I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 25: Chapter No.25 Rescue (2)

[Unknown's POV]


I was inside my cabin going through the materials I would need to commence my plan further when the alarms blared, jolting me from my focus. The sharp, persistent sound pierced the air, signaling an urgent breach. My eyes narrowed as I rose from my seat, my mind racing through the possible implications.

Intruders within the fortress walls meant a severe lapse in security, something I could not afford.


My voice thundered through the cabin, summoning my lieutenant. Within moments, Robert, a burly man with a scar running down his cheek, burst through the door, his expression a mix of concern and readiness.

"Yes, B-Boss?" he said, snapping to attention.

"There's been a breach," I said, my tone cold and commanding. "Mobilize our forces and secure the intruders. They must not reach the inner sanctum."

Robert nodded, his eyes steely with determination. "Understood, Boss. I will see to it personally."

As he turned to leave, I added, "And Robert, make sure they are captured alive. I want to know who they are and who sent them."

"Yes, Boss," he replied, then hurried out of the cabin, barking orders to the guards outside.

I returned to my desk, my mind now wholly occupied with the unfolding crisis. The intruders had to be highly skilled to bypass our outer defenses. This was no ordinary infiltration. I had to prepare for the worst.

With a swift motion, I activated a hidden compartment in my desk, revealing a small, intricately carved box. Inside lay a crystal, shimmering with an inner light. I picked it up, feeling its cool surface pulse with latent energy.

Holding the crystal aloft, I murmured an incantation. The air around me shimmered, and a translucent figure appeared, its form flickering like a flame in the wind. It was a projection of one of my most trusted allies, a sorcerer of great renown.

"What is it, Argoth?" the figure asked, its voice echoing through the room.

"We have intruders in the fortress," I replied, my voice low and urgent. "I need your assistance in ensuring they do not disrupt our plans."

The figure nodded, its expression grave. "I will prepare the necessary spells. Send word when you have located them."

With that, the projection faded, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I placed the crystal back in its compartment and closed the desk, my resolve hardening. Whoever these intruders were, they would soon learn the folly of their actions.

My guess is it's that boy whose mother and sister we kidnapped at the orders of his own father—Lord Ashwood.

But then questions arise like, how did he find us? Our location was supposed to be a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few. Could there be a traitor in our midst? Or has someone else been aiding Samael?

I shook my head, dispelling the spiraling thoughts. There was no time for conjecture; I needed concrete answers. For now, the focus had to be on capturing the intruders and securing the fortress.

I strode out of my cabin, my mind already formulating a plan. The corridor outside was bustling with activity, guards scrambling to their posts and issuing commands. Robert was at the center of it all, directing the response with a steady hand.

"Robert," I called, catching his attention. He hurried over, his face set with determination.

"Boss, the perimeter is secure, and we're sweeping the inner corridors now. No sign of the intruders yet," he reported.

"Good. Double the patrols in the lower levels and the main hallways. I want a tight net around them," I ordered. "And bring out the sentinels. If these intruders are as skilled as I suspect, we'll need all the firepower we can muster."

Robert nodded and relayed the orders through his communicator. I watched as the guards mobilized, their movements precise and coordinated. Despite the urgency, there was no panic—just a cold, methodical efficiency.

As the guards fanned out, I made my way to the command center. The room was a hive of activity, with monitors displaying various parts of the fortress. I stepped up to the central console, where a technician was already scanning the feeds.

"Any visual on the intruders?" I asked, my eyes fixed on the screens.

"Not yet, sir. We're combing through the footage now," the technician replied, fingers flying over the keyboard.

I leaned over the console, my eyes narrowing as I scrutinized the screens. The fortress was vast, a labyrinthine structure with countless nooks and crannies. If Samael and his companion had made it this far, they had to be exceptionally skilled—and possibly guided by someone with intimate knowledge of our layout.

"Sir, we have a heat signature," the technician announced, pointing to a screen. "Sector 9, near the western corridor. It's faint, but consistent with two human-sized figures."

"Zoom in," I commanded. The image sharpened, revealing the shadowy outlines of two figures moving cautiously through the corridor. It had to be them.

"Send a team to intercept," I ordered. "And inform Robert to converge on their location. We need them alive."

As the orders went out, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. This was more than just a simple rescue mission. Samael was here for a reason, driven by a purpose that went beyond saving his family. What secrets did he hope to uncover? What truths lay hidden within the fortress walls?

I turned away from the screens, my mind racing. Whatever the answers, I would find them. And I would ensure that the fortress—and its secrets—remained secure.


[Samael Ashwood's POV]


My enhanced dhampir instincts screamed at me to move as the armored figure raised his axe and... disappeared?!

Goosebumps spread across the skin on my back screaming at me to move before it was too late but-


"Too slow~"

A cold chill crept down my spine as a voice slithered through the air like a serpent's whisper. Just as I tried to turn around, A numb pain shot through my right shoulder as I tried to move my right arm only air greeted me in place of my hand.


