I Obtained a Mythic Item

Chapter 63

Episode 63 Voyage (2)

“I can’t believe it… A themed dungeon appeared in an amusement park?”

Just now.

Looking at the ruined amusement park in an instant, Seo Ah-hyun muttered with a bewildered face.

Any way you look at it, the atmosphere is clearly different from before.

The overgrown grass and mechanical parts that fill the vicinity of the broken tiles send chills down your spine.

“It’s nonsense……”

Seo Ah-hyun burst into laughter at the absurd reality in front of her.

A theme dungeon that you learned about in school textbooks suddenly occurred?

According to the National Statistical Office, the probability of getting caught up in a dungeon due to a sudden opening of the gate is about 0.6%.

From there, the probability of being trapped in a themed dungeon and stranded there is 0.0003%.

The possibility that it could be me… Damn it.

Let’s not count. anyway.


It was a short and deep impression.

Seo Ah-hyun was taken aback, but she had to find a way to get out of here.

She calmly looked around and ruminated on her situation.

“If you don’t clear the theme dungeon, you can’t go outside. Of course, it is impossible to get inside from the outside.

Does that mean… that the only thing left to do is to clear this place?”

While I was standing there thinking about that, I suddenly encountered an unexpected person.

A man my age checking his smartphone while standing alone on an empty street.

No matter how you look at it, it was an emergency situation, but he didn’t panic at all.

As if he had foreseen the whole situation.

“…That person is strangely calm. What are you doing?”

After observing him for a while, Jaehyun left his seat and started walking to another place.

Seo Ah-hyun started to follow him without hesitation.

Close enough to not be noticed, then carefully.

‘If you can walk around in a place like this, there’s a good chance you at least know how to get out of this themed dungeon.

I’d rather watch it for now. Well, I want to see how the current raiders fight.’

If he’s left here alone, he’s likely to be an active raider, even though he looks like my age. In the case of Jaehyun, not only his face is young, but his body is also quite large.

Seo Ah-hyun immediately came to a conclusion.

Of course, he is also a radar candidate.

However, she awakened with support-type skills first, not combat-type skills.

Acceleration of Acceleration.

It is an explosive skill that instantly accelerates one’s thinking with a unique skill.

It’s true that you can’t see the effect in a situation where you have to go through the situation alone like now.

‘Here, if I can get help from others, it’s always good to receive it.’

However, it is another matter to go to that man right away and ask for help.

What if he is evil?

If so, I don’t know what he might do to me.

‘In the worst case, I might die.’

While Seo Ah-hyun was evaluating him internally, Jae-hyun walked busily and arrived in front of Viking before he knew it.

Vikings with a spooky atmosphere as if even a ghost would pop out.

Jaehyun stopped in front of him and lightly manipulated the system window.

And then


‘What?! Suddenly…!’

Seo Ah-hyun, who was watching the situation, was also taken aback when Jae-hyun suddenly disappeared.

When using a portal, there will always be a delay of at least a few seconds.

But a system that transfers users so quickly?

How did you eat it?

But there was no time to think long.

“Oh what! body!”

It was because the light that enveloped Jaehyun a moment ago started to swallow him as well.

Terrified, she stepped back, but the light surrounding her only grew stronger.

The light began to suck Seo Ah-hyun’s body with fierce force, as if it were swallowing it.


Unknowingly, harsh words came out of my mouth.

Along with dizziness, the mind goes far away and a torrent of emotions rushes.

and after a while

When she woke up, she was on a deck and her hands were bound.

―Synchronization rate 9%… 24%… 98%… 100%.

―Synchronization with the character is complete.

―You play as ‘Rosqvar’, a warrior who survived the invasion of the Vikings.

* * *

‘Of course, out of many people, he was swept along. shit.’

Jaehyun let out a small sigh as he looked at Seo Ah-hyun, who flinched with her entire body bound.

‘Seo Ah-hyun is clever. If I handle it carelessly, I’ll be rather dangerous.’

As he thought, Seo Ah-hyun was a very difficult opponent.

He is a genius with an IQ of over 150 and is very good at reading other people’s heads.

Before returning, Jae-hyeon heard a few rumors about Seo Ah-hyun.

For example, giving advice to a small or medium-sized guild master, or selling someone else’s guild master’s name to incur resentment, or ignoring the leader’s words during a raid and going ahead alone, then bursting into a raid.

All of them are things to do with a middle school or two.

It’s also a very capable secondary bottle.

shit. shit.

Jaehyun cursed and looked at Seo Ah-hyun or Roskva.

I didn’t like the fact that the target I had to save was a middle school 2 bottle like that, but there was no way right now.

There is no way to change roles in themed dungeons.

“Anyway. All the crazy things are twisted around me.”

Still, Jaehyun decided to think as positively as possible.

‘Still, Seo Ah-hyun will be helpful in clearing this dungeon. I can’t get it out now anyway. For now, if you can use it while taking it with you, it’s better to use it.’

Above all, Seo Ah-hyun was the one who cleared this dungeon alone before returning.

That, too, was achieved with only one skill unique to non-combat classes.

Of course, even if that skill had an overwhelming performance that was incomparable to the others, it was too good for the achievements that the middle 3 had achieved.

when I was thinking

The voice with a thick accent typical of a sailor and a harsh voice tore at his ears.

