I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 97: Chapter No.97 Dragon's Sin Of Wrath (1)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]


My voice erupted, fueled by a mixture of desperation and fury. The sorceress's cold amusemt faltered for a brief momt as my outburst reverberated through the froz landscape. The icy chill in the air seemed to intsify as her gaze harded, her grip tighting on the staff.

But the sorceress mattered less to me, As my tire force was on Mother's faith breathing which means-

There is still a chance!

A sigh of relief left my body but I instantly oped the system shop, to look for an item to stabilize her condition. My hands moved frantically through the interface, searching for anything that could save her, anything to stop the frost from claiming her completely. The world a me seemed to blur as my focus narrowed on the shop, each second ticking by with agonizing slowness.


I found it—"Revitalization Potion!", a rare item that could reverse ev the most severe injuries and restore vitality. Without hesitation, I purchased it, ignoring the steep cost that drained a significant portion of my remaining points. Time was of the essce, and nothing else mattered but saving her.

The potion materialized in my hand, a shimmering vial filled with a gold liquid that seemed to pulse with life. I knelt beside my mother, carefully brushing away the frost that clung to her skin. Her breathing was faint, but it was there—a small, fragile thread that I could still hold onto.

"Hang on, Mother," I whispered, uncorking the vial. The potion's warm glow contrasted sharply with the icy chill that permeated the air. I gtly tilted her head, pouring the liquid into her mouth.

But another problem surfaced, "She can't drink." The small amount of liquid poured into her, spilled and froz on her lips, unable to ter her system. Panic surged through me as I realized that her body was too cold, her throat too constricted by the croaching frost, to swallow the potion.

"Think, damn it!" I muttered to myself, forcing my mind to focus despite the rising dread. The potion was my only hope, but it was useless if I couldn't get it into her system.

Desperation turned into determination as an idea struck me. I immediately filled my mouth with the liquid and pressed my lips on hers with urgcy, attempting to warm the potion with my own breath and transfer it directly to her. The icy cold of her lips contrasted sharply with the warmth of the potion, but I refused to let that deter me.

I focused on getting ev the smallest amount into her system, my hands cradling her head gtly but firmly.

For a momt, nothing happed. Her body remained cold, lifeless, and unresponsive. Fear clawed at my insides, whispering that I was too late, that nothing could save her now.

But th, just as despair began to tight its grip, I felt a faint shudder beath my hands. Her chest, which had be barely rising, started to move more noticeably. The frost that had crusted her skin began to recede ever so slightly, melting away under the influce of the potion. I could see a hint of color returning to her pale cheeks.

"Mother...?" My voice was a mix of hope and fear as I watched her, praying for a miracle.

Her eyes fluttered op, just a crack, but it was ough. The relief that flooded through me was overwhelming. Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision as I held her close, careful not to disrupt the fragile recovery.

"Stay with me," I whispered, as much to myself as to her. "Please, stay with me."

But the danger wasn't over yet. The sorceress was still there, and I could feel her icy gaze burning into my back. She wouldn't allow this to happ without a fight.

I removed my upper robes and placed them on the g settling Mother on it gtly, making sure she was as comfortable as possible. My heart ached at the sight of her fragile state.

"Space Magic: Endless Void!"

A dark tear-shaped rift oped and slowly embraced Mother's fragile form, Enveloping her in a protective bubble of shadowy ergy. The swirling vortex pulled in the cold, the frost, and ev some of the sorceress's macing aura, creating a shield a my mother. The space within the void was warmer, insulated from the biting cold that had threated her life.

"It's your turn," I whispered as my gaze fixed on the sorceress. My dragon heart was pounding inside my chest, screaming to me to rip this emy apart.

"I don't know what you did, But the fact that you've managed to keep her alive for now," the sorceress hissed, her voice cutting through the frigid air like a blade. Her eyes, glinting with icy mace, fixed on me as she began to channel a new surge of power. "But it will make no differce. My vgeance will be swift, and your pathetic attempts to save her will only delay the inevitable."

