I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 88: Chapter No.88 Showdown (8)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

I enter the estate still recovering from exhaustion, but the recovery is much faster than before I had the dragon heart. As I opened the door and made my way towards the hall.

I was immediately greeted by the faint scent of lavender, a fragrance that brought a sense of calm and familiarity to my weary mind. The Ashwood estate was quiet, almost too quiet, considering the chaos that had unfolded recently. The echoes of my footsteps seemed to linger in the air as if the walls themselves were waiting in anticipation.

My thoughts were still a jumble of everything that had transpired— the sealed floors under the prison of the Rutherford family, files, and those experimented people turned monsters.

My mind kept replaying the horrors I had uncovered, the twisted experiments, and the lives shattered by a lust for power. The Rutherford family had crossed a line, and I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to uncover, more darkness lurking beneath the surface. But for now, I needed to focus on the present, on the people who were counting on me.

As I entered the hall, I was greeted by the sight of Sionna. She sat by the fireplace, her face lit by the warm glow of the flames. Her expression softened as she saw me, and she rose to her feet, crossing the room in a few swift steps.

"Samael," she said, her voice a mixture of relief and concern. "You're back. Are you alright?"

I nodded, though I could see the worry etched on her face. "I'm fine, just tired. There's a lot we need to discuss, but first, where's Liliana?"

"She's resting," Sionna replied, her eyes searching mine for any sign of what I had been through. "She was worried about you. We all were."

My hand went to her head gently combing through her indigo hair, her wolf-like ears drooped down as her tail started to waggle slowly behind her, a clear sign of her concern. I offered her a small smile, trying to reassure her despite the weight of everything that had happened. "I'm here now, Sionna. I won't let anything happen to you or the others."

She leaned into my touch, her tension easing slightly, though her eyes still held a flicker of worry. "You always say that, Samael, but you keep throwing yourself into danger. I know you're strong, but we need you too. I need you."

Her words hit me harder than I expected, a reminder of the responsibility I carried, not just for myself but for those who depended on me. Sionna, Liliana, Alice—my family had already been through so much, and I couldn't bear the thought of them suffering anymore because of my actions.

"I know, Sionna," I replied, my voice soft but firm. "And I promise, I'll be more careful. But there are things I need to deal with, things that threaten all of us. I can't just stand by and let them go unchecked."

She sighed, her tail stilling as she pulled away slightly to look me in the eye. "Just… don't forget that you're not alone in this. We're stronger together, Samael. Whatever you're facing, we'll face it with you."

Her words brought a warmth to my chest, a reminder of the bond we shared. I wasn't alone, and that thought gave me strength. "Thank you, Sionna. I won't forget that."

I pulled her into a brief hug, feeling the tension in her body slowly ease as she wrapped her arms around me. When we finally pulled apart, she looked more at ease, her usual determined expression returning.

"A kiss?" She asked with a blush on her cheeks, her eyes looking up at me expectantly. There was a playful glint in her gaze, but beneath it, I could see the genuine affection she held for me. It was moments like these that reminded me why I fought so hard, why I was willing to face the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

Smiling softly, I leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Always," I whispered, letting the warmth of the moment sink in. "I'll always be here for you."

"Mou~ Not there, Kiss me here," She pouted as her finger pointed towards her lips which glistened slightly in the dim light of the hall. Her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink as she leaned closer, her eyes half-lidded with expectation.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her persistence. Sionna had always had a way of lightening the mood, even when the weight of the world seemed to press down on me. It was one of the many things I cherished about her.

"You're relentless, you know that?" I teased, though my voice was soft, affectionate. Her pouting expression only deepened, and I knew I couldn't deny her.

With a gentle touch, I cupped her cheek, feeling the warmth of her skin beneath my fingertips. I leaned in slowly, closing the distance between us until our lips met in a tender kiss. It was brief but sweet, a moment of solace in the midst of all the chaos.

