I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 197: Who am I? Where am I? (4)

Chapter 197: Who am I? Where am I? (4)

Suddenly, a man and a woman in their 20s showed up at the entrance to the laboratory.

They were there looking for Gu Shao.

Professor Gu, we are about to start our experimental. As you are here, can you please come by and take a look for us?

Right, if you have a minute, can you please take a look and give us some advice?

The two were very polite toward Gu Shao.

The one for LVC? Gu Shao glanced over at the material, looked over at the direction of Gu Xi and the others, gestured them to carry on before he left with the two others.

After Gu Shao had left, Gu Xi continued to look in the direction of the entrance to the laboratory.

Are those two students of my dad? She mumbled.

Assistant Wu, hearing Gu Xis mumble, explained to her, They are two of Professor Yes phD students.

Professor Gu and Professor Ye were close with each other. Professor Gu wasnt there a lot so, when he was there, Professor Yes student would not let the opportunity to pick Professor Gus brain to pass them by.

Gu Xi nodded and continued to look at the entrances direction. She frowned a little.

She wasnt sure if it was her imagination. The lady earlier seemed to have an interest in Gu Shao?

There was certainly respect in her looks as well, but it was definitely not the same as Dong Mingmings fangirl look towards her idols.

Do you need professors help, Xiao Xi? I can go and get him. Assistant Wu offered when he saw Gu Xi frowning one second and shaking her head the next.

Upon hearing that, Gu Xi shook her head and said, No, its fine.

Su Xiuying, looking at Gu Xi, was baffled. What was it that he felt that Gu Xi looked alarmed like someone was trying to steal from her?

Lets carry on, reminded Su Xiuying.

Alright. Gu Xi, too, put away her strange thoughts and refocused herself on the discussion over the model.


Following Gu Xis original thoughts, the two discussed some more and decided to create liquid samples for sour, sweet, bitter, savory, and spicy. As the electrolyte for each of them were distinct, it would be easy for the sensor to determine which ones they were.

What about the concentration for each of them? asked Dong Mingming.

Our model only needs to consider the determination on the type, not the amount. As such, we do not need to worry about the concentration, said Su Xiuying.

Gu Xi, too, added to one side, As each sample only contains one element, barring other side influences, we also dont need to worry about their proportion.

As for the smell, that would require a relatively more complicated earlier collection phase.

I think the collection process is still necessary. We can use the corresponding volatile solid substances as the initial sample of the gas, promote the volatilization of the gas by heating or the like, and then add a pressure difference device to use the pressure difference to directionally collect the gas into storage. In the equipment, it is compressed to increase the concentration of phenolic substances in the gas, and then the substance identification can be carried out in the same way, said Gu Xi. They only need to determine the substances with the highest content and having certain exclusivity in the smell.

Then comes the process of encoding, information transmission and decoding, and finally, the corresponding substances are released at the terminal through decoding. The substance used in their model is also a limited single substance: if sweet taste is detected there, the prepared sweet sample is also be released.

That works, said Su Xiuying after some thoughts. Lets just work on a small model today and test with two samples. We can make modifications based on the outcome afterward.


After some simple discussion, the three of them decided to start with the highly recognizable sour, sweet, and savory taste as well as mint and lemon as the smell for their final product. They started their small model with the simplest ones of sour and savory tastes.

The three got on without further ado.

Su Xiuying marked down on Gu Xis diagram the materials that they would need and their relative parameters.

We can use models R2 or R3 decoders here. I think we can have an additional integrated op amp here and we will also be needing a couple of compound medium containers

As for the transmission and interpreting Pausing a little, Su Xiuying added, Its just a simple program, its no biggie.

Hearing Su Xiuyings words, Gu Xi was taken aback a little. She raised her brows a little: The way he said that. Why did it sound so familiar and when had she heard that before?

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