I Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 431

Among rankers, Arcane Orca is considered the highest level among Apex, along with Red Gallagon and Vortex One.

However, it has something different from other monsters in its class. The point is that the skills you have are limited.

‘There are only three.’

Unlike Vortex One, which has special abilities that transcend the laws of physics, and Red Gallagon, which has a variety of combat skills, Arcane Orca has a significantly smaller number of skills that can be used. Even looking at all Apex creatures, it is rare to find such a small number.

It might seem like it would be easy to attack since you don’t have much skill, but that’s definitely not the case. This is because all three technologies are powerful and have high synergy between them.

The first skill is energy manipulation and control.

The white sphere of light that I encountered on my way here, and the thing emitting energy as strong as the sun in the distance, all originate from this ability.

By default, Arcane Orca relies on energy generated from nuclear fusion in stars. As we have to deal with enormous amounts of energy, our ability to detect and control energy has no choice but to increase. It is thanks to this ability that all of its attacks become guided missiles.

The second technology is energy absorption.

The Arcane Orca’s body consists of a main body that can be considered a real body and a pseudo-skin that protects it. Skin is the result of a mixture of energy and an unidentified substance, and its role is to absorb energy transmitted from the outside.

The problem is that there is no limit to the type of energy that can be absorbed. It absorbs not only psychic power, but also powerful energy attacks such as the Imperial Carrier’s Cosmic Bolt and Gigacracker’s Ion Cannon.

‘The reason I left No. 26 behind is because of this.’

For No. 26, who fights by manipulating psychic power, Arcane Orca is the perfect counter. This is because his attack itself does not work at all.

And the last and third technology is ‘quantum transfer’.

Arcane Orca, who has mastered energy manipulation, can disassemble her body into particles and then reassemble them at any desired point. It can be seen as a similar effect to the cult’s quest reward equipment, ‘Facilitator’.

‘Unlike the coordinator, there is no limit to the number of times, so it is virtually upward compatible.’

As long as the absorbed energy is sufficient, quantum movement can be used infinitely. The only downside is that it is temporarily disabled during the reassembly process.

‘…Even when I think about it again, these are crazy specs.’

Superior in all aspects of attack, defense, and evasion. It is not called the top of the food chain for nothing.

‘It took me a really long time to successfully hunt for the first time.’

Of course, thanks to that hard work, I was able to definitely learn how to win.

I approached the brilliant light.

That white light that looks like a pseudo-sun is the residue left behind when Arcane Orca digests energy. Its real body is deep inside.

Of course, even if it is a residue, it is a lump of energy. It is safe to say that the entire area where light resides is under its control.

Because of their low-aggressive nature, they spread their energy widely and use it as a means of keeping them in check.

‘We have to break through that first and get inside.’

Then, it realizes that the opponent is a strong enemy and absorbs all the energy laid down. Only when all the white light disappears does the real fight begin.

As I was approaching to destroy the field of energy like I did in the game, the light suddenly wavered. The widely spread light began to condense at high speed.


It’s an unexpected situation. I stopped flying and monitored the situation.

After a while, only the strange being that swallowed up the darkness and light of the universe remained.

The length is about 40m. The golden whale-shaped skeleton is covered with transparent skin with a soft light blue glow. On the surface of the skin, a pattern resembling a cluster of stars moved slowly.

A being that looks closer to a godly being rather than a living creature. That is Arcane Orca.

‘I haven’t even gotten close yet and it goes into battle mode.’

I think it’s because it went berserk due to the perk of being ranked 25th.

And spheres of light were created in empty space. There was no doubt who that mass of energy was targeting.

‘Well, it’s actually better because the annoying steps were omitted.’

I rushed towards the revealed body. At the same time, the spheres of light also moved.

Guided missiles with powerful destructive power are flocking in. I tried my best to avoid it in the game, but it turned out to be impossible. It’s probably the same here as well.

‘But there is another way.’

Just before the light balls hit my body, I took out the card I had prepared.

A monster with the head of a human and the body of an insect, the Inmyeonchung, tore through the mucous membrane and came out. The guy who received my order diligently flew in the opposite direction from me.

Then, half of the light spheres changed their orbits and headed towards Inmyeonchung.

‘I got caught.’

I was worried that it would be different from the game, but I’m glad I did.

Arcane orcas, which only live in space, have no sensing organs such as eyes or ears. Instead, it recognizes objects by applying its unique sensing ability. When distinguishing between people, judge them based on the nature and energy that makes up their body rather than their appearance.

‘And the Inmyeonchung is a being that originated from my body.’

The ingredients that make up Inmyeonchung are exactly the same as my physical body. Perhaps that’s why Arcane Orca couldn’t tell the difference between the two in the game. Like now, when you send out a human insect, it immediately takes the bait.

‘He’s a smart guy, so he doesn’t get fooled more than two or three times.’

It’s okay though. The goal is to reduce damage as much as possible until we approach.

I expelled all the sleeping insects from my body and accelerated. As a result, spheres of light dispersed in all directions along the bait. Thanks to this, we were able to narrow the distance while minimizing damage.

