I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 256: Read at darkstartranslations Site

Chapter 256: Read at darkstartranslations Site


Chawchaw roared.

As if in response, dark storm clouds gathered and covered the sky.




*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

Next, blue lightning struck over the heads of the Red Hammer tribe Orcs.


“It's the Thunderhoof Clan! Chweek!”

The Red Hammer tribe was instantly thrown into chaos.

They had never imagined that the Thunderhoof Clan would attack from the rear.

“Chwiiiiik! Warriors of the proud Thunderhoof Clan! Chiiik! It is time to crush the enemy! Chwiiiiik!

Bagram, riding the Chawchaw, let out a fierce roar as he charged forward.

Warriors riding boars, strengthened by the power of the Chawchaw, chased after Bagram and charged alongside him.

The destructive power displayed by such Thunderhoof Clan cavalry-not on horses, mind you-was immense.


*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

The Thunderhoof Clan's cavalry completely crushed the enemy forces as if they were bulldozers.

The boar unit's breakthrough power was comparable to that of tanks.

No one could stand in the way of Bagram and his warriors.



No matter how strong the Orcs were, it was impossible for them to withstand boars the size of rhinos.

Is that it all?



The powerful electric currents emanating from the cavalry even electrocuted the surrounding enemies, rendering them incapable of fighting.

In just a single charge, the Thunderhoof Clan's cavalry, with Chawchaw, completely obliterated the Red Hammer tribe's forces.


“Chawchaw… It's the Chawchaw! Chiiiiik!”

“The legendary Chawchaw has appeared! Chiiieek!”

The Red Hammer tribe's Orcs were astonished to see Bagram riding the Chawchaw.

Chawchaw was a very famous Divine Beast, well-known not only to the Thunderhoof Clan but also to various Orc tribes.

“The Red Hammer tribe is not our enemy! Chiiik!”

Bagram shouted.

“Minimize casualties! Chiiik! Fight with your clubs! Warriors! Chwiiik!”

Following Bagram's orders, the Thunderhoof Clan warriors did not use their sharp bladed weapons.

Instead, they wielded only the Barbarian Club, carved from the Ghost Tree.

The Barbarian clubs had curses and paralysis effects, making them perfect for subduing enemies without killing them.

Of course, even though they were just wooden clubs, they were still more hard than any steel weapon.

But as long as one didn't deliberately aim for the head, one could minimize casualties.

*Smack!* *Pow!*

Bagram and the Thunderhoof clan's warriors swung their barbarian clubs, whacking their enemies into submission.



Enemies struck by the barbarian clubs were not only severely injured but also fell into a state of incapacitation as they were cursed and paralyzed.




The wyverns also flew above the Red Hammer tribe, applying pressure from above.

As a result,

“Chieeek! Retreat! Cheeeiik!”

“Cheeeiiik! Retreat! Chweeiik! Fall back! Chiiiiieek!”

The Red Hammer tribe could no longer continue the fight and hurriedly attempted to retreat.

But it was impossible.

“Th… There’s an enemy in the rear! Cheeik!”

“Surrounded! We’re surrounded! Cheeik!”

With the Thunderhoof Clan's cavalry already blocking their retreat and pressuring them, the Red Hammer Tribe couldn't even retreat at will.

In front was the fortress of the McLaren Kingdom.

Behind them were the forces of the Thunderhoof Clan.

They were surrounded by enemies on all sides.

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Meanwhile, the commander of the McLaren Kingdom meets and talks to a handsome blond man who appears out of nowhere.

Who the hell is he?

Where did he come from?

The commander was stumped for answers.

“Who are you?”

The commander recognized at a glance that the blonde handsome man was no ordinary person and asked cautiously.

“Otto de Scuderia, King of the Lota Kingdom.”


The commander nodded as soon as he heard the name Otto de Scuderia.

He had heard that the King of the Lota Kingdom was one of the most handsome men on the continent.

“How did His Majesty the King of the Lota Kingdom come all the way here?”

“I've come to help you.”

“I… Is that true?”

“That's right.”

“So, are you saying you’ve brought reinforcements?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Where are the reinforcements?”

The commander turned to Otto and asked.

Given the situation, he would like to enlist the help of the Kingdom of Lota first.

“The reinforcements are already here.”



Otto pointed to the sky.


“Kyaaa! Skreeee!”

There they were, the Dragon Knights or Wyvern Riders in action.

“That's our air force, and over there.”

Otto pointed to the cavalry of the Thunderhoof Clan in the distance.

“That's our land army.”


The commander's eyes widened as if he didn't know what that meant.

“Wh…. What do you mean by that?”

“The Thunderhoof Clan are our reinforcements.”

“Are you saying that you’ve formed an alliance with the Orcs?”

“That's right.”

Otto nodded his head.

“The Thunderhoof Clan is opposed to the Orcs attacking the humans and instead wants to befriend them.”


“So, they willingly moved to protect the McLaren Kingdom from the Red Hammer Tribe.”

“W-What do you mean? Are you saying that Orcs are protecting our kingdom from other Orcs?"

“As you can see.”

Otto gestured to the battlefield.

“So, please rest assured and treat the injured and recover the bodies of the deceased. The battle is already over.”

“I…. I can’t believe it. How can Orcs be helping us humans?”

“You’ll understand if you keep watching.”

Otto, with a confident smile, perched on the ramparts as he watched the ongoing battle.

“They’re fighting well.”

Without a doubt, the main protagonist of this battle was Bagram.

So Otto had no intention of stepping in.

At present, Otto’s role was to set the stage, not to participate directly in the battle and achieve personal glory.

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The beleaguered Red Hammer tribe found themselves in a dire situation, trapped on the battlefield with no way to escape.

“Chwiik! Garf! it is I, Bagram!”

