I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

Chapter 77 - Operation Donut

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 77 - Operation Donut

The familiar sound of vibrations.

Charlotte and Julia’s faces lit up instantly.


You’re back, Earthy!

Without a word, Charlotte and Julia looked up at Aslan, as if asking for permission.

When he nodded, the two girls dashed out without any hesitation.

Thud, thud, thud.

As Charlotte ran outside, all she saw was a clear sky, not a cloud in sight.

Huh, that’s strange?

She was sure the sound had come from around here.

But Julia quickly found the source of the vibrations and smiled brightly.

“Where did Earthy go?”

“He’s right in front of you, Charlotte...!”

“Ah! Earthy...!”


From the empty air, a massive brown figure began to materialize.

Earthy, looking as insignificant as ever, appeared, and Charlotte immediately ran up and hugged him tightly.

“Where have you been? We’ve been looking for you for ages!”

[I was making sure the monster den was thoroughly dealt with. It took longer than I expected.]

“Really? Then there won’t be any more monsters? Good job, Earthy!”

[Kyaaaah! I didn’t do it to be praised by you!]


Earthy’s massive body shimmered and turned transparent for a moment before completely disappearing.

Charlotte’s eyes grew as wide as saucers.

Where did he go!?

“Earthy vanished again...!”

[Kahahah! I have transcended yet again! I can now freely move between the physical and spirit realms!]

“Do you want me to tell you where he is?”

“No! I think I know!”

Refusing Julia’s help, Charlotte squeezed her eyes shut.

Not with her eyes, but with her heart.

If she used the power of the memories she had with Earthy…!

“Found you!”

[Kyaaah!? How do you know where I am!?]

Leaping up in a single bound, Charlotte jumped straight to where Earthy’s spirit form was.

Not only that.

Her hand, which should not have been able to grasp anything ethereal, was firmly gripping Earthy’s form.

Earthy’s face filled with confusion.

How is this kid able to see and touch a spirit form?

She’s not even a Spirit Master…!

‘I see. She’s starting to awaken to the other aspects of being a Sword Master.’

Sylvia’s eyes narrowed as she watched.

It wasn’t just the ability to wield aura that defined a Sword Master.

Aura was simply one of the key features of a Sword Master.

One of the other characteristics of a Sword Master, who is said to reach the realm of demigods, was the limited ability to see ethereal forms.

Although they couldn’t see clear shapes like Necromancers or Spirit Masters, just being able to perceive the presence and size of ethereal beings was enough to avoid dangers like Great Spirits or Vengeful Ghosts.

A Sword Master could evade catastrophes that were otherwise unavoidable for humans.

‘Perhaps, I need to learn from Charlotte...’

First, it was aura.

Now, it was the sight to perceive ethereal forms.

Charlotte was gradually embodying the qualities of a Sword Master.

Should I learn how to reach the realm of a Sword Master from Charlotte?

Sylvia was seriously considering that possibility.

“Did you come back because you were lonely being alone again?”

[Lonely...? You insolent brat! The Great Earth Spirit who has accumulated power for a thousand years cannot be swayed by trivial emotions like loneliness!]

“Huh? Didn’t you come back because you wanted to play with me again?”

[I refuse! Just because I played with you a bit, don’t think you can be so presumptuous!]

“Then why did you come back...?”

[Have you forgotten our promise?! You said you’d treat me to donuts! Those donuts covered in sweet cream! I came here to eat those!]

“Huh? Did I really?”

[Kyaaah! You wretched brat!!!]

Did I really promise that?

Julia tilted her head, puzzled.

Charlotte also tried to recall that time, but soon gave up.

The only thing she remembered from the day of the monster outbreak was being absorbed in swinging her Super Strong Sword like crazy.

Oh, there was one more thing.

She remembered secretly leaning on Aslan’s chest when he was passed out.

Julia had been asleep and didn’t know anything about it...

[Kyaaah! Make the donuts! Make them now! Or I’ll cause a ruckus!]

“What should we do, Charlotte? I don’t know how to make donuts…”

“Then why did you promise to make them?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I just said something random at the time?”

Wow. That’s nasty.

Charlotte’s mouth dropped open.

So she’d made an impossible promise just to get Earthy to help out.

Julia’s getting more and more like Aslan...

[What are you two whispering about!?]

“Well, there’s no other way. We’ll just have to ask the maids for help!”

“Maid chance...!”

Even if the promise was a lie at first, as long as they kept it in some form, it would still count, right?

Nodding to each other, Julia and Charlotte strode off toward the kitchen.


“Master, would you like your meal brought to the study?”

“No. Today I’ll eat in the dining room with the children.”

“W-well, Charlotte and Julia said they weren’t hungry and didn’t want to eat…”

[The Evil God, ‘Kali,’ is heartbroken and deeply troubled.]

Well, they did have a ton of snacks earlier, so it’s no wonder they’re full.

And since Earthy’s back, they’re probably so busy playing they forgot about lunch.

If they get hungry again, they’ll just ask for more snacks.

“Fine. Then have my meal delivered to the study.”

“As you wish, my lord.”

There was something odd about the maid’s demeanor.

As I gave her a suspicious look, she started sweating and quickly left.

Ignoring Kali’s wails about feeding the children, I did some work in the study, had my meal delivered, and ate.

