I am Succubus!

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

After having sex with three of them, my hunger was satisfied. For now at least. I might have gone a little overboard since they were unconscious. Better pull them outside lest the heat kills them in here. One by one, I dragged each man out of the sauna. Luckily, no one came this way. The sauna was kind hidden behind the shower area, so we were away from prying eyes unless someone decided to drop by.

I was covered in semen. All of my holes were leaking, and I smelled of nothing but cum and sweat.

"Damn it. I'm going to need a shower." I sighed and turned myself invisible to leave without being seen.

"What the heck, Saeko? I come back from my nap, and you went and had sex with someone else? Didn't we have a good thing going?" Shuuto asked hurtfully.

"We didn't have anything going! You decided that for yourself, besides—" I shuddered intensely as the dildo-shaped ghost inside me started vibrating like an electronic sex toy.

The pleasure brought me to my knees along the hallway back to the others. I was shaking too much to even walk.

"Let's be real! I'm the only guy you need in your life. You can't get enough of having sex with me either. I can see it on your face!" Shuuto insisted as if it were the truth.

"I already have a guy in my life… his name is Kana…" I said.

It suddenly got quiet. Shuuto appeared right in front of me, looking paler than a— well, he was a ghost, but he was paler than usual and had an extremely shocked expression on his face.

"You have a BOYFRIEND?!" Shuuto roared, causing the lights above us to flicker.

"Y-Yeah?" I answered instinctively.

A powerful force shoved me against the wall. The spirit, infuriated from learning that I had a boyfriend, thrusted his dick deep into me in a single strike. The impact knocked the wind from my lungs.

Was it just my imagination, or was Shuuto's dick larger than usual? It was practically splitting me open. I felt the tip punch my womb.

"Ahh! Shuuto, not here! At least… wait until we… nnghh… mmh… get to a room!" I cried.

"I'm the only guy you need, Saeko! Say it!" Shuuto exclaimed, pounding my pussy like a jackhammer.

"Y… You're the… I can't… I'm going to cum— aaaahhh! Okay! Okay… You're the only guy I need… I love your cock inside me… it feels so good that I can't get enough of it— mmmh!"

The both of us climaxed at the same time, and I slumped down against the wall with ghostly jizz dripping from my crotch and thighs. Shuuto was still clinging onto me, straddling my waist from behind. A custodian pushing a cart paused in front of us, noticed the mess, and put down a 'wet floor' sign before moving on.

"Wheeew… Sex feels so much better when exchanging sweet words of love," Shuuto mused aloud.

"Love my ass… Seriously, can you cut it out? I want to hang out with Mio and Hacchan without having to deal with you inside me all day," I muttered.

"Do you hate me that much?" he asked genuinely.

I simply glared.

"Okay, you don't have to answer that!" Shuuto sulked.

"Honestly, you're lucky I'm a succubus. I love having sex. What I'm really peeved about is that Hacchan was planning this for a while now, and Mio's been looking forward to it, but I've been ditching them because of you. Get with the program! I'm trying to hang out with my friends!" I explained.

"Alright, alright! I'll back off… Must be nice to have friends to hang out with," he said before disappearing.

This time, no ghostly dick inside me. It seemed like Shuuto really did give me some space. Part of me wondered if I was too harsh. I might be a succubus, but even sex demons needed rest. With my newfound freedom, for however long that was going to be, I went to wash off in the baths again. Mio and Hacchan were receiving full-body massages when I found them.

"Hey, Saeko… you gotta get in on this," Mio said sleepily, her voice vibrating from having her back repeatedly chopped by a masseuse.

"Would you like a massage, miss? I can call someone for you!" the woman offered.

"Oh, uh… sure! I'd love a massage!" I was finally able to enjoy some peace and quiet like we were meant to.

The masseuse urged me to lie down on a massage table and someone would be with me shortly. She tapped into a digital console by the door, and a few minutes later, another woman entered the room. Older, though not by much, the wrinkles around her eyes showed years of experience.

"Just lay back and let me take care of you!" My masseuse smiled reassuringly.

I did as she suggested and shut my eyes. As soon as her hands kneaded my thighs, shivers of pleasure brought me close to orgasming. I fought tooth and nail not to cum in front of her, lest I wanted to embarass myself.

"Sorry! Did I apply too much pressure?" she asked.

"M-Maybe just a teensy bit lighter," I suggested.

However, a lighter touch proved to be worse. My sin-tempered body reacted to this innocent massage with trembling ecstasy. I might actually get a 'happy ending' at this rate… My pleasure senses went crazy from just being touched.

Damn it. This was all because of what Dokuko, Uta, and Shuuto had done to me. My body was anything but normal now, not that it ever was ever since becoming a succubus. Recent events had made it worse!

