I Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 416

Asuka 44, a planet full of fire and magma.

Not long ago, this was where the secret villa of the cult empire was located, but now there was no trace of it at all.

This is because of mysterious monsters that suddenly appeared one day.

The villa was completely destroyed by monsters that flew from space. The troops guarding it were all destroyed. Only the crashed spaceship and its wreckage proved that Asuka 44 was once a place touched by civilization.

Then, where are the beings who destroyed the planetary intelligences and what are they doing?

Some of them went out to hunt. Some beings are caring for their new comrades below the ground.

And some of them were into high-level activities.

A ship that made an emergency landing on the black earth. In the silence of the ship, only the dining car was noisy.

Under the flickering light of the electric lights, skinned animal corpses and various items are strewn about. A space that would be more appropriate to call a slaughterhouse rather than a kitchen. Inside, there were people who had made a mess of the restaurant car.

“People sprinkle something called ‘seasoning’ on their food and eat it!”
“Seasoning?” “Food” “It’s the same”
“No. “The seasoning is different because it is softer and stickier than the food.”

The pink Seed Demon, number 26, plunged its tentacle into the metal pot in front of him. When I stirred the inside of the pot once and took it out, a liquid with a pungent smell appeared on the outside.


Aadhai, who was lounging around on the metal floor, took a peek at the liquid with his paw. Finally, little Gallagon nodded his head.

「Young kin」「Prey」「Similar」「Sticky」「Soft」

Even while confirming the ‘little baby’, the other tentacles of No. 26 moved without stopping. Once one smashed the Lavalaptor’s carcass, another tentacle scooped up the meat and threw it into the pot.

Adhai, who was examining the liquid on his toenails, soon seemed to have lost interest and shook his foot to shake it off.

“But” “Food” “Seasoning” “Meal” “It’s the same” “If you eat it” “The end”
“Wrong! It’s much more delicious if you ‘cook’ it by mixing it with food and seasoning!”

PS-111, who had been observing the two from earlier, joined the conversation.

“Higher intelligences have a habit of processing organic matter to safely and effectively consume nutrients. The actions of the main controller can also be referred to as cooking.”
“huh. It’s cooking!”
「Cooking」「It’s a hassle.」

After PS-111’s explanation was finished, number 26 brightened up and expressed satisfaction. On the other hand, Aadhai tapped the floor with his back foot as if he was not interested.

The red camera lens of the screamer that saw this blinked and recorded the situation.

‘Registration of records. The main controller’s response was positive. This appears to be due to their high academic zeal. Code name Little Baby, negative. I understand the explanation but am not interested. It’s an interesting difference.’

Little information is known about the Sea Demon and Gallagon. The same holds true when looking through the data left behind by Mechanical Committee member Pyrrha Eleven. So PS-111 has consistently recorded whenever the two controllers show unusual behavior.

Of course, it is not for reporting to anyone in particular. It’s just that I want to know the ecology of those strong creatures. According to human expression, it would be safe to say that it is a kind of hobby.

‘Plus, it’s interesting because it has a different aspect from the information I know.’

Although it is difficult to generalize due to lack of information, Sea Demons are known to be much more dangerous and violent than Gallagons.

Among primitive civilizations on ocean-type planets, cases of worshiping the Sea Demon as a god are often found. If you look at the records, they are all described as ruthless and terrifying beings. Even the tribes that serve the Sea Demon call the pink monster by nicknames such as ‘Sea Shadow’ or ‘Demon of the Deep’.

Such a vicious being cooks like this? This cannot happen.

「Because older babies like delicious food, they will also like cooking.」
「For sure」「That is」「True」

Adhai, who was watching No. 26 with a disinterested attitude, nodded his head in agreement.

“Big adult” “Food” “Taste” “A lot” “I know” “Often” “Pay attention”
“That’s right. “I like delicious food more than tasteless food.”

Hearing those words, Little Gallagon stood up. Then he went into the freezer inside the restaurant and took out something.

“Then” “Put this” “Put it in”
“What is that?”

What Adhai brought was a bottle of high-quality wine that the ship’s owners used to drink.

「Red Star」「When I went」「What I ate」「Similar」
「Me! I know! That’s called alcohol!”
“It was confirmed to be wine made from cactus from Berzan 02. “It is confirmed to be the same brand as the wine drunk at Slave Lovetz’s mansion in the Water Fortress.”
“When I drink alcohol, I feel full and feel better!”
“The ingredients contained in the wine act on the brain and are effective in relieving stress. “Sapient beings drink primarily to satisfy their reproductive needs rather than their appetite.”
“Desire to reproduce?” “Really?”
“Yes. According to a comprehensive analysis of various data….”

