Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia

Volume 14.5 - Ch 2.4


A few months after Entrance vanished and the point of contact with the other world vanished. The world was fiercely moving toward the rebuilding and the construction of the new world order.

But, the strategic defense academy Ataraxia didnt attach themselves to any country and floated in Pacific Ocean, existing as a kind of independent country.

The time was already past twelve oclock midnight, but many operators were working inide the command room that was set up inside Ataraxias research development facility, Nayuta Lab.

The commander of Ataraxia, Hida Kizunas biological elder sister Hida Reiri arrived aimlessly into that command room.

She had long black hair and a style that wasnt typical for a Japanese. Her breasts that were protruding out like rocket and tight waist and butt that looked like they were going to burst out of her tight skirt transformed the rigid commander uniform into a sexy outfit.

Shikina Kei was looking at such Reiri who was exuding sex appeal of adult woman to the extreme without being able to convey her feeling toward her.

Kei was the opposite of Reiri, she had a petite body that didnt appear like an adult. That small body was buried on the vice commander seat while she typed on the keyboard before her. Then, a floating window was opened in front of Reiri and displayed text.

Reiri, arent you planning to spend tonight with Kizuna?

Reiri heavily sat down on the commander seat and supported her cheek with her hand that was placed on the table.

That girl Himekawa, she said something like its unfair that recently the commander is monopolizing, so I conceded the schedule tonight to her.

Kei blinked and fixed her glasses position.

An adults composure?

Reiri was recognized by other people and herself as a brocon, but in this regard her distinction became even more nonexistentwas what Kei felt. That was just how unexpected it was for her to concede the night she would spend with Kizuna to other people.

As expected from someone who served as the commander, she had great broadmindednessKei stared at Reiri thinking of how reliable she was.

The lips of that Reiri twisted into a grin.

Though I plan to take vacation for around a week starting from the day after tomorrowjust in case Ill tell you Kei right now, I plan to take Kizuna along with me then.

In other words she would cancel all her plan to reserve Kizuna completely for a week. Kei stared fixedly at her brocon best friend.

Thats childish

Reiri brushed her long black hair behind her ear and smiled with narrowed eyes. That gesture and expression were unbelievably erotic and made even the chest of Kei who had known her for long to throb hard.

Fufufu, after all a little brother is the possession of the big sister.

Kei half closed her eyes in exasperation.

I think its fine if Reiri do as you please.

Right after she muttered that, a noisy electronic sound resounded through the command room.

Everyone inside the command room looked around in surprise.


The expression of Reiri and Kei stiffened as though they had seen something unbelievable.

This sound shouldnt be ringing right now, however it was a sound that they had heard many times in the past.


It was a notice of invasion from the other world, an air raid alarm.


Himekawa Hayuru who received the schedule of Kizuna from Reiri was,

NhaaKi, Kizuna-kun

She faced each other with Kizuna in his rooms bathroom and they washed each others body.

Hayuru placed up her long black hair and held it in place with a hairpin. Her exposed back was dazzling without a single stain on it. On her back her shoulder blade was making a shade that empathized the whiteness of her skin even more.

Drop of hot water dripped down along the line of her undulating spine and flowed down toward the crack of her butt. Her divided shiny butts looked truly captivating.

But, the sexiness of Hayurus back didnt enter Kizunas line of sight.

Kizuna was using body soap to wash Hayurus shiny breasts from the front by groping them.

Kizunas palm rolled the tip of her breast, causing Hayurus body to twitch.


But Kizunas hands didnt show any sign of faltering and moved to slather white foam on Hayurus breasts.

Hayuru too put her soft palms on Kizunas chest as though for payback and gently spread the foam.

However Kizunas fingertips pinched the tip of Hayurus breast and,


Sweet voice reflexively leaked out from her mouth and her hands stopped.

Ki, Kizuna-kunthats, please dont wash just my bre, breast.

However for some reason Kizuna was quietly massaging Hayurus breast, he lifted them up from below and shook them as though to confirm their weight.

Seeing that, something that was bothering Hayuru recently flashed in her mind.

Dont tell me!

She strongly endured the feeling of wanting to speak and she did her best to ask calmly.

A, are you that interested in my breasts?

Nosomehow, today it feels like Hayurus breasts are bigger

Hayurus eyes sparkled brightly and she yelled in reflex.

