I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 8: Chapter No.8 Labelled As A Criminal

The moment I grasped the Sword of the Dark Light, a surge of energy coursed through my body. The blade hummed with a barely contained power, and I could feel it resonating with my own magical energy. This sword was unlike any I had ever wielded—it felt like an extension of my very being.

Flint and Marcus watched as I approached them with the sword in hand. confusion written on their face as they looked at the sword in my hand and then my face as asking for my...sanity?

"Why did you pick a...rusted sword?" Flint's voice was confused, echoing the sentiment in his eyes. Marcus, despite his weakened state, managed a puzzled glance at the weapon in my hand.

I looked down at the sword, its blade shimmering with an otherworldly light that only I could perceive. To the others, it appeared as nothing more than an old, rusted relic. But I knew better. This was the Sword of the Dark Light, a weapon of immense power, hidden behind a deceptive facade.

Oh! now I remember, It's the camouflage ability of the sword that obscures its true nature from all but its chosen wielder. The sword's power is cloaked in an illusion, appearing as nothing more than a rusted relic to everyone else.

And no one should know that this sword holds such power. It's our secret weapon, our advantage against whatever dangers lie ahead. With a determined smile, I sheathed the Sword of the Dark Light at my side, ready to face whatever challenges awaited us.

"Let's get out of here," I said, my voice steady with newfound resolve. "We've earned our rest."

Flint and Marcus exchanged puzzled glances, but they nodded in agreement, trusting my judgment. Together, we made our way out of the dungeon, Marcus was still weak but stable thanks to the vial's effects.

As we emerged into the daylight, the sun's warm rays greeted us, a stark contrast to the cold darkness of the dungeon. We took a moment to catch our breath and survey our surroundings- Surrounded from all sides with Alexander standing in the forefront with a smirk on his face.

My heart sank as I saw Alexander standing before us, his expression smug and self-satisfied. It was clear that he had been waiting for our return, his presence a reminder of the unresolved tension that lingered between us.

"What are you doing here?" Flint's voice was tinged with suspicion, his hand instinctively reaching for his weapon. Marcus shifted uneasily beside me, his injuries still fresh in his mind.

Alexander's smirk widened, his gaze flickering over us with amusement. "I could ask you the same thing," he replied, his tone dripping with condescension. "I thought you'd all be dead by now."

His words cut deep, fueling the resentment and distrust that simmered beneath the surface. It was clear that Alexander had little regard for our well-being, viewing us as nothing more than pawns in his game.

"We survived," I said, my voice steady despite the anger that burned within me. "Despite your best efforts to abandon us."

Alexander's smirk faltered momentarily, replaced by a glimmer of irritation. "I had every intention of returning once the danger had passed," he said, his tone defensive. "But it seems you managed just fine without me."

His words rang hollow, a feeble attempt to shift the blame onto us. But I refused to be swayed by his manipulative tactics, my resolve hardened by the trials we had faced together.

"We don't need you," Flint interjected, his voice cold and unyielding. "We never did."

"Marcus, My buddy come here." Alexander ignored us as he beckoned Marcus over with a casual gesture. Marcus hesitated, glancing uncertainly between us and Alexander.

But he still started walking toward Alexander which shocked both me and Flint as we exchanged surprised glances. Marcus had always been loyal to Alexander, but after what we had just been through together, I had hoped that loyalty would waver.

"Marcus, don't," I called out, my voice filled with urgency. But Marcus either didn't hear me or chose to ignore my warning, continuing to approach Alexander with a determined stride.

As Marcus reached Alexander's side, he clasped hands with him in a gesture of camaraderie. "You made it back," Marcus said, a hint of relief in his voice. "I was worried when you disappeared during the battle."

Alexander's smile widened, his eyes glinting with satisfaction. "I had faith that you would all make it out alive," he said, his tone dripping with false sincerity. "After all, I couldn't let my loyal companions come to harm."

The words left a bitter taste in my mouth, a reminder of the trust we had placed in Alexander and how easily he had betrayed it. But there was little we could do now except watch as Marcus and Alexander exchanged pleasantries, their bond seemingly unshaken by the events that had transpired.

Flint's hand tightened on his weapon, his expression darkening with anger. But before he could act, I placed a restraining hand on his arm, shaking my head in silent warning. We couldn't afford to provoke Alexander, not when we were still weak and wounded from our ordeal in the dungeon.

