I Become Master of Danger Zones as Incubus With Mastery In Genetic

Chapter 28: Battle Against Soldiers

"Come on m, we almost there," the captain of the company try to courage their troops. The march had took them three days, as some of his m had grown tired ev with the usage of stamina potions, having be forced to carry so many supplies.

They hope the supplies is necessary or they will have words with the settlemt leader. Former soldier or no, he should not contact the outpost for reinforcemt unless necess-aar...

"We are too late," she said with despair. With how the settlemt is, no, was, located in a clearing, as long as they have clear line of sight, they can see it.

Now, there are no settlemt, only destroyed defses with some destroyed buildings though some remained intact. They hope some manage to escape but they knew it is close to impossible.

Ev if some managed to escape, the monsters would likely chase after them. After all, there are no settlers outside or repairing the defse, meaning they are all wipeout.

"Look a and search for clue of the possible culprit," though the captain knew the most likely monsters responsible, but it did not hurt to be sure, not to mtion there might be some additional factors as well.

"Captain! There seem to be small footsteps!" 'Goblins!' she though in her head, nodding at their subordinates.

"There seem to be wolves footprints as well!" the captain's brows raised behind their helmet. If they already able to domesticate wolves, th the tribles might be larger than they thought.

"Captain! It seem the settlemt's leader house was burned down from the attack!" they nodded before giving another order.

"Check the houses to see if there any more monsters living inside it!" the soldiers nodded before doing as they said.


"How big do you think the goblin tribe should be?" one soldier asked his companion.

"Maybe a 00 or so? After all, both m and wom that become settlers had be thought self-defse and weapon wielding before they are sd here. That's mean a 50 combatants and all combatants could kill a single goblin and one on one combat, maybe ev two for the m and stronger wom," the companion replied.

"Yeah, true. Hope there is a bed or something, maybe we can sleep on it instead on the g. I mean, there is so much a person could take sleeping on a blanket on the cold g," the first soldier exclaimed, making the other soldier laughed.

"Tru-" his words was cut short wh small spear struck his neck, the first soldier jumping away in shock. Which is a big mistake as he was jumped by a goblin, slamming him to the g.

Unable to get up, the soldier watched helplessly as the goblin took out a large rock and slammed his face.


As the captain waited for their soldiers to be done with the inspection, they heard something in the sky. They looked at the sky and paled, as a winged humonoid figure fly on top of the soldiers.

"Crap," they uttered before yelling loudly, "Brace yourself! There is a demon here! Form into a defsive formation!" they ordered before taking out their sword, watching with trepidation as they cycle through every information on demon they had read.

"Double crap,' they uttered as they remember one important detail, namely, demon can order weaker monsters do their bidding.

"Get ready for a goblin attack!" they warned, as they soon heard some soldiers screaming, shouting "Goblins!"

They gritted their teeth, knowing it is not time to worry of their soldiers. "Form up at the cter! Make sure you are not alone!" they yelled before leading the one close with them to march towards the cter of the settlemt.

As their group moved, some of the scattered soldiers join them, their numbers growing until they reached cter, their numbers a respectable 70 strong. Some managed to join them after they reached the cter, but only before the goblins arrive, suring them.

Looking at the goblins, the captain could not help but feel slightly confused. After all, the goblins are not the regular gre variant, not they are the gray-skinned one living in the mountain.

No, the goblins in front of her are stuff on nightmare, black skin and red eyes, almost looked like demons themselves. The wolves also seem to possess similar trait, black fur and red eyes.

The monsters stopped, seemingly waiting for something, or someone. Soon, the demon descd, looking at them with malicious eyes. His red coloured eyes, seemed to gaze right through them all, while his wings and tail swayed as it looked at them with interest, it's eyes landing on the captain before a smile formed on it face.

"Looks like we have a bunch of stray soldiers. A shame not all of you manage to escape the ambush," one of the goblins dragged an injured soldier, before putting him in front of the demon.

The demon merely glance at him before putting his foot on the soldier's head before stepping on it, making his face slammed to the g.

Seeing the angered look on their m seemed to make it laugh. "Interesting," before the force on it's foot increased, the soldier's head popped op, scattering brain and skulls everywhere.

Seeing how the soldiers become more raged seemed to make it ev more pleased.

It th looked at it's goblin before giving the orders, "Kill them all, but leave the captain to me,"


Alros looked with great interest as his goblins began to fight against the soldiers. While they are better equip, wearing metal armor ev, they are still too outnumbered by his goblins, his force outnumbering them more than to .

Not to mtion, with how they are stuck at the cter, they are more vulnerable as there are vantage point in the form of houses a the cter, the only reason he left those buildings alone.

With his goblins taking position on the roof, they rain arrow upon the soldiers, throwing and slinging rocks, wearing the soldiers down as some were felled by the projectiles.

With spear-wielding goblins at the front, the soldiers are slowly being cornered. Unable to maneuver, they are subjugated to more projectiles, their numbers falling slowly but surely.

Yet, ev as the fight rage on, Alros keep his eyes on the captain, interest showing on his face. After all, he is an incubus and similar to goblins, he can sniff out the opposite sex with ease.

"To think the captain of the guard is a female. I wonder if the other know about it," he muttered. Oh well, he would have some chance to play with her. For now, ding the small group is the priority.

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