karan tapped his sword hilt and laughed.

While the two laughed, Yuel silently sipped her drink. After a while, she slammed her drink down with a loud thud.


Karan and Najin’s gaze turned towards Yuel.

As if asking if she had anything to say.

“Don’t look at me like that. I haven’t come empty-handed either. I have my own position to consider.”


“I am an Inquisitor of the Starblood Sect. While the High Priest and I use each other, I am still affiliated with the sect, so I have duties to perform.”

She pulled out a letter from her attire.

“Considering what you vowed before the Sun of the Empire, you’re not planning to join any particular group. So, the letter sent by the sect probably won’t mean much to you…”

Yuel produced five letters.

Mumbling that they were meaningless, she flicked her finger, and four of the letters turned to dust. She then handed the remaining letter to Najin.

“In recognition of your achievements in the eradication of the dark mage Fauve and the Demon Knight, the Starblood Sect grants you the right to own a masterpiece.”

The handed-over letter was inscribed with ‘Masterpiece Ownership’, and the emblem of the Starblood Sect was engraved on it.

“From ancient times, the Starblood Sect, along with the Empire’s core, has managed and overseen masterpieces. If the Empire has the ‘Masterpiece Granting Right’, the right to own them, the ‘Masterpiece Ownership Right’, is held by the Starblood Sect.”

Yuel pointed at the letter in Najin’s hand.

“This grants you the right to deal with or subdue anyone possessing an unlicensed masterpiece, or to own any new masterpieces you discover.”

For instance, had you had this ownership right when you subdued Fauve, you could have owned the masterpiece ‘Shadowflame’. Explaining this, Yuel exhaled briefly.

“You will encounter many owners of masterpieces in the Demon Realm. The high demons that rule the Demon Realm possess masterpieces. It will probably be helpful.”

What is the reason for giving this to me? Najin looked at her with questioning eyes, and Yuel shrugged.

“Haven’t I said? The Starblood Sect highly values your contributions. This is provided as a sort of bribe to assist you in hunting demons and dark mages in the future.”

Well, she said it.

“Whenever you have the time, visit the main church of the Starblood Sect and seek out High Priestess Milcentia. It seems she has a great interest in you.”

As rumors spread that Najin had emerged from the imperial palace and was staying in the reception room, countless people directed their steps towards his location.

The youngest Sword Seeker, Najin.

An individual who had achieved incredible feats and whose future prospects were bright. If Najin had been affiliated with the imperial knighthood, any thoughts of recruitment would need to be cleanly abandoned, but the palace had yet to make any additional announcements.

Thus, this was an opportunity. If the boy was still deliberating, now was the perfect time to snatch him up!

Holding that thought, numerous groups stationed in the imperial city began sending their people. Those stuffed with bribes headed towards the reception room where Najin was staying. The Magic Tower, guilds, knighthoods, mercenary bands…

The great groups of the empire dispatched their personnel.

All of them were individuals who wouldn’t be embarrassed anywhere. If news that they had sent people spread, even notable nobles would jump in fright and treat them as honored guests. Therefore, while they schemed to recruit Najin, they maintained their dignity as they arrived at the reception room.


The moment they arrived at the reception room.

None of them dared to knock on the door, and they had to widen their eyes in shock. They had no choice.

Inside the reception room were two transcendent beings.

Sword Saint Karan of the Order of the Sword and Inquisitor Yuel Razian of the Starblood Sect. With two Sword Masters already present as the first visitors, who could dare to knock on that door?

In front of transcendent beings, no group could assert its dignity. Therefore, they stood silently outside for hours, unable to even announce their presence.


As they aimlessly spent time outside the door, footsteps were heard from somewhere. They raised their heads to look towards the source of the sound.

‘Another one to wait.’

As they were about to check which group the new guest belonged to, they widened their eyes in shock and immediately knelt down upon recognizing the newcomer’s face.


Without giving a second glance to those who had bowed their heads, the old man stopped in front of the door. No one could dare to knock on a door where transcendent beings dwelled, but the individual who had stopped was an exception. He too was a transcendent being.

The Empire’s First Pillar.

The Empire’s First Sword, Gerd, knocked on the door of the reception room.

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