I Picked a Mobile From Another World

Chapter 23

Episode 23 [Reveal (2)]

Stories about mutations announced simultaneously in many countries shocked the world.

Until then, it was just a rumor circulating on the Internet.

But now it has become something that no one knows about.

After the announcement, each broadcasting station aired several scenes of mutants being dealt with by the military and police.

The fact that only scenes that were all processed safely were shown was enough to confuse people.

Everyone was talking about this incident, but not many people felt a sense of crisis.

Even if a war broke out in a neighboring country or a flood occurred in another region, it was difficult to realize it unless you saw it with your own eyes and experienced it yourself.

Moreover, even after the announcement was made, the government did not relax its control over broadcasting and the Internet.

Rather, control was strengthened in order to prevent rumors.

It was the same that night.

While Kyung-hoon was searching the Internet to see how rumors were spreading, he came across a post on an anonymous bulletin board.

[A video of a mutant human showing off his abilities has surfaced! It’s not a lie!]

A link was posted below it, and comments continued to say that it was not a lie.

Kyunghoon quickly clicked on the link.

The link led to the world’s largest video site.

[I am a mutant.]

The title of the video was very neat. And below the video, there was a real-time broadcasting mark.

On the screen, a Latina woman was standing in the backyard of a house demonstrating something.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t tell what she was saying because I couldn’t understand it at all, but I could tell right away that she was an awakened person just by looking at her actions.

There was no way an ordinary person could jump close to 3 meters in place and tumble endlessly in place.

It was clear that even if I went to the Olympics right now, I would be able to set a world record in the high jump.

The comments under the video were constantly growing, and the number of views was also increasing like crazy.

After demonstrating various physical abilities, she came in front of the screen and said thank you with a happy face.

It seemed like he was someone who had been doing internet broadcasting for some time. Looking at the happy expression, it seemed like there was an unprecedented number of views.

The legible English comments weren’t bad, and the expression on the woman’s face was nice, but Kyung-hoon was very worried about her.

‘No matter how many times views are the most important thing for an internet broadcaster, there will definitely be people who report it. ‘What kind of courage is this?’

Worried, Kyung-hoon tried to leave a warning in the comments using a translator. But before Kyung-hoon could leave a message, something he was worried about happened.

The image on the screen spun rapidly.


A siren sound was heard, and harsh shouts erupted from outside the screen.

I couldn’t tell what was being said, but the woman raised her hands with a surprised face and then knelt on the floor.

Then, police special forces armed with weapons invaded.

A short time later, police special forces arrested the unconscious woman and dragged her away.

During the arrest, the assault continued to knock the woman unconscious, so the video became an assault video rather than a demonstration of ability.

Immediately after the woman was arrested, the broadcast was turned off, and then the broadcast itself disappeared from the site.

The bulletin board where the link was posted was also in the midst of a comment war for a while.

┗Is this okay? Doesn’t that country have human rights?

┗You have a mutant disease. We need to catch them as quickly as possible.

┗The cause of the disease has not been found yet.

┗But, if you don’t do it like that, how are you going to catch it? Just by looking at it, it looks like a monster that is completely different from an ordinary person. Isn’t that scarier than a man with a gun?

┗It feels different from catching mutant beasts. It’s hard to say.

┗I’m fucking jealous. I also want to become a mutant.

┗Byeongshin, I will take care of Korea as well.

┗Who is talking? I just need to know it and use it when I need it.

┗, report.

Just looking at the comments, there were mixed opinions. From neutral opinion to interested sick person.

However, there have not been many favorable opinions on the Awakened yet.

There were not many people who were tolerant of beings who were different from themselves. Moreover, if those beings were much stronger than themselves, their fear was bound to be greater.

People were rejecting awakened people because they were sick or because they could pose a threat to society.

It was something I fully expected thanks to the history I saw in the other world, but when it actually happened, I couldn’t help but feel bitter.

As expected, awakened people began to appear one by one, but all of the awakened people who showed up were soon captured. After a neighbor or friend reported it, it was caught on video and the family found out.

The story I heard while waiting for Hyerin at the cafe the next day was no different.

Young people in their 20s sitting next to me were also talking about mutations.

“Can you believe it? Isn’t there something dirty lurking there?”

“But, it was announced to other countries as well.”

“And there were videos and videos coming out.”

“So, it may be that several countries are joining forces to do something different.”

“What conspiracy theory is this?”

The men were talking excitedly about conspiracy theories, and saying,

“Tsk, I don’t know what it has to do with what you say. The police or military would catch them anyway. It’s not the time to worry about that. It’s hard to find a job right now.”

The woman in the front seat complained about the reality with a tired face.

As if to make fun of her, the man next to her raised both hands and shouted, “Ugh!”

“If it’s like this, a human mutant could appear right in front of you. .”

The woman wasn’t even surprised and just clicked her tongue.

