I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 19: Chapter No.19 Chastity (Final)***

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

As our kiss deepened, I took a moment to center myself, drawing on the strength of our bond. Lily's trust was a precious gift, and I vowed to honor it with every action.

Slowly, I positioned myself above her, careful not to rush or make any sudden movements. I could see the fear and uncertainty in her eyes, but also the unwavering trust she placed in me. That trust gave me the strength to proceed, knowing I had to be her anchor in this moment of vulnerability.

Gently, I kissed her forehead, her cheeks, and finally her lips again, all the while whispering soothing words of comfort. My hands caressed her body, tracing the delicate curves and reassuring her with every touch. I could feel her muscles gradually relaxing under my ministrations, her breathing evening out as she surrendered herself to the moment.

She opened her eyes and they directly focused on my erected eight-inches length. Her eyes widened with fear and uncertainty.

"W-Will it even fit in there?" Lily stammered, her voice trembling with a mix of trepidation and curiosity.

I leaned down, pressing a reassuring kiss to her forehead. "Yes, it will fit," I murmured softly. "I'll be gentle, I promise. Let me know if it becomes too much, and we'll stop. Your comfort and safety are my top priorities."

As I held my penis and started to rub it gently against her entrance, Lubricating it with the moisture already present.

"Mmmm~~ s-stop teasing m-me and- ohhh~~~"

Her moans were a mixture of anticipation and need as I continued to tease her, my movements slow and deliberate. With each stroke, I felt her body responding eagerly, her hips rocking against mine in a silent plea for more.

I slowly began to ease myself inside her, taking care to go at her pace and ensure her comfort every step of the way. With each inch, I could feel her body tensing, her muscles clenching around me as she adjusted to the sensation.

"Lily, breathe," I murmured softly, my voice a steady anchor amidst the swirling sea of sensation. "Relax, trust me."

She nodded, her breaths coming in short gasps as she struggled to find her rhythm. I held her close, my hands gentle but firm as I guided her through the process, coaxing her body to yield to mine.

Less than halfway through I felt a layer of resistance in her tight passage, the hymen blocking the way. I paused, my heart constricting with concern as I met Lily's gaze. She looked up at me with a mixture of fear and uncertainty, her eyes silently pleading for reassurance.

"Lily, it's okay," I whispered softly, my voice filled with warmth and understanding. "I won't hurt you. We can stop if you want."

But Lily shook her head, determination shining in her eyes despite her fear. "No, Samael," she said firmly, her voice filled with conviction. "I trust you. Please, continue."

Her words filled me with a sense of awe and reverence, her bravery in the face of pain and uncertainty a testament to her strength. With a nod, I leaned down, capturing her lips in a tender kiss before resuming my movements.


Lily's cry of pain pierced the air, causing my heart to ache with empathy and concern. I immediately halted my movements, my instincts urging me to ease her discomfort.

"I'm sorry, Lily," I murmured softly, my voice laced with regret as I leaned down to kiss her forehead, offering what comfort I could. "I'll stop if it's too much for you."

But Lily shook her head, her determination shining through despite the tears welling up in her eyes. "N-No, Samael," she gasped, her voice strained with effort. "I... I want to continue. Please, don't stop."

Her words filled me with admiration and respect, her courage in the face of pain a testament to her strength of character. With a nod, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the difficult task ahead.

"Okay, Lily," I whispered softly, my voice gentle but resolute. "I'll go slow, I promise. Just focus on your breathing, and let me know if it's too much."

With that, I resumed my movements, easing myself back inside her with slow, deliberate care. Each inch was a battle against the tightness of her passage, but I persisted, determined to make the experience as gentle as possible for her.

Lily gritted her teeth, her breaths coming in short gasps as she struggled to find her rhythm. I held her close, my hands gentle but firm as I guided her through the process, offering words of encouragement and reassurance.

"Y-You're doing great, Lily," I murmured softly, my voice a steady anchor amidst the storm of sensation. "Just breathe, and trust me. We'll get through this together."

