I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 14: Chapter No.14 Soul Space?!

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

The realization hit me like a tidal wave—this new affinity was one of raw, unbridled Destruction. It wasn't just about breaking things; it was about dismantling the very essence of existence, a force that could obliterate any obstacle or enemy with unparalleled might.

This affinity does not come under a rare category but something only one other person or we can say the dragon had it before—the legendary Dragon Monarch Of Destruction.


The only other being known to possess such a formidable affinity for destruction was Draug, the legendary Dragon Monarch of Destruction. His name was whispered in hushed tones across the realms, feared and revered for his unmatched power and ferocity.

Even his descendants couldn't inherit such an affinity, making it all the more remarkable that I had been bestowed with this rare and formidable power. With the affinity of Destruction at my command, I held within me the potential to unleash devastation on a scale never before seen.

Draug has already left this realm for the upper realms of existence, his descendants are now rulers of the Drakoria continent and have almost all of the seats in the Dragon council making them the most influential beings among the dragons. Their power and authority are unmatched, and their very presence commands respect and fear from all who dare to oppose them.

But despite their formidable reputation, the descendants of Draug pale compared to the raw, untamed power of the Dragon Monarch himself. Draug was a force of nature, a being whose very existence reshaped the world around him.

Anyway, I am getting sidetracked from the pressing matter at hand. With the affinity of Destruction coursing through me, I needed to focus on harnessing and controlling this immense power. It was a double-edged sword, depending on how it was wielded.

But before I could delve deeper into the mysteries of my newfound affinity, there was still one item left in the Supreme Welcome Gift Pack: the Random Divine Sword Technique.

'System, Use Random Divine Sword Technique.'

[Using Random Divine Sword Technique...]

[Please wait...]

[Flaming Sword Of Nine Suns]

The scroll containing the teachings of the Random Divine Sword Technique began to glow with an ethereal light as I activated its power. With bated breath, I watched as the ancient symbols and arcane diagrams inscribed upon its surface shimmered and danced, revealing the secrets of the chosen technique.

As if imprinting the whole technique in my mind as the massive amount of information entered my consciousness, I felt a surge of exhilaration at the sight of the technique's name: "Flaming Sword of Nine Suns."

The name alone carried an aura of immense power and majesty, hinting at the formidable capabilities of the technique. With a sense of anticipation, I eagerly delved into the depths of the scroll, absorbing the knowledge and techniques contained within.

The Flaming Sword of Nine Suns was a divine rank technique further divided into nine parts, each representing one of the mythical suns that blazed across the realms. As I delved deeper into the intricacies of the technique, I marveled at its complexity and elegance, each movement flowing seamlessly into the next with fluid precision.

The first part of the technique, known as "Dawn's Embrace," focused on harnessing the power of the rising sun into a single but powerful slash, imbuing the wielder's blade with the fiery energy of dawn itself.

The second part, "Solar Flare," allowed the wielder to unleash a blinding burst of light and heat, scorching enemies and incinerating obstacles with the intensity of a solar eruption.

As I continued to study the remaining parts of the technique, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer versatility and power it offered.

From "Midday Convergence," which concentrated the scorching heat of the noon sun into a devastating thrust, to "Eventide Eclipse," a technique that shrouded the wielder's blade in the darkness of a solar eclipse, each part offered unique and devastating abilities.

The glowing scroll withered and turned into ashes as I completed my study of the Flaming Sword of Nine Suns technique, its knowledge now firmly etched into my mind.

'System, open that box of ???'

[Opening the box of ???...]

Breaths in~

Breaths out~

M-My body is getting heavy...My mind feels like it's being pulled into a whirlpool of information, struggling to keep up with the influx of knowledge. The integration of the Essence of the First Mage, the Physique of the First Warlock, the affinity of Destruction, and the Divine Sword Technique had left me feeling both exhilarated and exhausted.



As I struggled to maintain consciousness, my body finally gave in to the overwhelming fatigue, and I collapsed to the ground in a heap. Darkness enveloped me as I slipped into unconsciousness, the weight of the immense power I had acquired bearing down upon me like a heavy shroud.


