I Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 377

「Did you just hear that?」
「I think I heard a scream outside.」
「What bullshit. “It’s just quiet.”

Heavy footsteps and voices echoed in the quiet hallways of the ship.

They were pirates who came in to take control of the ship under Se-chan’s orders.

“By the way, is there no one on this ship?”
“If you see the life support system and cameras working, it means that someone is taking care of it.”

One pirate pointed to the wall. As expected from a cult-style ship, the hallways were full of geometric patterns. Among the numerous patterns, only the part the pirate pointed to was shining slightly. This meant that the surveillance camera in the hallway was operating.

“So you’re saying they’re filming us? But why are you still?”
“I guess I’ll have to go to the situation room to find out.”

Since infiltrating the ship, I have not encountered any living creatures. If you check the computer in the situation room, you will quickly find out where the survivors have gone.

The six pirates started moving again. A dull metallic sound as I walked broke the silence in the hallway.

“You mean this ship will soon be ours?”
“Don’t you know the captain’s personality? Most likely, they will sell it to other pirates.”
“Tsk, that’s a shame.” The cult style ship was also very sexy. Although the performance is poor.”
“What about the new warship introduced by Edgerton in this civil war…”

As they were chatting and moving around, the pirate in the lead suddenly raised his right arm. At the hand signal to stop, all the pirates stood in place.

「Did you hear that?」
「Shit, what else?」

The veteran pirate became irritated, asking if this was the beginning again. However, the lead pirate reacted differently than before.

「Please listen for a moment!」
「I can’t hear anything, so what else should I listen to….」

The veteran pirate who was grumbling closed his mouth. Because I really heard something.

All six people closed their mouths and listened.

At first, I thought it was the sound of the wind blowing outside the ship. You can hear the sound of intense heat waves raging across the planet.

But no. That sound, faint but clearly audible, was much more terrifying than that.

「…this is crazy.」

It was the sound of a baby crying.

「Is what I heard correct?」
「Fuck, why is the baby crying here….」

The pirates of the Hamilton Cartel are veterans of numerous battles. Of course, I saw all kinds of terrible scenes.

However, this was the first time I encountered a situation like this where a baby could be heard crying in an empty ship hallway.

“…There’s no way there’s a baby in a place like this. Someone must have played a recording.”
“So, let’s catch the crazy pervert who is doing this shit first.”

At the words of the senior pirate, the other five barely calmed down and nodded.

The pirates walked towards the source of the sound in a tense state.

The hallway that had been described as beautiful just moments ago now felt eerie. Patterns tangled on the ceiling and walls, noises every time you walk and the baby’s voice. There was nothing ominous about it.

I passed through several areas without encountering anyone. It was clearly moving in the direction the voice was heading, but it still sounded the same.

Not only that, but the pitch and pronunciation of the cries were different every time, so no matter how much I listened to them, it didn’t feel like they were recorded.

That voice was not recorded.

Everyone here thought so, but no one said it out loud.

The strange journey soon ended. A door with a luxurious pattern was blocking them.

「This is the last one.」
「It’s probably in here. “Open.”

The pirate in the lead connected the mechanical device on his forearm to the terminal next to the door. As I was preparing to open the door with hacking, I heard a voice from inside again.

“are you okay?”
“Please help me… I don’t want to die.”
“I’m hungry. Let’s eat.”

In addition to the cries of children, the voices of men, women, the elderly, and several other human beings could be clearly heard. Just counting the voices that can be heard, there are at least 10 people inside.

“I wondered where everyone had gone.”
“Fuck, it’s all gone.”

Only then did the pirates feel relieved and show their fighting spirit. My body, damp with cold sweat, became excited with anticipation of the upcoming murder.

Soon, the door to the dining car opened. The six people jumped inside with Gauss rifles pointed forward.

The inside of the restaurant was not in good condition. Most of the tables were overturned, and the lights here and there were broken and blinking.

