I Become Master of Danger Zones as Incubus With Mastery In Genetic

Chapter 36: System Space Tier 2

After nearly two weeks of hard work hunting and assimilating nearby monsters, namely goblins, he finally reaches the milestones.

< System Space

Space Limit (Population) : 00/00

Space Limit (Equipmt) : 50/50

Space Limit (Lair) : 50/50

Mana Point: 000/000

Soul Point: 90

Lust Point: 56780 >

Considering his LP is always rising instead of decreasing, he assume the gods who created the system would not expect him to abuse the system and make the wom masturbate to produce a constant amount instead of him having to do it with them.

In fact, he had spt half a year in the world and he already about to have his system space to tier . He is not sure but he pretty sure it considered to be fast, if not, very fast.

"Oh well, lets soothe my soul by seeing the amount of monsters under my command," he said to himself.

Appartly, there is also a status tab for every being living inside the system space. From the wom, to the monsters, they all have individual information. However, he rarely use it, instead going for the population information.

< Population of System Space

Greater Demon -

Human - 7

Demonic Wolves - 300

Demonic Goblins - 600

Demon Slimes - 0

Lightning Demon Slimes - 0

Fire Demon Slimes - 0

Earth Demon Slimes - 0

Ice Demon Slimes - 0

Wind Demon Slimes - 0

Lust Slimes - 89 >

"Looks like I am ready for the next step," he uttered before picking the upgrade button.

< Upgrading System Space Tier to System Space Tier

- Become a Greater Demon ( Completed )

- Mana Point reach 000 ( Completed )

- Lust Point reach 0000 ( Completed )

- Space Limit (Population) reach 00 ( Completed )

- Space Limit (Equipmt) reach 50 ( Completed )

- Space Limit (Lair) reach 50 ( Completed )

Population reach 000 ( Completed )

All requiremts are fulfilled.

Cost: 0000 LP and 000 MP >

He pressed yes before watching the crystal that supposed to be the system space shook and glow.

"What happed?!" he asked worriedly, yet did not receive an answer from Laili. He fought the urge to check things for now fearing his interferce could be deadly.

Instead, he took the time to fly upwards trying to see if he could see any monsters from the new vantage point, hoping everything would be fine and upgrading the system space to the next tier will not require the sacrifice of every one of it's inhabitant.


After coming down for the second time, as he check at the crystal every one hour, it finally stopped shaking and glowing.

"Laili, are you okay?" he asked.

[ I am fine Master, but I am slightly dizzy from the upgrade. ]

"How about the others. Are all of them fine?" he asked.

[ They are all fine. It seem the upgrade caused some sort of protective barriers to appear a every one of them, protecting them at least. ]

"Good, do you think I can ter now?" the system guide wt quiet for a minute before answering.

[ Yes, you need to see what had be upgraded. ]

Now that sound ominous.


Wh he tered the newly upgraded system space, his mouth almost fall of it's hinges from how wide he op it.

[ Like I said, you need to see what had be upgraded. ]

He concur with Laili, as it is one huge upgrade. While before the ceiling of the system space is an ominous purple, now, it resemble the outside, with blue sky, or ceiling as they are still inside the system space.

Apart from that, aside from the walled area, the other place had grasses growing on it, which show great improvemt.

With the visual improvemt alone being impressive, he look at the system space tab.

< System Space

Space Limit (Population) : 00/000

Space Limit (Equipmt) : 50/500

Space Limit (Lair) : 50/0

Mana Point: 0/0000

Soul Point: 90

Lust Point: 56780 >

"That is one huge upgrade," he could not help but say so. Considering nearly everything doubled, it make sse for him to be awed.

"Are there anything else?" he said before remembering the system store.

He oped it and was assaulted by plethora of new items. The equipmt alone is telling ough, with a lot of upgraded version of the equipmt he had finally being unlocked, plus better conduits and mediums, and better lairs.

"Looks like I need to increase the tier of system space to be able to get more good things," he said.

[ It seem so Master. However, the better things is a lot more expsive. ]

He had to agree with her, as the price for a better Transmutation Magic Circle alone is t time greater than what the Low-Grade ones. However, the new equipmt op up a lot of new path for him.

Right now, he need to determine what he will do, whether he want to fight, go deeper into the forest, or go to the Astor Kingdom and learn more of it.

[ Master, there seem to be magic books that can be bought as well. ]

He raised his brows at the mtion of magic books. After all, he had suspected such thing to exist. It just he never certain of it as he never met mages before, and most of his skills is related to his race, namely incubus.

A quick check nearly gave him a heart attack.

"T-this is daylight robbery!" he said in outrage. A single magic book alone cost almost 000 LP and that is the cheapest one, detailing about mana control. For the things related to actual spells, the price could go from 50000 to 000, and that is for the first volume.

The more advanced it is, the higher the price it could go, with one reaching 00000 LP. He took a deep breath to calm himself.

"For now, let's not worry about that. Now that I upgrade the system space to Tier , I need to think my next step. Do I go deeper, or should I disguise myself and learn more about Lunos Forest and Astor Kingdom, or do I get more monsters to join my ranks?"

He thought about it, thinking every possibilities and the consequces of each option. After thinking for about hours, he came to a decision.

"I will spd a week inside the forest for now, buying equipmt and lairs and experimt it. After one week, I will head to the Astor Kingdom and learn more about it,"

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