I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 99: Chapter No.99 Dragon's Sin Of Wrath (3)

[Third Person's POV]

"So, You are only worth this much?" The Sorceress mocked as she stood over the fall body of Samael Ashwood riddled with injuries, who had no sign of life.

"What did you say before? Ah! yes 'You sure?' my foot."

The sorceress sneered as she kicked Samael's lifeless body, her dark ergy swirling a her in triumph. Her monstrous form towered over him, shadowy tdrils flickering ominously in the scorched and ash battlefield. "Pathetic. You thought you could challge me? You thought you could protect them?" she spat, her voice dripping with disdain.

Her eyes glowed as she summoned more dark magic to her hand, preparing to obliterate what little remained of Samael. "Goodbye, Ashwood," she hissed, raising her staff high for the final blow.

But just as she prepared to strike, the air a her shifted. A strange, unfamiliar presce washed over the battlefield. The temperature dropped suddly, and the oppressive weight of her dark magic seemed to falter.

"Hey... you didn't answer my question from before... I had to return back from the gates of hell… you shouldn't have done that."

A deep, resonant voice echoed across the battlefield, cutting through the sorceress's victorious glee like a knife through the fog. The sorceress froze, her eyes darting a in confusion. There was no one else here, she was sure of it—Samael lay defeated before her. So where was this voice coming from?

Before she could fully comprehd the situation, the air itself seemed to ripple, warping a Samael's lifeless body. The oppressive darkness of the battlefield recoiled as a pulse of ergy surged from the fall figure. The Dragon's Heart that had pushed Samael to his limits began to glow once more, faint at first, th brighter, until its radiant power was impossible to ignore.

The sorceress staggered back, her eyes widing in disbelief. "Impossible... You were dead! I saw you die!"

Suddly, Samael's body stirred. His eyes shot op, not with the same blue and red hues from before, but now shining with a brilliant, otherworldly gold light. His injuries began to heal rapidly, and a radiant aura veloped him, lifting him off the g.

The sorceress took another step back, her confidce crumbling as the impossible unfolded before her. "What… what is this? How are you still alive?!"

Samael's voice, now layered with a deeper resonance, spoke in a tone that st chills through the air. "You underestimated me... underestimated us."

He slowly stood upright, his body radiating immse power. The Dragon's Heart within him was no longer just a source of pain and strain—it was fully awaked, its ergy merging seamlessly with Samael's magic.

The aura of Lightning, Destruction, Star, Nature, Shadow, Dark, and Blood magic that had once be scattered and unfocused now pulsed in perfect harmony, crackling with the force of a tempestuous storm.

The sorceress's eyes wided in terror as the once-defeated Samael began to glow with a flash of unparalleled brilliance. The radiant ergy emanating from him cut through the darkness like a beacon, illuminating the tire battlefield with its intse light. The sorceress's dark magic recoiled, unable to withstand the overwhelming force of Samael's newfound power.

The g trembled beath them, and the air vibrated with the sheer magnitude of Samael's magic. The once oppressive cold had giv way to an intse, searing heat, and the molt earth beath them began to churn and bubble.

Samael took a deep breath, and the gold light in his eyes seemed to pierce through the very fabric of reality itself. His voice now imbued with an ethereal quality, resonated with an authority that commanded the elemts a him.

"Blighted skies where angels weep..."

The sorceress's eyes wided in sheer panic as Samael's voice echoed with divine authority. The sky, once dark and choked with the residue of magic and battle, began to part as if answering his call. The once-molt earth cooled and solidified under the influce of Samael's overwhelming aura.

"Chains of sin in shadows creep..."

The sorceress's breath came in ragged gasps as Samael's words wove an intricate spell in the air. The very fabric of the battlefield seemed to bd to his will, the chaotic remnants of their clash falling into an eerie silce. The sorceress, her once-confidt demeanor shattered, struggled to maintain her composure as she witnessed Samael's transformation.

"Heav scorched by pride's last call..."

The sorceress's confidce shattered completely as Samael's incantation continued. His voice grew more powerful with each verse, and the very atmosphere seemed to pulse in rhythm with his words. The sky above, once darked and turbult, began to clear, revealing the first glimmers of dawn.

"By the flames of the eternal, I claim this night..."