「If you see anything, shoot right away.」
“Wow, really?”
“come fast.”
“Hey, there. If you have a cigarette, give it a try.”
“are you okay?”

The owners of the voices were still conversing peacefully.

They seemed to have no idea how much danger they were in.

The pirates moved in perfect order under the frantically blinking lights. After passing the fallen table, they reached a place in front of the freezer in the kitchen.

“I’m starving.”
“It’s here. here.”
“What is this?”
“Ha ha ha ha ha!”
“Get ready.”

While the five people were aiming with their guns, the pirate in the lead grabbed the doorknob. And opened the door wide.

“what? “There isn’t one, right?”

The freezer with the light off was empty. Not only were there no ingredients, but no people were visible.

“hey! Above your head!”

When the pirate who opened the door was taken aback, the senior pirate behind him urgently shouted. Before he could react, something pink wrapped around his upper body.


After saying a short word, the pirate’s body disappeared into the darkness. And tentacles that looked exactly like the ones I had just seen popped out of the freezer.

「W-What is that?!」」
「Everyone shooting… ugh?!」
「Sa, help me! Tduduk”

The panicked pirates tried to open fire, but the tentacles were faster. Tentacles the size of adult male thighs grabbed the pirates one by one and dragged them into the freezer.

“Fuck you!”

While his colleagues were being slaughtered, the veteran pirate quickly escaped from the kitchen and ran towards the wide open restaurant door.

It was clear that everyone on this ship had been attacked by that monster. This fact must be conveyed to everyone.

Just as he thought that and was about to leave the restaurant, his legs stopped.

“What the hell?!” “Why is this like this?”

No matter how much strength I put on my legs, they wouldn’t move. Not only my legs but my entire body became as if turned to stone.

As he struggled to escape from the unknown force, a familiar voice reached his ears.

“I guess I’ll have to go to the situation room to find out.”
“This ship will soon be ours, right?”
“I. What is that.”
“buy. help me.”

The old pirate realized that his voice was included in the chattering of countless people. Not only that, but also the voices of my colleagues.

The being that bound him with intangible power slowly approached from behind. Pink tentacles wrapped around his arms and legs.

In the face of this overwhelming presence, there was only one thing he could do.


It was silence.

“There are no records?”
“yes. “There are no records left, as if someone came and erased them.”
“What about communication records? “You sent a message 20 minutes ago?”
“When I checked, it was also completely blown away.”

Immediately after infiltrating the ship, Se-chan went straight to the situation room and could not help but be embarrassed by the unexpected situation.

‘What’s going on?’

There is not even a single person visible on the ship, and communication records from just a few dozen minutes ago have been erased. I couldn’t understand what Customer S was thinking.

‘trap? In that case, it should have already been attacked.’
「Who are you!」

At that time, one of his subordinates shouted loudly. Se-chan and the other pirates also reacted and urgently raised their weapons.

“I saw a shadow moving in the hallway.”
“It must be a person.” “I will chase after you.”

There was nothing more to be gained from the situation room. Se-chan and the pirates got out. Just as the subordinate said, a human with scattered hair was seen running away.

“Don’t kill them, capture them alive.”

Currently, all of them are wearing reinforced clothing. It was very easy to catch an unarmed survivor.

A moment later, the fugitive knelt in front of Se-chan.

“There is no use running away. “As you know, the atmosphere here is not at a level where you can go out bare-handed.”
“Where are all your colleagues?”

The fugitive did not react to Se-chan’s words. All I could do was just stare at his face.

Then the pirate behind him stepped on his thigh.

“Isn’t this fucking bastard answering?”

An opponent struggling in pain. Se-chan stopped him just before his leg broke. The fugitive heaved a sigh of relief as his subordinate put his foot away.