So you understand it just as I thought!?


Hayuru swiftly brought her face close.

Kizuna was overwhelmed by that vigor and he took a step backbut Hayuru took two steps forward.

Thats right! Thats right! They had become bigger! By a centimeter!!

Iis that, so

Hayurus face approached Kizuna close and kept pushing on him.

I thought that perhaps the way I measure them might be wrong though! But with this Im convinced!

Kizuna thought that it would be troubling if he was trusted more than the measurement device, but he couldnt bring himself to pour cold water on Hayuru who was this happy.

Youre right, I dont think youre wrong. It feels like the sensation of groping them is better than before.

Hayurus face loosened up greatly hearing those words.

Fufu, fufufuis that so. I have the feeling that my body build was changing since I was doing Ultimate Hybrid with Kizuna-kun. If this keeps up, then even Ill have a style that wont lose against Aine-san or Yurishia-sanfu, ufufufu


On Kizunas cheek, it wasnt the drip of hot water, but a drip of cold sweat that was flowing down.

It wasnt just Hayuru whose body was changing since starting to do Ultimate Hybrid. Aine and Yurishia, also his big sister Reiri and everyone else, it felt like their body became even more erotic.

Perhaps their body was changing shape to become even more optimal in child makingor perhaps into a shape that was tempting to do child making.

It was a deep mystery of the body.

The only exception was Sylvia. Something like Ultimate Hybrid was just like a breeze for somewhere for her. There wasnt a slightest change in her body. Regardless of that, the unchanging childish body was also a deep mystery in its own way.

Come Kizuna-kuntonight you can touch me as you please you know?

Hayuru narrowed her eyes and lifted up her breasts with her own hands.


There was no way he could refuse that invitation. Kizuna reached out his hand toward Hayurus breasts once more.

That moment,

Emergency situation!

A floating window opened between their face and Reiris voice interrupted.



Kizuna, Hayuru! Gather to the command room!

Ple, please just wait a econd. Just what kind of commotion is going on?

Kizuna said that while thinking of every kind of possibility.

However at present there was nothing that could be a threat to Ataraxia no matter where you searched in earth.

For Reiri to be this panicked, perhaps it wasnt external enemy, the possibility of some kind of accident would be higher.

But, the next words of Reiri blew away Kizunas fixed idea.

It wasnt a mere threat,

but a bigger puzzle,

and then a shocking fact,


Magic weapon appeared.


Magic weapon, that was the main weapon of the invader Vatlantis Empire that came from the other world, an unmanned invader weapon.

When AU Collision occurred, a great amount of magic weapons would invade into this world through the Entrance that was the contact point with the other world, bringing destruction and slaughter with them.

Although the military of each country would fight back, the current weapons wouldnt be effective at all.

But even that battle had ended and right now there wasnt any Entrance. That was why magic weapon shouldnt even exist.

That was how it should be.

Kizuna rushed into the command room, at the same time he faced Reiri and yelled his question.

Just what do you mean that there is magic weapon!?

Reiri sat down on the commander seat while staring on the monitor that was showing information one after another.

You have to know that its nothing more than the alert system detecting magic power energybut, the measured value is greatly resembling magic weapon. Thus we are in the middle of gathering information right now. Wait there quietly.

Just as she said, inside the command room more than ten students were sitting on the operator seats gathering information from the whole world.

It wasnt just Kizuna and Hayuru who got contacted, the members of Amaterasu, Chidorigafuchi Aine, Yurishia Farandole, and Sylvia Silkcut also immediately arrived.

Hayuru wiped her hair that had only just got dried while frowning in suspicion.

Is it not some kind of mistake? Because, the AU Collision dont happen anymore

Yurishia folded her arms in a way that pushed up her gigantic breasts from below. And then she smiled in agreement with Hayuru.

Thats right. Wasnt the alarm just detecting a new weapon type from some country somewhere?

Yurishia was the Americas ace in the past, but right now she was a member of Amaterasu. Her radiant blond hair and her blue eyes that were like jewel, she was a girl whose everything was like a mass of gorgeousness.

Yurishia looked up at the monitor. It was displaying the position of the magic weapon. From the direction it was moving to, it could also be considered that it was coming from the North America continent.

Are they planning to test its performance using us desu?

