Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia

Volume 14.5 - Ch 4.4

Vatlantis Empires imperial capital, Zeltis.

A conference between three countries with Izgard and Baldin was being held in the palace there.

Surrounding the round table was Baldins queen Landred, and Izgards president Gravel. Gravels arms were holding a small life.

Hello everyone, thank you for coming.

Grave came late with a good mood. She was also carrying a baby.

Landreds eyes shined seeing that child.

My, so that child is Kizuna and Zelcyone-sans

Umu. He is the only male in this world.

He had the same black hair like his father. However there was purple color mixed in a part of it.

So he isthe second child who was born from a womb.

Everyones gaze naturally moved toward the first child who was in Gravels arms.

This one had blond hair. Her hair was like her mother, but her skin color was closer to her father.

Gravel smiled a bit bashfully.

This is the first time I bring her in the open like this. Shes my child with Kizuna.

Have you named her?

Gravel made a conflicted face when Landred asked that.

Im planning to decide that when the christening ceremony is held butright now, ummIm calling her, Kizuna.

My my, even though shes a girl?

I know that, but against my better judgment I

Graces eyes widened.

This is astonishing. So you have the same thinking.


Grace lulled the child in her arms.

That Zel is also calling this child Kizuna.

My my, so both of them have the same name with mister little brother. Thats troubling.

Landred tilted her head. She didnt look troubled at all.

Grace kept holding the baby while approaching Gravel.

Here, this is the first meeting of you two.

Both babies noticed each others presence and stared at each other.

It seemed they got interested to each other, or perhaps they were wary because they didnt know who the other was. They only stared silently to each other without any change in expression.

Oo, looks like they got curious to each other somehow.

Certainlyfor them to pay attention to the other so keenly like this

Landred suddenly felt a chill inside her chest.

This is

A sound that wasnt a sound resounded inside her ears.

It was like when a huge metal started moving


Landred jumped to her feet.

Whats wrong?


Landred stared to the two babies with a grave look.


Landred suddenly shouted loudly. Grace and Gravel were making dubious looks.

What are you

Get away you two! Dont put those children close to each other!!

The two of them stood still in confusion for just a moment.

However their mind immediately started turning. That Landred was acting this panicked. It must be something extraordinary.

Grace and Gravel kicked on the floor to jump away from each other.

Landred pressed her fingers together and closed her eyes. She concentrated and felt the flow of the world. Landred was a queen as well as a priestess. She was a unique existence even in Atlantis. She was able to sense something that others couldnt.

Yes. Its alright now.

Landred let out a relieved sigh and lowered her head deeply.

My deepest apologies for suddenly shouting.

No, thats alrightbut

More importantly, did something happen?

Landred massaged her forehead and frowned.

I dont know. Butthis is like

A sign of AU Collision occurring.

Whats wrong, queen?

Landred returned to her senses and smiled faintly.

Ill try investigating something after this. But, for the time being I wish to ask so that those children are separated from each other for the time being.

Grace and Gravel looked at each other.

I seethats a bit sad. Although, this time they can meet like this only because we took the trouble to set up this meeting. Without that, there wont be any chance for them to meet each other.

I too needed to arrange for heavy security for attending this meeting today soas long as we dont make the effort to make the chancebut, can you tell us the reason why?

I still cant say anything definite butI felt something similar to AU Collision.

What did you say!?

Then, its possible to meet Kizuna

The two grew excited, but Landred put a stop to it.

Its too early to say. Theres no guarantee that the connection will lead to Lemuria.


We all had seen various worlds in our fight against the machine gods. Its also possible that our world will collide with any of those worlds, or even a terrifying world that we have never visited before.

Grace and Gravel pressed their lips together in disappointment.


Gravel said that and stared at Landred.

There is possibility, there is hope for that isnt it?

Landred returned a gentle smile.

Of course.

Landred stared alternately at the faces of the two children once more.

These two children, have something.

Is that, because these two inherited Lemurias blood?

Thats so isnt itLemurias

PillarGenesisof World Creation.

Anyway, I want to start an investigation after this. The knowledge that we obtained from Odins world will surely be useful too.

Grace nodded.

Very well. Then Ill bring back this child to Zel. After that is the party.

Grace held the child and left the room.

Gravels child stared fixedly toward her receding back.

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