I Became the Black Swan Mother of the White Swan Princess

Chapter 15

Its so cold. Cant we go in soon?

There are other people who are waiting too. That person there and even this other older sister, and behind heruh, yeah.

The young girl froze as she looked at the people behind me.

I could tell where the childrens terrified stares were directed at.

N-Noona, Im scared. The men in the back, you cant even see their faces

l-itll be alright, James.

O okay, but still, people who wear clothes like that are all

No. Those men arent that scary.

I bent my knees slightly and tried to comfort them. There wasnt much! could do to soothe them as an adult, but I at least wanted to reassure them like this.

Dont worry. Those men arent bad men, Im sure of it.

R-really? But Noona, how do you know that?

People who like cake cant be bad people.

Shiing. The sharp sound of grating metal rang out again behind me, but I was too busy consoling the children to take notice.

The childrens hesitant faces relaxed into smiles. Seeing them, I was suddenly reminded of someone Id left behind.

It should be alright if I take this off

I swallowed my hesitation as I touched the black robe I was wearing.

I initially bundled myself up because I thought I should cover myself as much as possible, but now I felt stinging guilt as I saw the shivering children in front of me.

Excuse me, do you not see this?

glanced at the men behind me, who were even more warmly dressed than I was, but of course, they didnt budge.

I thought they were pretty cold-hearted for a moment. But I wasnt in the situation to curse them because I myself was unsure of what to do.

I mean, for three brothers to have come to a place like this, they mustve needed some courage.

I smiled compassionately and tapped the childrens shoulders.

You children will probably be able to get inside soon. See, the lines shrunk this much already, Im sure it will be your turn soon

Noona, whats that over there?

Hmm? What do you mean


At the sound of the bell, the kids turned around. At last, the dessert shops doors opened. But instead of what we expected, a man quickly came out and hung something in front of the shop.

Alright then, please go back home. We are closing the shop for today!


What is this?

Sold Out.

Of all the words of this world that I knew how to read, why was this here.

My lips began to tremble as violently as those of the shivering kids.

This cant be

There are still so many pastries piled up behind the glass window!

Of course, that wasnt what I was here for, but I was still in a predicament.

In the end, someone stepped away from the line and looked at the man.

Excuse me. Why are you closing now? (random person)

Ahh, its closed because its closed. You can just return tomorrow.

The shopkeeper in a white pastry chef coat looked at his shoes, visibly annoyed. He seemed unconcerned about the discontent reaction of the customers as they stirred and clearly just wanted to shoo them away.

Dont be like this, just come back tomorrow

Then what are those pastries piled up there? What will you do with all those when you close the shop? (Catherine)


The chef followed my accusing finger to the glass display case still fully stocked with cakes and smirked. Unfazed and clearly unapologetic, he pressed his lips together into an arrogant pout.

There are people who will be taking all of those. Please stop being uselessly stubborn about this.

What do you mean by people who will be taking all of those? I thought you dont take orders or reservations?

Look here, lady. Seriously.

She really doesnt get it.

Those words were clearly written on his face as he looked at me up and down.

The clothes I was wearing were from the Duchess closet, so they were of the finest quality. But even so, the man was quick to look down on me.

I cant see which family you belong to because I cant see your face, but you will regret this.

What do you mean that I will regret this?

I mean if you knew the person who bought the pastries, you would immediately regret your actions.

I could hardly contain myself after hearing those words.

The pastry chef strutted towards me.

My hands that gripped the childrens shoulders immediately tensed.

Though I dont know exactly who bought them all.

Its Lady Evendell. Surely youve heard of her if you live in the Northern Lands, right?

People quieted down in an instant.

In front of their dazed eyes, the chef shrugged his shoulders as if he knew what was going to happen.

Those are all what Lady Rebecca specifically ordered for her afternoon snack

If its Lady Rebecca

Yes, were indeed talking about that Lady Evendell. You were about to greatly insult such a precious person. Since you know it now, please leave. Quickly now!

He looked at me as if asking why I was still standing there and opened the shop door to go back in while cheerfully humming.


The sharp sound of clanging metal echoed out once more behind the children.

