I Became a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 154

Chapter 154

After a brief moment of floating, the landscape around me began to change.

The outside field was untouched.

When I turned my head to look outside, I saw children lying on their stomachs or collapsed on the pre-arranged seats.

‘I guess that’s where they take you if you don’t make the cut.’

I shake my head and step out, feeling the eyes of the children focus on me.

I recognize the giant monitor from the last all-out war.

It was probably where most of the people here were watching the game.

Just then, the monitor lights up brightly, and the speakers begin to blare music.

[Academy midterm grades announced]

The other students’ attention was drawn to the words on the monitor.

[1st Place. Eugene Han]

[2nd place. Choi Yeon]

[3rd place. Choi Kang-hyun]




Choi Kang-hyun took third place despite having very few survival points.

Apparently, it helped that he was targeting me in the middle of the game and took out the other guys, wiping out all their points.

At the same time, a system window popped up in front of me.

[Achievement earned!]

[Achievement: “Academy Chief”!]

[You have reached the pinnacle of your Academy peers!]

[The majority of students are in awe of you]

[Rewards are given!]

[Attribute: “Academy Chief” is obtained!]

[Academy Chief]

[1. The pinnacle of your peers – You are the academy’s chief. Your attractiveness rises significantly]

[2. Senior’s Talent – The speed of accepting skills and knowledge within the academy increases]

[3. TOP CLASS – The position of Chief is only granted to one person. If you fail to maintain the position of Chief, this trait will be lost]

This was the most fraudulent talent that could be obtained within the Academy.

Chief’s Talent, the second ability of the [Academy’s Chief]

A talent that increases the growth rate within the academy, where one learns various things?

Even though it was limited to the academy, it could still be called a tier 1 ability because it was like an experience multiplier.

‘The synergy between this and Choi Yeon’s ability was insane, but this time I got to eat it.’

Of course, I had no intention of slowing Choi Yeon’s growth.

I was going to give her a new way to grow that would work for her.

This brings my total to eight traits.


[Heir to the Underworld]

[1. Offer You Can’t Refuse – Slightly increases your negotiation ability, but only with those that fear you.]

[2. Baby Boss – Your overall ability increases slightly in proportion to the creatures you fear or respect.]

[3. Unrevealed]

[Bad Boy]

[1. Your charm increases in proportion to your notoriety]


[1. A cold-blooded killer – an organization’s knife for disposing of enemies. Hitmen remain calm in any situation.

Proficiency with firearms is greatly increased.]

[2. Hunter of Villains – You are a Hitman who is very used to hunting villains. Villains will fear you and you will find it easier to hunt them down.

Increases the fear that enemies feel towards you by 1.5x.

Slightly increases your ability to use Aura against villains.]


[1.Enforcer – those who deal with enemies of your organization. Increases your physical abilities by 1.5x when fighting against opponents perceived to be enemies of your organization.]


[1. Invulnerable – You become immune to most poisons. Your resistance to poison is greatly increased.]

[Natural Healing (A)]

[1. Natural Healing (A) – Your body’s natural healing abilities are increased.]


[1. People find your words more persuasive]

[2. People around you pay more attention to your words]

[Gunpowder and Explosions]

[1. You are a specialist in gunpowder and explosions. You gain additional damage modifiers from firearms and explosives]

[Dragon Slayer]

[1. Dragon Slayer – You deal triple damage against dragon species only]

[2. Terror of Immortal – You have succeeded in killing an immortal; those who do not know the concept of death find terror in you]

[3. Mythmaker – You have slain a dragon, and you are writing a new myth. Your rank is greatly increased and you gain strong immunity from status ailments]

【Chief of the Academy】

[1. The pinnacle of your peers – You are the Academy’s Chief. Your Charm is greatly increased]

[2. Chief’s Talent – Your rate of acceptance of skills and knowledge within the academy rises]

[3. Top Class – The position of Chief is only granted to one person; this trait is lost if you fail to maintain the position of Chief]

“It’s comforting to see.”

I wonder if I’m the first person to collect this many traits in such a short amount of time?

If I posted it to the community, I would have been called a jerk and told to stop aggroing.

“Eugene, congratulations.”

“Ah. Choi Yeon.”

Didn’t they say that even tigers come when you call their name?

Choi Yeon, who has now approached, offers me her hand to shake and she’s smiling even more fondly than usual.

“You don’t hate me?”

I ask her as she casually extends her hand to the person who stole her seat, but she just shakes her head as if she doesn’t know what I’m talking about.

“Why? I lost because I was weak.”


That’s the kind of person she is.

I smile, taking the hand she offers me.


“I’ll beat you during the finals.”

“Yeah. I’m counting on it.”

There’s no telling how strong she’ll be by then, but I’m not going to sit around and play either.

I was going to use the Chief trait as much as I can.

“Eugene ~!”

“Congratulations on becoming chief!”

“The boss is a god, the boss is a god, the boss is a god, the boss is a god, all the best!”

In the distance, I could see the members of “Familia” running toward me.

Judging by the rankings on the monitor, they all managed to finish in the top 20.

