I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 29: Chapter No.29 Rescue (6)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

"Where...am...I?" I muttered, my voice hoarse and disoriented as I took in the scene around me. The once grand hall now lay in ruins, its opulent decor marred by the aftermath of a fierce battle. The bodies of the guards and the once-regal figures sprawled lifelessly on the ground, a testament to the devastating power that had been unleashed.






As the fog of confusion lifted, the memory of what had transpired began to crystallize in my mind. The Soul King had taken control, wielding my body with a power I could scarcely comprehend. The pain and despair that had consumed me moments before were now distant memories, replaced by a newfound strength and clarity.

"Liliana... my sister... my mother," I whispered to myself, the urgency of their plight reigniting my resolve. I had to find them, to ensure their safety. The thought of their suffering spurred me into action.

I glanced at the key in my hand; its cold iron weight reminded me of the task. The warden had handed it over, his fear palpable. The dungeon lay beneath the fortress, a dark and foreboding place where my loved ones were held captive. I had to reach them, to free them from their torment.

But the moment I tried to stand, an agonizing pain took hold of my whole body, and I collapsed back onto the throne. My muscles spasmed, and a wave of nausea hit me as the adrenaline from the battle waned, leaving my body to grapple with the residual effects of the immense power the Soul King had wielded.

"Damn it," I hissed through clenched teeth, forcing myself to breathe slowly and evenly. My vision blurred momentarily, and I fought to stay conscious. The Soul King's intervention had saved me, but the toll it took on my body was undeniable. I needed to gather my strength quickly if I hoped to reach my family.

"Okay, Samael," I muttered to myself, "one step at a time."

I gripped the arms of the throne, using it as leverage to pull myself upright. My legs trembled, but I managed to steady myself. Every movement was a reminder of how close I had come to the brink, but I couldn't afford to waste any more time. I had to find my family.


Liliana, who was sleeping peacefully beside me on the throne, stirred at the sound of my voice. Her eyelids fluttered open slowly, revealing her vampiric red irises as she looked up at me with a mix of confusion and relief. "Samael?" she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, still groggy from her slumber.

As her gaze locked onto my condition, concern immediately flickered across Liliana's face. Her eyes widened as she took in the state of the hall around us, the fallen guards, and the aftermath of the intense battle that had unfolded.

"Samael, what happened? Are you alright?" Liliana asked, her voice filled with worry as she struggled to sit up beside me. Despite her concern, she appeared remarkably composed, a testament to her own strength and resilience.

"I'm... I'm okay," I replied, my voice strained but determined. "I have the key to the dungeons. We need to move quickly, Liliana. Mother... and Alice might be there."

Liliana nodded solemnly, understanding the urgency of our situation. She pushed herself up from the throne, her movements fluid despite the weariness that clung to her. "Let's go," she said firmly, her red eyes locking onto mine with unwavering determination.

I staggered slightly as I stood, leaning on the throne for support. The toll of the Soul King's power still weighed heavily on me, but I couldn't afford to falter now. As Liliana saw my struggle immediately offered me her arm, steadying me with a strength that belied her appearance. "Lean on me," she insisted gently, her concern evident as she guided me toward the dungeon entrance.

Together, we navigated through the labyrinthine corridors of the fortress, the echoes of our footsteps mingling with the eerie silence that pervaded the dungeons below. The key I held felt heavier with each step, a tangible reminder of the hope it represented for our family's rescue.

As we approached the heavy iron door at the end of a dimly lit passage, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what lay ahead. With trembling hands, I inserted the key into the lock, the sound of metal grating against metal echoing in the stillness. With a decisive turn, the lock clicked open, and the door creaked ominously as it swung inward.

The stench of damp stone and decay assaulted my senses as we entered the dungeon. Torches flickered weakly along the walls, casting dancing shadows that seemed to writhe in anticipation. Rows of cramped cells lined the corridor, their iron bars a cruel testament to the suffering endured within.

"Lili, wait here," I whispered hoarsely, gesturing for her to stay back momentarily. Despite her reluctance, she nodded, her gaze never leaving mine as I ventured deeper into the dungeon. Each cell I passed held a sliver of hope and dread, the fear of what I might find clawing at my heart.

Skeletons of the past occupants lay in some cells, grim reminders of the fortress's dark history. The air was thick with despair, the walls echoing with faint whispers that seemed to mock my desperation. Each step felt heavier than the last, the weight of responsibility pressing down on my shoulders.

Then in one such cell, I saw one figure huddled up in the corner, her face obscured by matted hair. The faint glow of the torches barely illuminated the dark cell, casting long shadows across the figure's form.

"H-Hello?" I stammered, my voice catching in my throat as I cautiously approached the huddled figure. The air in the dungeon seemed to constrict around me, suffused with an oppressive sense of foreboding.

The figure stirred at the sound of my voice, slowly lifting her head to reveal a face streaked with dirt and tear tracks. Her eyes, once vibrant and full of life, now bore a haunted emptiness as they met mine.