Sylvia shrunk like a scared small animal. She was the youngest member of Amaterasu and she was still a middle school student, but her talent was something that one ought to be surprised about.

And then in contrast to her petite body, the Heart Hybrid Gear Taros residing inside her was the biggest in history. It was better to call it a giant robot than an armor. Naturally it boasted the strongest power.

Such thing doesnt matter!!

Aine who was staying quiet until now suddenly yelled.

Her silver hair that reached until her waist shook wildly and her widely opened red eyes were shaken.

Is that magic weapon the real thing!? And the Entrance? Where did it appear!?

Aine was desperately trying to maintain her composure, but once she passed her limit, her rampaging emotion couldnt be held back.

Kizuna gently touched Aines shoulder.

Aine, calm down. In the end its only a reaction that is similar to a magic weapon, we still dont know its true identity. Lets wait for more information for now.

But! We might be able to go to Vatlantis again you know!? We might be able to meet with everyone, with Grace again!!

Aines appeal that sounded like a crying voice made Kizuna felt pained in his heart.

Thats right isnt itsorry. Aine

Aine returned to her sense seeing Kizunas pained look.

Ahtha, thats not it. I, didnt mean that by what I said

When an awkward air was going to flow between the two, an excited voice of an operator resounded.

The satellite data came! A few more seconds until the three dimensional displaythe image is finished!!

Everyone held their breath while looking up to the large screen projected on the wall.

And then,





Kizuna, Hayuru, Yurishia, and Sylvias shocked voices rose.

What the

Reiri glared at the projected object in the screen with a grave gaze.

She was so familiar with the sight to a hateful degree.

It was a dragon with long neck.

A body with wings growing from it.

A humanoid upper body on its back.

Its true identity was already clear in anyones eyes.

Aines lips whispered its name.




That was an opponent that they had fought several times in the past.

A category A class magic weapon.

Reiri stood up.

Amaterasu, get into sortie! Wake up the Masters bunch too!

Wait! Commander!

Yurishia turned a grave expression at Reiri.

Certainly the opponent is a magic weapon. But, we mustnt let our guard down. Dont you think its better to go after doing Heart Hybrid and Climax Hybrid?


Through many battles Amaterasu had repeatedly powered up many times. At present their strength had increased to a degree that was incomparable to the time when they first fought Dragre. Against a Dragre, it was normal to think that there wasnt even any particular need to do Heart Hybrid before challenging it.


Reiri folded her arms.

Once Yurishia got exposed to danger due to Reiris carelessness.

She made Yurishia fight in a state when her Hybrid Count that was the energy of Heart Hybrid Gear was low. The result of that, Yurishia almost lost her life.

Furthermore her opponent at that time was no one else than a Dragre.


Reiri looked alternately at Yurishia and Kizuna with an expression as though she had just bitten a sour grape.

Reiri understood Yurishias thinking. The truth was she only wanted to get a chance to do Heart Hybrid with Kizuna.

Yurishia should perfectly understand the fact that there was no need to resupply Hybrid Count using Heart Hybrid and then powered up using Climax Hybrid.

Originally this was where Reiri should cut down the proposal saying it was unnecessary.

But, there was her past mistake so it was hard to refuse this.

Chih, Reiri clicked her tongue before facing Kei who was silently checking the data since some time ago and said.

Kei! Take out the Love Room! Carry it with helicopter until the contact point with Dragre!


Yurishia made a bewitching smile in a way that couldnt be seen by anyone.


Mobile midrange strategic resupply roomnicknamed Love Room.

Its appearance was like a container, but its content was packed full with technology developed by the full effort of the whole Nayuta Lab.

That Love Room was in the middle of moving toward Dragre using transport helicopter. And then, the members of Amaterasu were,

Wow! How nostalgic this is, riight Kizuna?

In front of Yurishia, Hayuru, Aine, Sylvia, and Kizuna, white sandy beach and blue sea were spreading. Coconut trees were growing luxuriantly. It was the atmosphere of a southern country resort.

However everyone was wearing pilot suit instead of swimsuit.

Of course they were, after all they were inside the Love Room right now.

Why was the inside of the container that was being transported by a helicopter was the southern sea?

That was what Love Rooms technology was. It sent electronic signal to human brain that manipulated eyesight, hearing, and touch. Using that, any kind of environment could be created. It was the ultimate virtual reality system.

