I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 1231: The Trump Card For Reversal

"Floodgate Trap Hole's effect – When the opponent Summons a monster: Change that monster to face-down Defense Position. Monsters changed to face-down Defense Position by this effect cannot change their battle positions! "

Here it comes again, another blanket.

It's endless.

Are you the leader of the Blanket Gang?

Poor Dark Magician of Chaos Unit No. 2 was flipped before it could stand firmly. As a result, three big monsters on Yuei Vu's field – two chaos magicians and one priestess – were all in the same covered state.

"I told you, you have no chance." Mr. T smiled confidently.

He felt that in this way, Yuei Vu should have no cards to play.

His monsters were flipped three times in one turn, and his powerful Spellbook was negated. Mr. T didn't believe that he couldn't trap Yuei Vu like this.

And in his next turn, he could play "Aleister the Invoker" in his hand, retrieve "Invocation" from the deck, and summon a powerful Invoked to the field.

This time, he planned to summon the FIRE-attribute Invoked, "Invoked Purgatrio".

This Invoked could attack all monsters on the opponent's field once each, and it had the ability to inflict piercing battle damage.

As long as the three face-down defense monsters on Yuei Vu's field were blown up in one breath, the piercing battle damage would be enough to kill him directly!

I won this duel!

"To be honest," Yuei Vu looked at him calmly, "you really surprised me. The combination of Elementsaber and Aleister… I don't encounter many powerful opponents like this. ”

“Oh, do you still have time to say such things?” Mr. T chuckled, “Don’t worry, I will also be the most impressive and last opponent you encounter.”

“I doubt that.” Yuei Vu shrugged, “Although the second Dark Magician of Chaos was flipped face-down by you again…but you must not have forgotten it, right?

When the Dark Magician of Chaos is successfully summoned, he can return a Spell Card from my graveyard to my hand.”

Mr. T raised his eyebrows under his sunglasses again.

“Same as the first Dark Magician of Chaos, even if he was flipped face-down by ‘Floodgate Trap Hole’, his summon is still considered successful, so the activation of this effect will not be interrupted.”

Yuei Vu drew a card that popped out from the Graveyard.

“Therefore, I return this card from the graveyard to my hand… the Spell Card ‘Graceful Charity’.”

Yuei Vu briefly displayed the card, and then directly inserted it into the Duel Disk.

“Spell Card ‘Graceful Charity’ is activated! Draw 3 cards, then discard 2 cards. "

"Oh?" Mr. T said, "I see, you can draw three new cards, and there may be something that can reverse the situation.

But even if you draw three cards, only one can remain in your hand.

Finally decided to leave the victory to luck, and bet on the possibility of turning the tables with the last card?!"

"Luck?" Yuei Vu smiled, "Sorry, this is not luck. If you want to see who is more unlucky, then I have absolute confidence.

Luck and the like, I will never have it in this life. "

After a pause, he turned and said: "But have you heard a saying?"


"Everything is inevitable for a true duelist, and every card draw is destined." Yuei Vu said seriously, "In the next three cards, there will be a trump card that can counterattack from this situation. "

Mr. T laughed.

"Interesting… In this situation, with only one card, what do you plan to use to reverse the situation?"

"To be honest, I don't know." Yuei Vu smiled and slowly raised his hand, "But as my students often say—it is precisely because we don't know that the duel is interesting.

I didn't quite understand it before, but now I understand a little bit why he is so keen on it. "

You can't even imagine the joy of divine drawing.

"Bluffing." Mr. T snorted.

"Whether it is a bluff or not, we will know after confirming it." Yuei Vu became serious, "According to the effect of ‘Graceful Charity', I draw three cards! "

Three cards were drawn from the deck, and Mr. T narrowed his eyes behind his sunglasses and subconsciously held his breath.

Although he didn't say it, he actually had a bad feeling.

He knew clearly that the card-drawing skills of the Duel Kings of each generation were quite weird, and it was not impossible for him to draw something troublesome.

Sure enough, after seeing the three cards that were newly drawn, Yuei Vu picked out two cards without saying a word directly discarded them to the graveyard, and raised the last card high…

"I release two ‘Dark Magician of Chaos' on the field! Tribute Summon!"

Mr. T: "! ?"

He actually has to… Tribute Summon at this juncture?

Oh no, don't tell me that card is…

"The god bound to the earth, the immortal born from the Nazca Lines—

–Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu!!! "

The Nazca lines, as thick as an airport runway, and the purple-black lines appeared on the green grass. The sacred white temple was surrounded by purple-black flames, and the Nazca images occupied the spiritual field. The entire duel field seemed to be burning.

A stone heart appeared in the sky, beating with the sound of drumsticks. The shadow of a black giant emerged, the grass was forced to open, and a huge black palm poked out from the cracks in the ground. The giant seemed to drill out from the other side of the horizon.

The blue lines ran on the giant's black skin. He looked down, and half of his body seemed to be surrounded by the cold underworld flames.

The huge body was like a dark mountain, standing outside the palace of the Elemental Lords, as if dominating the entire earth.

[Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu, ATK 3000]

"It's actually the Earthbound Immortal!? "

Mr. T lost his composure.

"The clone of the King of the Underworld, the trump card of the Dark Signers?"

Looking at the towering black giant, the unparalleled aura and suppression power, Mr. T could only feel unbelievable.

In this situation, he actually summoned the Earthbound Immortal at the very end?!

It is exactly the trump card that "one card can reverse the situation"!

"Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu can attack directly when there is a Field Spell Card on the field." Yuei Vu said lightly.

"Oh no…"

There was indeed a Field Spell Card on the field.

Unfortunately, it was Mr. T's own field, the Palace of the Elemental Lords.

In the end, his field became the help of the opponent.

"Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu," Yuei Vu raised his hand, "direct attack! "

The Earthbound Immortal raised his arm high and swung his huge palm down like a dark cloud falling from the sky.

With one blow, there were no fancy or special effects, but it contained suffocating divine power and endless oppression, and it hit Mr. T's head, leaving an exaggerated palm pit.

It was like slapping a mosquito to death.

[Mr. T, LP 1500 →LP 0]

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