Hyu, Hyungnim! Please

Hey. Were not done talking yet? (Catherine)

*Click Clack

My brisk steps covered the sound of unsheathed metal behind my back.

Approaching the shopkeeper who was now holding onto the door, 1 reached my hand out and tightly closed the door shut.

I thought this was a first-rate shop, but the service isnt any better than the street vendors. (Catherine)

.Wh, what do you want now?

As I looked at the pastry chef, whose expression showed that he didnt understand me at all, I wasnt in the mood to smile as I spoke.

Say what you said before

..Geez, I already explained to you, were all sold ou-

No. Not that. Tell me the reason why youre doing business like this.

Im telling you to say it again.

I stared straight at the shopkeeper with my eyes wide open.

Our surroundings had long gone completely silent.

La, Lady Rebecca has told me to bring all of these pastries for her afternoon snack. Please let go. Though I may not know you

Thats right, you did it because you didnt know.

Hwoo, I cant believe Id one day end up saying this, but


With a short sigh, I reached up to the string within my robe and began to undo it.

The last of the afternoon light fell onto my frowning, ice-cold eyes.

Im Rebeccas mother.

Do you need me to explain more?

I wasnt trying to flaunt my power or status.

Its just that this was the only way to prevent everyones hard work from going down the drain.

Speechless, the shopkeeper slowly raised his chin and stared at me.

Is it your first time seeing someones face?

l-its not that ehem.

My image was reflected in the mans wavering eyes. They looked like the eyes of a guy seeing the worlds most beautiful woman in dramas or movies.

Yeah, I understand that feeling

It wasnt pride, but I was really just a shocking beauty, if I say so myself.

Even though I wasnt the traditionally skinny, wispy beauty, you couldnt find powerful, feline eyes like mine anywhere else.

Of course you couldnt.

Authors would always spend so much time describing a protagonist of a novel and wouldnt bother fully describing the antagonists looks.

But wouldnt it be unfair if on top of being the villainess, they were subpar in looks as well? So perhaps to compensate for this and have the villainess be better at something than the heroine, they were usually described as being one with more splendid features.

So no matter how much the princess tried, shed never be able to surpass Maleficents charisma

Black hair and white skin, red lips and purple eyes.

The colors of my face lay in beautiful contrast to one another.

This was the ravishing beauty of the strong older sister type. At one glance, anyone would see the l have money, I have charisma, and I have a pretty good personality as well kind of feeling I was automatically giving off.

It didnt matter where or what direction I was standing in, Id always have the appearance of a winner.

What are you doing? After making me show you my face.


In other words, an unscrupulous, small dessert shopkeeper wouldnt be able to say squat.

l-if your Lady-no, You Excellency is r-really Duchess Evendellforgive me as I say this, but would you please provide some evidence


The chefs eyes swept over my dress, but even if he looked it was just a black dress. I didnt think I would need to reveal my identity, so I didnt bring anything with me.

Seeing his dazed eyes, I let out an amused laugh.

And why do I need that?

That isIt, its rumored that the Duchess Evendell is un, unwell, and you seem to be different in many ways.

Different in many ways as in, Im supposed to be a vicious, cold blooded witch?

The other factors are a little what? You mean that Im supposed to be a tyrannical witch with no blood or tears?

I knew what he was saying even if he didnt say it, and I burst into laughter.

Id prepared myself, but there were a lot more ridiculous rumors about me than Id thought.

S-so please, if you have anything to show

Why do I need something like that? I am the biggest evidence.


Ismoothed out my dress and looked at him straight in the eyes.

As I didnt have anything to hold in my hands, I straightened my shoulders.

You said it yourself, didnt you? Theres no one in the Northern Kingdom who doesnt know me.


You think I would dare to impersonate such a powerful person? Do you think I look crazy enough to do that?

No, No, not at all! I just

Fine then. But if you really need to know youre free to call anyone from my house. Only

I paused mid-sentence and looked imposingly down on the shopkeeper, who now seemed very small.

His wandering eyes told me he didnt understand where I was going with this.

If you call them and Im right, itll be the end for you right then and there.

You know my reputation, right?

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