I Own EVERY Class in This World: Life Set to HELL Mode!

Chapter 138: Breaking Through the Rift Barrier

Inside of the [Rift] section's giant room were many other halls, each leading to another place further inside the 'Rift Storer Association'.

'Huh…' Stark was confused, but this time he just decided to figure it out by himself.

[Please choose the rift you want to enter!]

[Warning! Those below recommended level won't be admitted inside of a rift!]

Those were the words the panel had told him.

And so that meant…

'I think I got it…' he lifted his gaze, and as guessed, above each of the hallways was a neon title that differed in colors.

The hall all the way to the right had the title [Level 10-20 Rift] above, the one next to it was [Level 20-30 Rift] and it continued like this until reaching [Level 240-250 Rift].

Basically… there was a chance that each hall led to a rift where people could train by fighting and killing monsters, as well as level up.

He could see many people, from all classes and levels, head toward a specific hall without any issues.

Some others were even trying to form teams on a whim inside the room, which seemed kind of dumb, but who knows.

[You are level… 33!]

[Please choose the rift you want to go to, note that the barrier will block you from going to a rift higher than your level as to stop needless deaths and reduce risks!]

'Hell nah…' Stark refused to go to the [Level 30-40 Rift] area as the enemies there would all get one-shotted by him, plus it would take him way too much time.

Anyone that heard him think like that would probably think he was crazy, but to him, it made complete sense.

And so he immediately headed toward the [Level 80-90 Rift] area as it was the maximum he could achieve at this very moment with his abilities, any higher and it would be extremely risky, although Stark couldn't say he hadn't risked his life every time.

"Let's go there!"

"Hunt those monsters and come back!"

"Let's go together I said, let's goooo!"

People around were chatting, and it kind of annoyed Stark as the sound was overwhelming.

Around each of the hall's entrances was some sort of energy barrier that shone brightly.

When someone of the required level tried to pass, it would obviously let them pass without any issues.

[Access Allowed!]

And on the other hand… if you ever tried to slip through…


They were pushed back by a high amount of electric energy.

[Access Denied, level not high enough to attempt this rift, please do not try again!]

"You fucking liar, you told you were level-" and with that many problems would occur, but as it said before, it was to reduce the risks.

Frankly, Stark didn't really care much about that warning, for him it was either a high level rift or just going to the danger-zone outside of Fellarburg, basically he was too lazy to grind against hundreds of monsters for one level.

As Stark approached the entrance to the [Level 80-90 Rift], he felt a surge of anticipation mixed with a hint of caution.

The purple energy barrier was right in front of him, and people beside him were passing by.

He noticed that the more he went toward the high level rifts, the fewer people there were around.

He got a few weird looks from others though: Stark hadn't activated his aura yet, so for the others, he just looked like some new classifiers trying to explore.


'Let's get this over with…' he took a step toward the purple barrier, the faint glow emitting on his face.

And when he tried to pass…


[Access Denied, level not high enough to attempt this rift, please do not try again!]


Of course, such an occurrence always resulted in people mocking you for trying to fight inside a rift higher than your level.

But Stark didn't care at all, instead his eyes burned brighter with determination and… he tried again.


[Access Denied, stop trying!]

This time the shock was more powerful, but Stark didn't stop, he kept going.


[Access Denied, we already told you to stop!]



And again.


The shock was becoming more and more powerful, and by now it would be enough to make even a classifier at level 80 faint, yet Stark's aura and determination kept him going.

'DOMINATION!' he activated his power as he dashed at the purple barrier again.

By now, all the attention was on the boy that kept trying to access an area far higher than his level, and the mockery and laughter turned into worry.

"Why does he keep trying?"

"Is he crazy?"

"Death wish maybe? These newbies really need to give up…"

But it wasn't only the barrier that was powering up after each attempt: Stark's aura also grew more and more.

It was either he passes that shitty barrier, or he faints while trying.

"This is crazy…" one of the bystanders muttered under his breath, genuinely concerned about Stark's actions.

However, as Stark made another assault on the energy barrier, it began to emit a deafening noise, and a sudden flash of purple light engulfed Stark.

[AcCEsS… DEnI…Ed…]

Stark's aura completely shielded him from the shock, and so his body slowly pushed through the barrier, first it was his feet, then his hands, and then his entire torso…

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as the barrier pulsed with energy, and then silence fell.

The people around exchanged astonished glances, waiting to see what would happen next.

And after a few seconds… the energy barrier flickered slightly, allowing Stark to pass.

[Access Allowed…]

Of course, it wasn't solely because Stark pushed its limits that it allowed him to pass but because… the barrier itself could sense his aura.

A barrier isn't sentient at all, but its sole job is to check the level and power of a classifier to decide if he is allowed to pass or not, and in this case… although Stark's level was extremely low compared to the recommended one, his aura told it that he would easily be able to survive.

And so it allowed him to pass.

Stark came out on the other side of the barrier, now allowed to reach the rift, and so he looked back at the other classifiers, a giant grin on his face.

All of them were flabbergasted at the scene that occurred before them, yet unable to do anything as… well… what could they do, and why would they even interfere to begin with?

And so just like that, Stark began to walk through the hallway alongside the other people that were level 80-90, he didn't know what awaited him, but it better be worth it.

All he wanted was to level up after all…

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