I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 1224: Fighting Against Fate

Most of what Godwin told in one breath were dark histories that could not be traced in any history book. Not only were they extremely shocking to everyone, but they were all impossible to verify.

Jack immediately raised a question: "But these are just your one-sided words. These things can't be verified at all, right?"

"Indeed." Godwin nodded but did not refute, "I don't have any evidence to prove what I just said.

But I don't want to prove anything. Even if I tell you this, nothing will change.

I just want to say that all of us are just pitiful pawns at the mercy of fate."

He pointed at several Signers and continued: "Stardust Dragon, Red Demon Dragon, Black Rose Dragon… Do you really think that the encounter between you Signers and these cards is just a coincidence?

Do you really think that these unique dragons just appear in the corner of the Satellite area where no one cares, waiting for you to pick them up?"

"What do you mean?" Jack frowned.

Godwin smiled slightly: "The dragons held by you Signers are the keys that Dr. Fudo set up to seal the Momentum.

Dr. Fudo risked his life to snatch these three cards and gave them to me, the one he trusted the most, and entrusted his future to me.

It was me who let these dragons go so that they were able to find their respective masters under the guidance of fate.

At the same time, my brother couldn't stand the power of the two gods of good and evil living in his body at the same time, so he cut off his arm holding the Dragon Mark and entrusted that arm to me.

My brother said that one day he would fall into darkness and come back with destruction, and he asked me to summon the Signers in the remaining time and defeat him."

Godwin closed his eyes gently.

"So I carried the expectations of my brother and Dr. Fudo at the same time, but in the end I accomplished nothing.

After the Zero Reverse incident, I wandered around the Satellite area, trying to build the ‘Daedalus Bridge' to connect the Satellite area and the city by my own strength, but was blocked by the Public Security Bureau and failed.

With nowhere else to go, I drove the D-Wheel over the unfinished bridge. I thought I was fighting against fate and unyieldingly pursuing liberation, but the cruel reality knocked me back to the ground and put the shackles of fate on me again."

"The legendary D-Wheeler… is it you!?" Crow said in shock.

The legendary D-Wheeler was a household legend in the Satellite area. It was said that a D-Wheeler tried to build a bridge from the Satellite area to the city by himself, but was blocked by the sheriff and could not do anything. In the end, he could only rush out of his unfinished bridge, and his life and death were unknown.

For many years, this has been a legend in the Satellite area, and he was also the idol that Crow admired most in his life. That indomitable spirit and the courage to fight against fate have been praised by the people of the Satellite District for so many years.

And now, this person was actually the Rex Godwin standing in front of them.

"Yes, the legendary D-Wheeler is a legend, but the price of that legend is that he lost his left arm."

Godwin smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Legends are just legends after all, and reality is cruel and ruthless. After these years of investigation in the Public Security Bureau, I have more or less caught some shadows.

It turns out that ‘Iliaster' seems to be fighting with some other forces…something that is as powerful as them and beyond human understanding.

This battle transcends time and space, and all of us are just ants who are unfortunately involved in it. We are like ants everywhere between two confronting giants. The aftermath of the giants' battle has affected countless ants, but they are unaware and don't care at all."

But after these years of investigation, this step was already the limit of Godwin, the head of the Public Security Bureau.

In the end, he still knew nothing about the true identity of the organization called ‘Iliaster', and the same was true of the enemy they were fighting. He only knew that Dr. Fudo and his brothers were both victims of the war.

When Yuei Vu heard this, combined with the clues he had found before, he guessed something thoughtfully.

"So," Godwin continued with a deep tone before everyone asked again, "The cycle of fate has come to an end.

As a chess piece, if you want to jump out of the chessboard and confront the chess player behind the scenes, you can only gain enough power, that's all!"

As he said this, he swept his arm and pulled off his clothes, revealing a strong body of muscles.

"Look! Now I have the power of both the Crimson Dragon and the King of the Underworld! I will become the ultimate god and reign over this world!"

Sure enough, he was engraved with a dark mark symbolizing the King of the Underworld, and his arm was flashing with a dragon mark similar to Yusei and the others!

If you look closely, you can even see the sewing line on his arm.

Yusei was surprised and said, "You…"

"That's right! I have attached the arm with the dragon mark that my brother left me to myself! Now I have both the power of the Crimson Dragon and the power of the King of the Underworld…

…and not only that!"

He raised his voice and raised his arm high.

The Crimson Dragon mark on the back of his hand shone unprecedentedly, and the marks on the hands of the remaining four Signers seemed to echo that mark, flashing with intense tingling.

Suddenly, the tingling sensation on everyone's body disappeared.

The four Signers were surprised to find that the dragon marks on their hands had disappeared.

All the dragon marks were concentrated on Godwin's body, and they were spliced ​​together to form a complete ring of Crimson Dragon patterns!

"Ah!" Luna said, "Our dragon marks…"

Aki: "All gathered on Godwin's body!"

What does this mean?

Did the Crimson Dragon approve of Godwin's actions?

"Hahaha! Now I have both the power of Crimson Dragon and the King of the Underworld!" Godwin laughed, "Now, I will no longer be anyone's pawn!

Be it Iliaster, their mysterious enemy, or even this world, I can crush it with my own hands!

And after the world is destroyed, with the Crimson Dragon's omnipotent power, I will create a brand new world on the ruins, a world where there will be no more reincarnations of battles, no more tragedies, and no one will ever relive the pain of my brother and Dr. Fudo!"

The earth trembled like crazy, and cracks spread along the ceiling and walls of the institute. The perpetual motion machine No. 1 buried deep in the building seemed to respond, and even the colorful lights in the building shone more dazzlingly!

The huge Nazca lines appeared in the sky again, forming a painting with complex patterns.

The painting of the ultimate Earthbound Immortal!

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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