Nearly completing the chanting, leaving only the final line hanging in the air, Samael's aura surged with newfound vigor. The sorceress, now visibly trembling, tried to gather her remaining strgth to counteract the overwhelming power emanating from Samael. Her dark ergy crackled and sputtered as if unable to compete with the sheer magnitude of his light.

"Domain Expansion: Satan's Fall!"

The sorceress's eyes wided in sheer terror as Samael's final incantation took shape. The g beath them cracked op, and the very essce of reality seemed to warp and shift. A powerful rift oped in the air, drawing in the suring magic and ergy.

Samael's voice resonated through the battlefield with an otherworldly power, and the chaotic forces at play began to coalesce into a single, overwhelming force.

From the rift, a colossal wave of radiant ergy surged forth, crackling with the combined might of all the magic Samael had harnessed. It rolled across the battlefield like a tidal wave, its intsity blinding and scorching everything in its path.

The sorceress, caught in the full brunt of the assault, tried to muster a defse, but her dark magic was utterly overwhelmed. The gold light from Samael's spell pierced through her defses like a spear, shattering her dark chantmts and gulfing her in a maelstrom of searing heat and divine radiance.


The roaring tempest of light and power swallowed her screams of agony. Her once formidable form was reduced to nothing more than shadows and echoes as Samael's spell reached its peak. The battlefield was transformed into a sea of gold light, and the very air seemed to hum with the remnants of Samael's overwhelming spell.

A giant flaming hand with molt crust reached down from the rift, closing a the sorceress in a final, fiery grasp. The g beath them was scorched black, and the heat was intse ough to force back ev the bravest of souls. The sorceress's form was swallowed by the inferno, her dark magic disintegrating into nothingness.

The gold light continued to pulse and ebb, illuminating the battlefield with an ethereal glow. Samael, standing at the cter of the radiant storm, felt the surge of ergy coursing through him, a feeling both exhilarating and exhausting. The immse power of the Dragon's Heart, now fully awaked and harmonized with his own magic, was overwhelming yet exhilarating.

As the light began to fade, Samael's form became visible once more, though he was clearly exhausted. His eyes, now returning to their original blue and red hues, still glowed faintly with the remnants of the spell's ergy. The once-turbult battlefield had calmed, and the oppressive darkness had be replaced by a sere, almost sacred silce.

Samael collapsed to his knees, his strgth spt but his resolve unwavering. He looked a at the remnants of the battle—the scorched earth, the dissipated dark magic, and the remains of his emies. The g was littered with the debris of the conflict, but the source of the threat, the sorceress, was no more.

Huff! Huff! Huff!

Samael's breathing was labored as he slowly pushed himself back to his feet. The battlefield was still a mess of destruction, but the once-dominant darkness had be banished by the raw power of his transformation. His body, though battered and exhausted, radiated a sse of victory and newfound strgth.

He scanned the remnants of the battle, his gaze falling upon the scattered remains of the sorceress's forces. The oppressive dark magic that had once suffocated the air was now nothing more than faint traces of dissipated ergy.

"Is it… over?" Samael's voice was hoarse but filled with a determined edge. The gold light from his spell had receded, but his eyes still held a flicker of that divine radiance. His hands trembled slightly, not just from exhaustion but also from the overwhelming surge of magic he had channeled.

"It's quite the contrary~" Samael's body froze as he heard her voice... again.


Samael's head whipped a, his heart pounding in his chest as he searched for the source of the voice. The battlefield, now eerily silt and calm after the devastating clash, seemed to pulse with an unsettling ergy. He strained his sses, but there was no visible sign of the sorceress—or so he thought.

The voice was both familiar and chilling, echoing through the air with a mocking tone. "Isn't it charming how you think you've won?"

Samael's eyes narrowed, his gaze shifting across the scorched landscape. He ssed a subtle distortion in the air, a faint ripple that suggested the sorceress's presce was not tirely vanquished.

Suddly, the distortion coalesced into a swirling vortex of dark ergy. From within it, the sorceress emerged, her form now twisted and grotesque, a mockery of her previous monstrous appearance. Her eyes glowed with an intse, malevolt light, and her dark magic crackled a her like a storm. She seemed less corporeal, more an embodimt of pure, malevolt ergy.

"You see," she said, her voice resonating with an unnerving echo, "You almost had me there... almost~"

She continued, "Quite the forgetful you are, ar't you? I control dark magic as well as... Time Magic~"

So all that I did was... useless?!




[To Be Continued]


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