The wind and sea smell, the sensation of approaching wave under the feet, and everything else that Kizuna and others were feeling were no different than reality.

Kizuna looked over that sandy beach and his face was twitching.

This place, could it be

At the time when Kizuna had only entered Amaterasu, he was attacked in this empty island by Dragre. There he performed his first Heart Hybrid with Yurishia, recovering her Hybrid Count and defeated the Dragre. Certainly this was a memorable place and it could also be thought as the suitable place in this situation.

The memorial place ofmy first time with Kizuna isnt it?

Yurishia grinned cheerfully and hugged Kizunas arm. Aine and Hayuru frowned seeing that.

Let him go Yurishia. We arent going to play after this you know?

Tha, thats right! Till the end this is simply for the sake of the mission, so please stop with unnecessary touching!

Dont say such strict things. Right, Kizuna?

Yurishia pushed her explosive breasts that were enveloped in pilot suit on Kizunas arm.

The pilot suit had thin fabric, on top of that it was made to cling tightly on the body. Furthermore its exposure rate was high, so it could be mistaken as a sexy lingerie.

The breasts with size that surpassed a meter was pushed on him with such appearance, so it was unbearable.

Kizuna repelled that temptation of Yurishia with a mind of steel.

There is only one hour until the contact with the Dragre. Its better to play at sea after the fight is over, right?

Saying that Kizuna began to fiddle with the setting of the Love Room using the control panel floating midair.

Captain, what are you doing desu?

Sylvia tilted her head cutely.

To do Climax Hybrid with all your four in a short period, an environment with strong stimulation is needed thats why

Aines face twitched with bad premonition.

Stimulationdont tell me

The next instant, Aine was made to learn that her premonition was correct.

The classroom again!?

The southern country beach instantly changed into Ataraxias classroom. Inside the familiar classroom was filled with familiar students as expected. It was girl class, so everyone there was female students.

And then, the classmates were staring with shocked gaze at the five who suddenly appeared.

Everyones face was red and they looked their way with disbelief.

Lieswhats with that appearance

U, unbelievable

Even that Himekawa-san, is dressed that lewdly

Hayuru desperately denied with a bright red face.

Yo, you are wrong! This is pilot suiteh

What Hayuru was wearing wasnt pilot suit.

White underwear, cat ears on her head, and then a tail that was swaying on her butt. The tail was covered by her panty so it couldnt be seen from where it was attached. However looking at how it was moving as though to express Hayurus feeling, it was obvious where it was connected to.

Look, thats cat ear.

More importantly that taildont tell me inside the butt

Hayurus face turned bright red and she spontaneously shrieked.


Of course the students were existences that were created by the Love Room. But, they were giving real reaction as though reflecting even their respective personality, so they looked real no matter what.

Hayuru who was known as a strict public moral committee member in school crouched down on the spot and writhed.

Isnt that great Hayuru. Everyone can see your favorite appearance.

Yurishia-san said that but you are also in your usual appearance!

Yurishia smiled erotically at Hayurus sarcasm and parried it off.

Yurishias body was wrapped in a bondage costume that was made from enamel material. It decorated Yurishias sexy body bewitchingly by several times over.

Her breast were tightened and emphasized, and her butt was mostly exposed with only T-back digging in till the limit. The contrast of the bondages black and her white skin accelerated the lewdness.

The finishing blow was wrapped on her neck, a choker that looked like dog collar. It showed her submission to Kizuna, the proof of slave.


Kizuna untied the chest restriction and liberated Yurishias breast from the bondage. Yurishias huge breast immediately bounced out.

Aan, Kizunathis, it feels extremely immoralnh! AAAAAAH!

Kizuna spread his fingers and grabbed Yurishias breast that was too big just for one hand. When he put his strength into it, his fingertips felt like it would sink without end.

Yurishia glanced at the female students. Everyone was staring with excited face at her having her breast groped.

Shudders crawled up Yurishias spine.

Ce, certainly if its like thisthe Heart Hybrid will finish right away Theeen, I wonder, is it okay to do the Climax Hybrid, based on the turn from the first person who finished their Heart Hybrid first?

Kizuna nodded without resting his hand.

Yurishia must also be excited. The sensation of her breasts protrusion that his palm felt was changing.

