I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 27: Chapter No.27 Rescue (4)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

The guard's mocking laughter echoed through the corridor, sending a chill down my spine. Despite the fear, I forced myself to remain calm. Panic would do nothing to help Liliana or myself.

"Move," one of the guards commanded, shoving me forward. I stumbled but managed to regain my balance, my mind racing with possible escape plans.

As they led me through the winding corridors, I noted every turn and detail, hoping to memorize the layout of the fortress. The guards were heavily armed and vigilant, leaving little room for error. My dhampir regeneration was working slowly, mending my wounds, but I still felt weak and vulnerable.

As we moved the numbers of guards started increasing with each step. It seemed they were reinforcing their presence, anticipating any attempt at resistance or escape. Their jeers and taunts followed me, but I kept my head down, focused on conserving my energy and biding my time.

Suddenly, the corridor widened into a large hall. The flickering torchlight revealed a high-ceilinged chamber with stone walls adorned with ominous symbols and ancient tapestries. At the far end of the hall, Four thrones stood on a raised dais, each occupied by a figure cloaked in shadow. The atmosphere was thick with tension, and the air seemed to vibrate with an oppressive energy.

The guards pushed me forward, forcing me to my knees before the thrones.

One of the figures leaned forward, revealing a face that was both regal and cruel. His eyes glinted with malevolent intelligence, and a smirk played at the corners of his lips.

"Oh! I know you. In fact, I think I even know your purpose for being here," the regal figure said, his voice dripping with condescension. "Samael Ashwood, the outcasted third young master of the noble Ashwood family."

His words echoed through the chamber, each syllable a dagger aimed at my pride. The guards tightened their grips on my arms, ensuring I couldn't move. The other three figures remained shrouded in shadow, their eyes piercing through the darkness, observing me with a mixture of curiosity and disdain.

"You've caused quite a stir in our fortress," the regal figure continued. "And for what? to rescue your little sister and...sexy mother whom we kidnapped~."

My heart sank at the mention of my family, their safety now clearly at stake. The regal figure's taunting only fueled the simmering anger within me, but I forced myself to maintain composure, knowing any rash action could endanger not only myself but also Liliana.

"You have my family," I stated evenly, meeting the regal figure's gaze with defiance. "Release them, and I will cooperate."

The figure chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down my spine. "Oh, but where's the fun in that? We have plans for your family, and you, dear Samael, are an essential piece of those plans."

A chill crept down my spine at his words, the gravity of the situation settling in. The fortress wasn't just a stronghold; it was a den of vipers, each more dangerous and cunning than the last. My thoughts raced, searching for a way to turn the situation to my advantage.

"What do you want from me?" I demanded, my voice tinged with frustration and apprehension.

The regal figure leaned back in his throne, his expression contemplative. "Simple. Your loyalty. Serve us, and your family will live comfortably under our protection. Refuse, and... well, you can imagine the consequences."

"Oh~ and for your information, Your father is our contractor which means-"

"He was the one who told you to do this to your family," the regal figure continued, his smirk widening as he revealed the unsettling truth. "Yes, Samael Ashwood, your own father struck a deal with us. He wanted to dispose of you, the unwanted son, and in exchange, we promised him power and influence."

Shock coursed through me like a bolt of lightning. My father, the head of the Ashwood family, had orchestrated this betrayal. The weight of his treachery hit me with a force that threatened to shatter my resolve.

"No..." I muttered, my voice barely audible, disbelief and betrayal warring within me.

"But worry, We will not kill you...just yet. As we have more urgent business for you. Business that requires your... unique abilities," the regal figure said, a glint of malice in his eyes.

A mix of anger, despair, and determination surged within me. My father's betrayal cut deep, but I couldn't afford to dwell on it now. My thoughts raced, trying to find a way to protect Liliana, rescue my family, and somehow escape the clutches of these malevolent figures.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice steadier despite the turmoil inside me.

