I Played the Role of the Adopted Daughter Too Well

Chapter 25

Duchess Isabella bit her lip slightly.

It was something that was way beyond her expectations.

How should she put it?

It felt like she was beaten.

In that short amount of time, she knew everything even though she only heard the word Seventh Princess?

To be honest, she had somewhat expected Violas reactions. For instance, she expected her to probably stab the doll butler. Though instead, Violas response far exceeded her expectationsnot only that she didnt stab the doll, she chose to cut the thread instead as if she had known everything.

That wasnt the end.

She even guessed the identity of the person controlling the doll at once. Viola figured it all out too accurately.

She was born with an unbelievable insight.

The situation was shocking.

Moreover, Viola is only seven years old.

That child is dangerous..

How can a seven years old know this much? In addition, Duke Heron even praised her as great. In fact, to be honest, that was the most shocking thing of all.

Duchess Isabella looked at the Duke.

I cant believe you complimented me.

Well, you did something to be praised.

Again, the silence fell.

Of all the Dukes five children, only the First Princess heard his praise once in a while. Duke Heron is rather stingy in giving praises But, he complimented Viola, especially, in the presence of all the other families gathered.

It was very significant.

Although she was the last to jump into the race for succession, now, she was starting with an advantage.

The Duchess asked again.

Isnt the second question meaningless, you said?

Do as you wish. The two questions are the Duchess rights.

Youve already praised me, so I didnt think its necessary.

It shouldnt end like this.

So, Viola answered nonchalantly.

Though the second question is obvious.

Because she knows everything from the novel.

She continued her words, Its not a question of why, how dare you, wield a weapon in front of the Duke and the Duchess?

And so, Viola did her best to answer all the questions without showing any nervousness.

At the moment, silence, once again, filled the dining hall.

It was because all of her words were correct.

Isabella was speechless at the moment. She didnt expect the little princess to have come this far.

What answer will she reply to that question?

The thought that she shouldnt have asked those questions aroused in Isabellas mind for no reason.


Duke Heron finally spoke again. His gaze did not fall from Viola.

The way she looks right now

Shes acting like Verratoux. Not once did she avoid Isabellas gaze. More importantly, Viola was not showing signs of falling behind Isabella but rather, showing the lead.

Violas actions and thoughts are more like Verratoux than anyone else, which was a praiseworthy attitude and behavior.

But, why am I?

He didnt feel very well.

Viola was now looking more Verratoux than anyone else.

As Xenon said, perhaps this child would show an advanced Verratoux.

It was a good thing.

Still, strangely, he felt bad

Feel free!

The little girl who said feel free! came to mind again. The hand that held out the egg tart came to mind againThe little child with that hand looked at himself with eyes full of affection.

Love for no reason. Blind favorability towards me.

It was read in the dukes Sincere Eye.

Its a good feeling that Ive never felt for a long time.

The most Verratoux.

It was still not clear why that thoroughly calculating child has such illogical affinity.

And, the weirdest thing is

That blind and strange favor wasnt that bad. In his life as Duke of Verratoux, he had never received such love without reason. The answer was simple, it was because everyone who ever showed favor to the Duke always had some ulterior reason.

Whatever it may be, that child had no such reason.

Fear me, yet love me.

Still, he didnt hate it.

That was the very first unfamiliar feeling that he felt for the first time while reigning as the Lord of the Winter Castle and Duke Verratoux.

Why do I feel Isnt that bad?

The Duke kept a straight face and tried to correct his thoughts.

No, shes Veratoux. So, I am just in a good mood. It has nothing to do with that childs unfamiliar feelings.

Adopting a child that is More Verratoux than anyone else meant that she was of Veratoux achievements.

With those thoughts, his eyes sank deeply.

Meanwhile, reading his deep look, it seemed that Isabella had misunderstood the Dukes state of mind.

I didnt expect you to be so deeply pleased.

If Viola was seventeen, not seven, it might have had a huge impact on the succession structure. So, it was quite fortunate that she is only seven years old.

It wasnt long before Duke Heron eventually opened his mouth.

Bring in the welcome gift.

Knock, knock.

After his words, there was a knock, and a man with gray hair and full of scars on his face appeared. It was Carlton, the butler.

He bent down politely.

I am Butler Carlton. Greetings to you.

There was a tray in his right hand.

Five potion bottles with different colors of liquid could be seen. The contents of the novel came to Violas mind.

The last test of the duke was the ability to doubt and the wick that should not obey authority.

[T/N:The last phrase represents Viola to be a person who shouldnt do the things that they want her to do. Since she is being tested, she should do something that is out of the basket and what they want her to do. The original Viola did so in the original novel, but Arin did something different that the Duchess was so surprised since she expected that Viola would do something like the Viola from the original novel to doThe wick or the candlewick in the phrase is a representation of a single person. ]

All five bottles are poison.

