I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 91.1

Beyond the second gate, Rong Xia saw a servant showing two women out. The women were dressed as married women, they didnt look like servants, but not like wealthy ladies either.

* The second gate / flower-hung gateseparates outer and inner courtyards.

Master Duke, greetings. The two female story-tellers performed a salute, then as they saw there was one more person behind Ban Huai, they bowed once again and retreated with their heads lowered.

They are the story-tellers of the residence. Ban Huai smiled, We have them here for entertainment.

Remembering Ban Huas fondness of listening to stories, and her habit of dissecting the plots, Rong Xia smiled, Very good.

He had heard that Ban family kept resident story-tellers, but only after seeing them in person that he realised how dedicated Ban family was on the pursuit of life comforts, enough to make people jealous.

Father, Master Rong. Ban Heng came out, relieved to see his father was well. Father was summoned early in the morning, and without any news out of the Palace, it was difficult to listen to stories.

Outdoor in the garden, a table was set up with tea and snack on it, Yin-shi and Ban Hua were sitting there. Rong Xia went forward to salute Yin-shi and present the gifts he bought on the way.

Our family doesnt care about these things, Yin-shi smiled as she waved Rong Xia to sit down, Next time no need to bring anything.

Its nothing expensive, Rong Xia replied lightly, the corner of his eyes kept darting to Ban Huas direction, Wanbeifound them interesting, so hopefully everyone will like it.

* wanbei= This Younger Generation (referring to self)

Ban Heng sniffed. Did that everyone include anyone else apart from Ban Hua? Small trinkets were clearly for young ladies like Ban Hua. A big man like himself had no interest in these things.

Yin-shi could see it too, she smiled and told Rong Xia to sit down, Thanking Nephew for the reminder today.

Rong Xia shook his head, Aunt saying this as ifwanbeiwas an outsider.

Ban Hengs head was bent as he played with a teacup lid.He talks as if he was already an insider.

Furen, isnt it time for lunch? Ban Huai rubbed his stomach, This morning was too early, I didnt even have tea.

Its ready. Yin-shi was amused by his ability to constantly ruin his own image, she ordered the maids to help them wash up.

T/N Ban Huai was supposed to be that stern and imposing father-in-law!

Master Rong, the sun is good today, how about taking lunch in the garden? Yin-shi asked as she wiped her hands.

The garden is very beautiful, a meal here must be refreshing. Rong Xia hurriedly nodded, Please Aunt just arrange.

En. Yin-shi nodded.

The dishes were soon served, there were lighter ones and spicy ones, sweet ones and salty ones, a wide variety of flavours and aroma. Rong Xia found Ban family was small but the range of their tastes was wide. The previous time he ate here, the Bans were still reserved, but today they obviously did not intend to curb themselves when it came to food.

They did not asked the servants to attend to them during the meal, they ignored the rule of not speaking while eating, and they gossipped about the neighbours.

They held themselves back last time, but the true colour was revealed today.

By listening to them, now he knew which mother-in-law from one block away loved tormenting her daughter-in-law, which child of which family was not filial. From the sensational tone of the chat, listening to gossips was clearly the familys pastime activity.

Nephew, ah, Blissfully stuffed with food and drink, Ban Huais eyes were half-closed as he pressed a cup of indigestion tea to Rong Xia, Our family is very lazy, youll laugh at us.

Rong Xias eyebrows were relaxed in comfort, and laughter tinged the corner of his lips, No, this is good.

Revealing their true nature in front of him meant that Ban family had started to take him seriously.

Ban Huai drank his tea, silently looked at Rong Xia.

Wanbeis house has neither elders, nor children or nephews. Its a pleasure for wanbei to take meal with Uncles family. Rong Xia turned to Ban Hua, After getting married, if Uncle doesnt mind, Ill often return with Junzhu for meals.

The word return was very sweet in Ban Huais ears, their marriage became more tolerable. After the marriage, the two of you will be alone in a large residence. The courtyard here will always be yours, come anytime you want.

Laoye, Yin-shi did not expect Ban Huai would gave their daughter away so easily. Scraping the lid of her teacup, she said, The date of Hua Hua and Master Rongs marriage is not set yet, its too early to talk about this.

* laoye= lord, master. Its often used to address the senior male member of the family.

Yes, yes, yes. Ban Huai nodded repeatedly. He was spineless in front of Yin-shi.

Rong Xia stood up and gave the two of them a deep bow, Wanbei understands this is a bit disrespectful, but wanbei has to say it. His Majestys health is declining day by day, the Crown Prince is weak in character, and the Second Prince is wildly ambitious. Wanbei is worried there will be an unrest in the Capital.

Ban family members:Yes thats right, and not just an unrest, the dynasty will change.

Rong Xia was expecting the Bans to be intriqued and alarmed. The so what? expression on their faces made him feel as if hes just said happy new year.

Uncles identity is noble and important, wanbei is worried that someone may try to stir the pot. Rong Xia frowned, Please everyone be more careful in the future.

Ban Huai nodded, Many thanks for Nephews reminder.