PS-111 explained all the knowledge related to alcohol, but ‘Little Baby’ was not there. The two amethyst-like eyes were fixed exactly on the wine bottle.

「This」「If there is a lot of it」「Big Adult」「Will it work?」
“At Megacorp, you can mix and drink various alcohol… Yes?”
“Big adult” “Adult” “Me” “Adult” “Mating” “Possible”

PS-111 stopped talking at the unexpected remark.

「Ham Ort」「I said」「Chief」「Quickly」「Al」「Necessary」
“Is this to prevent problems from occurring in the group?”

It wasn’t wrong.

Gallagons have a habit of serving the most outstanding member of the group as their leader. However, the group of Adhaj is ruled by Ham Oort, the second strongest. He acts as a leader on behalf of his daughter, who is active outside.

The reason this is possible is because Aadhai is a female gallagon.

There is no individual in the group strong enough to become the queen’s companion. So, I will go out and get the eggs of the superior male. This was Aadhai’s cause.

There was no Gallagon who did not know who that ‘superior male’ was referring to. How strong is the being courted by the queen? So Gallagon was also able to understand.

However, it was not good to keep taking time. This is because young individuals that have just hatched from eggs will be confused as to who their leader is.

“So” “I need to know”

At that time, a short, loud burst echoed in the restaurant car. It was the sound made when No. 26 crushed a metal chair with its tentacles.

「I told you not to talk about eggs! Why do you break your promise?」
「You promised me first, so you have to keep your promise!」
「Then」」「Compatriot」「Not good」「 “I” “big adult” “little adult” “I learned” “the group” “protection” “it comes first”

Aadhai expresses himself more logically than before.

Number 26 was very annoyed, but he couldn’t get angry. Because the little baby’s claim was not wrong.

But apart from that, it wasn’t that there was nothing to say.

Number 26 was the one who spent the longest time with the older group. In that case, wouldn’t it be better to at least make a big baby first rather than a small baby? I don’t know anything else, but I could never compromise on this.

“I’m the first one to make a baby with my eldest baby!” I’m closest to the older one!”
“Negative” “Me” “Big adult” “Friendly” “Little adult” “Same”
“No! The older one likes me the most!”

The air in the restaurant car quickly froze because of the two angry dangerous creatures.

Numerous eyeballs appeared on No. 26’s body and tentacles. On the other side, Aadhai’s scales turned red like a burning flame.

It was truly an imminent situation. Just before the two clashed, PS-111 intervened.

“Please calm down. “Fighting here is meaningless.”
“Don’t stop me. “Friend.”
“Sick Child” “Perhaps” “Old Adult” “Al” “What do you want?”
“Aimov’s descendants are an interesting research topic, but there is a problem before that.”
“The existence and method of Amorph’s reproductive ability has not been confirmed. Until we confirm this, it is impossible to create offspring.”

Upon hearing that mating was currently impossible, the two relaxed their fighting stance.

「I don’t understand」「I don’t」「Big adult」「Female」「Interest」「A lot」「Tail」「Sometimes」「Look」

Aadhai waggled his tail.

‘Viewing old records. The shape and size of the horns for male gallagons and the tail for females are important. The little baby’s tail is effective in attracting the sexual favor of gallagons.’

Despite the handicap of being small, Aadhai’s tail was famous even among the Gallagons. The males were fascinated by its fascinating shape and movement, and the females were also impressed by the smoothly trimmed tail scales. So much so that even PS-111 knows about it.

But soon the enchanting queen’s wings drooped.

「But」「That far」「Pretty」「Just words」
「Could it be that the older one can’t have a baby?」

No. 26 carefully spread the wave. As if reflecting the owner’s mood, its pink body shrunk like a deflated balloon.

“Of course not. From my observation, it is impossible to artificially remove the reproductive capacity of an Aimorph. ‘Middle Baby’ also stated that Amorph’s reproductive ability exists.”
“Then why isn’t your eldest child interested in us?”

PS-111 has analyzed data from various organisms. By comparing and observing this with Aimov’s body, the following conclusions can be drawn.

“It is assumed that the reproductive activity of Aimorphs is influenced by specific conditions and specific environments.”

Among organisms that live in harsh environments, such as extreme cold regions, there are species that normally keep their reproductive organs inside their bodies. This is to prevent damage to delicate parts. And these types of organisms reproduce only when conditions such as appropriate temperature and safe environment are met.

It is highly likely that Aimorph similarly had a structure to protect the genitals.

‘It can change its body shape depending on the enemy it is hunting, so this should be quite possible.’

However, because of their ability to adapt quickly to any environment, it has become difficult to create situations in which their desire for reproduction can be expressed. I’ve been observing Aimorphs for a long time, but I’ve never seen any genitalia.