When I pulled back, her face was a mix of contentment and bashfulness. Her tail wagged faster now, betraying her true feelings despite her best efforts to appear composed.

"Better?" I asked with a grin.

She nodded, a smile breaking through her feigned pout. "Much better," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

For a moment, everything else faded away—the horrors of the Rutherford estate, the looming threats, and the burdens I carried. In that small, quiet space, it was just Sionna and me, finding comfort in each other's presence.

But the reprieve was short-lived. I could feel the weight of responsibility creeping back in, the knowledge that there were still battles to fight, and dangers to face. And yet, as I looked into Sionna's eyes, I felt a renewed sense of determination.

"Come on," I said, offering her my hand. "Let's check on Liliana and the others. We've got a lot to figure out, and I could use your help."

Sionna took my hand, her grip warm and reassuring. We walked together through the dimly lit halls of the Ashwood estate, the silence between us filled with unspoken understanding. Despite everything, it was moments like these—moments of quiet companionship—that gave me the strength to keep pushing forward.

"Is Mother back from her task, yet?" I asked while walking with a thoughtful expression.

"Not yet," Sionna replied, her voice tinged with a hint of concern. "She's still out dealing with the aftermath of the recent attacks. Some issues in the neighboring territories required her attention. You know how she is—she won't rest until everything is under control."

I nodded, understanding all too well. Elysia Ashwood was a force to be reckoned with, especially when it came to protecting her family and the Ashwood estate. Her strength and resolve were unmatched, but it also meant that she often took on more than she should.

"We'll need to update her on what we've discovered," I said, my mind already racing with the information we needed to share. "The Rutherford family's experiments... It's worse than we imagined, Sionna. They're playing with forces they don't understand, and innocent people are getting caught in the crossfire."

Sionna's expression hardened, her concern replaced by a fierce determination. "We'll put a stop to it, Samael. Whatever it takes. They won't get away with this."

Her words echoed my own resolve. The Rutherfords had gone too far, and it was up to us to ensure they were held accountable. But for now, there were other priorities—like checking on Liliana and making sure everyone else was safe.

As we continued down the hallway, the flickering candlelight cast long shadows on the walls, creating an eerie atmosphere that seemed to match the weight of the situation. The Ashwood estate, once a place of safety and solace, now felt like a battleground waiting for the next skirmish.

We reached the door to Liliana's room, and I paused, taking a deep breath before gently pushing it open. Inside, Liliana lay on the bed, her form barely visible under the soft covers. The room was dimly lit, with only the faint glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains.

Sionna and I approached the bed quietly, not wanting to disturb her rest. But as we drew closer, Liliana stirred, her eyes fluttering open as she sensed our presence.

"Samael? Sionna?" Her voice was groggy, but there was a relieved smile on her lips as she recognized us.

"I'm here," I said softly, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "You should I say, Princess Liliana."

Her eyes widened at hearing the title I used her gaze shifting from surprise to a gentle, appreciative smile. She sat up slowly, propping herself up on her elbows. The weariness in her eyes was evident, but there was a spark of warmth as she looked at us.

"So you know about it, huh~ I wanted to tell you all this myself," Liliana continued, her voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and strength. "There's so much that needs to be addressed, and I didn't want you to find out secondhand."

Sionna and I exchanged a glance. I could see the strain in Liliana's eyes, the toll that everything had taken on her. Despite her attempts to appear calm, the exhaustion was evident.

"We've discovered some troubling things," I began, my tone somber. "The Rutherford family's experiments are more horrific than we anticipated. How Garrick Rutherford kidnapped you and started the war with the Vampire race to get them as his experimental subjects, to extract the immortality aspect from them and convert them into his twisted version of superhumans.

The horrors we've seen—it's a lot to process."

I continued, "I am just waiting for Mother to come back, After that. I will storm the Rutherford Territory myself."




[To Be Continued]


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