“Ha ha ha! To jump directly into enemy ships when hiding in a rat hole is not enough!”

“You’re such an idiot!”

“Destroy it right now!”

Jaehyun smiled at them and sighed.


Jae-hyeon’s body, having calmed down, is shot through the enemies.

As a result of checking with 《Magic Detection》, they are all at the level of henchmen.

―Active skill 《Mana Weapon》.

Jaehyun lightly released his mana, clenched his fists tightly, and swung them with force.

Caang! Slap!

Once again, using 《Magical Detection》, he reads the enemy’s next skill in advance and dodges it.

Then, use your arms and legs to break down the enemy’s center and swing your fist.

Enemy movement was very slow.

Even compared to Ahn Ho-yeon, the level of a cadet is far below average.

As Jae-hyun learned from Yoo Sung-eun, he quickly evaded half a beat.

I remembered Yoo Sung-eun telling me that this technique was especially effective when dealing with a large number of people.

Caang! Wow!

After opening the force field and cutting the sword, he immediately punched it into his face.


The appearance of the Vikings being pushed under the surface of the sea with screams.

A smile spread across Jaehyun’s face.

at that time.

Among the Vikings, one enemy who seemed to be a little better stepped forward and shouted.

“Ha, attack them all at once and kill them!”


The sailors on the Viking scream and rush at Jae-hyun at once.

At the same time, eight Vikings attacked Jaehyun.

It looks like a central heating, but it moves smoothly to fill in each other’s gaps.

However, it was just a slow attack to Jaehyun, who had already been strengthened through various passive skills and leveling up.

Slap! puck!

Jaehyun moved his foot half a step forward to completely avoid the enemy’s sword, and then began to counter the attack with his magical fists and feet.

The entwined blade of the sword didn’t reach the tip of Jaehyun’s body and just flowed away.

While maintaining such a stalemate for a while, Jaehyun excluded them one by one.

It was either drowned in the sea or rendered incapable of combat.

“Is this enough to do it yet?”

This is the A-level dungeon theme dungeon 《Ruined Neverland》.

However, the level of difficulty is still not very high.

Of course, having to clear five dungeons in a row was a problem, but it wasn’t too much for Jaehyun if the level of difficulty continued.

He had already brought enough potions and various combat equipment.

Not to mention, there was nothing to lose to such a slow Viking.


The new model of Jaehyun, which was fired straight away, completely disappeared from the sight of the Vikings in an instant.


He grabbed the captain of the enemy ship by the neck and threw him under the deck.


Debris flew and blew a hole in the ship.

Soon the water will start to rise here.

The impatient Vikings will scatter their ranks and Jaehyun will be able to defeat them more easily.

Meanwhile, the sailors who directly witnessed the captain’s death began to scream.

“You… You bastard! I don’t know where you came from, but you don’t think the great Aesir gods will forgive you for your ugliness!”

‘Come to think of it, there was a record that the Vikings in history actually worshiped the Aesir gods. The memory of TRP I saw a moment ago… Could it have something to do with it?’

Jaehyun smiled and responded.

“That is none of my business.”

After a while. As expected, water began to fill the enemy ship gradually.

Right then.

Seo Ah-hyun, who had passed out with her hands and feet tied to the deck, flinched.

Jaehyun smiled at her as he approached her.

Looking closely, Seo Ah-hyun was glaring at him with her eyes half open.

“Why don’t you stop pretending to sleep? Are you Roskva?”

“……I heard you. Are you here to rescue me? Because you play the role of ‘TRP’.”

Seo Ah-hyun dared to say the word ‘role’ with strength.

This is to leak information implicitly.

That he, too, is not an NPC here, but an awakened person who came from outside.

At the same time, Seo Ah-hyun quickly rolled her eyes to see how Jae-hyun was dressed.

Aren’t you trying to hurt yourself?

If so, it was a face contemplating how to get out of this situation.

Jaehyun looked at him and smiled.

“that’s right. by the way.”

In an instant, his face turned wild.


Jaehyun slams his fist on the poles that bind her.

Seo Ah-hyun looked at Jae-hyun with a startled expression.

“If you clumsily try to scoop me up one more time… you’ll die.”

right after hearing that. Seo Ah-hyun’s face hardened coldly.

Jaehyun realized that he was watching him while pretending to sleep.

he is an unusual person

Her quivering senses were clearly telling her to be wary of him.

“think carefully.”

After warning, Jaehyun released the string that bound Seo Ahhyun.

The boat is now almost full of water and is about to sink.

An urgent situation that will sink you to the surface without moving if you are delayed by just a few minutes.

Fortunately, the destination was just around the corner.

Jaehyun hugged Seo Ah-hyun’s waist and put his strength on it, then took a light leap.


Returning to the friendly ship, he gave Seo Ah-hyun a light smile.

“There are many stories to be heard. I hope you can help.”

“……I will try.”

The two made awkward expressions as they exchanged a tense conversation.

Even in the midst of that, there was only one thought in Seo Ah-hyun’s head.

‘This person……what the hell is he doing?’

―You have succeeded in clearing BIG 5’s first quest 《TRP’s Grudge》.

―Send to the field.

―Compensation will be settled.

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