I Became a Foreign Worker Loved by Transcendents

Chapter 152: Dating?

After finishing the day’s work and returning, I checked Airi’s condition and prepared for the next day.

For the past two months, I’ve followed this routine, but there were times when I had to stay long-term in a distant place.

The reason I could be somewhat free from the resulting anxiety was that a reliable helper stayed by her side in my absence.

“So, you mean you’ll be on a subjugation mission for the next six months?”

“Yes, so I won’t be able to return to the capital for a while.”

In the workshop located in the basement of the mansion.

There, Tashian, who was in the middle of making equipment, began to touch the sword she had just finished.

The surface was gradually carved with grooves by the mana in her fingernail, and the inscriptions made by her delicate touch were a type of magical script called ‘runes’.

Were these concepts that existed in this world since humans created writing?

Once engraved, they possess power and were mainly used in equipment crafting, but it was said that humans couldn’t easily interpret or acquire the sense needed to engrave them.

“If you’re going on an expedition for half a year, you need to prepare a lot.”

Tashian not only handled such absurd skills skillfully but also handed me the results as if they were nothing special.

She always said she was sorry for not doing better, but I’d seen many weapons since my days as a porter.

I understood the great value of the weapons she made, but now I was too tired to be surprised, so I just gathered mana into the sword in my hand.


As soon as I gathered the mana, the sword ignited.

When I swung the flaming sword at the target, the metal surface was scarred and scorched.

As expected, even though it had declined, it was a weapon made by a dragon. If put on the market, it would definitely fetch a high price.

“But by then, it will be time for the baby to be born. Can you come back at that time?”

“Well, I’m a bit worried about that too. Subjugations can sometimes take longer than expected.”

After testing the sword’s performance, I put it down and focused power into my hand.

*Buzz. *

The sound of mana was gathering and then merging with the sword.

When I felt the remnants of the spirit within the mana memorizing the shape of the sword and naturally gathering to me, I reached into the air to manifest the weapon.

“…Still, I should try to come back by then.”


A fierce flame rose from the sword made of mana in my hand.

That wasn’t the result of me using mana to perform magic but because I perfectly replicated the rune engraved on the sword Tashian made.

Actually, runes exert their effect only when the letters are meticulously carved, but using the spirit’s fine control abilities, some of those difficulties can be mitigated.

As a replica, it might be less powerful than the original, but in terms of versatility, it’s much better since it can be manifested and used without carrying it.

“I should make more careful equipment.”

As if agreeing, Tashian started working again to prepare equipment that I could replicate and use.

As I got used to handling the weapons she handed me, someone quietly approached me as I sat down to rest.

The one who approached, holding a water bottle, was a cluster of spirits with a translucent body.

“Ah, thank you.”


The cluster of spirits responded immediately to my thanks and then started tidying up the training equipment scattered nearby.

Even without specific instructions from me, they started doing what I needed.

Considering they initially only mimicked my actions, the current cluster had grown remarkably.

Although I couldn’t handle perfect clones like Crown Prince Seis yet… We’d come this far in just two months, so there was still much room for growth.


When I was satisfied with such growth, the cluster of spirits approached me and made a crying sound.

The reason they often showed this behavior after work was that they had developed not only their judgment but also emotional aspects like desire and reward psychology.

And once I noticed that, what I had to do was clear.

“Yes, you did well.”


When I patted its head, the blue form trembled.

Its appearance was similar to a human, but it followed me so faithfully that it looked cute, like a pet showing affection.

Actually, rather than a clone, it was more of a separate entity that projected me, so I should consider it a partner… Wait a minute.

Why is its body like this? It should be projecting me, so why is the chest area…?

“You seem to have gotten quite used to handling spirits.”

As I was concerned about that, Tashian approached and spoke to me while I was resting.

At that moment, I was startled and lost concentration, causing the spirit’s body, which had been staring at me, to scatter and disappear.

When concentration is broken, the connection is also broken, so it was a natural result.

“Oh my, did I disturb you?”

“Haha, no. It’s okay. It will come out again if I call.”

Yes, unlike ordinary people, the cluster I handled forms the same as before.

I could think about the questions later. I decided to brush it off for now and looked down at my hand that patted the spirit, speaking bitterly.

“Still, I’m far from it. Compared to the person who passed this power to me…”

She just didn’t have the opportunity to grow, but if Tacchia were alive, she would surely have achieved more remarkable results than I have.

That was what I knew best, having inherited her memories.

Still, Tashian didn’t take my words seriously and smiled softly in front of me.

“Well, I think you’re growing faster than she did.”

“…Do you really think so?”