"Now then, the main topic of discussion," Alexander continued, his voice smooth and calculated, "is the treasure you retrieved from the dungeon. I trust you've managed to secure some valuable artifacts?"

I felt a surge of indignation at Alexander's arrogance, but I kept my expression neutral, unwilling to show any sign of weakness in front of him.

"We have," Flint replied evenly, gesturing to the items we had gathered. "But we'll be dividing the spoils equally among our group."

Alexander's smile faltered slightly, a glimmer of annoyance flashing in his eyes. "We had a contract, I get the treasures while you get coins instead of an equal share. You wouldn't want to break our agreement, would you?"

His words were a thinly veiled threat, a reminder of the power he held over us as the leader of our expedition. But I refused to be intimidated by his manipulative tactics, my resolve was strengthened by the knowledge that we had faced far greater dangers together and emerged victorious.

"Our agreement was made under false pretenses," I said, my voice firm and unwavering. "You misled us about the true nature of the dungeon, putting us in grave danger without our knowledge. We won't be bound by a contract that was based on deception."

Alexander's expression darkened, his facade of charm crumbling away to reveal the true extent of his anger and frustration. "You dare to defy me?" he hissed, his voice laced with venom.

"Guards, capture these criminals!" he barked, turning to the group of armed men who had been lurking in the shadows. "They've violated our contract and stolen valuable artifacts from the dungeon. Take them into custody and confiscate their spoils."

"Rutherford family is not be messed with!" Alexander's declaration sent shockwaves through our group, the realization dawning on us that we were now facing not only Alexander but the full force of the Rutherford family's influence and power.

The guards moved forward, their weapons drawn and expressions hardened. Flint and I exchanged a tense glance, knowing that we were outnumbered and outmatched.

"We surrender," I said with my hand in the air, my tone resigned but my mind already strategizing our next move.

According to the plot, The main heroine is also in the prison of the Rutherford family. that's where the protagonist meets her for the first time and gets a massive power-up.

But as in place of the protagonist, I am taking this role. As we were being escorted away by the guards, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease gnawing at me. The Rutherford family was notorious for their ruthlessness and ambition, and being in their custody meant we were at their mercy.

Flint shot me a concerned look, his eyes filled with apprehension. "What do we do now?" he whispered, his voice barely audible over the din of the guards.

"We wait for an opportunity," I replied quietly, keeping my voice low to avoid attracting attention. "We can't afford to make any rash decisions. We need to bide our time and wait for the right moment to strike."

Flint nodded, his expression grim but determined. "Agreed. We'll get out of this, somehow."

As we were led through the winding corridors of the Rutherford estate, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were walking into a trap. The guards watched us closely, their weapons at the ready, and I knew that any attempt to escape would be met with swift and deadly force.

"You are quite smart for a kid, Atom," Alexander said as he looked at the rusted sword resting by my side. "Too bad you chose to defy me. You could've had a bright future ahead of you."

"And what's with this rusted sword?" he continued, his tone mocking. "Do you really think a relic like that stands a chance against the might of the Rutherford family?"

Due to it being rusted and not having even a 'drop' of mana in it. They ignored the sword, dismissing it as nothing more than a worthless artifact. But little did they know, the Sword of the Dark Light held a power far greater than they could imagine.

I kept my expression neutral, refusing to rise to Alexander's taunts. "Time will tell," I replied calmly, my voice steady despite the tension in the air.

Alexander's smirk faltered, replaced by a scowl of annoyance. "You'll regret defying me," he spat, his voice laced with venom. "I'll make sure of it."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Alexander turned away, leaving us in the custody of his guards.

"Get in!"

The guards ushered us into a dimly lit dungeon cell, the heavy iron door slamming shut behind us with a resounding clang. The air was thick with the scent of mildew and decay, and the only light came from a small torch mounted on the wall.

Flint was taken further inside due to him being the second circle mage, leaving me alone in the dimly lit cell. I could hear his muffled protests as he was dragged away, but there was little I could do to help him. We were at the mercy of the Rutherford family now, and any attempt to escape would only lead to further trouble.

I was alone or so I thought-

"Can I take a look at your sword?"




[To Be Continued]


Thanks For Reading.

Peace Out✌️

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