I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 194: Well-behaved.JPG

Chapter 194: Well-behaved.JPG

Yuei Vu:

Seeing a group of muscular brothers with red faces, bragging, cheering while drinking, and a few of them doing some performance art with unknown meaning

For a moment, he thought that the way he opened the door was wrong.

However, the gatekeeper didnt feel anything was wrong at all. Instead, he put his hands on his hips and laughed loudly: Look, I said its very lively, right? Hahahaha!

Yuei Vu rolled his eyes at him and couldnt help being speechless.

Thats the truth, it is indeed very lively


This is so obviously abnormal, right? Arent we a duelist club?

Then, I would like to ask those brothers, what kind of operation is it to go to the duel stage and do a striptease without playing cards??

Noticing Yuei Vus strange gaze, the gatekeeper hurriedly explained: Oh, that one. Oh, its also a custom you brought up

Yuei Vu said that it was none of my business.

You people can talk nonsense. A group of muscular guys was dancing strip dances. Does it have anything to do with me?

I wont be responsible for any problems in the future, do you understand?

Yo, isnt this Yuei Vu!

It was Mr. Kurota who met Yuei Vu for the first time when he joined the club. At the moment, he was also looking frank, but in comparison, at least he was wearing a pair of big pants of the same style as the Hulk, otherwise, Yuei Vu would have to wash his eyes

Have you seen it? Hahahaha! Mr. Kurota laughed loudly while pointing at the hot dancers on the stage, Oh, I didnt expect you and I to lead the trend that day.

Because now you have become the Duel King, the role model and goal of everyone. I mentioned to everyone that in the first battle when you joined the club, the condition for our Shadow Game was that the loser had to strip dance. So now its an unwritten rule, and everyone wants to emulate you

Yuei Vu:

I dont know what to say.

Hey, hey, werent you the one who asked for the striptease? You are such a malicious slander!

Hey, speaking of it, a lot of fresh blood has been injected into our organization recently. Those newcomers are really more interesting than each other! Mr. Kurota said.

Yuei Vu soon realized that Kurota should be referring to the players who have been joining the club recently.

Because of Yuei Vu, the association of Nightcrawler World was getting more and more attention all over the world, especially among players.

As a result, more and more players discovered the prerequisite tasks for joining the club. Many players have worked overtime these days, day and night, completed a series of quests, and finally joined the harmonious and friendly family of Nightcrawler World as they wished.

Speaking of which, Yuei Vu remembered that when he first joined, even though the organization was full of macho men, the style didnt seem to be so weird?

It seemed that since the players joined, the organizations style has become more and more strange

Mr. Kurota continued: These duelists are all gentlemen, and they are the backbone of our organization in the future! Especially the newcomer named Yuei Cannot Escape Fae, he is very good! Things are done cleanly, never procrastinate in drinking. In short, he is a brave man! I like him very much!

Yuei Vu said in his heart: The two of you might as well be together, I think you two are quite suitable

Yuei Vu glanced over, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and noticed something.

From among the strong men drinking in a circle, he actually discovered

a girl?

What kind of brave girl would drink and fight with a group of brothers in this kind of place? (The drinking game was rock-paper-scissor)

And it looked like she has a pretty strong body and a good figure.

If you described it more seriously, it would be a swan flying gracefully, soft and charming, with slightly raised eyebrows and winking eyes like silk

In laymans terms, big and white.

Going closer and taking a closer look, Yuei Vu couldnt help being even more surprised.

Because he seemed to know this one.

Isnt this Tilla Mook who was beaten by my angry Dark Magician Girl to the point where she couldnt take care of herself? That pretty vampire big sister?

But isnt she Ghouls? Why do you still look familiar with a group of strong men in this kind of place?

A few minutes later, President Kawasawa Gais office.

Ahem, yes, I allowed her to join. President Gai nodded and confirmed, Although Tilla Mook was from Ghouls before, she has completely severed contact with Ghouls now, showing us her willingness to serve the world of Nightcrawler.

Yuei Vu glanced at Tilla Mook next to himthe latter lowered her head like a little girl who made a mistake and was invited to the teachers office, with an obedient at your mercy appearance.

Yuei Vu looked at the president suspiciously: But the president, didnt you say that she is an idiot and cannot be trusted at all?

Ah, that was the situation at that time. The president coughed lightly, The situation is always changing. Tilla Mook has proved her worth to us, and our Nightcrawler World has always been known for its kindness, and we are always happy to give second chances to duelists who have gone astray

Manager Nanmoku on the side said blankly: Tilla Mook gave too much money.

With a dark face, President Gai took out the Duel Disk from under the desk: Come on, come on, today I must turn you into a mute.

Yuei Vu coughed: Well I dont have any objections. But is this really okay, President? After all, she is a vampire, and she used to be Ghouls, our enemy.

She is looking for another way out now because Ghouls is finished, right? Can such a person be trusted?

After the Battle City Tournament ended, and the misunderstanding of the Tomb Keppers solved the dark personality in Mariks heart, the Ghouls organization basically existed in name only.

Originally, it was an organization that Marik had just pulled up recently, without any qualifications or background. Before, it was possible to be arrogant in the underground world because of Mariks Millennium Rod and the power of The Winged Dragon of Ra.

Not only were all these gone now, but Ghouls was still splitting internally. After the boss ran away, all kinds of mooks appeared to try to sit on the throne of the boss, and the internal chaos became a mess.

Its really hard to believe sincerity that Tilla Mook came to seek refuge at such a critical moment.

And Yuei Vu remembered that he seemed to have pulled out her deck before

As a result, Tilla Mook raised her head at this moment and said with a smile: If you are worried that I will rebel, Master Yuei Vu, I will definitely not Or, I cant do it.

Oh? How should I say it?

Remember the Shadow Game we had before?

I remember. Yuei Vu folded his arms, You ended up in a terrible situation.

Yeah, its all my fault for challenging you. Tilla Mook sighed and said, Then do you remember what the penalty for defeat I mentioned when we started the Shadow Game?

Yuei Vu thought for a while: If I lose, you will suck my blood? Wait, thats wrong

Yes, I said at the time that if I win, I will take your body. Tilla Mook was a little embarrassed when she said, I lost in the end, so

Yuei Vu: ?

Tilla Mook blinked her eyes frantically and hinted: My defeat penalty has not been paid yet, so I cant hurt you.

And as a winner, you can ask me to do anything ~ anything you want

Tilla Mook: Well-behaved.JPG.

Yuei Vu thought about it.

Anything I want?

Since thats the case

He thought for a while, then looked at Tilla Mook expressionlessly: Then you go out and run around this building ten laps no, fifty laps. Well talk about it after running.

Tilla Mook: ???

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