They are all deadly, poisonous poisons that, if she drinks it, she would undoubtedly die soon after. In other words, she shouldnt drink anything.

If in the original story, Duchess Isabella said,

Come on, Viola. For you to become my youngest daughter, I have a present for you.

Those liquids?

They all have different effects, but theyre potions made up of elixirs that are very good for Violas body.

Why should I drink such things?

The original viola drops the tray itself to the ground and continues in a harsh manner.

Why does it feel like Im being tested?

It was the Duke who brought me without even asking my opinion.

Viola, in the original novel, exudes relentless murderous energy toward the Duke. Then, like the female lead, she said some big, crazy words.

If I were stronger than you, I would have cut you down here and now.

Fortunately, she was the main character, or else she would have been in huge trouble.

Once again, Viola decided to do things a little differently. Something more like Han Arin.

Since its a gift for me, thank you.

Carlton, the butler, came closer. He then bent his back and knees down to match Violas height.

What color of the elixir will the Princess take?

Carlton grinned. It seemed as though he was just a nice old man.

However, she knew everything already.

In fact, Carlton was from a very famous assassin in the past. He was a man who failed to kill Duke Heron, but became his servant. And now, he became Duke Herons most trusted loyal butler.

Viola said to her father, who was sitting far away.

Although she had to raise her voice since he was quite far away.

From the time you called me the Seven Princess. It was already obvious that this was not a welcome dinner, but a place to test Viola Verratouxs qualifications.

Viola, in the original story, overturned this place. She made a strong impression, so to speak, by speaking up big words. Han Arin decided to take the wiser approach.

She laughed on purpose.

I think you wanted to know what you can expect from Viola Verratoux.

Smirking slightly, she slowly lifted a bottle of red liquid and dropped it to the ground in a flash.


The potion bottle broke with a loud noise.

The original Viola destroyed the entire tray, though Han Arin broke only one.

Do you really expect me to drink this?

The red liquid splashed all over the place. A few drops splashed onto Violas feet.

Oh, my God! Oh, its hot!

Ah, I thought my feet were burning

Viola managed to maintain a serene expression.

Anyone who has Verratouxs last name should be suspicious of everyone except themselves. I must say that is really true.

Duchess Isabella nodded. Thats good advice. Who told you that?

My butler.

You have a good butler.

Xenon, not too agitated, bent down next to Viola and wiped the broken pieces of the potion bottle. He lowered his face and cleaned up the glass shards, so she couldnt really see his face. Meanwhile, an ointment was taken out of his arms and slightly applied to Violas shin. His touch when he was applying ointment was gentle and delicate.

Viola lifted a bottle of purple liquid.

Though somehow this scent smells nostalgic. As if theres a special story behind it.

She could see it.

Duke Heron flinched very slightly.

She knew exactly why. That was because the purple potion is related to Herons only beloved wife, Rael.

Shall we open it?

To survive in this wild jungle, Viola decided to throw her gamble.

Duke Heron had become so cold and mechanical since he lost his only beloved wife fifteen years ago.

Duke Heron had a woman he loved dearly.

She died fifteen years ago.

Even though it did not actually appear in the story, Duke Heron would sit in a blue moonlit study room and murmur her name all by himself.

Her name is Rael.

She was a very good alchemist and potion maker. Tea was also one of her well-known works. And so, she was called the Water Magician.

The day she died, Rael smiled faintly and murmured.

My lonely man. I want to be with you forever.

She fell ill and died. It was stated that she had a rare disease.

I made a purple potion name Viola.

The character, Viola, was named after this potion.

Just before she died, she handed the potion Viola to the Duke.

If you drink this, youll die, too.

My lonely man. Come with me to a warm place.

It hurts less if we die together.

Duke Heron, who loved his wife, Rael, so much, almost wanted to commit suicide and drank the poison to be with her. However, his butler, Carlton, was the one who stopped him.

Anyway, it was a world view wherein there is no single sane person

A woman who gave poison to her husband to kill himself, and a husband who willingly accepted it. Her husband even named his adopted daughter after the poison.

Nothing seems to be normal in this story.

It is once again clear how mindless and insane this world is.

Duke Heron asked.

What are you doing?

I know its poison.

Saying so, Viola shook the glass bottle a little. The liquid, like grape juice, was glistening.

I want to try this for some reason.

Because of that, Xenon whispered in her ear.

Princess? Thats the most poisonous one of the five potions.


Viola chuckled.

Of course, it felt like she was going to die. Still, even if she decided to throw a gamble, that didnt mean she felt comfortable.

Its calling me, somehow it sounded like a womans voice?

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