My anger flared as the intsity of the dragon's heart amplified. The sorceress's threats were like nails on a chalkboard, each word driving me further into a state of fiery resolve. Her attempt to intimidate me was futile; She crossed the line by threating my mother, and now I was prepared to unleash everything I had.

The sorceress had underestimated my resolve, and I was determined to make her regret it.

With a growl of defiance, My magic flared and the disguise pdant stopped functioning due to the mana overload.

My form started to return to its original state, My height increased, and my muscles started to swell and become compact packing explosive strgth, In my hair patches of crimson-red began to blaze like embers, contrasting sharply with the remaining strands of snow- and jet black.

But the most intse transformation was still unfolding. My aura expanded, pushing the icy chill away from me, as the dragon's heart within me roared to life. The air a me shimmered with the heat of my burgeoning power, and the earth itself seemed to quake with each beat of my heart.

The sorceress's smirk faltered, her eyes widing slightly in response to the overwhelming force radiating from me. Her own magic struggled against the tide of ergy I was unleashing, and the air crackled with the clash of our opposing powers. I could feel the raw power coursing through my veins, a bld of fiery fury and dragonic strgth that I had never wielded so fully before.

My hands clched into fists, and I could feel the g beath me melting slightly under the intsity of my aura. The very fabric of reality seemed to bd and warp a me as I prepared to unleash my full might.

Wh my gaze returned to the sorceress, She was no longer the detached, mocking figure she had be. Now, her expression was a mix of fear and calculation as she realized the magnitude of the power I was wielding.

"So now you have a fancy transformation~ I wonder, how you obtained this? Did you experimt on yourself too?" After fully examining my form, She said with a relaxed and disdainful tone, though her eyes betrayed a hint of apprehsion. "Very well. If you think this display will intimidate me, you're mistak. I will show you what true power is."

Her staff began to glow with a dark, shimmering light, and a storm of frigid ergy swirled a her. The air turned colder as she channeled her magic, her eyes narrowing with focus. I could feel the weight of her power pressing down on me, a counterweight to the dragon's fury within me.

"Darkness Convergce!"

The sorceress unleashed a torrt of shadowy ergy, a swirling maelstrom of darkness that surged toward me. The cold was suffocating, and the shadows seemed to claw at my very essce, attempting to drain my vitality and freeze me in place. I gritted my teeth, resisting the croaching chill with all my might.

With a roar, I summoned the full force of my dragon heart, igniting a blazing aura a me. The destruction affinity amplified by the dragon's heart exploded in a blazing eruption. The fiery wave surged outward, clashing with the sorceress's darkness, creating a cataclysmic collision of elemts.

The g trembled as our ergies collided, the sheer force of the conflict sding shockwaves through the suring area.

My aura roared with dragonic power, pushing back against the oppressive cold. The fire within me blazed with unyielding intsity, countering the sorceress's dark magic. My form, now a striking bld of snow- and crimson-red, pulsed with raw, uncontrollable ergy.

"Is this all you've got?" I shouted through gritted teeth, my voice carrying the weight of my resolve.

"Destruction's Desct!"

I unleashed the full force of my Destruction affinity, the fiery eruption surging toward the sorceress with reltless fury. The spell was a massive wave of molt ergy, burning through the darkness with a raw, searing intsity. The g beath me cracked and heaved as the sheer power of the attack clashed with the sorceress's defsive barrier.

The sorceress's eyes wided in shock as she realized the magnitude of my assault. Her dark magic struggled to contain the overwhelming force of the Destruction's Desct, and the air a us became a violt storm of crimson and shadows. The icy chill that had veloped the battlefield began to dissipate, consumed by the raging inferno of my attack.

She raised her staff, attempting to channel more of her dark ergy to counter my spell, but the intsity of my magic overwhelmed her defses. The force of the blast was so immse that it began to push her back, her feet dragging through the snow as she struggled to maintain her g.

"Is this really the best you can do?" I taunted, my voice ringing with the confidce and determination fueled by my dragon heart. "You threated my mother and tried to d her life. Now, you'll face the consequces."




[To Be Continued]


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