I Become Master of Danger Zones as Incubus With Mastery In Genetic

Chapter 18: Plan and Preparation to Destroy the Settlement

"If they combed through the area, they could find me and kill me," Alros said worriedly.

"The only way I can escape is by heading deeper but I am not strong ough," once more, he cursed his weakness.

"In the d, I have to destroy the settlemt and loot what it can give me, but I need a bigger force. Looks like I have to use fill the system space with Demonic Goblins th," he said.

He th looked at Laili on his lap, breathing heavily as he subconsciously touched all over her private part.

"And now, we need to get the fund for the expansion," he carried the system guide before taking her into a bed in the system space, one he put in the Slime Lair as there are no other suitable place to put it.

He th pinned her down before kissing her, which th result in her being ravage by the incubus.


Waking up and leaving the twitching Laili on the bed, he soon thought of another source of intel, the records and reports.

"Hhmm, it seem to say something about an inspection in next week or so," he said worriedly. "Does that mean they will sd a squad of soldiers here?"

"Not to mtion, the goblin's attack might push their plan ahead of schedule, so I need to destroy the settlemt as quickly as possible," he concluded.

"Time to get busy,"


First thing first, he need to capture many goblins first before transforming them into Demonic Goblins. Thankfully, his demonic goblins are superior to the normal one in every way, and goblins will submit to a much stronger goblin tribe.

His goblins proceed to hunt down a relatively large goblin tribe filled with 70 goblins. While his Demonic Goblins are outnumbered, they also have 40 Demonic Wolves as back up.

As the two side watched each other warily, he watched from a relatively safe distance, so he could observe everything. He also bought some parchmt and p, to write down on his observation of goblin's behaviour.

The two leading goblins began to growl at one another before screaming in Goblinese. He watched as the two goblins began to circle the other, snarling and growling as they seem to determine the other party strgth.

Soon, the simple stare-off turn into a full blown fight, as the other goblin charged at the Demonic Goblin, who merely stood there as the other lunged at him.

Big mistake.

With just a simple strike, he st the other goblins flying away, making him hit a tree, unable to move. The Demonic Goblin than walked towards the fall leader before he walked towards them and d the leader.

The goblins from this tribe began to bow towards the Demonic Goblin, who began to order the defeated tribes.

That is wh Alros walk towards the Demonic Goblin. While the defeated party snarled at him, his Demonic Goblins bow down.

"Tell them to come at me, one goblin at a time," he ordered the Demonic Goblin leader, who nodded before growling order. Soon, a line of goblins formed as he began to subjugate them, one goblin at a time.


"Laili, how does the space limit work? Do the monsters need to be inside or can I transform them and sd them outside and they will not count anymore?" he asked.

[ Unfortunately, as long as you transform them, they will be consider the permant residt of the system space. ]

"Really unfortunate," he grumbled. After all, if he can transform them and kick them out of the system space, all of his goblins will be Demonic Goblins.

"In that case, I have to subjugate more goblin tribes and transformed the strongest one into a Demonic Goblin. Thankfully, subduing monsters have no limit, so I can do it as long as my mana are up," he said, thanking for some small mercies.

"At least I should get them some better equipmt. Maybe I can ev improve them ev more," he thought off. In the d, he decided to shelve it for later, after getting one hundred swords and shields, with maybe some armors for his Demonic Goblins.


"Another productive night," he exclaimed as he grope Laili breast, the -haired woman trembling from their previous session.

"Seriously, I get to have sex with a beautiful woman everyday, and I don't ev need to eat that much. What could I ev ask for?" he said though he still planned on getting gods' favor. After all, there is one thing he want to ask for.

He put the thought at the back of his mind for now. He have more urgt things to worry about.


"Looks like they are ready for an upgrade," he said though inside, he was nervous.

After all, this is the first time he used an elemtal medium on his mutated beast. And he planned on using it on his Demon Slime. There are possibility of compilation happing but it is a risk he has to take.

Worse case scario, he would always able to fill in the space of Slime Lair. "Let's begin," he said before activating the Transformation Mana Circle.

He watched as the lightning medium, a simple material called Lightning Stone emitted electricity and hit his Demon Slime, making it squirm.

However, he steeled his heart, watching as it slowly turned from purplish-red to purple. A the slimes, electricity seem to dance all over it's body.

Alros quickly check the system scre.

< Lightning Demon Slime - Created from a Demon Slime and Low Grade Lightning Stone. Possessed electrifying body that constantly released electric charges from it's body, epectrifying anything that is close to them.

Much stronger than regular slime due to being a demonic variant. Also possessed ability to manipulate electricity at a certain level.

Race: Lightning Demon Slime

Strgth: E

Speed: D

Agility: D

Intelligce: E

Stamina: E

Skill - Electro Body >

"Looks like it is successful," Alros exclaimed, acting like he is not nervous of the result few minutes ago.

He took the slime into his hand, slightly flinching from the electric charges prickling his skin.

He th look at the slimes he had gathered, a large smile on his face.

"Well, let see how many of you will become new variant,"


In the d of the experimtation, he was able to create 5 Lightning Demon Slime, 5 Flame Demon Slime, 5 Ice Demon Slime and 5 Earth Demon Slime. All having the differt properties, suitable for differt tasks.

"Looks like every preparation is ready. We will attack at midnight,"

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