When his hand let go temporarily, it was clear that the protrusion was stretching out further than before.

It looked like it was pleading that it wanted to get pinched. When Kizunas hand was about to reach out,

E, excuse mecaptain

Sylvia was looking up at Kizuna with a face that almost burst into tear.

Sylvia whose whole body was skin colored except her socks and slippers was mostly naked.

Is thisSylvias clothes desu?

Small adhesive plasters were stuck on the right and left breasts she were pointing at. And then between her crotch was also an adhesive plaster sticking as expected.

Hey, look at that girl.

Even though she is still so smallamazing.

The female students looked at Sylvia and whispered in low voices at each other.

Kizunas fingertip tickled at the tip of Sylvias breast from above the adhesive plaster.

Fuwaai, it feels good desuu

Sylvias face immediately turned into rapture and obscene light resided inside her eyes.

Are you displeased with this outfit?

Sylvia made a bewitching smile that was unthinkable coming from a child.

YesSylvia want, captain to take it off desu

Kizunas fingertips pinched the edge of the adhesive plaster and he slowly tore it off. From below the plaster, pink colored breast tip with faint coloration showed up.

The colored part was swelling up just slightly than the surrounding, the center was pointing up slightly even more. Kizuna gently touched it with his finger pad.

Hyauuuu! Ca, captain, the tip of Sylvias breast feels electrifying desu

It was childish breast, but it was producing an adult pleasure. When he caressed the pink part, it felt like his fingertip could feel stiffness.

Hyah, ah, auhn Sy, Sylvias head is, feelingfloaty for some reason desu

When Kizuna moved his palm to massage her whole chest, he was able to feel the softness. Even though small, they were girls breasts as expected.

This touching sensation where there was hardness right underneath couldnt be tasted from Aine, Yurishia, or Hayuru. It was something that only Sylvia had.

At that time Aines voice that almost broke crying could be heard.

He, hey, Kizuna? As I thought, lets do it at other place, or at least do it in uniform.

Aine was sitting down while hugging her legs, hiding her body completely.

Something like this, its just too embarrassing no matter what

However Kizuna mercilessly took Aines hand and forcefully made her stood.

N, no! Stop it Kizuna!

If Aine seriously resisted him, Kizuna wouldnt be able to make her stood this easily.

In other word although her mouth that was refusing,

Kizuna moved behind Aine and grabbed her wrists, then he spread her arms. Commotion that sounded like scream rose from the female students. And then curious gazes were directed toward Aine mercilessly.


What Aine was wearing was a single piece of body stocking. So to speak it was a full bodied net tights.

The transparent material and the combination of net and lace was pretty and beautiful, it was a provoking design. And then while it covered the whole body, it was a suit that was filled with contradiction with how it wasnt hiding a single thing.

Whether it was the large breasts that were imbalanced with her slender body, or her tight and narrow stomach, or her waist that was drawing a splendid line, or her lower abdomen that was gently sloping, everything was exposed under the sunlight.

She was nearly stark naked. Rather it was a sight that was lewder than being stark naked.

Amazingyou can only see something like this in restricted site.

To think that there is someone who will really wear it

Too eroticChidorigafuchi-san, she is always wearing something like this isnt she

The classmates who were created by Love Room threw a realistic reaction to Aine.

Wrong, youre wrongnn

Hearing those whispers, Aines shame was tinged with heat even more. She went bright red until her ears and tears gathered in her eyes. And then, Light of magic power was quickly starting to drift in her eyes.

A breath that was a step shy from becoming a gasp leaked out from her opened lips.

The tips of her breasts were starting to push up the body stocking little by little.

In order to stir up Aines sensuality, Kizuna let go of Aines arms and he began to caress her body as though to trace her bodys line.

Do, dont, Kizuna-. E, everyone, is watching. Stoaaaahn

Aine was unable to suppress the pleasure she was given from Kizunas hands and the desire welling up from her inside. Her body writhed.

It was like she was dancing a lewd dance, even the air of the classroom was dyed bewitchingly. It was as though Aines pleasure was infectious, even the watching female students were starting to fidget while rubbing their thighs.

Kizunas hand on Aines body climbed from between her legs to the hill of her lower abdomen, moving as though to peck at the valley of her navel.

Nnu, haahn! So, something like thatyaaaaaaaaahnn!