Upon opening my eyes, I noticed the masseuse was deeply red and trying her best to focus. I apologized silently for being such a lewd succubus, but it really wasn't my fault this time.

"Is it alright if I turn around? I'm feeling like I could use a back massage," I said, hoping that facing away from her might help both of us.

"Of course. No problem!" she said.

I flipped myself over to lie down on my front. The masseuse laid a fresh towel over my rear, then began with my calves. This was a lot better, until—

"Nngh!" I moaned aloud when the masseuse squeezed my upper right calf.

There was no hidinig it. My face heated up. I swallowed the rest of my moan and shut my eyes. The masseuse continued. I heard her take a few steady breaths.

"H-How about I massage your arms instead?" she suggested.

"I'd like that!" I hastily answered.

Maybe it was just my legs—

The moment she grabbed my shoulders, I shuddered from being brought close to climax.

"Mmmh…!" I squealed a little.

A massage on my neck—

"Oh, god… yes…" I breathed heavily

On my fingers—


"Damn, Saeko. Can I get what you're having?" Mio lifted her head to ask.

"I'm… I'm going to… go." The masseuse who was providing me a massage apologized and booked it.

"That's weird. Soomi usually doesn't half-ass a massage. Maybe she's feeling under the weather. Would you like me to call another over?" Mio's masseuse asked.

"No… It's probably for the best if you don't." I sighed.

"Aww. I feel bad if Mio and I are getting some service while you're just lying there. You guys wanna take a trip to the sand bath instead?" Hacchan asked.

The remaining masseuses who were with Mio and Hacchan led us to the volcanic sand baths. We were asked to change into different robes before going in. The room itself was like a giant sandbox, brightly lit and with soft, orchestral music playing. They had us lie down, at which point, Petal employees picked up what looked like a garden tool to rake warm sand over our bodies.

Immediately, I was enveloped in a comfortable warmth that soothed every inch of my muscles. The desire to have sex slowly washed away as piles of coarse grains buried me up to my chest.

"Huu! This is hitting the spot. I know I came for research, but there's no way I manage a sand bath this nice," Hacchan said from her own mound.

"How do I convince you to get one then? Because having a friend with one is straight perks, baby!" Mio was enjoying this the most. In fact, another employee was helping to feed her some juice. She slurped greedily from the straw and sighed in bliss.

The woman who finished raking sand over me asked if I wanted anything to drink, too, but I declined. Unsurprisingly, the three of us ended up falling asleep. Those same workers returned to gently wake us up. Apparently, we had slept for half an hour. A nap at best. I was feeling at 100% and then some.

Since the robe kept us mostly sand-free, all we needed to do was ruffle our hair and dip our feet in a foot bath to shake off the rest. By the end of the day, we had tried almost everything Petal had to offer: the sauna, hot tub, ionized bath, ice bath, a leg massage, stepping bare-footed over a trail of hot stones, played table tennis and billiards… At some point, I couldn't fathom exactly how much a full package cost between the three of us, so I brought the question up during dinner in our private room.

"Be honest, Hacchan. I need to know, exactly how much did you pay?" I asked.

"You really wanna know? Fiiiine. Two-hundred thousand," Hacchan answered.

"Uh… for all of us?" Mio gaped blankly.

"For… each," she reluctantly added.

Mine and Mio's jaw dropped.

"But seriously! Don't try to pay me back. I wanted to do this, and I had money to spare. You're also hosting a party for us later, so you can make it up for me there with a banger! So, you guys bought gifts for your Secret Santa yet?" Hacchan quickly diverted the conversation elsewhere.

It was brief, but I saw Mio glance my way. She really made it obvious…

"I did, and it's gonna be the a blast seeing her open it!" Mio exclaimed.

"Her?" I raised a brow.

"Hey, no deducing!" She reached over to pinch my cheek. "Whattabout you, huh?"

"I have to get Hana a gift. I know next to nothing about what she likes except getting into trouble!" I groaned.

Though… that trickster might actually be fine with anything.

"Really, you can buy her whatever. Like a pizza cutter! Next day, she might even declare her resolve to open a pizzeria," Mio suggested.

"I'm not going to buy someone a pizza cutter as a Christmas gift!" I retorted.

We eventually went to sleep that night after cracking jokes about Hana acting and dressing Italian. Mio and Hacchan went to sleep. I was left writhing in bed, feet kicking the sheets and fingers gripping the pillow after Shuuto woke me up eating my pussy.

"Looks like you can't resist me after all. How am I? Getting better?" Shuuto asked between my legs.

"Y… Yeah… god… it feels so good… mmh…" I squeezed my breasts and succumbed to another orgasm.

"I changed my mind," he said. "I think I like cunnilingus. Since I have all the time in the world as a ghost, I'll be here all night!"

It wasn't a threat. It turned out to be a promise.

