I Played the Role of the Adopted Daughter Too Well

Chapter 68

Jermi tilted his head. Kang Hanjun?

Even the pronunciation was unfamiliar to him.

Someone walked out of the darkness, a young boy with blue hair and blue eyes.

Jermi looked at the boy curiously and asked, You. Are you a human being? You cant be

It was strange. It had eyes, but there were no signs of life within them. It felt like a ghost.

Im a spirit.


Its my first time seeing a spirit, Jermi said curiously.

Its my first time seeing a human being, too.

The spirit headed for Viola. As she had already come to her senses, she felt her heart pounding.

Korea. And Kang Hanjun. That spirit knows about me.

Did it go through the spirit gate? What if it became known that she came from another world and occupied the body of Viola?

She might be hunted as a witch. Xenon didnt even seem to be around, which meant he was probably wandering somewhere.

At least the spirit didnt know everything about her. If it had to ask what Korea was and if Jermi was Kang Hanjun, then it didnt know everything.

Violas heart became lighter.

Well, I dont know either.

No way.

That cant be true.

Viola took out the dagger and approached the spirit.

What are you doing?

Youre a spirit who passed the spirit gate without signing a contract with a human being, right? She walked without hesitation and grabbed the boy in the back of his head and put the dagger to his neck.

The boy struggled, but could not overcome Violas grip. Let me go! Im going to get angry!

What are you going to do? Uncontracted spirits lose most of their power as they pass through the spirit gate.

Wait, what?

He seems to have passed through the gate out of curiosity.

The boy continued struggling futilely.

And I dont know if youve heard of it, but this dagger is a magic weapon made at Verratouxs special production workshop. She pressed it lightly on the boys neck. Magic weapons can also hurt the spirits body.

The spirit swallowed nervously. Anyone could see that he was scared.

So youd better stop thinking about playing tricks by peeking at other peoples memories. Viola squinted her eyes and sent her mana into him just as he had done. She began to glow.

And then he began to hiccup. Young spirits tended to hiccup when they felt extreme fear.

I hope you dont even claim that the distorted things you saw in your dreams are my memories.

But the people in white gowns in something with four wheels that makes a loud noise

I had a similar dream. I put the dagger closer.

The spirits body trembled, mana pulsing. Right. A dream.


Yeah. I think I heard my sister tell me that dream. Let me go.

Viola held firmly onto the dagger.

When are you going to let go of my head?

Im not going to.


If I let you go, youll run away.

I wont run away.

Okay. Still, she did not let go.

You agreed. Why didnt you let me go?

You just said that you wouldnt run.

Thats true, but Then let me go.

I dont want to.


The back of your head is cute.

The more the spirit spoke, the more he felt like he was falling into a deep abyss.

Viola asked, What kind of place is this? Why are spirits staying here?

Jermi walked with his hand on his chin. At that point, he thought they could let go of the spirit, but Viola didnt want to, which was a bit shocking.

He knew nothing about the spirits except that they existed. Viola, on the other hand, was impressively knowledgeable. Furthermore, she was even able to use it to her advantage.

How does she know all this?

She was really amazing at being a White Verratoux.

So, Spirit. Where are we going?

This historical site is the lab of someone called Gavgol, a wizard and spirit.

Can you practice magic as a spirit?

Thats what he said. I dont know either.

We walked along the dark passage. Jermi couldnt feel the pulse of the hostile energy from earlier.

How long had they been walking?


Light suddenly flooded them.

A room? No. Is it a lab?

Various potions and books littered the space. There was a large desk and a magic circle in front of them. It smelled damp and vaguely chemical inside.

Jermi found something amazing. Wow. That centipede is huge.

A centipede was seen running away in search of shade. It was as big as a humans forearm.

Viola almost freaked out. Ah!

Even if the centipede was big, it was too big. Shed never seen such a big bug. Honestly, she wanted to cry.

But Jermi took another step. Should I grab it? Its my first time seeing such a big centipede. Ill get it.

Stop it.

Huh? Why?


Because centipedes were scary. Everything with more than four legs was scary.

This is a historic site. Its better not to be frivolous. Each small element can be a trap and a danger.


Jermi smacked his lips as if he was disappointed. It was a pity that he couldnt catch the centipede.

He still looked like he wanted to go after it, so Viola hurriedly said, This is Gavgols lab, right?

Uh, yeah, the spirit replied. The back of my head hurts. When are you going to let me go?

