I Become Master of Danger Zones as Incubus With Mastery In Genetic

Chapter 25: Preparing The Monster Force

"I have to say, this work out well," Alros said, as he was busy transforming a goblin into a demonic one.

The system he created for the wom allowed him to attain 0000 whooping LP in a single day, to his delight. Unfortunately, it is likely the limit for now.

Unless he captured more wom, th he would have to be happy with the currt amount. Still, with such amount, he was able buy 5 Goblin Lairs, 3 Animal Lair, and Slimes Lair.

< Goblin Lair (Small) - Can be use to place goblin.

Space Limit - 0

Cost: 000 LP >

While the information is lacklustre, compared to the Animal Lair, it still increase the number of goblins he can have to 0. With this, his force is now a staggering 300 Demonic Goblins, 0 Demonic Wolves, and 0 assortmt of Demonic Slimes with differt attribute.

He had put the Lust Slime somewhere else, namely the bedroom, where they will use their aphrodisiac properties to turn on the wom and make them more prone to relieve their desire, whether through masturbation or through him, it's up to the schedule.

Of course, 300 goblins, 0 wolves and so on the limit he can create, not the force he had at the momt. After all, he still needs to make sure there is ough medium, his blood to allow the transformation to happ in the first place.

In the d, he decided to test the a Demonic Essce from the store. The result is less than stellar, as the chances of succeeding is a mere 70 perct, compared to almost 0 perct by using his blood. Not to mtion, for some reason, the one from his blood is stronger than the one using regular Demonic Essce.

In the d, he decided to just used his blood, and hope he can handle the blood lose.


Thankfully, he was still alive by the d of it all, though he still feel like he was dying from the amount of blood he let out. Thankfully, there is a little Magic Circle he had bought to help with such thing.

< Low-Grade Healing Magic Circle - Heal anyone inside the magic circle. The more severe the injury, the more time and mana it took to heal it.

Require Mana Point to function.

Cost: 500 LP >

He had bought one for himself as he will be one of the main force. Of course, that is not the only thing he had bought. While he had debated it, he decided to buy several more Transmutation Magic Circle to increase the amount of demonic monsters he can create in a single day.

With of such magic circle, he was able to speed up the production of Demonic Goblins and Demonic Wolves. As for Demon Slime variant, it still in the process but he believe he could get more of them as long as he is patit.

As he was busy contemplating his next course of action, one of his Demonic Goblins called him out.

"Rarrhhh, Mwraghh, Frlughha," while he cannot understand Goblinese, being the goblins subjugator, he was able to determine what the goblins is attempting to say.

"Wait, you found other settlemts?!"


He quickly take a look at the settlemt. Over all, it is the same as the one he destroyed. The settlemt is ripe for the taking and can be easily destroyed. However, the question, should he?

After all, while the spoils are great, there is still risk of alerting the kingdom of his presce, though it might be just to late to prevt it. Nevertheless, destroying three more settlemts will no doubt earned the ire of the kingdom, not to mtion once he was done destroying the coming army.

However, the rewards of destroying the settlemts is no doubt lucrative. Not to mtion the wom, the SP giv will be ough to allow his evolution into a Greater Demon.

As he thought of the pros and cons, he soon came to a conclusion, "I will earn the ire of the kingdom no matter what. At least I will gain a lot from attacking the settlemt,"

"But, attacking the settlemt, would I still be ready to ambush the incoming soldiers?" he pondered.

His goblins had found the outpost and sd message of troops being mobilized. So, the soldiers of the kingdom will definitely come. Though, he believe, the preparation he had made would allow him to win without suffering significant casualties.

However, if he attack the settlemts first, he would suffer some casualties, one he could not afford to take with the armies coming in.

"Wraghh, kreag, haargh," as he think of his future action, another goblin come and gave him it's report. His eyes wided once more.

"You find another settlemt?!"


It took him days to arrive at the settlemt, and that is because he had used the Demonic Wolves as transport. Being far stronger and more athletic compared to regular wolves, they arrive faster than he could think.

As he arrived, Alros observed the settlemts, his thought pondering on his course of action. With two settlemts up for grasp, it will be foolish to ignore the loot inside.

However, he still need to think the best way to sure his victory is earn without paying to much blood. As he came up with a plan, another compilation was thrown at him like a brick to the face.

"Wragh, hraghh, raggh," he listed to the new goblin, his face turned pale instantly.

"What do you mean the army had already marched?!"


"Captain, are you sure we need this many troops for a simple expedition?" a soldier asked the captain, who is wearing a helmet.

"This is not just a simple expedition. This is also to exterminate any monster lairs near the settlemts inside Lunos Forest," the captain corrected.

"All the settlemts?" the soldier exclaimed in disbelief. Seeing how the captain nod, the soldiers laughed at himself, "Th I should ask why we take so little troops?"

"We are not the only group. The Lunos Outpost can only held a small number of soldiers, a 500 or so. It's already straining the resource to bring 0 soldiers into the forest.

However, if the report is correct, and I believe it is, there might be more than goblin lairs. We need to be prepared if that is the case. We might need to stay longer there is more than we can handle.

That's why we brought so many provisions as well as sding some soldiers to hunt nearby game. The three nearby settlemts will provide us with food too, and we will pay them for it," the captain explained.

"If there is no more question, tell the battalion to move out," soon, the battalion moblized, heading into the Lunos Forest. However, they did not notice two pair of red eyes, watching them.

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