By morning, I hadn't slept a wink. My body was sore only because I couldn't stop tensing up from the ceaseless orgasms. Of course, Shuuto availed himself to fucking me a few times when his dick wasn't able to resist anymore. Thankfully, the spirit had enough to go quiet while we were getting ready to leave.

"Saeko, you feeling alright? Figured a full day of relaxing would perk you up, not make you exhausted," Hacchan said on our way out of Petal.

"Kehehe… I know why." Mio giggled under her breath.

"I'm okay, really! Thanks again for treating us, by the way. That was ungodly generous of you. We'll see you at the party this weekend?" I asked to be sure.

"Wouldn't miss it!" She hugged the both of us and took a cab back.

Mio didn't want to go home yet. She urged me to go with her to a boba cafe. Lucky for her, I was feeling some sweet drinks and went along with her whims.

To my surprise, we ran into our coworkers from Isekai Gohan. Taira, Kotori, and Aya were half-way done with their drinks when we arrived. However, the beaming look on Mio's face told me this was anything but a coincidence.

"I called them down!" Mio pointed to herself. "Now all four of us can guilt you into inviting them to the party. The more the merrier, right?"

"Saecchi, you were planning a Christmas party and didn't tell us? I'm hurt!" Taira feigned offense.

"It's not like I didn't consider inviting you guys! I just figured you might have other plans. I don't actually mind, but I'm not sure we can hold it at my house anymore. We're kind of… hitting the capacity limit," I explained.

Our senpais from Isekai Gohan frowned.

"Ahh, you don't have to worry about us. We never meant to butt into your guys' thing," Aya said.

Kotori nodded in agreement. "That's right! Taira doesn't mind, do you?"

When we turned to Taira, her lower lip was quivering and she gazed back at me with tears i nher eyes. 

"But I want to hang out with Saecchi and Miochin!" Taira tantrummed.

"Quit bothering 'em, Tai!" Aya was trying to pull her away with Kotori's help, each on an arm.

I did owe Taira, Aya, and Kotori a lot for showing us the ropes when Mio and I first started at Isekai Gohan. Thanks to them, we were able to make a living without having to worry too much. Having them come to the Secret Santa party, no matter how crowded it was getting, sounded like a lot of fun.

"You guys should come. We'll find a bigger place to hold the party!" I assured them.

"Yes!" Taira pumped her fists.

"You're sure? If you're inviting us, then we're coming. We just didn't want to trouble you too much," Kotori said.

Mio threw an arm around Kotori and Aya. "Kinda like a gangbang, it's a lot more fun with more people!"

I rolled my eyes at the metaphor, but Mio was right. After our coworkers left, the next order of business was to find a bigger place to hold the party. My house just wasn't a good place to fit more people.

After dinner, Mio and I were still thinking where to host. Yumi's place was at the top. Her condo was big enough and then some. Reza and Emily's apartment at Aozora Heights was also an option, but it was kind of far. There was always going out to a restaurant and occupying a private dining room.

"What do you think, Mio?" I asked once we had a list down.

"Hrmm. I'm kinda leaning to bugging Yumi for her apartment, then again… A restaurant is nice, too. We'd have food and drinks covered!" Mio reasoned.

"Oh, oh! But picking a restaurant, you miss out on doing a potluck. Making hot chocolate, too! That's a lot of fun," Shuuto exclaimed suddenly.

I shot the ghost a dirty look, trying to detect if there was any hidden horny intent behind that neutral facade of his.

"What? The spirit say something?" Mio asked.

"Shuuto suggests we don't go with the restaurant. Thinks it's more fun with a potluck," I relayed back to her.

"Wait, he's right. Yumi can make hot chocolate for us and shit! I say we do it at her place," she insisted.

"See." He grinned.

Well, I guess that wasn't a bad idea. When we called Yumi up about hosting it at her place, she was more than happy to let us.

"Yes!" Mio whooped. "I'm going to go double check her place to make sure it's party-ready!"

"Mio, it's like nine at night— aaaaand she's out the window again." I slapped a hand to my face and sighed. "So, you were oddly gung-ho."

"I never had friends to hang out with like you do. Feels nice being a part of something like planning for a get-together. More importantly, it's Christmas… is your… boyfriend going to be there, too?" Shuuto asked.


"Kuuuuhhh! I'm so jealous. It's not fair that he gets two hot succubus girlfriends!"

Ah, yes. A tantrum I'd hear all the time whenever someone learned about my relationship to Kana and Mio. It wasn't really something a girl would ever say. There was something to be said about people treating the amount of signicant others one had as a status symbol. After all, those in the relationship never thought of it that way. They were just thought of themselves in love with each other.

For Shuuto, he was just a lonely guy. A loner, too. Died that way at a tender age without achieving much. Maybe this Christmas party was a good way to resolve what he never got to experience. And in return, finally get him to move on from haunting me.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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