I Become Master of Danger Zones as Incubus With Mastery In Genetic

Chapter 15: First Human Settlement

[ Master, what should we do? ]

Currtly, Laili took her fairy form, though she no longer covered herself with light, seemingly accepting her fate of being his pleasure servant.

"We cannot just barge in. We might be stronger than them but that is a big if. Not to mtion we don't know if they are affiliated to any countries and if the said county is strong or not. We need to gain more intel," he said.

[ But how? While master look human, if someone suspicious come out from the woods, they will suspect Master to being a bandit or something of the similar sort and chase Master away. ]

"Good point," looks like plan A will not work.

"Hhmm, in that case, I have to just use a spy," his eyes fell on several useful rodts.


"This better be worth the hassle," he muttered before subjugating another rat. His plan is simple in idea yet harder to perform. He need to capture as many rodts as possible and sd them into the settlemts.

However, he could not demonify any of them, not just because it is not worth the resource, but also because the villagers might suspect something seeing large rats scurrying a town.

He had bought several traps, allowing him to catch all the rats and squirrels he needs but it is still troublesome.

"I use 0 space for them. They better be worth it,"


The rats listed to his order, which is to rats stuff, targeting the warehouse, people's homes, just doing what a rat gotta do. Yet, there are special ones that are going to sneak inside the more important places, like the library and the settlemt's leader's home.

As they wt into the human settlemt, Alros watch all of it inside the system space. Thankfully, he is linked to the system space, allowing him to create scres to showcase what his creations and servants are seeing.

It cost some LP in the equipmt section, an extsion to his ability to see, hear, and smell what his marked servants can see. Thankfully, it did not use MP or he will riot.

All in all, he observed the scres while doing his favourite thing, Laili.

"Hhnn, hhnn, d-don't y-you, th-think, y-you need to conctrate?" she asked as his dick tered her swoll pussy lips.

"Oh Laili," he kissed her earlobes, "I can multitask," not to mtion, his goblins also seeing the scre as well. They will be his alarm in case they found interesting thing.

Considering they did not make a sound, he assume they did not find anything of interest, allowing him to pound Laili more.


It took an hour, and 3 creampie as well as orgasms from Laili before one of the goblins ran make a sound.

Alros put the fuck-stupid Laili, her eyes half-lid as her tongue rolling out of her mouth, his sperm exited her pussy, trailing down her thigh.

He walked towards the goblin, still naked, not that any of them mind. Considering they only wore a loin cloth made out of rags, they don't really care for something like that.

He watched the scre to find himself intrigued. "So they find a place that keep the settlemt's records,"

He stroke his chin as he thought of a plan, "Maybe that will work," he said to himself before he heard another goblin's grunts.

He headed towards the other goblin to find himself staring at a treasure trove of books. "So, there is also library in this small settlemt. Curious really, why do they build something that would not be that beficial to this place," while villages would have small library, for a settlemt near a forest filled with monsters to have one, it's either poor planning or there is a reasoning behind it.

"We should try to get some of the books as well. Thankfully, I am prepared for something like this,"


It will took some time before he could implemt his plan but at least he had a concrete plan to gain useful intel. Of course, after seeing what his goblins wanted to show him, he wt towards the half-conscious Laili, who now have the strgth to push herself to a sitting position.

Before he ruined it.

"Wha-" Alros kissed the dazed Laili before making her sit on his lap, his dick petrating her trance, making her gasp and moan.

"You so tight," he said to her, his hand playing with her clit, making her inside tighted ev more.

"Let's have fun as the goblins look for anything interesting," thankfully for them both, the goblins did not find anything else, as the two mated like rabbit for the tire night.


Wh he woke up the next morning, he immediately headed towards a nearby river, far from his source of water and clean himself. After that, he gave orders to his rodts.

Unfortunately but expectedly, some dies, being killed by cats or fall into some traps. Still, he has 5 left, so, he could do a quick scouting. One to determine the whereabouts of the leader's office and house, and also the library, and two, to determine the number of people in the settlemts.

"Go, my rodts," the one that found the records and library had remained still, waiting for the right momt to escape, namely wh there are ough eyes on the roof. Once the rodts are all in position, the two in the most important place make their escape.

He watched carefully, not wanting to miss them. Soon, he find one of them, near a barrel. He order the others to move, trying to tell where the library is.

"Looks like it's here," he said, before writing the word library on the map he made. He had ordered his rodts to scour the place at dusk, allowing him to make a rough map of every house and buildings.

"And now, for the last one," the rat began to move but unfortunately, it did not go as smoothly.

"Damn it, a cat," he cursed, watching his rat trying to escape from the cat. Seeing how dangerous it is, he decided to order it to just make it's escape. After all, if the rat managed to escape with the cat in tow, the commotion will be much easier to spot.

"There," he watched as the rat only manage to get meters away before it was caught and killed by the cat.

"A pity, he exclaimed, "but at least I know the location of every point of interest,"

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