I Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 426

Star Union’s highest governing body, the Machinery Committee.

This organization is run by 12 high-performance androids named Supreme Commissioners.

The reason for the existence of the Supreme Council is to rule over a vast territory and people and to assist the Supreme Leader. To this end, they are designed to effectively perform their respective tasks.

The area in charge of the 12th member, Fiskes Twelve, is ‘exploration’. His role is to analyze and organize various resources that exist in the vast universe.

Of course, it was rare for Fisces to leave the capital city of Sachs-01. Most of the information was collected by drones or androids under his control. He oversees data sent from lower-level terminals based on his overwhelming information processing ability.

But recently things have changed. Jaxx-01 There is more work to do outside.

Currently, the Mechanical Committee and the Great Leader are secretly working on a project. It is so important that it is directly related to the future of Star Union.

Fiskes, the top member, is working with Space Dog to ensure the success of the project. There were no complaints because he knew very well how valuable his work was.

No, except for one thing.

“Hey, tin can. “How is the situation on the ground?”

A voice with a frivolous tone woke her up. While synchronizing with the ship’s computer, he activated the camera responsible for collecting visual information.

The owner of the voice was standing in front.

The other person was a young human man with scales on his face and neck. His name is Shinobu. He is the head of Sino Group and a partner collaborating with Fiskes.

“hey? Tin can? “You ask what happened?”
“…Facility maintenance has been completed. “One hour and 45 minutes from now, the entire planet’s atmosphere will enter a stable zone.”
“what? So that means it will take two hours? If it were a game, it would have been over in 10 minutes, but it took two hours. Things like item specifications are the same as the game, so why is this part…”
“…However, I can shorten the time by remotely accessing the terraforming machine and tuning it. So be quiet.”

Shinobu closed her mouth at those words.

After silencing his opponent, Fiskes synchronized with the ship’s computer using a cable connected to the back of his neck.

But the silence she hoped for did not last long.

“Now that I think about it, I remember the time when I learned how to hunt Arcane Orca. “It felt like shit because people who didn’t matter kept trying to teach me…”

A few minutes later, Shinobu started talking again.

I wish I could just ignore it, but I couldn’t. This is because the reason why the author’s value is highly evaluated lies in that chatter.

Shinobu, whom the great leader brought in two years ago, was knowledgeable about rare creatures. Among the things he knew, there were many facts that the Mechanical Committee did not know.

A continuous hunting operation for dangerous creatures currently underway. This too was actually promoted based on information from his head. That’s why I couldn’t just ignore Shinobu’s chatter.

Fiskes, who was trying to do two things at the same time, stopped when he suddenly sensed something unusual.

“Those idiots, they say nonsense about me ruining the atmosphere…”
“Fiskes Twelve. ” Detected a problem. “Be quiet.”
“huh? problem?”

While remotely accessing the terraforming machine, suspicious traces were detected.

“Someone attempted remote control.”
“Who was it? Wasn’t it done by a guy called Korman or Conan? “I guess I touched it while repairing it.”
“denial. If that were the case, there should be traces of an intrusion.”

Spacedog mainly uses cheap hacking modules obtained from the black market. The downside of this module is that it leaves a lot of traces when hacked. However, there was no trace of it in Terraforming’s security program.

No, to be exact, it just looked like there were no traces of an intrusion that had been elaborately covered. If it weren’t for Fiskes, who had excellent analytical skills, I wouldn’t have recognized it.

The unidentified intruder is a being with such high skills that he can be considered a machine. Could such a person have just breached the terraforming machine’s security program?

“So what is it? Why don’t you stop talking? What I hate the most is stopping to talk…”
“Checking.” wait.”

Fiskes, whose thoughts had reached that point, quickly checked the warehouse where the ‘important assets’ were stored. Various data related to the warehouse, including stored records from the internal cameras, were transmitted to her head.

She processed an enormous amount of information in an instant and confirmed that a highly skilled hacker had also broken into the warehouse.

Unlike in the case of the terraforming machine, this time there were no traces of remote control. It was so clean that if we hadn’t discovered the terraforming machine intrusion, we wouldn’t have even suspected it.

“There is someone who broke into the warehouse.”

Traces of the intrusion were discovered while checking the internal camera’s storage records.

There were some manipulated parts in the recorded video. It was clear that the hacker had entered the warehouse and manipulated the video.

“An hour ago now, an unauthorized person was in the warehouse for 20 minutes.”

Shinobu’s expression hardened at those words.

“What about our stuff?”
“No parts were lost.”
“…I’ll come down and check right away, so get ready. Find which a fucked cub was while I was going down. ”
“Search personnel and equipment have already been prepared.”

The conversation ended there.

Shinobu, with a completely expressionless face without any sign of mischief, went out, leaving Fiskes alone in the room.

She scraped and combed through the data produced by AG-01 to obtain information about the intruder.