He tightly grasped Aines large breast from below. A pleasure that was like electric jolt ran through Aines body from her breast.


Kizuna fiercely massaged Aines right and left breasts while whispering into her ear.

Aine, do you want to stop?

Tears gathered in Aines eyes while she answered with gasping voice.

Dodont stop. Domore

Kizuna made Aine to face the front, grabbed the chest part of her body stocking, and forcefully tore it to left and right.


Aines breasts that were enveloped in heat spilled down. The stocking was originally see through, but just with the disappearance of a single layer of stocking, the whiteness of her skin felt dazzling.

The pink protrusion that was shining on the summit was also conspicuously reflected on Kizunas eyes beautifully.



Aine shifted her body lightly and pushed out her breast.

Even without words, what Aine wished for was conveyed to Kizuna.

Kizuna opened his mouth and sucked on the tip of Aines breast.


In that instant Aines body shined. And then light particles overflowed from Kizunas body. The twos radiances mixed with each other into one.

That radiance was reflected in Kizunas eyes.

Heart Hybridsucceeded with this.

Aine lovingly stared at Kizuna. After that she turned toward Hayuru, Yurishia, and Sylvia and smiled.

The Climax Hybrid, will start from meokay

And then Aine spread her arms like a child begging for a hug.



After finishing the Climax Hybrid of everyone, the helicopter arrived at the destination almost at the same time.

Kizuna opened the hatch of the Love Room and flew to the sky. Intense wind pressure blew Kizunas body to the back. The helicopter that was flying with a speed of few hundred kilometer per hour left Kizuna behind.

Kizunas body that was thrown to midair was falling toward the sea that was glistening from the morning sunlight.

And then,


That was the name of the core inside Kizunas body. It was also the name of his reliable partner that had accompanied him overcoming many deathly situations. That was,

Heart Hybrid GearEros.

A jet black armor instantly got equipped on Kizunas body. Magic power particle spurted out from the thruster on his waist and Kizuna chased after the helicopter in the blink of eye.

Lets go! Everyone!!


Aine, Hayuru, Yurishia, and Sylvia threw their body to the sky one after another.





The body of the four was equipped with their respective magic armor.

Aine with the white beautiful Zeros.

Hayuru with the burning red Neros.

Yurishia with the deep blue and gold striking Cross.

Sylvia with super large frame that was the total opposite of her small body Taros.

There wasnt a single Heart Hybrid Gear that was the same with the other, the individuality of the four was shining.

I can see it!

A black silhouette was surfacing under the rising sun. The figure of a large winged dragon with the upper body of an armored knight growing on its back.

There is no mistake! Its Dragre!!

Aine yelled in excitement. In contrast Yurishia smiled leisurely.

Its true~ somehow its nostalgic.

Dragre in the past was a formidable enemy, but it wasnt a match against their current self. They were convinced of that.

Yosh. Lets capture it without destroying it for the investigation.

The moment Kizuna ordered that,

Flame of magic power burst out from the Dragres mouth. It flew out with super high speed, the flame was changed into a beam state.

!? Be careful!

Kizuna yelled that, at the same time he deployed his Life Saver. A defensive wall of light appeared before them, and it clashed with Dragres beam. A flash burst out like explosion.

The Life Saver creaked and an impact that felt like it would break the bone of Kizunas arm was pressing.

Wha!? This strength!!

It was different from the Dragre from before.

Everyone sensed that.

Kizunas Life Saver was smashed, at the same time the five of them dispersed.

Mode Zeros!!

Kizuna yelled. Heart Hybrid Gear, Eross light changed from pink color to Zeross blue color in respond to his voice.

Ability copy of the partner Heart Hybrid Gear through the Climax Hybrid. This was Eross another special ability.

Its impossible to capture it alive! Well defeat it!


Replies immediately returned from the four. And then they began cooperation attack with matching rhythm.

Sylvias Taros came to a stop midair and themain cannonIgnison her shoulders aimed at Dragre.


Along with Sylvias yell, the large caliber particle cannon that equaled the main cannon of a battleship spouted fire. The temperature of the surrounding instantly rose and a squall blew violently.

Dragre also deployed a barrier made of magic power at its front. A huge flame blast spread in the sky.

Yurishia swiftly switched her Differential Frame that was used for propulsive force into offense.