She didnt mean to let go. In the original work, Jermis colleague Nadia, who came here with him, held the spirits hair until the end.

What kind of research did you do here?

I dont know because I was just born.

Yeah, I guess so. Viola looked around. I dont think the conditions are very favorable for the door to open.

Oh? Viola, there are favorable conditions for the door to open?


Spirit gates usually opened where the energy of nature was plentiful. Deep in the forest, where there is a lake, the sunlight is warm, and the soil is alive. It would have been a place rich in mana stones and mana crystals, as well as a strong wind.

At the same time, it had to have a special topography in which mana could flow into one place and accumulate.

This doesnt meet any conditions. So, that must be a magic circle that can artificially open the spirit door.

Both Jermi and the spirit nodded.

Oh, I see.

Wow. I see too. Argh. The back of my head! Dont hurt my skin.

Spirit, you didnt know either?

I didnt know either. I told you. Im a new spirit.

How do you know, Viola?

I dont know either!

What do you mean? Jermis interest was piqued. He thought that he was glad to come with Viola. As expected, its fun to play with a smart person.

Viola was surprised. That was very similar to what the original Jermi had said to his colleague Nadia here.

There was just a small difference. He said play for Viola, and go for Nadia.

It was very subtly different from the original.

So I think that magic circle plays a role in opening the spirit door and forcibly increasing spirit affinity. This was a laboratory that conducted such research.

Then, with that magic circle, is it possible to make a contract with a spirit even if ones spirit affinity is low?

I think so, if the research was successful.

If it was successful, shouldnt it be known to the world?

If there was a way for even people with low affinity to sign a contract with a spirit, the world would greatly welcome that method.

No. You have to think the other way around. Theres a lot of things we dont understand in the world.

What are you talking about?

Would you welcome the increasing number of spirits from a different world?

Magic was a study that pursued convenience by artificially processing the energy of nature.

Spirit techniques sought convenience by borrowing the power of spirits to supplement natural energy.

The two were conflicting disciplines.

The wizards dont want more spirits.

And since ancient times, wizards had been powerful people.

So this must have been secretly studied here.

Is that the way things are going?


This reasoning was all said by Nadia. Viola only recited the contents of the novel.

However, Jermi did not know that.

Why are you so cool?


No, nothing. Jermi laughed.

It was fun to be with Viola. Not only that, but she also broadened his perspectives. How much more amazing could the world be?

You were able to infer all of that by combining the clues here.

Viola felt the wind blowing. This was a blocked room on all sides, which meant there was no room for wind.

The Spirit of the Wind

Perhaps the spirit door was a little open. It was like the novel. When Jermi and Nadia arrived here, it was expressed that the spirit door was slightly open.

We dont have time. The spirit door is not open for a long time. You have to hurry.

Even Viola felt the urgency. This was the right time.

It was an opportunity to open the spirit gate and proceed with a proper contract with the spirit.

Viola strode toward the markings on the floor. She stood in front of the magic circle, but nothing changed. However, when I stood in the middle of the magic circle, the spirit she was holding was invigorated.


The spirit shook off Violas hand. The power from the spirit gate seemed to have partially restored his power.

Jermi. Overpower him.

Fortunately, it went the same as the novel. Jermi moved quickly. His sword was also a great sword in the Battle of the Mages, and it was not very difficult to overpower the spirit.

Quick, Brother. Help me.

I wont kill you.

Viola told Jermi to overpower him, so it was enough to overpower him.

He laughed and said, Hes more amazing than a centipede. Of course I cant kill him.

Then he kept his thoughts on dissecting the spirit to himself because he didnt want to get scolded.

Viola said, Five vertices.

A star-shaped figure inscribed within the circle. There was a recessed space at each vertex.

I think I know what to do. She moved quickly and grabbed a handful of things that were scattered around.

She touched the magic torch on the wall and saw that a red bead of energy gathered in her hand. When she touched the stagnant water on the floor, this time, the energy in the shape of a blue bead gathered in Violas hand.

What are you doing?

When Viola touched the steel magic staff on the wall, then gold beads

She touched the wooden bookshelf, a reddish-brown bead was formed.

Finally, when she touched the soil on the floor, a soil-colored bead was formed.

Five beads?

Viola put the beads one by one at each point of the star. Hollows sucked in the beads like black holes, and at the same time, something amazing began to happen.

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