“It’s no different from meeting a robber.”

Another man heard that and expressed a different opinion.

“Hmm, it might still be dangerous. “Shouldn’t we take this opportunity to allow people to own firearms in Korea as well?”

“No, absolutely not.”

The others shook their heads at his words. In

Kyung-hoon’s strengthened ears, their stories could be heard as if they were talking right next to him. He

couldn’t help it. If he were in their shoes, he wouldn’t be any different.

If he hadn’t become an awakened, he would eat now. It was clear that he was worried about his life.

‘Or were you going to go out with Jinhyuk to catch mutants?’

Anyway, it must have been a completely different situation than now.


At that time, the cafe door opened, and a woman with long hair came in.


All the eyes of the men in the cafe turned to the woman. Those who had been talking for a while next to me immediately quieted down.

The woman who came in looked around and walked straight towards Kyung-hoon.

It was Hye-rin. She looked very different from before.

Although she was beautiful before, her beauty was obscured by her tired and gloomy appearance.

But today, she shook off her gloomy appearance and became confident. She looked so full.

She looked so radiant now.

“It’s not too late, right?”

She sat down and smiled at Kyung-hoon.

The men sitting next to each other looked at Kyung-hoon and Hye-rin in turn and made envious expressions, while the woman stepped on her lover’s feet.


Hearing the screams, Kyung-hoon could feel that his situation had changed.

Before, there was no way I would have sat in a cafe and had a one-on-one conversation with such a smart and good-looking woman.

Moreover, the woman in front of him was looking at him with a trusting face.

However, this was also a relationship created because he helped Hye-rin and there was a secret they shared.

Anyway, the two met today for the purpose of sharing information.

Kyung-hoon had no intention of misunderstanding.

“Do you have any other news?”

Hyerin seemed a little disappointed when Kyung-hoon immediately started talking about work.

But she answered right away,

“It looks like a human mutant has been caught in our country as well. Unfortunately, we are in [animal quarantine] so we only heard rumors. “It’s just that. They said he was locked up in a military base just in case, but I didn’t hear where he was.”

Kyung-hoon nodded at Hye-rin’s words. Although it wasn’t accurate information, he was grateful to hear at least this much. “

And, I discovered that stones contain energy. It’s thanks to Kyung-hoon. In other countries, “I may have known about it, but I discovered it for the first time in Korea. Thanks to that, I’m now quite recognized.”

It seemed like he finally figured out what the mana stone was.

Hye-rin’s eyes, looking at Kyung-hoon, twinkled with burden. Kyunghoon glanced away.

“Then maybe that crazy hunter also ate those stones? “You said a hunter stole and ate a mutant.”

Instead, he secretly spilled information.

“There was also a story like that… um. If Kyung-hoon thinks that, I need to find out properly.”

It seemed that Hye-rin’s trust in Kyung-hoon had increased further.

Now, no matter what Kyung-hoon said, she seemed to believe it.

After that, the two exchanged various information. Since they met once a week, Hye-rin seemed to have a lot to say. .

The two people’s voices were very small. It was so small that an ordinary person could not even hear it, but there was no problem with the two people talking. *** Before going to the other world, Kyung-hoon helped the


people or surfed the Internet. He searched for a way to spread information.

Although it was better to monopolize information for personal gain, he was worried about the future of this world if he kept it to himself.

If his own safety was guaranteed, he would provide information to awakened people and others. There was.

But unfortunately, there was no such method in sight. Posting on the bulletin board as before was now punishable as a rumor. I

used a cannon phone just in case, but there was no 100% guarantee that I would not be tracked if I properly mobilized public power. A good hacker or programmer might be able to find a way, but Kyung-hoon didn’t know anyone like that or know how to find one.

While one side was busy with work, factory repairs proceeded quickly. Money was definitely the best.


time, in the other world , After returning, the factory seemed ready to be used right away.

After roughly organizing his work, Kyung-hoon moved back to the broken city.

On top of a building near Jungnangcheon where he left last time.

Wearing the newly purchased body armor, he put the newly purchased equipment in his backpack. While putting it in, he looked at the long stretch of Jungnang Stream.

“Wouldn’t it be okay to take the Jungnang Stream and go to the Han River?”

The goal was the [Awakened Training Center] south of the Han River. He

didn’t know whether there would be a good bridge left or whether there would be any danger in crossing the Han River, but the worry was I decided to do it when I arrived at the Han River.

With that in mind, I was adjusting my backpack. I heard

a gong, a gong, and

a vibration in my chest.

Gyeonghoon took out his Mana Stone cell phone with a puzzled look on his face.

No matter how much he thought about it, now was not the time for it to ring.

Rating It wasn’t an increase, nor was any other information updated.

Kyunghoon glared at the screen.

An unexpected text message appeared on my cell phone, which had not been able to make phone calls, let alone the Internet.

[A message has arrived.]

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