I am in Hollywood (18+ version)

Chapter 238: Lying in the ground

Eric also conducted an audition on the girl after she was intent to let Nicole star in "The Sleepless Night in Seattle". At that time, although Nicole also met his request, it was far from being compared with the current state. .

This time, Nicole has already turned herself into another person, an Annie Reid who is exactly the same as the script.

It seems that during this time Nicole was not addicted to the scenery after the heroine of "Night of Seattle", in private, it must be a great effort to try to figure out the role. In Hollywood, as an actor, after all, I still have to rely on acting.

Compared to many beautiful actresses who can't extricate themselves in the scenery of vases, Nicole obviously got through this early.

Hearing Erik's praise, the girl showed a happy expression, and then carefully tried to test: "Eric, can I lighten the lip tone?"

Eric looked at the girl's thick red lip gloss and looked at the two makeup artists. He didn't think about it for a while.

An older makeup artist quickly explained: "Mr. Williams, this is the shape we made for Miss Kidman according to the original makeup photo. At the time, I also suggested that Miss Kidman's lips should be lighter, but It seems that you personally veto this proposal."

Eric thought about it and immediately stunned: "Oh, I remembered it, it just happened, I didn't have to adjust it."

"But, this looks very unnatural." The younger makeup artist said weakly.

"What is necessary is this effect." Eric explained: "If even this cockroach is repaired, Nicole is too perfect. Don't forget that Anne Ryder is a woman who has no heart and soul in her life.

How can such a woman dress up herself perfectly, and there are some shortcomings that are more in line with her character."

I heard Eric's words. All three people nodded thoughtfully.

Eric went on to say: "I know that you are all very professional makeup artists, but don't forget that you are modeling for the actors, so your job is not to dress up the actors perfectly, but whether it is beautiful or ugly, As much as possible to shape the image of the actor as directed by the director."

"Thank you for your advice, Mr. Williams, we know." The older makeup artist nodded quickly.

Because of the full preparation. Nicole's shot was barely ng, so the first encounter between Sam and Anne at Alki Beach was quickly completed. In the next few days, after taking a few shots of the airport, Nicole can leave the crew for the time being.

By convention, the crew did not shoot any complicated shots on the first day. Except for the encounter between Sam and Anne, it was basically the scenes where Sam played with his son.

In order to be able to play the image of the father and son with the little actor Victor Morris, Hanks began to get along with the little guys a week ago, so when the time was started. There is no gap between the two people.

It was only after the first day of running-in, the two fathers and sons had already entered the state, and the time did not allow the crew to proceed step by step. The next day, the crew began a more complicated scene. Of course, the problem will follow.

The background of the camera was that Jona revealed the address of the home to the radio station, so Sam quickly received a courtship letter from all over the United States.

There was a lot of mail on the dining table in the living room. Jonah picked up a piece and opened it. He said, "Dear, Seattle, sleepless, you are the most attractive man I have ever heard, hehe..."

The little guy snorted and pulled the letter aside. Reaching out is going to take apart another one.

Haven't waited for Hanks to speak, Eric once again shouted. Because the boy's expression does not have the funny look, but it is a nervous face. I couldn't help but look at it.

Making a gesture to other people, Eric said: "Forget it, take a break, Victor, come over, let's talk."

"Mr. Director, isn't I doing it?" The little guy jumped off the chair and came to Eric, asking awkwardly.

Although it was only five times, but from the third time, the boy became cringe. Seeing this situation, Eric stopped the film decisively. He knew that forced shooting would definitely put more pressure on the boy, and might even make the little guys have no confidence to play again.

When he heard Victor's words, Eric shook his head quickly: "No, no, you have done a good job, but you have not done the best. Do you want to be the best?"

Victor snorted nodded. "Of course, I grew up and I have to win an Oscar."

"Well, it's a good boy with aspirations, but the Oscars are not so good. The ones who can stand on the Oscar podium and take the little gold are the best ones."

"What should I do then?" Victor asked with a eager look. In Eric's temptation, the little guy temporarily relaxed and sat next to Eric's beckoning gesture.