"Wow, Talk about luck,"


"Well, this kid certainly hit the jackpot by 'I don't know' getting both your essence and my physique," a deep voice rumbled through the darkness, accompanied by a low chuckle.

I tried to open my eyes, but my eyelids felt heavy, as if weighed down by lead. My mind was foggy, struggling to grasp onto the threads of consciousness.

"Oh, Look who waking up~" The first voice had a playful tone, filled with a sense of amusement and curiosity.

"Indeed, it seems our young friend has finally regained consciousness," a second voice remarked, its tone deeper and more resonant.

Slowly, I managed to pry open my heavy eyelids, squinting against the dim light that filtered through the darkness. As my vision gradually cleared, I found myself staring up at two figures looming over me, their features obscured by shadows.

"Where... am I?" I managed to croak out, my voice hoarse and barely audible.

"Ah, straight to the point, I like it," the first voice chuckled again, its tone jovial. "You, my young friend, are in a place beyond the confines of your mortal realm—"



The sound of something hitting the speaker interrupted his words, followed by a low growl.

"Stop playing around, Merlin," the second voice interrupted sharply, its tone stern and commanding. "Our guest deserves a proper explanation."

The second figure stepped forward, his form gradually becoming clearer as my eyes adjusted to the dim light. He was tall and imposing, with a regal bearing that spoke of power and authority. His features were sharp and angular, his eyes piercing and intense.

"I apologize for Merlin's antics," the figure said, his voice commanding attention. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Erebus, you might know me as the first warlock.

My mind raced as I tried to process the information. Erebus, the first warlock, stood before me, his presence emanating an aura of ancient power and wisdom.

"First warlock?" I repeated, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes, indeed," Erebus replied, a hint of pride in his voice. "I was the first to walk the path of both magic and physical combat, forging a legacy that has endured through the ages."

As Erebus spoke, memories flooded my mind—tales of the legendary warlock who had mastered both magic and martial prowess, wielding power beyond mortal comprehension.

"And I am Merlin," the other figure interjected, stepping forward with a mischievous grin. "You know, the legendary mage whose essence you've absorbed."

Merlin's playful demeanor contrasted sharply with Erebus's stern presence, but there was no denying the power that radiated from both figures.

"And we are inside your soul space," Merlin continued, gesturing around us. "Think of it as a sanctuary within your own consciousness, a place where we can converse freely without the constraints of the physical world."

I tried to make sense of Merlin's words, my mind still reeling from the influx of information.

"You mean... you're both... inside my mind?" I asked, struggling to comprehend the implications.

"Exactly!" Merlin exclaimed, his grin widening. "You see, when you absorbed my essence and Erebus's physique, which by the way contained a piece of our soul. We wanted to see who in it could be the one worthy of inheriting our legacy, But even I didn't predict it to be the same person to inherit both our legacies simultaneously!"

"Yes, I too was surprised to see this old monkey again." Erebus's voice was filled with a mixture of amusement and disbelief.

As the realization sunk in, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the extraordinary turn of events. Erebus and Merlin, two legendary figures from history, were now residing within my own soul space, their knowledge and wisdom at my disposal.

"So, what now?" I asked, my mind buzzing with questions. "What do you both want from me?"

"Oh, We are not permanent. we are going to finally perish after you wake up outside of your soul space," Erebus explained solemnly.

"Yup, I can totally see what gonna happen," Merlin added with a shrug, as their forms started to dissipate, fading into the darkness.

"But before we go, remember this, Samael Ashwood," Erebus's voice echoed in the fading darkness. "Something is coming, Something so dark and ancient that even we failed to stop it in our time. You must be vigilant and prepare yourself for the challenges ahead."

His words resonated deeply within me, a solemn reminder of the weight of responsibility that now rested on my shoulders. Whatever this looming threat was, it was clear that it posed a danger unlike anything the realms had ever faced before.

"And remember," Merlin's voice joined in one last time, his tone filled with urgency. "You are not alone in this fight. Seek out allies, forge bonds, and stand together against the darkness."

With their final words of guidance echoing in my mind, the figures of Erebus and Merlin faded into the darkness, leaving me alone once more within the confines of my soul space.

Or Not.





[To Be Continued]


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