She had two animal-like ears peeking through her tangled hair, twitching nervously as she blinked in the dim torchlight. Despite the weariness etched into her features, there was a flicker of hope in her eyes as she stared at me with a mix of fear and uncertainty.

"A...Are you...here...finally...k...kill me..."

My heart sank at the sight of her, realizing the extent of her suffering and despair. Her voice trembled with resignation as if she had resigned herself to a fate worse than death. I approached her cell cautiously, the torchlight casting eerie shadows on the walls around us.

"No," I said firmly, my voice steadying despite the turmoil within me. "I'm not here to kill you. We're here to rescue you."

Confusion flickered across her face, disbelief warring with a glimmer of hope. She seemed unable to comprehend my words, as if kindness and rescue were alien concepts in this forsaken place.

"I... I don't understand," she whispered hoarsely, her voice barely audible over the distant echoes of the dungeon. Her ears twitched nervously, a testament to the heightened senses that had likely kept her on edge during her captivity.

"You're safe now," I assured her gently, reaching through the iron bars to offer her a reassuring touch on her shoulder. She flinched at first as if expecting cruelty or harm, but then she slowly relaxed under my touch, her shoulders sagging with a mixture of relief and disbelief.

"My name is Samael," I introduced myself softly, trying to establish a connection amidst the bleak surroundings. "And she is Liliana, We are here to rescue my mother and sister."

"T...Then...go...find them and bring them to safety... don't waste your time with me..." Her voice was barely audible, filled with resignation and a deep-seated sorrow that tugged at my heart.

[Ding! Mandatory mission]

[Name: Save the heroine]

[Description: Sionna, The last princess of an extinct Beastmen race faced unimaginable suffering and anguish, that she lost her will to live at all.]

[Objective: Give her a purpose to live once more.]

[Reward: 1000 Destiny Points, Shop Function Unlocked]



I hesitated for a moment, the weight of her despair almost palpable in the dimly lit dungeon. Her words echoed in my mind, stirring a sense of determination to offer her not just rescue, but hope. I couldn't leave her behind, not when there was a chance to make a difference.

"Won't you introduce me to your name?" I asked gently, ignoring the prompt that appeared before me as if to remind me of my mission. The girl before me, clearly in a state of despair, needed more than just rescue—she needed a reason to believe in hope again.

She blinked at me as if surprised by my question. Slowly, hesitantly, she replied, "S...Sionna. My name is Sionna."

"Sionna," I repeated softly, letting the name settle between us. "It's a beautiful name. Listen, Sionna, I know you've been through unimaginable suffering. But we're here now, and I promise you, you're not alone anymore."

Liliana approached cautiously from behind me, her eyes fixed on Sionna with a mixture of empathy and concern. "We'll get you out of here," she said quietly, her voice carrying the weight of our shared determination. "And we'll help find your home."

"You can't...no one can...find my home...it's already destroyed by humans long ago," Sionna murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as if reliving the pain of her past. Her ears drooped slightly, a visible sign of her sadness and resignation.

I felt a pang of sympathy for her, understanding the depth of her loss and the weight of her despair. "Even if your home is gone," I said gently, "there's still a future for you. You don't have to face it alone anymore."

Sionna looked up at me, her eyes searching mine as if seeking the truth in my words. "Why...why would you help me?" she asked, her voice wavering with a mix of hope and disbelief.

"Because everyone deserves a chance to find peace," I replied sincerely. "And you deserve a chance to find yours."

Liliana nodded in agreement beside me, her expression softening as she reached through the bars to offer Sionna a comforting touch on her shoulder. "We're here to help," she added softly. "You're not alone anymore, Sionna."

For a moment, Sionna seemed overwhelmed by our words, as if grappling with the possibility of hope amidst the darkness that had consumed her. Slowly, tentatively, she reached out to grasp Liliana's hand, her touch trembling with emotion.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice thick with unshed tears. "Thank you for saving me."

I turned to the task of unlocking Sionna's cell. The iron bars groaned as I pulled them apart, creating just enough space for her to step out into the corridor. She hesitated for a moment, as if unsure of her next step, but then she took a tentative step forward, then stumbled forward.

As I reached out to steady her but instead of leaning she leaped into my arms hugging me tightly in a tearful embrace. Her body shook with silent sobs as relief and disbelief flooded through her, the weight of her captivity finally lifting from her shoulders.

Her ears drooped slightly against my chest, her whole frame trembling with the emotional release that had been bottled up for so long. I held her gently, letting her cry out the anguish and despair that had plagued her during her captivity. Liliana stood beside us, her eyes filled with quiet empathy as she watched Sionna find solace in my embrace.

"It's okay, Sionna," I murmured softly, my voice a soothing reassurance amidst the echoes of the dungeon. "You're safe now. We're going to get you out of here."

Sionna nodded against my shoulder, her grip on me tightening slightly as if afraid that this newfound safety might slip away. "I... I never thought... anyone would come..." she whispered between sobs, her voice thick with emotion.




[To Be Continued]


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[Word Count: 2053]

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