Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia

Volume 14.5 - Ch 3.6

Nh, aah! Haa, Ki, Kizunaa

Kizunas tongue was advancing through Yurishias breast valley just as invited, from there it climbed the skin colored mountain. From the steep slope he licked up through the ridgeline that was drawing a gentle curve.

Yurishias spine trembled. She was standing ready in preparation of the intense pleasure that would be coming before long.

However Kizunas tongue wasnt ascending until the peak, but coming and going at the foot of mountain part teasingly.

Fuh, u, uuan, Kizuna. Geez, dont tease me

Yurishia gasped and whispered, then she pulled down the yukata that was barely hiding the tip of her breasts by herself.

In front of Kizunas eyes, Yurishias white breast came out of hiding and became exposed.

The tip that was pink colored was stretching itself as though it was waiting impatiently for Kizuna.

PleaseIm, already

Yurishia who was letting out an ardent voice felt really lovely for Kizuna. The former ace of America that was extolled as the worlds strongest was writhing from looking forward to pleasure.


And then Kizuna put that tip into his mouth, his tongue rolled it, and he sucked.


Heart Hybrid Gears core that was embedded inside Yurishia and Kizunas body shined brightly, life energy became light particles and overflowed from the twos body.

That radiance illuminated the shrine and danced around the twos body. And then, they were absorbed into Yurishia and Kizunas body once more.

At that moment, the twos Hybrid Count was completely recovered.

Yurishia, with this the Heart Hybrid is finished.

Its, overalready?

Yurishia smiled at Kizuna with an obscene expression.

Eh? Uwah!?

This time Yurishia crawled her tongue on Kizunas chest. And then, her finger tips that were like white fish began to caress lovingly from Kizunas abdomen to below it.

This isHeart Hybrids aphrodisiac effect?

Heart Hybrid had side effect. It was an effect where the females desire was heightened, and their state became like drunk from alcohol. And then, by skillfully using that side effect,

Yosh, Yurishia. We are progressing to the next Hybrid right away.

Kizuna also caressed Yurishias thigh and divided her yukatas fringe in rivalry.

Hyaahn, a, aaahn

When his hand went up the smooth thigh, there was a part that possessed remarkable heat among Yurishias body parts lying in wait there.

Do, dont, Kizuna. This time, I want toahn, make you feel gooddd

She shook her blonde hair into a disheveled state going no no. However Yurishias place there was happily accepting Kizunas finger tip in opposition with Yurishias will.

Thats no good. Its necessary for us to share pleasure and love with each other. Thats why, itll be meaningless if both of us dont do it together.


Kizuna granted stimulation at Yurishias most sensitive place while whispered into her ear.

Just now, you asked me where do I feel charm from you right?

Haah! Ye, yes. Nh, aaaah

Kizuna softly whispered from a distance where his lips touched her ear.

Yurishias charm isyour beauty


Kizunas words became paralyzing pleasure that pierced through from Yurishias ear to her head.

Your strength, coolness, your smart mind, but you are thinking about your comrades and is a kind person.

His whispering voice lovingly caressed Yurishias whole body from the inside. Yurishias earlobe that was directly receiving the whisper became bright red as though it was burned.

Ki, Kizunatha, thats already enough

Yurishia whose cheeks were dyed red said that with moist eyes. However Kizuna didnt pay attention and continued.

Even though you are a lovely existence that everyone longed for, but you are an extraordinarily bewitching girl.

At that moment, the inside of Yurishias head became hot as though it was boiling. Not overlooking that timing, Kizunas hand strongly pushed in at Yurishias sensitive part, sending her a conspicuously intense pleasure.


Yurishias head and body was ran through by a terrific pleasure.

She instantly bit her lips and got moved to tears.

Heart shaped light was floating in her eyes.

And then, scream of ecstasy surged out from her drooling mouth.


Violent light was released from Yurishias body. That light became a pillar that rushed toward the night sky.

Climax Hybrid success!

At that time, an alarm resounded as though picking that specific timing.

What!? This is

As though answering Kizunas question, a floating window rose up. There the figure of his big sister Reiri was projected.

Kizuna, this is emergency situation! At a location fifteen kilometer to the east of megafloat Japan, a battleship of another world appeared.

What did you say!?

The possibility of Entrance outbreak that Kei told him came true. Cold sweat trickled on Kizunas forehead.

The battleship is already heading here from the Entrance. Kizuna, can Yurishia sortie?

Faster than Kizuna could answer, a voice came from behind him.

No problem. Leave it to me.

Yurishia stood up with her yukata bared open. And then she loosened her yukata sash, stripped it, and threw it away resolutely.


She yelled the name of her core and Yurishias sexy body was enveloped in light. And then that light burst and blue armor was equipped on the part where the light vanished.

When all the light vanished, Yurishias body was equipped with Heart Hybrid Gear Cross.

However she wasnt currently wearing pilot suit.