「I don’t know what that means.」
“The probability of Amorph feeling sexual intimacy with the two is calculated to be 87%. However, in order to lead to direct reproductive activities, various factors such as surrounding environment, temperature, and time must be taken into consideration.”
「Me! I know! ‘Atmosphere’ is important!”

Suddenly, No. 26’s body lit up like a light bulb.

「Atmosphere?」「What does it mean?」
「They say atmosphere is when people eat delicious food and build a pretty nest! It was said in the movie that you need to be in a good mood to make a baby!”
“For sure” “Nel Germa” “Mate” “Before” “Good food” “A lot” “A lot” “I ate”
“Then give the older baby a lot of delicious food, If you make the nest pretty, will they make babies?”
“One” “Question” “Big adult” “Food” “Very” “A lot” “Eat” “But” “Mating” “Interested” “Nothing” “Aimorph
is a human. Therefore, the conditions that can promote reproductive activity are also different. “You need to know the terms.”

To PS-111, who has the ability to manipulate genes, Amorph is literally like a treasure chest containing God’s mysteries. I was very curious about whether I would be able to leave descendants and how the genes would be combined to create those descendants.

‘Actually, I wish I could try it myself.’

According to the simulation, the probability that subcontroller 1 would respond to the proposal was 21%. Although it was a possibility worth trying, the risk of failure was too great. And the main controller won’t like this either.

「But the big baby is the same even if he drinks. It is different from people.」
「Will it make a difference if I eat a lot at once?」

After being lost in thought for a moment, PS-111 woke up and was able to see No. 26 coming out of the storage room. Dozens of tentacles were each holding many different liquor bottles and metal cans.

“Why did you bring that up?”
“I’m going to put all of this in.”

Number 26 poured all the liquid from the bottle and can into the pot.

“Even older children will like this. Right?”
‘Megacorp synthetic alcohol, Lavalaptor flesh, stones, psychotropic drugs, Mars-made mega soda, rats, energy bars, defecation inducers, cyborg oil, human toes and eyes, cult-style sand chocolate… ..’

It’s too late to stop now. Just a moment ago, it was barely enough to eat, but now it has gone far beyond that limit. This is because it has become industrial waste that can only be found at Star Union’s factories.

“It’s done!”

Number 26 lifted the pot. It was filled with bright purple liquid. Every time the pot was shaken, green lumps floated to the surface.

「If you eat this, your older child will feel better too!」
「Adult」「Reaction」「I’m curious」

Even though PS-111’s body was mostly mechanical, he was sure that there was no way that ‘mixture’ would have a positive taste. If a naked human or cultist were to come into contact with the chemical gases coming from that pot, they would most likely die on the spot.

However, I couldn’t bear to say no to the happy appearance of the main controller.

「Friend, when will the big one come?」
“He should be returning from hunting by now.”

Anyway, an Amorph, a living fighting machine, can digest at least that mixture. It is his choice whether to eat or not. There is no need to stop PS-111.

With that, the conversation between the two monsters and the fusion of machine and creature on the crashed spaceship came to an end.

Unfortunately, the love dish prepared by No. 26 and Adhai was not delivered to the lovers. This is because the ‘middle baby’ who was taking care of the giant mountain crawler came into the ship and saw the ‘mixture’.

“Oh, there weren’t that many fresh ingredients left, so what is this!”

The Heavenly Mother was extremely angry and as soon as she saw the pot containing the food, she pierced it with a spear.

「We worked hard to make it!」
「Ugly friend」「Shape」「Personality」「Everything」「Bad!」
「…You guys haven’t tried this, right? “Try it yourself and then decide.”

The two, who tasted it for themselves as Heavenly Mother said, had no choice but to agree with her actions.

“It tastes strange. I put something delicious in it, but why is this happening?”

Number 26 expressed doubt by changing the color of his body, and Aadhai just vomited up.

“Starting from today, cooking is prohibited when it’s just the two of us. Got it?」

The Mother of Heaven made a firm threat and went back down to the basement where the Mountain Crawler was.

Adhai, who had been showing off his food for a while by throwing up a bundle of tentacles, also left the ship at a tired pace. Only No. 26 and PS-111 remained in the dilapidated dining car.

“I followed what people did, but why did it taste weird? Do people like this?”
“I suspect there is a problem with the combination.”
“When food is mixed together, it has a special effect. “Not only does it taste better, it also creates new effects.”
“really? “I need to study cooking hard too!”

Number 26, who was worried about the failed results, soon regained his energy. PS-111, watching this, thought.

‘Registration of records. Some modifications to the main controller’s characteristics. ‘I never give up on anything related to my eldest child.’
“I will help you study.”
「Yes! Friend!」

And so another line was added to the report inside the Mutant Screamer’s head.

“Watch next episode”

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