"Oh~ Come on don't play the innocent card here, We saw you fight our guards. Even we were shocked to see the second coming of the dragon monarch....Ah~ that destruction affinity. If we didn't know better we might have consider to put you in our breeding ground to create powerful fighters for our cause~."

His words sent a chill down my spine, confirming my worst fears about the fortress's true intentions. They sought to exploit my abilities, to manipulate and control me for their own gain. Yet, amidst the fear and uncertainty, a steely resolve began to form within me.

"I will never serve you," I declared, my voice firm despite the lingering doubt. "And I will find a way to stop you, no matter the cost."

The regal figure's smirk faded, replaced by a glimmer of annoyance. "Stubborn fool. You will learn soon enough that defiance comes at a price."

"GUARDS!!! BEAT HIM TILL HE BEGS FOR MERCY!" The regal figure's command echoed through the hall, and the guards wasted no time. They descended upon me with brutal efficiency, delivering blow after blow with their weapons and fists. Pain exploded through my body, but I gritted my teeth and endured, refusing to give them the satisfaction of hearing me beg.

Each strike fueled my determination. Through the haze of agony, I focused on the faces of my family—Liliana, my sister, and even my father, the architect of this betrayal. Their images strengthened my resolve, reminding me of what I fought for.

But as the beating continued, my body reached its limit. Darkness encroached at the edges of my vision, threatening to consume me. I fought against it, clinging to consciousness with sheer willpower.

But the fatigue and injuries caught up with me, overwhelming my senses. The guards' relentless assault pushed me to the brink of collapse. Each blow felt like a hammer against my battered body, sapping my strength with every impact.

Just as I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness, I heard a familiar voice in my head.

"Hey brat, Let me take over for sometime. Am I getting bored in here~"

Soul King?!

"Yeah I know, '*Gasp* OH MY GOD! How?' and everything in between. But you don't have much time, So what do you say?"

I hesitated for a moment, my mind racing with uncertainty. The Soul King's offer was unexpected, and I wasn't sure what consequences it might bring. But faced with the imminent danger and the relentless assault, I knew I had little choice.

"Fine, do it," I managed to grit out through the pain.

Immediately my vision went dark, As my body went limp as the guards continued their assault.


[Reio AKA Soul King's POV]


He is going to die...

Quite a shame...

The guards continued their brutal assault, heedless of the damage they were inflicting on Samael. Blow after blow rained down upon him, each strike intended to break his spirit and crush his defiance. His body, already weakened by previous battles and the loss of blood, could only endure so much before finally succumbing to the darkness threatening to engulf him.

As Samael teetered on the edge of unconsciousness, a familiar presence surged within him. I, Soul King, seized the opportunity offered by Samael's desperate state. With a silent agreement between us, I took control, My consciousness merging with Samael's in a seamless transition.

Instantly, the world around me shifted. The pain that had been overwhelming Samael's senses dulled to a distant ache as I, the Soul King, took control. My awareness expanded within Samael's body, my consciousness intertwining with his own. The guards' brutal assault seemed to slow, their movements becoming sluggish and predictable in my heightened perception.

All the injuries started to heal almost instantly under my influence. The regenerative powers of Samael's dhampir nature, coupled with my immense spiritual energy, began to knit his wounds together at an astonishing rate. The broken bones realigned, cuts closed, and bruises faded as if they were never there.

The guards, initially emboldened by their relentless attack, now faltered as they witnessed the miraculous recovery of their prisoner.

As instead of continuing their assault, they stepped back in shock, uncertainty evident in their eyes. The abrupt change in Samael's condition left them bewildered, their weapons held hesitantly as they exchanged uneasy glances.

"What... what's happening?" one of the guards muttered, his voice barely audible over the sudden silence that had fallen upon the hall.

I, in control of Samael's body, rose to my feet with a fluid grace, the wounds that moments ago had threatened his life now nothing more than a memory. The guards shuffled backward, their fear palpable as they faced an opponent who had just shrugged off their most devastating attacks.

"Hello to all the bitches present here~"




[To Be Continued]


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[Word Count: 1603]

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