I Become Master of Danger Zones as Incubus With Mastery In Genetic

Chapter 39: Heading To Human Territory

After misdirecting the soldier of his would be location, Alros check the system space one more time, to make sure he would be prepare for what will happ.

< System Space

Space Limit (Population) : 00/000

Space Limit (Equipmt) : 390/500

Space Limit (Lair) : 50/0

Mana Point: 6000/0000

Soul Point: 990

Lust Point: 56780 >

While it may look the same, the population of his system space had reach a staggering 3000 creatures, the wom included. With this many creatures, he was glad for the food section as he was able to store the food to feed his wom, as well as the Water Creation Magic Circle.

He had bought 5 of those, producing water for all of them at the cost of MP, which is Litre per MP, which is a lot. The only reason he had bought so many is that the time it took will consume mana as one can produce Litre in seconds at the cost of 0 MP.

In the d, it better to buy more with LP and set it to produce small quantity for each magic circle than just try to get as much water as possible. Not to mtion, he was able to create a large reservoir to keep all the water inside.

As for the food, he bought Middle-Grade Storage Magic Circle, capable of storing up to ton of items for each one. As long as the food item remained inside, the food will not rot, being the equivalt of pantry and fridge at once. Truly convit.

With the need of his forces being kept in check, he is now ready to head towards the human territory. The only thing now is to get the information of the territory itself. And he had just the person.



"Come on, I ask about the territory of Astor Kingdom, not your moan," Alros chastised as he spank the blonde former captain, who merely moan harder as he bounced her on his cock.

Alina is the perfect person to ask for information, as being a captain of the soldiers meant she should be posted elsewhere, or at least she should. After all, the people that were st to Lunos Outpost should be made out of veteran soldiers, if the person who assigned them is sane, that is.

Thankfully, he is.

"The-there are 7, hyaaan! province, waaah! in Astor Kingdom," he decided to be merciful and stopped, but not before filling her womb with his seed. The woman moaned as she feel herself being filled to the brim, her inside hot from his seed.

"Continue," he said as he let the dazed blonde lie on his chest.

"Each province is ruled by a governor. There is also several military camps in each province, with the border province having more camps. The border province usually have force up to 50000 soldiers, while the rest have 0000 to 30000.

Each province will have a commanding geral, usually more expericed and older geral than the rest in the province, and they will command one for worth," she explained, before snuggling on his chest.

"Make sse," he said as he stroke Alina like a cat.

The blonde had already explained the division of the soldiers group. 5 soldiers formed a squadron. 0 squadron formed a company. companies formed a battalion. battalion formed a corp. And th, depding on the needed size, to corp could form into an army.

As for the leader of each military unit, a sergeant lead a squadron, a captain lead a company, a commander lead a battalion, a geral lead a corp, and a marshal will lead an army.

While he no military experts he could tell the arrangemt is done to make organization easier. Not to mtion the force can be split into a more mobile unit as needed.

He grope Alina's ass, making her moan before kissing her. Next to him, Laili watched with heavy breathes.

Seeing the -haired system guide looking at him with lust, Alros laughed before pulling her with his tail, kissing her too.

"We are going to have fun before we go to the human territory. So prepare yourself, because I am not stopping until I am satisfied," he exclaimed before pouncing on the two wom, shriek, moan and scream fill the room.


After the delightful night, Alros prepared himself for what could be a hard time. After all, while he knew the basics, he still did not now if he would be allowed or not inside any city. However, he could arrange for it to happ.

"Help! Help!"

"Dammit, where did these monsters coming from!"

"Protect the cargo!"

He watched carefully, using both Stealth, and Illusion to watch the caravan being abused by the monsters he subdued. There are his unturned goblins, useful as both cannon fodder and scapegoat. And his ticket to get inside the city.

As the defse of the caravan about to be overwhelmed, he swoop in. In his hand, a spear he bought from the system space as he begin to slaughter the goblins.

While before, he could not hope to wield the spear like an experice advturer, training with Alina, plus buying some skill that will help with his learning, help tremdously.

With it, he easily dealt with the monsters, killing them to the last one. After he finish the final goblin, he turned to see the people look at him in relief.

"Thank you brave advturers for saving us," a porky man said, trying to bow despite all the fat in his body.

"Do you want anything? As long as it is in our power, we will try to help you, to return the favor you did," the man said.

"Hhmm, can you lead me to a nearby city or town. I had be trying to go to one but had gott lost," Alros said, pretding to be a clueless wanderer.

"That is an easy request. Join us, as luck would have it, we are going to a nearby town in the first place," while outwardly he smiled, inside, Alros sneered.

'Do you think I don't know where you are going? I had be observing you for quiet some time,' he thought inside his head.

Nevertheless, he join in the caravan, waiting with contemplation as they head towards their next destination.

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