Just as I started feeling restless and stiff from sitting too long...

‘I should go check on the kids.’

I thought I’d take a look and see if they were playing well.

But the moment I stepped out of the study, a maid standing in the hallway flinched and, without warning, started pretending to sweep the floor.

“Ah, Master! Where are you headed?”

“I’m going to see what the children are up to.”

“Ah! Please wait! There’s an urgent document that needs your immediate approval!”

“An urgent document?”

That couldn’t be right.

If there was something urgent, Sylvia would have already dealt with it.

Did she miss something?

I took the envelope the maid handed me and returned to the study.

“...This is already processed. Approving it again would be a duplicate approval.”

“Oh! Is that so? I’m so sorry! It’s my mistake...!”

“Shred this document.”


The maid looked at me with an expression as if she were a puppy needing to relieve itself.

What is this?

It felt like she was trying to keep me here, to buy some time.

Leaving the study, I headed toward the garden, thinking the kids might be playing there.

“Excuse me, Master! This hallway is being mopped, so it’s hard to pass through right now!”

“...Who cleans by spilling that much water everywhere?”

“It’s a major cleaning day. Ehehe. I’m sorry!”


The entire hallway was flooded with soapy water, making it impossible to pass.

“Ah, Master! This staircase is under maintenance. Please use another one.”


Suddenly, a perfectly fine staircase was being inspected.

“Ahaha. Master, I’m sorry. This door seems to be jammed and won’t open.”


Now even the door is broken. This is ridiculous.

How could so many big and small issues crop up in the mansion all on the same day?

I quickly realized what was going on.

These rascals have caused some trouble.

‘They’ve caused some trouble and are trying to fix it before I find out, huh?’

It’s clear they’re deliberately trying to block my path.

They’re doing everything they can to keep me from leaving the study and going down to the first floor.

I could force my way through, but that would cause a big scene.

There’s a better way.


“Yes, Master?”

“Carry me on your back and jump out of the window.”

“...Are you serious?”

“I’m always serious.”


She shot me a look as if she was wondering if I’d gone mad, then sighed and put me on her back.

And then, with a single leap, she jumped out of the window and landed lightly on the first floor.

The maids, eyes wide with shock, scurried off as soon as they saw I’d reached the first floor in an instant.

Thanks to them, I now knew exactly where the issue they were trying to hide was located.

The kitchen.

What could they have done in the kitchen?

Oh. Was it a fire?

“Sylvia, head to the kitchen. Quickly.”

“Please don’t pull my hair as if you’re handling a horse…”

Grinding my teeth, I urged Sylvia on.

Thud, thud.

Sylvia quickly outpaced the maids and arrived at the kitchen.

Leaving the panting maids behind, I calmly got off Sylvia’s back and entered the kitchen.

“Everyone, freeze.”



The startled maids froze in place.

How odd.

There were so many people in the kitchen, even though it wasn’t mealtime.

No chefs, just maids?

Were they making snacks?

I was still suspicious when—

“It’s done…!”

“We did it, Charlotte!”

From the cooking area, cute voices rang out.

The next moment, the voices’ owners appeared, holding trays full of donuts coated in sugar cream.

Their faces were covered in sugar and syrup.

The moment they saw me, their expressions froze, and they stopped in their tracks.



“Are those donuts? Oh. I remember, you promised Earthy you’d make him some. Did you make these yourselves?”


“Can I try one?”

“No! These are for Earthy!”


When I reached out, Julia quickly snatched the tray away.

How heartless.

Couldn’t they spare at least one for me?

I wanted to taste a donut made by their own hands too.

I felt tears welling up.

‘This is strange. It doesn’t seem like they’ve caused a huge disaster.’

But then why were the maids so desperate to keep me out of the kitchen?

Something felt off.

At that moment, Charlotte and Julia, who had returned to the cooking area, came running back, each holding a plate.

“We made some just for you, Mister!”

“W-we made these for you while we were at it! ...Mister!”

Charlotte held out her plate cheerfully.

On the plate were donuts topped with a confusing mix of toppings.

Chocolate syrup, pistachio powder, and even peanut butter...

And Julia, her face flushed, offered her own plate.

Her donuts were elegantly decorated with thinly drizzled syrup, almost like delicate flower patterns.

It was clear how much time and effort had gone into making them, far more than the ones simply coated in sugar cream.

“We wanted to finish them before you were done working and bring them to your study!”

“We wanted to surprise you, but it’s all ruined now. Why did you come to the kitchen…?”

The kids looked disappointed.

For a moment, my heart nearly stopped from the pain as I clutched my chest.

Who would have thought they’d been planning a surprise like this...

I hid my excitement, putting on a stern face as I took the plates from them and bit into a donut.

“They taste excellent.”


“No, I’m lying.”

“Huh? Huh? But they shouldn’t taste bad?”

“These are the best donuts I’ve ever had.”

And it wasn’t a lie.

They really were the best donuts.

Not just because of the taste, but because of the joy radiating from the kids as they watched me, their faces lit up with excitement.




As dusk settled over the evening sky,

Earthy sat quietly in the garden of the Vermont estate, muttering to himself.

[When will the donuts be ready…?]

The little ones who had gone to make the donuts showed no sign of returning.

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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