Her figure that was wearing only Cross on her naked body was unbelievably provocative. Her defenseless bare skin peeked out from the gaps of her armor, her jiggling breasts and butts were also fully exposed.

She looked really lewd but beautiful. The charm of Yurishias flesh even felt like it was increased by several times over. Regardless of the time being an emergency, Kizuna was watching at her appearance in fascination.

-, Yurishia! Are you okay without wearing pilot suit?

Yurishia scoffed at the worried Kizuna.

Its fine. If its with my speed, no eyes will be able to catch up to me no matter who they are. I wont show my body to anybody other than Kizuna, so dont worry

She winked and raised one of her hands to the side.

Kizuna thought inside his heart Thats not what I mean though, but before he could revise his question, a magic circle spread from Yurishias fingertips.

Yurishia grasped the trigger that showed up its face from inside the magic circle and pulled it out from the magic circle.

It was a huge stake shooting device with shape like a cross.

It could pierce every armor, skewered the existence, and annihilated the very existence itself from inside.

Not caring of the good and evil of the target, this merciless cross could slaughter everything equally.

There was no object that could maintain their existence if they were pierced by this stake.

However its range, was less than one meter.

Corruption Armament, Crosshead.

It was an ultimate weapon that became possible to be used after doing Climax Hybrid. That was Corruption Armament.

For my trump card who specialize in long range attack to be super close range weapon, what an irony.

Yurishia smiled thinly before directing Crossheads tip at the night sky. There was faint shining red light ahead of there. The ominous light that was emitted by AU battleship.

Kizuna, watch me from there.

The Differential Frame equipped on Yurishias back emitted light fiercely like a rocket.

The next moment, Yurishias body went away from the mountain where the shrine was located and rushed through the night sea. The Differential Frame that boasted immense output accelerated Yurishia who was carrying Crosshead until the speed of sound instantly.

The one kilometer class AU battleship put on their guard against the rapidly approaching object and materialized ten-odd layers of shield. Against conventional weapon, it was an iron defense that wouldnt be broken through even by a layer.


That shield was smashed apart like glass.

There was nothing at all that could block Crosshead.

Even the battleships cannon couldnt follow Crosss speed.

The AU battleship allowed Yurishias approach helplessly.

And then, the tip of Crosshead touched the armor.


When Yurishia pulled the trigger, fierce heat and steam, and then overflowing particles were spewed out while Crosshead shot out the giant stake.

The sharp tip pierced through the battleships armor. The AU armor that wouldnt even be scratched by conventional weapon was destroyed like paper.

The impact penetrated the battleship, and a huge tunnel pierced the ship from the bow until the stern. The metallic stake sent dreadful amount of particle inside the battleship at the same time.

And then the particles that invaded inside were rampaging at the internal of the battleship, pulverizing all the internal machines altogether.

The particles that were looking for exit before long broke the armor from inside and flew outside.

The battleship couldnt even maintain its shape and before long it transformed into fierce flash that illuminated the sky and sea.

Tremendous flame and shockwave spread.

The atmosphere shook, furious shockwave caused waves. And then roaring explosive sound crossed through the sea. That impact also reached the mountain alongside the coast, shaking Kizunas body fiercely.

Its amazing like usual huh

Kizuna whispered in amazement while staring at the gigantic explosion blooming above the sea.

Kizuna! Was the battleship destroyed!?

Reiri who was at Ataraxia asked from the window.

Yeah. Yurishia crushed it using Corruption Armament just now.

I seethats a really convenient timing for you two to do Climax Hybrid.

Kizuna was startled inside his heart, but Reiri didnt pursue more than that.

Ill ask for the detail later. Ill send out rescue squad quickly.

Aahno, there is no need for the rescue squad.

Kizuna said that while staring at Yurishia who was flying his way. Yurishia looked the same like before, her appearance was stark naked wearing Heart Hybrid Gear.

There is no way we can show her appearance like that to everyone.

Errrr, Nee-chan? The firework display that Sylvia is especially looking forward at will be after this you see. We are going to return to Ataraxia after finishing watching it.

After cutting off the transmission, Kizuna picked up Yurishias yukata and dusted off the dirt on it. When he looked up at the sky, it was at that timing Yurishia was landing.

Kizuna! How is it? Did you see my showtime?

Repelling the army that came from AU was the duty of Amaterasu. It also included taking back Japan, and the world someday.

Yeah, that was the best.

When he answered like that while handing over her yukata, Yurishia smiled happily. Aine, Himekawa, Yurishia, everyone was his reliable comrades.

If he had these comrades, then driving away AU enemy and taking back Japan werent a dream, he was able to think like that.

Captain! So you are in this kind of place desu~

A small shadow rushing up the stair came into his view. She was waving her hand with all her strength while smiling happily.

In order to protect that smile too, they had to win against the AU enemy no matter what. Looking toward Sylvia with a gentle smile, Kizuna renewed the determination inside his heart.

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