Also, wanbei thinks, because there is an auspicious day around the beginning of spring next year, Rong Xia lifted his head to look at Yin-shi and Ban Hua, Wanbei sincerely wishes to marry Junzhu, and hope for the date to be set earlier. If His Majesty. wanbei is worried its going to be troublesome.

Ban Heng cupped one of his cheeks, looked askew at Rong Xia.The cat is finally out of the bag.

Ban Huai and Yin-shi did not reject right away. Especially Yin-shi, a pensive look appeared on her face. After a long time she turned to Ban Hua and suddenly laughed, Master Rong probably doesnt know, our Ban family is never one to be bound by common tradition. The date of your marriage with our girl is important, but its not ours to decide.

She could see the plenty of advantages in marrying Hua Hua to Rong Xia. Firstly, his family was simple, there wouldnt be any petty conflicts with sister-in-laws. Without elders above her, Ban Hua wouldnt be restricted by rules, no need to get up early to pay morning visit to the in-laws. Ban Hua was lazy, Yin-shi could not bear it if she had to get up at dawn everyday to serve a mother-in-law at breakfast. The precious daughter she raised in her palm, who never suffered since childhood, how could she bear letting her marry away and suffer any sort of hardship?

Secondly, she has observed Rong Xia and found him to be good-tempered and broad-minded. Her Hua Huas temper was not very good, she needed someone with good temper to live in happiness and comfort. If husband and wife didnt get along, and living together made both upset day by day, what kind of life would that be?

And most importantly, it was obvious that Rong Xia understood Hua Huas character and her little quirks, the way he looked at her was gentle.

As a mother, Yin-shi had many things to consider, but her only hope was that her son and daughter could live a good life everyday.

Read this for free at SleepyPrawn site. Add to my viewer number and I will translate more happily!

Wanbei understands. Rong Xia smiled and looked at Ban Hua.

Ban Hua raised her eyes to meet his. Without being coy or evasive, her pair of beautiful eyes blinked, Which date do you think is good?

Beginning of spring, next year. Rong Xia laughed, When all the flowers bloom, Junzhu in a red wedding dress will be the most beautiful bride in the world.

Ban Huas eyes turned to crescent moon as she smiled.

But as Rong Xia thought she would say yes, her head tilted and she naively said, Ill think of it again, shouldnt we at least.. matchbaziand calculate the date before we speak of this.

Rong Xia calmly said, Aboutbazi, I have asked The Board of Astronomy to check ours, there is no major crash. The 26th day of the second month next year is a good day.

Oh.. Ban Hua did not expect Rong Xia had moved this fast, that he even had the date calculated. She turned away, petulantly said, Then, then

Then there should bethree matchmakers and six bethrotals, all the rules that need to be followed. Ban Hua said in a lowered voice, You cant just decide it like that.

Rong Xia smiled, his voice was as gentle as spring breeze, it brushed lightly past Ban Huas ears, so light that it tickled the tips of her ears pink.

Junzhu please be assured. Ill see to it that on the matter of tradition you wont be disadvantaged in any way. Rong Xia was not annoyed, he spoke as if indulging a weeping child, I am not an impatient person, its just that Junzhu is very important to me. I cant afford to let anything be missed.

Ban Huai on the side rubbed his chin. Rong Xias action and style was quite similar to his own that time long ago.

T/N I found it hard to believe! Lol.

Yin-shi sipped her tea, without interrupting their conversation, she stood up, Ill go inside for a rest.

Her attitude was akin to agreeing to the second month next year.

Furen, Ill go with you. Ban Huai took Yin-shis hand, they left Ban Heng there.

Uncle, Aunt, take care. Rong Xia saluted.

With his parents leaving, Ban Heng twisted uncomfortably, held up his tea and bent down to drink. He had decided he was not going to leave. As a man with principle, he would not let someone get an easy access to his sister.

Good thing that Rong Xia was still aware this was the Bans house so he still behaved within limit. Under the glare of Ban Hengs tiger eyes at himself as if he had been a prey, Rong Xia smiled a helpless smile at Ban Hua, Its going to be my rest day in a few days. If Hua Hua has time, would you like to go with me to the western outskirt to fly kites?

Kites? Ban Hua was instantly energised, Yes, Id love to go!

Ban Heng coughed drily, I am going too. In front of their parents, it was still the proper address Junzhu, but now it had turned to Hua Hua.This is not a bianlian show.

Rong Xia smiled at Ban Heng, who immediately sat straighter.

The more the better. So Rong Xia said.


Ban Heng laughed at Ban Hua.

* = Bazi / Four Pillars of Destiny. Chinese astrological concept that a persons destiny or fate can be divined by their birth year, month, day, and hour.

* Three matchmakers and six bethrotals = 6 steps of bethrotal (,,,,,) prior to a wedding. It was meant to be a kind of protection for the bride because only after all the lenghty procedures that the bride was said to be officially wed (,).

T/N Bian Lian is a part of Sichuan opera in which the performer swaps from masks to masks almost instantly. Its amazing! Check outthis performanceand wait for the last mask for a surprise.

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