Hell Fireee!!

Differential Frame that was installed with multiple particle cannons fired all at once. Several beams of light were crossing through the sky while attacking toward Dragre.

A sound like breaking glass resounded. Dragres barrier was smashed apart.

Ill take care of it right away!

A large gun with strange shape showed up from inside the magic circle.

The Corrupted Armament that became possible to be summoned by doing Climax HybridPulverizer.

When Aine grabbed the trigger to pull that trump card from the magic circle, Kizuna yelled.

Wait, Aine! It wont leave anything behind if you use Corrupted Armament. Its fine even if its just a fragment, I want to bring a part of the Dragre home for investigation.

Hayuru who was also going to pull out her Corruption Armament stopped her hand.

Then I will make an opening! Blade!!

Foyr swords flew out from Hayurus back. They were Neross swords that obeyed Hayurus will to fly freely in the sky.

Dragre was vigilant against the Blades and followed their movement with its dragon head. The mouth with fangs lined up inside breathed out beam while the knight on the back fired its gunsword everywhere.

Lets go, Aine!

Yes! Kizuna!

Zeros that boasted the greatest mobility, and then Eros that obtained the same ability kicked on the air and flew. They surpassed the speed of sound from the stopping still state in one breath.

Dragre whose attention was taken by the Blades late to react to Aine. The knight on the back turned his gun muzzle to Aine, but Aine already leaped into his chest at that time.


Aines fist pierced through the knights chest. That impact destroyed the internal mechanism of the knight while penetrating through the body. The knights back armor was blown away explosively.

A pained roar surged out from the dragons mouth as though a lot of gears were creaking.

Aine looked up to the sky and yelled.


Dragres neck that was stretching out in pain was attacked by Kizuna from above.


Kizunas foot flashed.

Like a sharp sword, the kick drew an arc and cut down Dragres neck.

The Dragre was completely shut down, the next instant it became fragments of light and scattered.

Kizuna looked in frustration at the particles of light drifting in the air.

Shit-! So it vanished completely when it got destroyed as expected

When he muttered that in vexation,

Captain~!! Please look at this desu!

Sylvias Taros came holding the dragons neck.


Three days after that. The reason why the magic weapon Dragre that shouldnt be existing had appeared became clear.

The leader of Masters, Scarlet Fairchild gave this kind of report.

I investigated even until Arizona. There is a holy ground of the native American called Sedona, it seems the magic weapon that collapsed there would remain without vanishing.

Remaining, without vanishing?

Kizuna looked at Reiri with a puzzled look.

Reiri looked at the final report while explaining the reason.

Apparently at places like holy ground or ancient place of faith, so to speak the places called power spot, there is place that is spurting out natural magic power. It can be considered that due to that power there is object that avoided vanishing.

Continuing, Kei typed on her keyboard.

It appeared the US military researched that and repaired the magic weapon. And then the cause of the Dragres strange power up also became clear. The reason was because a core of Heart Hybrid Gear was used in its magic power control.

Eh!? A core?

Most likely a core that was taken out from a deceased pilot was used for it.

It can be considered that because the core was embedded into the dragons head, it avoided vanishing. However, its surprising that the research of magic weapon and other world technology has reached that far.

Kizuna nodded in agreement.

Perhaps even Ataraxia might slip up if we overly believe in our absolute superiority

Reiri was making a grave expression.

We have no choice but to thoroughly investigate the power spots and ancient ruins throughout the world without leaving even a stone unturnedKei, prepare the strategy draft within twelve hours.

At that time Aines disappointed sigh could be heard from beside Kizuna.

Then, it wasnt because an Entrance with Vatlantis was formed

Kizuna softly hugged Aines shoulder.

Rightbut, now we understand that even in this world there are environments that can maintain magic weapon to exist. Isnt this a big discovery?


Even things that doesnt seem possible right now, the common sense can also be overturned with the new discovery.

Even common sense can be overturned

Aine muttered Kizunas words with deep thought, then her eyes shined.

Youre right! Perhaps before long even a method to contact Vatlantis will be discovered. If that happen

Aine narrowed her eyes and smiled.

Staring at the future where she reunited with her beloved little sister.



Early summer of 2019

Masou Gakuen HxH 14 (temp)

Scheduled to be released!

Please look forward to it!!

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