The essence of Star Union is what the top committee members do. Finding the intruder won’t take long.

Five large transport ships descend through the dark clouds. The transport ship, which was larger than most patrol ships, landed as if crashing into the harbor.

The ship’s hatch opened and what appeared were steel giants. Star Union’s elite walker, monster walker.

Monster Walker, a reinforced version of Heavy Walker, boasts monster-like specifications as its name suggests. It is equipped with three walker engines to increase output, and its armament, defense, and mobility are much superior. However, as powerful as it is, its production cost is high, making it a walker that is not commonly seen even in Star Union.

There are dozens of those expensive monsters here now. And everyone on board the walker was a space dog.

“Hmm, it’s really strange that we didn’t see a single person when we arrived.”
“I know someone at the port, so I contacted them and they said nothing happened?”
“I don’t see a rat, are you okay?” “It doesn’t sound like anything.”

The pirates’ voices come and go through the communicator built into the walker’s cockpit.

Shinobu, who was among the walkers, just listened in silence. This is because the agent will convey his will on his behalf anyway.

“Searching the warehouse takes priority over everything else. While on the way, if you see anyone suspicious, kill them immediately. Don’t care if it’s a pirate, just kill it.”

Sutherland, Shinobu’s puppet, relayed his master’s wishes. The pilots, unaware that their leader was a scarecrow, responded vigorously.

Then dozens of metal giants began to move. Shinobu also walked among them.

Every time the 8 to 9 meter tall monster walker took a step, the floor broke and a dull cracking sound rang out.

Even though it was quite noisy, no one showed up. The buildings also had lights on, but there was no sense of vitality at all. Perhaps because of that, I almost felt like I was walking on a grave.


Is it because of the strange atmosphere? The pilots’ voices heard through the communicator gradually quieted down.

Shinobu thought about the identity of the intruder in the silence.

Although he always has a mischievous attitude, he is not a flower garden even in his head. It’s a kind of survival tactic.

In reality, he was a low-level member of a vicious criminal group. In order to survive for a long time among evil people, the best way was to act as a harmless and pleasant human being. In reality, he had a cautious and cool-headed personality.

‘What kind of guy broke in?’

While controlling the walker, he came up with several candidates.

It’s probably not the work of a traitorous subordinate or the separatists here. If that were the case, Fiskes would have noticed a long time ago.

‘Could it be that another ranker came?’

The other party sneaked in, avoiding the gaze of the top committee member who watched every hour. There are not many beings with such outstanding infiltration abilities.

At most, he is a shadow raised by Akira Yujin, or a ranker who can clone himself from the Returned Sect.

‘It’s definitely not a shadow.’

Shinobu and Akira are on the same side. Just tell them to give you a super weapon without using a shadow, and that’s it.

However, it was a bit ambiguous to even consider him a ranker of the returning faction. This is because even before he woke up in an unfamiliar world, the ruling faction and the returning faction had been in a state of truce.

Even though they had even killed the Outspacer Queen and destroyed the colony before, the 4th Empress did not respond at all.

With the maximum strength of the Returning Sect standing still, it is unlikely that other members will come here to steal the super weapon.

「Arrived at the warehouse.」

A voice coming from the communicator woke him from his thoughts. A black warehouse is visible on the screen synchronized with the external camera.

Is it because I am lost in thought? Arrived earlier than expected.

“Who is in charge here?”
“The Shinoni Cartel is in charge. Shall I call you?”
“I’m going to move everything inside anyway, so there’s no need to do that. Open the door with a walker.”

Walker received Sutherland’s orders and approached the warehouse. Walker attempted to melt the door using the plasma cutter mounted on his arm.

As I was watching it from behind, the communicator in my pocket suddenly activated. It was a dedicated communication device used to communicate with Fiskes.

“What about the intruder? “Did you find out who did it?”
「Crackling, intruder, crackling, satellite… crackling」
“What are you saying?”
「Communication stabilization completed. It is currently confirmed that the communication satellite has been taken over by an intruder.
“What’s in front of you now is a trap. “Be careful.”

As soon as Fiskes warned, the door to the warehouse opened of its own accord.

No, to be precise, ‘something that took the form of a warehouse’ has returned to its original form.

It had white scales like a ghost and wrapped its long, three-pronged neck around the walker. The mysterious monster grabbed the walker and disappeared down a large pit behind it.

「What is this, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle?’

After a short scream of embarrassment, Walker’s communication was cut off.

And after a while, a strange sound came out of the pit.

It reminded me of the sound made when a strong shower of rain hits the ground, or the noise made when mudflow caused by a landslide flows.

I immediately found out why such a sound was coming from under the ground and who made it.

What appeared at the edge of the abyss was a being that resembled a human, but was by no means human.

“What is that?!”
“Crazy! Everyone, prepare for battle!”

Starting with the pilots’ shouts, strange things covered in black mud poured out of the pit.

“Watch next episode”

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