I Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 381

It was completely by chance that Frank joined the Shinomitsu (しの三) cartel.

Originally, he was a low-level executive of the Marcio Cartel, a large pirate company that ran a space fortress.

His job is to catch creditors who have taken the cartel’s money and run away. For this purpose, he would periodically leave the fortress with a pirate ship.

The problem occurred a few months ago, when he returned from work. As usual, I caught the debtor and returned, but the fortress was nowhere to be seen.

Like a ghost story spreading among sailors, the cartel he belonged to and its headquarters disappeared overnight.

All that was left to him was a pirate ship converted from a patrol ship, and about a dozen subordinates.

Frank, who had lost most of what he had, had two options left.

Either create a new cartel and engage in piracy, or join another cartel.

Frank was a villain, but he was not a moron. It was all thanks to his backing that he was able to catch debtors without difficulty.

The Marcio Cartel, which is large enough to be ranked among the top five space dogs, possesses enormous information power. If it weren’t for their intelligence network, the fugitives would never have been caught so easily.

Therefore, it was the latter that Frank chose.

He requested to join the ‘Sino Alliance’, a pirate group that has recently grown rapidly in power. Coincidentally, Shinomitsu, a pirate affiliated with the alliance, was recruiting members, so Frank and his subordinates joined the Shinomitsu Cartel.

Since owning a ship was an advantage in itself, he rose to the position of assistant chief as soon as he joined the new organization.

Starting from a low-level executive, he became the deputy head of a famous cartel. I thought it was ruined when the fortress was blown up, but that was actually a turning point.

Now, hundreds of men and two ships follow him. And even fascinating women.

“Boss, are you there?”

Frank in the captain’s office ignored his subordinate’s communication. I was in the middle of having a good time with my cyborg slave and I didn’t want to be disturbed.

“…Fuck you.”

But the successive voices of subordinates ruined everything. He pushed the slave between his crotches and received the communication.

“Hey you idiot, I thought you told me not to contact you because I was busy?”
“Well, it’s urgent.”

Currently, the ships under Frank’s command were carrying out reconnaissance missions in an unclaimed star system. This is because I received information that a very rare creature would appear here.

Not only Frank, but also other cartels belonging to the Shino Alliance are waiting at locations where rare creatures are expected to appear.

Although it was a boring mission for the pirates, it didn’t really matter. Because I was worried about this, I deliberately brought a sex slave.

“What the hell is so urgent about our work?”
“Please take a look at this.”

With the subordinate’s words, a small holographic map appeared on the desk.

“Suddenly a map…huh?”

I saw something I had never seen before in a hologram that simulated a star system.

Numerous grains were clumped together in one place. Seeing as they were all moving in the same direction, it was not simply a depiction of a rocky area. Frank looked at it closely, wondering if it was a rare creature.

And after a while.

“Oh my god Nimmi?!”

Frank, whose complexion turned white, jumped up from his seat. He shouted as he adjusted his ripped pants.

“Wake up all the kids and prepare the drone! right now!”

Frank knows what the strange entity shown on the map is.

That’s something that anyone aboard the spaceship can’t help but be afraid of. Even if he is a notorious pirate.

‘Fuck, fuck! ‘Why are there a bunch of metallic gremlins here?’

Tens of thousands of marauders are now approaching where Frank’s ship is.

Of course, this world is very different from the game.

In games, there are often cases where features that were not that special become reality and show unexpected performance.

The same applies to the auxiliary organs under the chin.

In the game, the surrounding environment is implemented in the form of a mini map, which only provides an advantage in visibility. In this world, it is used for various purposes, such as detecting and avoiding enemy attacks, detecting invisible enemies, etc.

In addition, many characteristics have changed from what I remember from the game.

However, is it because these differences have generally worked to my advantage? I made a mistake without realizing it.

While flying towards the ice star where Aadhai’s family was staying, I felt that my body was different from usual.

It was hunger. A feeling of hunger that I did not normally feel when sailing at faster than light speed began to bother me.

I quickly figured out what the cause was. This is because of the trash trait ‘Hunger’ acquired by killing the Pyromancer.

When I was on the planet, I had no time to feel hungry because I was fed frequently. This is the first time I have experienced the risk of starvation.

‘First of all, it’s not that I lack energy itself.’

In the main body, the dragon’s heart is operating and pumping energy. The ship also has a lot of remaining energy.

‘Rather, should this be seen as a mental problem?’

What I feel now is similar to when I was hungry and nervous.

‘It’s more annoying than I thought.’

In the case of the game, when you gain hunger and run out of energy, you lose control of your body. So I thought there would be no problem as long as I didn’t run out of energy.

I had no idea that there would be such an irritating side effect as it is now.

‘I need to eat something in between.’

As long as I have the heart of a dragon, there is little chance of me losing my mind. Still, it is not good for the current state of nerves to continue for a long time. It even made me feel nervous, like someone was chasing me.