“Well done, everyone.”

Just like that, the midterm exams of the first semester of the first year of the Seoul Hero Academy were completely over.

* * *

“I’m back.”

After finishing the hard midterms and returning home for a break, something began to flutter in the air with a bang.

[(Sir) Eugene Han Corleone Academy 1st place]

“Big brother, congratulations!”

“Congratulations. Master.

Jiyun and Alessia shouted with bright smiles as they set off firecrackers used for birthdays.

Apparently, the results of the midterms had already reached the mansion.

“The news is so fast. I just got home.”

Alessia said with a smile as she stroked Jiyun, who naturally hugged me.

“I got a direct line to Don as soon as the midterms were over. I could tell by the sound of his delight in his study.”


It was obvious after that.

My father would have spread the news throughout the mansion, and Jiyun would have gone berserk when he heard it, insisting that we should celebrate unconditionally.

Alessia must have greeted me with Jiyun just in time.

“Thank you, Jiyun.”

“Hehehe. That’s right, big brother. Papa told me that you should go to the study when you arrive.”


This time it was Alessia who nodded.

“Yes. He ordered to see you as soon as you arrive from the academy. I know it’s hard for you with the midterms, but he hopes you’ll forgive him.”

“Huh? No. Of course I’ll go if my father calls me.”

Father wants to see me right after I took the 1st place in the academy midterms. There’s no doubt that he wants to reward me.

With light steps, I stroll to father’s study, check my appearance in the full-length mirror before knocking on the door.


This was a good thing, but I couldn’t help but feel nervous whenever I saw the door to my father’s study.

A light ding, and two knocks later.

“Dad, it’s Eugene.”

As I stood in the doorway, I heard a deep voice from inside.

-Come in.

I cautiously opened the door and stepped inside to find my father smoking a cigar as usual.

“I’ve been coming to …….”

“Good. You must be tired, I apologize for calling you here.”

He blew out the smoke and stood up.

The desk in his study was piled high with reports from all over the world.

“No, actually, I’m grateful that you called me in when you were so busy.”

My father smiles at my answer.

“Yes, thank you, I heard from the dean that you got first place in this midterm exam and Sword Saint texted me to say that you took his granddaughter’s place……I had a good laugh.”

……He texted you that?

Apparently, Choi Yeon, was feeling a little bitter about losing to me.

“I just got lucky.”

“Haha, if you were lucky to win, then everyone else in the world must be unlucky. So…… what should I give you now that you took the top spot in these exams?”

The joy in his voice was like a hum and it’s amazing how I can feel affection for something so trivial.

He starts shuffling through the reports, then picks up a piece of paper and holds it out to me.

“Take this.”


I hesitantly took the paper from him and looked down at it.

[Seoul Hero Academy’s internal business registration]

“…… Is this?”

“This is the official business license of the Seoul Hero Academy. I somehow managed to get it during the recent bidding war, and I thought it would be best to give it to you since you have the academy as your territory.”

Official business license for the academy?

It was something I’d never had before, not even in the game.

In the game, the Academy was a kind of sanctuary, an organization that was difficult for outside businesses to enter.

No organization bypassed the academy for nothing. It’s like the Green Belt.

That alone is amazing…….but he wasn’t done yet.

“I’ve been thinking about what else to get you, but I’m afraid I’ll have to travel abroad to find the right gift for you. The real gift will have to wait.”

“You mean you’ll go yourself?”

The head of Corleone, not anyone else, is going abroad for a single item?

What in the world is he going to get?

“Yes. In the meantime, Consigliere will take care of business, and you can tell him if you need anything. Well, I’m only going to Russia, which isn’t that far away, so it shouldn’t take too long.”

“I will do so, father.”

“Well, I’m sure your body is still tired, so get some rest.”

With that, I walked back to my room, threw myself on my bed, and looked at the business license papers he’d given me.

“How the hell did he get this?”

Looking at it again, it’s a mystery.

The Academy’s business license to open a store inside the Academy.

In the game, it’s normal for outside companies to come in, so of course I thought it was just a system thing, but it turns out it wasn’t.

“No, it was possible because it was real in the first place.”

The academy franchise is like a money-making factory.

It’s easy to set trends because you have a solid customer base and connections to people who will lead the future.

In the game, there was a lot of behind-the-scenes money being thrown around to create that flow, and there was a lot of backstabbing between different companies, but you can do it with this?

I could see the potential for huge returns.

However, the problem is that there may be power struggles with existing clubs.

After all, a franchise is a right to do business, not a right to survive.

It’s time to get into the price war or go for the blue ocean.

“The only things I’ve seen in the game are……cafes and maybe a gun shop selling practice weapons.”

I hadn’t paid much attention to the shops that sold commodities because they weren’t very useful to players, but…….

I had an idea.

“This could work.”

Running to my desk, I pulled up a business plan form and began to hastily fill out the document.

“What if I approach this in a way that only academy students can……?”

A way that would allow me to be both a business owner and a student.

A plan that would allow me to obtain both influence and financial gain within the academy.

It was the first step toward taking over the Academy.

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