“I’ll ask you one last question. “Where are your colleagues and superiors?”
“Are you their leader?”
「You bastard, you answer questions with questions?」
“Quiet. “My name is Sechan Hamilton, and I am the leader of the Hamilton Cartel who has come to do business with you guys.”

The fugitive who heard his words opened his eyes wide.

“Is it really Se-chan?”
“…If you are the one I serve, it is below. “Please follow me.”

After saying that, the fugitive staggered to his feet. When his subordinate tried to subdue him, Se-chan raised his hand to stop him.

By looking at the fugitive’s movements, one could tell what condition the people hiding on this ship were in.

The tanned clothes, slanted face, and skinny body could never have been created artificially. Customer S and his companions must be seen as being on the verge of death.

If he wants to survive, he must get help from the Hamilton Cartel, whether he likes it or not.

“I will follow him.”

Se-chan and his group moved under the guidance of the fugitive.

The fugitive, who was walking with a limp, stopped in front of the cargo bay. When he opened the door, a thick darkness with not a single glimmer of light greeted the visitor from outside.

“Are you in here?”
“no. He is down there.”

The fugitive did not answer and walked away. The pirates also activated their infrared surveillance sights and followed suit.

“Captain, is this…?”

As soon as they entered, the pirates immediately realized that the cargo hold was not normal.

Everything inside, including cargo, containers, ceilings, and walls, was covered in strange slime. And except for the area near the entrance, the entire floor disappeared. There was a large pit where the bottom of the ship had been.

A pit that appears to be made of the same material as the slime that covers everything. It was so deep that I couldn’t see the end.

“What is all this?”
“It is His creation.”
“You’ve been saying it’s him since a while ago. His name is Salman, right?”
“If you want to know the name, please ask directly.”
The moment Se-chan asked, the space where they were standing shook violently.

It’s not an earthquake. Something very large is moving inside the pit.

Something scary beyond his imagination is happening on this planet.

‘This situation is not normal!’

Feeling a shiver run down his spine, Se-chan hurriedly connected the communication.

“Vice captain! It’s blustery here! Come here right now….”
「Captain, crackle, crackle, monster, crackle, invade the ship, crackle, we all die, crackle, ahhh!」
“Vice-captain? Vice captain! “Holy shit!”
“Captain, I can’t contact the others either!”

Likewise, his subordinates who attempted to communicate with other colleagues also shouted in trembling voices. Se-chan gritted his teeth and grabbed the fugitive by the collar.

“You damn bastard! “What on earth have you done!”
“I serve a great man. He wants your wisdom.”
“Crazy guy!”

Se-chan hit the fugitive hard with his fist. Because of the strengthened fist, the opponent’s face was crushed. The body, with its face smashed, stumbled and fell into the pit.

‘We have to get out of here right now!’

There are still men left on other ships to search, but there is no time to take care of them. If there is a problem with the ship, it is truly the end. We must return to the transport ship as quickly as possible.

“Leave here immediately and jump to the transport ship!”

Se-chan ordered, but his men did not move. They were staring blankly in the direction of the strong wind.

“You guys, are you out of your mind?”
“Ha, Captain. Behind…”

The subordinate pointed behind him with a trembling hand.

Se-chan turned his head and could see why his men could not move.

Behind him, there was a ‘thing’ of enormous size.


The being stuck out its long neck from the pit and moved its jaw to lightly swallow the corpse that had fallen earlier. Even after seeing that, Se-chan and the pirates couldn’t move.

No matter how genetically modified or equipped with very strong weapons and reinforced clothing, the being in front of me could not be defeated. No matter how strong the human body becomes, it cannot walk on the stars.

The same goes for the being in front of them. ‘It’ was something that far surpassed human understanding.

“You are the carrier.”

The voice of a just-dead fugitive flowed from ‘it”s mouth.

“I hope what’s in your brain is useful.”

Only then did Se-chan understand what the words he said before his death meant.

He will not die.

At that fact, I could only open my mouth and shed tears.

“Watch next episode”

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