I think I should stop and rest for a while on the way.

‘While I’m at it, I also feed the mountain crawler.’

Although there is a small amount of meat stored in the stomach, there is no separate food for mountain crawlers. Although it is possible to survive without eating minerals for a long period of time, it does not like to starve.

‘All you have to do is give him a meteorite floating in space.’

I’ll have to look for any pirate ships or merchant ships wandering nearby.

When I stopped traveling at faster than light speeds, the pressure that was weighing me down instantly decreased.

“Amorph? The engine seems to have stopped. What’s going on?”
“We haven’t arrived at the ‘White Stone’, but we’ve confirmed that the faster-than-light voyage has been halted. Is there a problem?”
“Is it difficult to be a big baby? If you’re tired, you should sleep. “It gets better when you sleep!”
“There’s no way that monster is having a hard time with something like this.”
「Rest?」「Me」「Outside」「Can I go out?」

When I stopped, the kids who were spending their personal time all over the ship said something.

[Zuz, zuzuzu, zuzuzu, zuzuzu, zuzuzu, zuzu (I’m going to rest for a while. If you want to go out, you can go out.)]
「I」「Pretty boy」「Together」」「Flight」「Training」「”
“Huh? Wait, do you want me to do the same?”
“Pretty child” “Weak” “Training” “You need to do more” “Much”

After informing the kids that they would take a break, I called PS-111 and Se-chan over here.

[Zuzuzu Zuzuzuzu Zuzuzu Zuzu (Are there pirates active around here?)]
“There is no owner in that star system. Studies have shown that 1.2% of merchant ships registered with Megacorp have transited through that system. There is an 82% chance that criminals are active.”

From what I’ve heard, there are boats that go by, but it doesn’t seem like they go there very often.

In fact, a place where too many ships come and go is not good for Space Dog.

‘Because if we are pursued by the great powers, it will be the end.’

I turned my gaze to Se-chan.

“There are no cartels based here, but I have heard of smaller cartels doing looting here.”

The guy who had half his brain taken away by parasites looked at my body with blank eyes and answered.

‘It looks like pirates are active.’

It just worked out well.

Now I am taking control by eroding the ship. Thanks to this, it appears as a regular ship in the detection system. It looks exactly like Megacorp’s warship, except that it is black in appearance.

In the eyes of pirates, it would seem like tasty food. If there are pirates here, they will definitely come after me.

[Zuzu zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzu (Is there anything else I should be careful about?)]
“After analyzing the ship data, it was confirmed that there are no other dangerous factors other than pirates.”
[Zuzu (really?)]

If that’s the case, there won’t be a big problem if you walk around a bit.

[Zuzuzu zuz zuzzu (I’m moving so everyone come back)]

I called the kids outside and started moving slowly.

This place had a very different feel from the star system where Asuka 44 was located.

The scenery of the Dorane star system was very colorful thanks to the red giant star Olga. A blazing red star and pitch black spaces contrasting with it. The atmosphere was reminiscent of space photos and illustrations we saw in our human days.

On the other hand, the atmosphere here is very static. There are no impressive stars or beautiful nebulae. There is only endless darkness that continues.

‘Actually, most of outer space is like this.’

While I was moving around with that in mind, I sensed something in the black slime covering the surface of the ship. Some movement occurred in a space quite far away.

‘Is it a pirate ship?’

The movement feels increasingly bigger. It’s flying towards here.

‘I thought it would take more time… huh?’

Just when I was thinking everything was fine, I felt a strange feeling. This is because the movement of the pirate ship approaching me was different from other ships.

I focused my senses on the outer wall of the ship. Just like when linked to the nest, the sensory area expands, and even parts that cannot be sensed with auxiliary organs alone are transmitted to the brain. The movement of a being approaching from afar can also be felt more clearly than before.

‘Three big ones, and…’

There are so many small objects that it is difficult to count them even with developed senses. There were lots of things like grains of sand around the big thing.

The big thing must be a ship. The problem here is the identity of the small object surrounding the ship.

‘Metallic Gremlin?’

Tens of thousands of silver monsters were gathered in one place and were attacking ships.

All three ships were flying this way at high speed, so I thought they were trying to make a surprise attack, but that wasn’t the case. It wasn’t an attack, it was a request for help.

‘Why are they here?’

For intelligent beings who have entered space, a group of metallic gremlins is no different from a living disaster. That’s why Megacorp and Star Union make sure to record the places where space raiders appear.

There are two reasons why PS-111 did not find any special records.

Either they came here from another star system, or there were no survivors from the ship that was attacked by them.

‘No matter what happens, it’s better.’

I was just really hungry.

3 ships and a metallic gremlin.

This amount of food will be enough to appease hunger.

A word from the author (author review) Please take care of zakuti.

In the previous episode, it was changed to show that Strong Hamilton boarded the main character’s ship. Originally, I was planning to describe him as surviving, but I forgot. See the next episode.”

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