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6 hours ago
When a boy coincidentally fell into a dimension hole, what awaited him was a world of sword and... Read more When a boy coincidentally fell into a dimension hole, what awaited him was a world of sword and magic.Two years of tragedies, wars, and schemes, passed until he was finally able to return to Earth.But when he came back, the world was no longer the same.A new world with advanced technology, Garesto, was now trading with Earth, leading to a complete overhaul of Earth’s technology.In the long years that have passed and the great changes that have occurred, his family was not left untouched.His parents were now divorced. His siblings were now strangers. And all his friends were now gone.He who possessed otherworldly power and knowledge hid himself for various reasons. But though he was able to somehow pull the wool over the world’s eyes, there were still those who noticed him.This is a tale that came to be because of a boy who came back home.***Frequently Asked Questions1. In what order should I read this?Read it from the oldest release until the newest one. This story is NOT written in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER, and is meant to be read according to the RELEASE ORDER.2. What do the numbers AA-BB mean in the titles?They mean Time Axis-Act.E.g., 03-01 happens after all the 02-BB, but before 03-02.02-02 means that there’s a 02-01 chapter.This also means that 05-00 happens in the far later.NOTE: The first six releases are PROLOGUES, main chapters start from the seventh release onwards. Collapse Academy, Beast Companions, Beastkin, Bullying, Clever Protagonist, Complex Family Relationships, Cunning Protagonist, Demons, Elemental Magic, Evil Gods, Family, Family Conflict, Godly Powers, Hated Protagonist, Hiding True Abilities, Magic, Magic Beasts, Male Protagonist, Monsters, Multiple POV, Mysterious Past, Non-linear Storytelling, Onmyouji, Overpowered Protagonist, Playful Protagonist, R-15, Returning from Another World, Ruthless Protagonist, Sealed Power, Secret Identity, Siblings, Teachers, Terrorists, Time Skip, Underestimated Protagonist, World Travel My brain hurts from how it is in this order My brain cells dead got read only 8 chapters, I surrender. It's better to read novels according to the order of the chapters Hmm, the 2013 novel definitely feels oldA harrowing start to a novel I wonder if the author thinks he’s smart and giga-brain for putting it in this order. The only people who do that are pathological cheats.Also, those who accuse others of trying to appear smart tend to have intellectual insecurities. Intellectual Insecurities 🤓🤓🤓🤓 In original: 252 chaptersTranslated: 315 chaptersWhat Its already 522 i mean seems fine... EXCEPT FOR THE FUCKING ORDERWHYJUST WHY Wtf essa sinopse me bugou tanto que perdi o interesse em tentar ler. Fck no, I'm outta here I tried.. I really did. But nope, can't, won't, aint reading this..Looks good, but eh not my type of read.