Slowly, gently, I applied more pressure, feeling the resistance give way as I gradually breached her hymen. Lily gasped in pain, her nails digging into my back as she clung to me for support.

I held her close, murmuring words of comfort and reassurance as I continued to ease myself inside her. With each inch, I could feel her body adjusting, her muscles slowly relaxing as she surrendered herself to the sensation.


System notification went off in my head but I ignored it, fully focused on Lily and ensuring her comfort. With each movement, I felt her body gradually accommodating me, her breathing becoming more steady as she adjusted to the sensation.

A small trail of blood escaped from where I breached Lily's hymen, proof of her innocence and the significant step we were taking together. My heart clenched with a mix of emotions – empathy for Lily's pain, reverence for her trust, and a profound sense of responsibility to make this experience as gentle and meaningful as possible.

"Lily," I whispered softly, my voice a tender reassurance, "I'm here with you. Just breathe, my love."

'Here it comes!'

Like a wave, toxic and poisonous mana released from her body, directly entering my body through my penis. The sudden surge of dark energy sent a shockwave of pain coursing through me, my muscles tensing involuntarily as the toxic mana threatened to overwhelm my senses.

'Must hold on!'

But just then an idea stuck me like a truck, a desperate attempt to protect both Lily and myself from the dangerous energy coursing through us. With a surge of willpower, I focused on circulating my destruction affinity's energy all over my body in an attempt to neutralize the toxic mana.

Like an overflowing river that destroys everything in its path, I flooded my whole body with the destructive energy, willing it to clash against the toxic mana and nullify its effects. The two opposing forces clashed within me.

Purple veins started to appear on my skin, glowing with a faint, ethereal light as the destructive energy surged through me. It was a delicate balance, teetering on the edge of control and chaos, but I refused to yield to the darkness.

With every heartbeat, I willed the destructive energy to push back against the toxic mana, purify it, and render it harmless. Sweat beaded on my brow as I poured all of my focus into maintaining the delicate equilibrium, my muscles straining with the effort.

Beside me, Lily watched with wide eyes, her gaze filled with concern and awe. She reached out a trembling hand, her touch grounding me in reality as I fought against the darkness threatening to consume us.

But despite the intensity of the battle raging within me, I refused to falter. With every fiber of my being, I channeled my destruction affinity, willing it to cleanse and purify the toxic mana until it was nothing more than harmless energy.

And then, with a final surge of determination, I felt the balance shift. The toxic mana began to weaken, its hold over me diminishing with each passing moment. The destructive energy surged forth, enveloping the darkness and reducing it to nothingness.

With a gasp of relief, I collapsed onto the bed beside Lily, the rush of adrenaline leaving me drained but victorious. She wrapped her arms around me, holding me close as we both caught our breath.

"You did it, Samael," Lily murmured softly, her voice filled with pride and admiration. "You saved us."

I smiled wearily, the weight of the ordeal slowly lifting from my shoulders. "We saved each other," I replied, my voice filled with gratitude. "Together, we can overcome anything."

"T-Then do you w-want to c-continue," Her meek voice filled with desire and embarrassment.

I looked into Lily's eyes, seeing the mix of emotions swirling within her. Despite everything we had just been through, there was still a spark of desire burning bright in her gaze.

"Lily," I said softly, cupping her cheek gently with my hand, "we don't have to rush. We can take all the time you need. Your comfort and well-being are what matter most to me."

She nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "I know, Samael," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I want this... with you."

Her words sent a surge of warmth coursing through me, filling me with a sense of deep affection for her. I leaned down, capturing her lips in a tender kiss, pouring all of my love and devotion into the gentle press of our mouths.

"Then we'll take it slow," I murmured against her lips, my voice barely more than a breath. "Together."

With that, I resumed my movements, easing myself back inside her with slow, deliberate care. Each stroke was filled with tenderness and reverence, a silent promise of love and devotion.