He reacts when he sees me approaching quickly. The constellation patterns flowing on the body darken as if a fire is dying out. Concentrating energy for a second attack.


I’ve attacked to my heart’s content so far, now it’s my turn. I approached the creature closely and plunged my eroding tentacles and fighting arms into its light blue, transparent skin.

The nails and tentacles dug in without any resistance. And a high fever, much hotter than the light bulb, began to heat my body.

「Pain reduction activated!」

Its body is the result of a combination of heat energy and an unknown substance. It’s like immersing yourself in the living sun.

‘You have to endure it!’

You must not leave here. Currently, all the recovery characteristics I have are being mobilized to bring my body back into balance. We must attack Arcane Orca’s true body, golden bones, as quickly as possible.

It’s an ignorant method, but it can’t be helped. Energy-type attacks such as psychic breath are the same as feeding the enemy. Attacking with physical force like now takes less energy.

I moved my tentacles and arms, which repeatedly melted and regenerated, and grabbed the spine. In that state, the head in the center and the head on the right side were pierced.

“Pain reduction activated!”
“Pain reduction activated!”

The tip of the snout and the relatively thin horn that went in first melt and disappear due to the heat. Still, the thick carapace is holding on.

Believing in Eimoff’s excellent defense ability, he chewed hard on its bones with his teeth.

The guy who feels in danger struggles greatly. In an instant, large and small white spheres were created in all directions.

In the merciless baptism of light, I pulled my neck back with all my might. As the head fell out, pieces of the enemy’s bone came out with it.

At that moment, the guy with the damaged spine released energy all at once. My body was hit by energy and I was pushed back significantly.

A tremendous amount of heat swept through my entire body. The skin on the wings melted and disappeared in an instant, and all the tentacles that grew on the body were stuck on the carapace.

Fortunately, the storm of energy that burned me did not last long. This is because the person who caused the storm has disappeared.

Golden particles can be seen gathering in the middle of an empty universe. The randomly scattered clusters of light quickly coalesced and took the shape of a whale bone. The guy who felt in danger used quantum transfer.

‘It’s just the beginning.’

If you injure it, it will use Quantum Shift. The energy consumed to heal my wounds is greater than the energy gained from fighting myself. Therefore, each time you move, the amount of stored energy inevitably decreases.

‘If you keep repeating it, one day you will run out of energy.’

Hold on until you can’t use quantum transfer, then kill the guy. That’s the Arcane Orca strategy.

‘There’s still room.’

Because the other side went berserk, they suffered less damage than expected. Otherwise, I would have used ‘Superior Homeostasis’ a long time ago, but I’m glad I did.

This hunt is a long one. You must save your recovery means so that you can use them at important times.

Rather, the problem is pain. Until he dies, he must repeat the experience of his whole body melting. Although it has been alleviated thanks to the ‘pain reduction’ characteristic, it is not at a level that can be easily tolerated.

‘…Well, it hurts less than when I was hit by the color bubbles of the abyss.’

I can endure this much.

I moved my regenerating body again. It also launched an attack in sync with my movements.

A bullet of energy that never misses tears the body to pieces. The carapace breaks and molten flesh flows out from inside.

There were quite a few injuries, but thanks to that, we were able to get close to him again.

I grabbed its skull with the pincers on the end of its tail. When I applied force in that state, the bones were easily crushed.

Arcane Orca releases energy to push me away and retreats. The hunting cycle has ended once again.

How much time has passed since then?

By the time I repeated the same process for the 11th time, my body was completely devastated.

It has lost all of its tentacles, and only two wings remain. The shell on the right side of the head was torn off so that the bones were visible. Perhaps because the injuries continue to accumulate, recovery is becoming increasingly delayed.

On the contrary, Arcane Orca’s appearance was almost the same as when I first encountered it. It is clear that the energy has decreased, but there is still a long way to go to suppress it.

‘Is it time for this side to recover?’

Instead of charging at it, I turned and headed towards the planet. Glowing guided missiles followed from behind, but they were ignored. Even though its tails were messed up by the barrage of energy bullets, it did not slow down.

I came down to the ground quickly and landed as if I was crashing into a nest. And immediately linked to the nest and issued a command.

30% of the hiveformers should commit suicide immediately.

A large hole appears in the widely expanded world of senses. This is a void created by the nest’s gardeners doing their duty.

However, that emptiness did not last long.

Soon, a huge wave of energy surged, more than enough to fill the gap in the world of consciousness. The effect of the nest-related characteristic ‘Human Sacrifice’ has been activated. A nest with this trait will absorb the corpse and transfer the created energy to its owner.

Tens of thousands of corpses are converted into nutrients and flow into me. The severed fighting arms and tentacles grew back, and the broken carapace was replaced with a new one.

‘Huh, good.’

It hasn’t completely recovered, but this is enough. I spread my wings wide and flew up.

Arcane Orca, who chased after me all the way to the blue sky of the planet, stopped when he saw that I was fine. He seemed quite embarrassed as the light surrounding his skin was shaking slightly.

‘Then shall we start again?’

Who is being hunted here? The battle to decide this is not over yet.

“Watch next episode”

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