I Become The Wife of The Male Lead

Chapter 42

As soon as Celine came out of the boutique, she naturally saw Abel. However, her expression was not a surprised expression, instead, it was like an expression so you are here Duke?. It was then I realized that Celine had already known Abel was coming.

Did everyone keep it a secret from me?

Of course.


I looked up at Abel with an annoyed look.

Now, the two of us were walking down the street.

Abel said he had something to show me. But at this point, I was starting to feel a bit uneasy.

Fiona, looked like you enjoyed your vacation.

Its not a vacation, its retirement. I corrected it right away.

That is that.

How are those two the same thing?

Then, think of it as a re-employment.

Thisthis was wrong. This guy really didnt even listen to me. Also, he sent me away so cooly before, but why did he suddenly not want to let me go?

I cant believe, youve attracted flies already. It would have been quite fun if there were Sigren.

Flies? Are you talking about Marquis Clovis?

Yes. From now on, just ignore it. You dont have to respond or respond to each and every one of them.

Duke, are you telling me to ignore the marquis of Clovis, whose position now is prime minister?

As long as you have Heilon as your surname,

Well, what Abel did earlier was a very good example when someone had Heilon as his surname. However, I wont give up to argue with him.

But Im not your adopted daughter.

You would be, soon.


I had nothing to say. I couldnt think of any words to beat any of his words. However, there was something I had to ask him.

So where are we going now?

Were going to meet Sigren.

Didnt he come with you?

We came together. But, it took time at the checkpoint, so I came first. Like I said, I had to pick you up because I wanted to show you something.

It took him some time at the checkpoint. I groaned slightly. Didnt you said that everything is okay if you have surname Heilon?

Its not because of an identity problem.

Then what?

Abel smiled meaninglessly. You would find out soon.

After that, we headed towards the gates of the capital. The gateway was connected to the main road of the capital. The boulevard was the busiest place with people entering and leaving. Right now, it was also busy as it was. There was a procession of a carriage coming one after another. It really was a place where people flocked endlessly. At that moment, loud and noisy voices were heard from behind.

Hey, what the hell is that?!

Is it a monster?

No way! How could a monster appear in the capital? My body moved almost automatically when I heard the word monster. However, Abel caught me before I could do something.

Duke, its a monster.

Abel nodded bitterly. Its fine. Its not what you think it is.

Then what?

You would know when you look.

The murmur spread more and more to every side of people.

And soon, I was able to figure out the reason for the disturbance. My eyes were widened round at the sight in front of me. Carriages with blue shields, the crest of the Heilon family, were coming one after another. It was quite spectacular to see the knights and soldiers lined up in well-groomed armor. The soldiers of Heilon were, honestly speaking, rough people, but now they looked like warriors returned from the war.

Then, the man in the front, leading the procession, it was Sigren.

When I looked at Sigren, I realized this was the first time I had been away from him for more than a few days. Perhaps because of that, I felt glad more than used to.

Sigren seemed more mature than when we parted away. I think he got taller. However, what was the reason why people were surprised? Of course, it was because of Sigrens beauty.

Fiona, thats what I wanted to show you.

I turned my head toward Abel.

As the procession approached closer, the more detailed I could see. There were several carts connected to each other. And on top of each of it was a really huge object tied up with a rope. It was the dragons head with its neck. The scales were shiny and looked very sharp as if they could cut everything that touch them, and the teeth were so big and much thicker than m forearms. Even though it was dead, it seemed to arouse fear.

How did he catch it?

Ive never seen such a big thing like that.

More and more people flocked in the boulevard and began to whisper. However, no one was so daring as to block the path of Sigren and the soldiers.

Youre really serious about catching a dragon and showing it to me?!

Of course. To be honest, I wanted to show you the body, but its so big.

Well, of course, even its head was that big.

Abel stroked my head, Since you have never seen a dragon, look that as much as you want.

The way Abel said those words to me was like he bought a pizza and said eat how much you want. The tone was so unrealistic to be used when talking about that kind of thing.

Sigren must have had a hard time cathing it.

Anyway, with this, Sigrens appearance must be clearly remembered by the people of the capital. It was not a bad thing for him, who needed to settle down as soon as possible. Of course, I didnt remember writing this scene. Especially not the Abel brought me to show this.

Then, Heilons soldiers, who saw me, waved and shouted.

Lady Fiona!

Lady Fiona! Youre very healthy!

In an instant, peoples attention was focused on me.

The murmur reached my ears.

What is it?

I think they know each other?

They were so conspicuous that I wanted to hide in a mouse hole. I couldnt believe those men blushing and waving at me.

Meanwhile, Abel murmured something while standing by my side that I had to return to the mansion.

Yeah, it was really a good idea to go back. I hope.

Are we going to go to the mansion with this procession?

Of course, we would use a carriage.


I looked around for a moment; the soldiers of Heilon, who were like returning warriors, and the appearance of Sigren that shone no matter what; a wagon with Heilons crest engraved on it with a huge dragons hung behind it; people cheering on the street with a lot of excitement. He wanted me to ride a carriage and join this procession?


No, Ill go on foot..

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