"Ahhh~ Mmmm~~ I-It feelssss sooooo goooodddd~~~"

Lily's voice was a soft melody, a sweet symphony of pleasure and desire that filled the air around us. Her words spurred me on, igniting a fire within me that burned with a fierce intensity.

"Mmmm~ y-you can g- ahhh~~ fassst~~~"

I felt a surge of desire wash over me at Lily's words, her voice a tantalizing invitation that I couldn't resist. With a soft groan of longing, I increased the pace of my movements, each thrust becoming more urgent and fervent than the last.


The heat between us intensified as our bodies moved in perfect synchrony, passion driving us to new heights of pleasure. Lily's soft cries of ecstasy mingled with my own, filling the room with the symphony of our lovemaking.

I lost myself in the rhythm of our bodies, each thrust bringing us closer to the edge of bliss. The world around us faded away, leaving only the two of us entwined in a whirlwind of sensation and desire.

"Ah~ I-Ahh~~ Ahhh~~~ L-Love- YOU!!!!" Lily screamed the last part as I slammed my hip against hers, sending us both spiraling over the edge into a crescendo of pleasure. Our bodies trembled with the force of our release, waves of ecstasy crashing over us in an intoxicating rush.


"I-I am close, Lily" I gasped, my voice strained with the effort of holding back my climax. Every fiber of my being was consumed by the overwhelming sensation of pleasure coursing through me, driving me to the brink of ecstasy.

"M-Me too Mmmm~~~, Together ahh!!!," Lily moaned, her voice filled with need and desire.

With a shared urgency, we moved together in perfect harmony, the intensity of our passion reaching dizzying heights. Each thrust brought us closer to the pinnacle of pleasure, our bodies becoming one in a symphony of ecstasy.

As my climax approached, my member inside her started twitching with the impending release of my pent-up desire. Every movement, every sensation was heightened as we teetered on the edge of ecstasy.

Lily feeling my member twitching inside her, tightened her grip around me, her breath coming in short gasps as she rode the wave of pleasure with me.

"L-Love, I-I'm so close," she moaned her voice a sweet melody that sent shivers down my spine. "Together, please...inside- cum inside."

Her words, a desperate plea mixed with desire and trust, sent a surge of arousal coursing through me. Lily's vulnerability and openness touched something deep within me, igniting a fierce need to fulfill her wishes and share in the ultimate intimacy together.

With a groan of longing, I surrendered to the overwhelming desire pulsating through my veins. I abandoned myself to the moment, allowing instinct and passion to guide my movements as I thrust into her with renewed fervor.

"Yes, Lily, together," I gasped, my voice strained with the effort of holding back my impending climax.

With each stroke, the tension within me coiled tighter, the sensation building to an unbearable crescendo. Lily's soft cries of pleasure filled the room, mingling with my own as we danced on the precipice of ecstasy.


And then, with a final, urgent thrust, I felt the dam within me shatter, releasing a torrent of pleasure that consumed us both. Wave after wave of bliss crashed over us, leaving us breathless and spent in the aftermath of our shared release.


Ropes after ropes of hot, pulsating release surged from me, flooding Lily's depths with warmth and ecstasy. With each pulse, I felt a profound sense of connection with her, our bodies merging in a symphony of pleasure and intimacy.

Lily's cries of pleasure echoed in the room, her nails digging into my back as she clung to me, riding out the waves of ecstasy together. Our movements became erratic, and desperate, as we chased the fleeting moments of bliss, lost in the overwhelming sensations crashing over us.

As our climax subsided, I collapsed onto the bed beside Lily, our bodies slick with sweat and spent with exertion. She wrapped her arms around me, holding me close as we both caught our breath, basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking.

"That was... incredible," Lily murmured softly, her voice filled with awe and wonder.

I turned to her, brushing a strand of hair from her face with gentle fingers. "You were incredible," I replied, my voice filled with love and adoration. "Thank you for trusting me, Lily. You mean everything to me."

Tears welled up in Lily's eyes, shimmering with unshed emotion. "I love you, Samael," she whispered, her voice barely more than a breath. "I always will."




[To Be Continued]



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