The crew members know that Eric is teaching the little guys in his own way. In order not to affect the two people, most of them consciously left the room. There are only a few staff members left in the room, and they are all light. The hand is light.

Hanks also pulled another chair and smiled and sat down on the other side of the little guy. This action made Victor more reassuring. After all, compared to Eric, Hanks, who had been with him for more than a week, was more secure.

Eric squatted on the boy's head and smiled: "It's very simple, that is, you can't be discouraged if you encounter a failure. Just like the one you just shot, since this time you didn't shoot well, then it will be a few more times.

But because one or two shots are not taken, they become unconfident, so one can never make progress anymore."

The boy seemed to understand and nodded. He seemed to realize something, but then whispered his fingers and said: "But, seeing so many uncles and aunts because I wasted my time, I have some concerns in my mind, I am afraid they will be angry. ""

"No. You think wrong," Eric said. "You came to the show to get paid, and the same. They are also going to get paid.

And they can be different from you. Their wages are according to time. Calculated. The longer you take the time to shoot, the more money they get, so they are actually very happy." Eric said, with a faint smile on his lips, he is changing the film for the camera.

Nickel: "Nikkor, you are very happy now, right?"

Nickel released the strong smile and nodded and smiled: "Of course, little guy, you can try it out. The more you shoot, the more happy we are. Of course, you can't deliberately interpret the lens because Mr. Director I will definitely see it, then we still can't get the money."

Eric took a look at Nickel and stopped the other person from continuing to crap. Then he said to Victor: "So, talk about your performance, Victor, have you seen "Little Ghosts"?"

"Of course, Kevin and the two thieves, but unfortunately I only read it again. Mom will not lead me anymore. Mr. Director, my mother said that the film is your director, then we will now be like this kid.

Is it as interesting as Home?"

"That's for sure. So if you play well, the children of the whole United States will worship you like Kevin in the future."

The boy immediately showed a sly look, although he didn't understand Eric's words because he hadn't learned the word 'worship' yet, but the little guy instinctively felt that being worshipped by the whole American child was definitely a very Awesome things.

In order to bring the boy away again, Eric said again: "Since you have seen "Little Ghosts", you must remember the way Kevin looks in the movie, and you want to play the role of Jonah. Kevin is almost the same. You just did not play right, when you read the letter.

You should be a little more funny, fangs. Blink your eyes, yes, will you make faces?"

"Wow--" The little guy immediately hooked his mouth and turned his eyes to make a face.

Eric patted the boy's shoulder: "It's doing very well, then wait for you to do this..."

After ten minutes, the shooting resumed.

Still the pile of letters, the little guy took a letter and read it as usual: "Dear Seattle, Mr. Sleepless, you are the most attractive man I have ever heard, hehe..."

"cut!" Eric shouted out subconsciously, but then realized that it was not right.

He just built self-confidence for the little guy, originally thinking about waiting for the boy to complete the scene completely, and then say other. But seeing the boy's expression did not do it, Eric shouted instinctively, but it was too late to recover.

The boy looked at him again with his sly eyes, and Eric took the opportunity to grab a baseball cap next to him and throw it away, just to the innocent photographer's face: "Nickel You are such an idiot, such a good shot has been messed up by the shaking of your camera."

Eric's 'snarling' squeezed a few eyes at Nickel. Although lying in the ground, the poor photographer did not dare pretend not to understand Eric. He had to apologize with a smile: "Sorry. Director, this is an accident.

I must pay attention next time, forgive me?"

"Let's let you go this time, dare to do this next time, just...deduct your salary." Eric gnashed his teeth and said, in a blink of an eye, he changed his amiable appearance to the boy: "Victor, this time is not strange. You, Nickel has screwed up the camera.

You see, adults will make mistakes as well, so don't be nervous, can we continue?"

"Well, Mr. Director," the little guy nodded hard.

Perhaps it was the 'encourage' that adults would make mistakes. Although it was ng several times, this shot passed smoothly.

And since it was found that this method can stimulate the self-confidence of the little guy, Eric immediately found a few 'idiots', and even Hanks worked very stupidly for a few times. What followed was that the boy's performance improved.

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