“Hehe, of course. Not only handling spirits, but with a bit more physical training, you’ll catch up to her.”

Even if she had declined, wasn’t she a dragon who had lived for ten thousand years?

I truly realized how amazing it was that such a dragon genuinely acknowledged me, not just out of pretense.

Still, I couldn’t be completely comforted by her words because I felt that reality demanded more from me to be satisfied.

“Feeling inadequate despite that means it’s not because you’re worse than her, but because you feel that this isn’t enough.”

Yes, just as she pointed out.

Since meeting the Crown Prince, I’ve felt strongly that this wasn’t enough.

So, I must become strong enough to face whatever comes next.

“…Can I do it?”

As I felt thirst in the unsatisfying reality, Tashian gently embraced me and whispered.

“I can’t say for sure that you can, but remember one thing. Everyone around you, including me, is supporting you.”

The warmth from her embrace, along with the gradually fading burden.

It meant that I relied on her a lot.

Realizing this, I smiled bitterly and buried my head deeper into her embrace.

“Thank you, Mom…”

A word reflexively uttered by the warmth.


Tashian lifted her body and stared at me with wide-open eyes.


“Quickly, tell me. What comes after ‘Mom’?”

My throat got stuck at her wide-open eyes.

Mumbling something, I finally turned my gaze away from her and spoke with a strained voice.

“Uh, Mom… uh, beautiful goddess…”


“…Uh, hmm. I guess it was too much?”


“…It’s unfair.”

After leaving the workshop, I couldn’t help but complain about Tashian while rubbing my aching back.

Sure, it was partly my fault for unconsciously raising expectations, but wouldn’t anyone feel pressured if they were stared at like that with such intensity?

“I should hope to say it properly next time.”

Next time would be six months later, but if that much time passes, I should have the chance to say it properly, I thought, walking through the mansion’s hallway.

“What are you hoping to say properly?”

Startled by the voice, I stopped and slowly turned my gaze to the side.

There, through a crack in the door, was Merilyn staring at me.



Right, the mansion was so large that I hadn’t realized it sooner—this was the area where Merilyn’s room was located.

Realizing this, I tried to face her immediately, but Merilyn only peeked her head through the door crack and glared at me.

“Is there something you need to tell me?”

“Something to tell you?”

“I feel like there’s something very important…”

Something important… Oh, right.

Since the expedition was coming up soon, I had to let her know that we’d be apart for a while.

“Actually, there’s an expedition coming up, and I wanted to talk about it…”


“…Um, Merilyn?”

“I don’t know.”

A sharp voice.

The disappointment in her voice immediately made me realize I had misspoken.

“I don’t know someone like Hyo-sung. You only take care of Airi all the time, and neglect me.”

“No, no. Neglect? I would never think of that…”

“Oh really~ The only important thing to you is Airi, right? I’m just a sideshow, a concubine, a toy to play with for a while, right? Thank you~ For treating me like this after I left my hometown to come to you~!”

“I’m sorry. It’s just that Airi needs a lot of care right now…”

“Then keep taking care of her! Leave me neglected as you’ve been doing!”

Her voice gradually grew louder, while mine shrank in response.

I admit I neglected Merilyn for the past two months, but it couldn’t be helped.

It was impossible to give everyone limited time, and with Airi’s condition, I had no choice but to ask others to understand.

…I’m also fully aware that I became a jerk the moment I started juggling two relationships.

[Read this when you’re in trouble because of Merilyn.]

Fortunately, the current situation was somewhat anticipated.

I took out the note I received from Airi earlier and recited the words written on it.



“Let’s go on a date.”


“…A date?”

“Yes, yes. Let’s walk around the city together today.”

I had no plans until the expedition, so I had plenty of time.

Until then, I could take care of not only Airi but also Merilyn, so there was no hesitation.

Moreover, Airi instructed me to take Merilyn on a date to cheer her up, so if she gave her permission, it should be fine.

“Have you eaten?”

Fortunately, Merilyn didn’t close the door again and seemed willing to talk to me.

Feeling relieved that things were going according to the note, I responded to her.

“Oh, yes. We should eat together too. Is there something you’d like to eat?”

“Then let’s go eat eel.”


“Yes, they say eel is good for stamina.”

“…Um, Merilyn.”

“I have a lot to catch up on from the past two months. And I overheard earlier that you’ll be gone for six months again…”

Hehehe, a faint laugh was coming from behind the door.

As a chill ran down my spine from the sound, I carefully recalled the contents of the note I had read earlier.

[If you go along with the date, she will be satisfied. For meals, focus on foods that are good for stamina…]

Ah, yes. Since Airi allowed it, it should be fine.

…It’s really okay, right?

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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