My eyes slowly followed the sound, there lay a hand cut off so clean that it seemed like a doll that was chopped in half. Panic sunk into my mind with the realization. I fell to my knees, clutching the wound with my left hand.

"Argh... no..."

The voice echoed in the empty corridor, drowned out by the alarms still blaring around me. Fear and disbelief flooded through me as I struggled to comprehend the loss. How had this happened? Who could have struck so swiftly and precisely?


Liliana's scream resounded throughout the empty corridor but I was hearing none of it as I grappled with the overwhelming pain and shock. The loss of my hand felt surreal, a brutal reminder of the ruthless forces arrayed against us.

"Is this it~"

The same armored figure appeared again with blood dripping from his axe and a chilling smile on his lips. His eyes, cold and unyielding, locked onto mine with a predatory intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. I clenched my teeth against the pain, pushing myself to stand despite the searing agony in my shoulder.


Liliana slashed her palm as blood gushed from her wound, forming a swirling vortex of crimson energy around her. The air crackled with power as the arcane blood magic enveloped the corridor, momentarily halting the armored figure in his tracks.

With a fierce determination, Liliana directed the swirling blood towards our assailant. The crimson vortex surged forward with incredible force, slamming into the armored figure and sending him crashing against the stone walls. His axe clattered to the ground as he struggled to regain his footing, visibly shaken by the unexpected onslaught.

"HOW DARE YOU? HOW DARE YOU HARM MY DARLING?" A maniacal expression appeared on Liliana as if she channeled all her rage and desperation into the surge of blood magic. Her eyes blazed with an intensity that matched the swirling vortex she commanded, the crimson energy pulsating with raw power.

The armored figure staggered under the onslaught, his heavy armor denting from the impact against the stone walls. He grunted in pain, his grip tightening on his axe as he fought to regain control of the situation. Blood trickled from a gash on his forehead, mixing with the sweat that beaded on his brow.

"You dare defy me, witch?" he spat, his voice laced with fury and disbelief.

Liliana's expression hardened, her focus unwavering as she maintained the arcane assault. "You will pay for what you've done," she declared, her voice resonating with a blend of sorrow and fury.

I struggled to my feet, clutching my injured shoulder, but the pain was dulled by adrenaline. My mind raced, trying to grasp the situation despite the haze of agony and shock. The loss of my hand still felt surreal, a stark reminder of the brutal reality we faced.

The armored figure recovered swiftly, his determination matched only by his brutality. With a guttural roar, he lunged forward once more, his axe swinging in a deadly arc. Liliana shifted her focus, redirecting the swirling vortex to intercept his attack. The corridor reverberated with the clash of forces—the arcane energies of blood magic against the raw strength of the armored figure.

But despite Liliana's efforts, the armored figure pressed on, his attacks relentless and precise. Each swing of his axe threatened to breach our defenses, testing the limits of our endurance. I gritted my teeth against the pain, summoning every ounce of strength to stand my ground.

"We can't hold him off forever," I called to Liliana, my voice strained but resolute.

She nodded grimly, her brow furrowed with concentration. "We need to find a way out of here."

I unsheathed the sword resting attached to my right hip with my left hand, focusing on unleashing my strongest attack.

'Blood Rage!'

[Blood Rage (Level 1): Temporarily enhances the user's strength and agility in combat. Duration: 1 minute. Cooldown: 5 minutes.]

'Mystic Eyes Of The Death God!'

[Mystic Eyes of The Death God: The mystic eyes of the death god allow the user to "perceive death"— the conceptual "Death of an Existence" in the form of visual lines extending from any existence. These lines indicate the "death" of an entity, revealing its mortal vulnerability.

Additionally, the user can induce fear and dread by making direct eye contact with targets, invoking a paralyzing fear of their imminent demise.]

[Warning: The extended use of the Mystic Eyes of the Death God can cause severe strain on the user's mind and body, leading to potential hallucinations, loss of control, and irreversible damage if overused.]

'Shadow Steps- Ack!'

Stacking all these abilities on top of each other started straining my already damaged body, But I can't stop now. I have to execute more than these to kill this monstrosity before we die trying.

I again focused on the armored figure, my Mystic Eyes of the Death God locking onto him. The lines of death extended from his existence, revealing vulnerabilities and weaknesses amidst his imposing armor. Despite the pain and strain on my body, I channeled the fear-inducing power of my eyes towards him, aiming to disrupt his focus and resolve.

The armored figure staggered momentarily, his movements faltering as the dread of his impending demise gripped his mind. It was a brief opening, but one I needed to exploit. With a burst of speed granted by my Shadow Steps, I closed the distance between us in an instant, my enhanced strength from Blood Rage empowering my strike.





[To Be Continued]


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[Word Count: 1966]

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