Bagram shouted loudly and called out Garf, the Chieftain of the Red Hammer Tribe.

“I, Bagram, Chieftain of the Thunderhoof, challenge Garf, Chieftain of the Red Hammer, to a duel! Chwiik!”

Then, Garf, the chieftain of the Red Hammer Clan, stepped forward in front of Bagram, carrying a massive hammer on his shoulder.

“Chiieek! I, Garf, chieftain of the Red Hammer Clan, am here! Chiieek!”

Among the Orcs, it was very common for a one-on-one duel between Chieftains to take place in such situations.

Especially when a Chieftain in a favorable position issued a challenge for a one-on-one duel, it was a custom for the Chieftain in a disadvantaged position to accept.

In situations where victory and defeat were nearly decided, it was part of Orc culture to resolve matters by having the Chieftains face off in a duel, rather than spilling more pointless blood.


Garf, seeing Bagram riding Chawchaw, showed clear signs of nervousness, but as a Chieftain, he remained steadfast and unyielding.

In any case, backing down here would only get him labeled as a coward by his warriors, and with defeat in battle already a foregone conclusion, he had no choice but to face the challenge, even if reluctantly.

“Bagram! I never expected the Thunderhoof Clan to be this treacherous! Chiek!”

“What do you mean by that? Chwik?”

“Chiek! Aren’t you trying to stab us in the back and take over that fortress? Chwiek!”

Garf thought that Bagram was simply backstabbing the Red Hammer Tribe and trying to swallow up the McLaren Kingdom for himself.

“Chwiik! Garf! Do you think I, Bagram, am the same as a demon’s spawn like you? Chwiik!”

“C… Chwiieek?!"

“I know that you're not a true Orc but a spawn of the devil! Chwiik!"


“Today, I, Bagram, will reveal to the world that you are a demon’s spawn! Chwiik!”

Shouting this, Bagram swiftly leaped off Chawchaw.

Then, he swung the Astra Axe towards Garf.

*Crackle!* *Bzzzzztttt!!!*

The Astra Axe spewed electricity as though it were a flamethrower, pressuring Garf.

"C-Chiieek! Chwiiieeeeeek!!!"

Garf couldn't even muster a proper defense against Bagram's fierce attack.

Originally, the difference in skill was overwhelming with Bagram in the lead, and with the Astra Axe, a Holy Relic in his arsenal, Garf stood no chance.

“Chieek! Chweeeeeek!"

Garf, electrocuted by the currents from the Astra Axe, screamed in agony and eventually collapsed from exhaustion.

Bagram did not kill Garf.


Bagram’s hand seized Garf by the hair.

“Behold, warriors of the Red Hammer Tribe! Chwiik! See with your own eyes what your Chieftain truly is! Chiik!”

Bagram shouted this and then made a small cut on his arm with a dagger, drawing blood.

He then forced the blood into the corner of Garf's mouth.

As a result,

Garf's skin turned blue.

"Chiek, Chweek!?"

“Look at the Chieftain’s skin! Chwiik!”

“Demon! Chwiiik! He’s a demon’s spawn! Chwiik!”

The Red Hammer Tribe was shocked to discover that their Chieftain, Garf, was actually an Orcus.

“It’s not just the Chieftain! Chwik!”

Bagram shouted.

“Among your warriors lurk countless children of the devil! When they drink pure orcish blood, they reveal their true colors! Therefore, rather all of you fight, let one another drink a little of each other's blood, and then you will know who is a devil's child and who is a true Orc! Chwiiik!"

The Orcs of the Red Hammer Tribe were momentarily thrown into disarray by Bagram's words, but soon they collected themselves and began to draw blood to identify the Orcus among them.


“Damn it! Chweeek!”

The hidden Orcus, already trapped, floundered helplessly and ended up getting exposed as a result.

Everyone proved they were not Orcus by drinking the blood, but those who were Orcus kept making excuses and trying to avoid the situation, making it easy for them to be caught.

After the commotion settled down.

“Red Hammer Tribe! Chwiik! You have been deceived! Chwiik! The attack on the humans was instigated by the demon’s spawn! Chiik! So, drop your weapons and surrender! Chwiik!”

At Bagram’s shout, one by one, the warriors of the Red Hammer Tribe lowered their weapons and signaled their surrender.

Once it was revealed that even the Chieftain was a demon’s spawn, there was no longer any will or reason to continue fighting.

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Seeing Bagram subdue the Red Hammer Tribe, a smile spread across Otto's face.

“This is the beginning of the legend.”

The unification of the Uruk Plains by the Orc Lord Bagram was only just beginning.

The feeling of witnessing the first steps of a great journey with one's own eyes…….

“Did you see that?”

Otto turned to look back at the commander.

“The Thunderhoof Clan did not come to attack you people, but rather to protect you.”

“N-No way."

“I would like to meet with His Majesty the King. Could you send a messenger to arrange a meeting?”

“Are you referring to His Majesty the King of our kingdom?”

“Yes, that’s right.”


The commander pondered for a moment, then nodded and relented to Otto's request.

“Sending a messenger is not difficult at all.”

“Thank you.”

Otto was confident that the King of the McLaren Kingdom would accept the meeting.

The King of the McLaren Kingdom had a lot of issues with the Erzsebet Kingdom, and wanted to get out from under its influence at all costs.

They would not hesitate to join forces with the Kingdom of Lota and the Thunderhoof Clan.

Moreover, since the McLaren Kingdom was located in a geopolitically important position, there was no problem in forming an alliance with the Lota Kingdom instead of the Erzsebet Kingdom.

Compared to other Kingdoms, it was relatively easier for them to cut ties with the Erzsebet Kingdom.

** ** **


Chiek, Chweek, Cheeik = Orcus

Chwiik, Chiik – Orcs

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